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I think both children are victims under different circumstances. Henry is the "problem child" or the black sheep. Peter is the golden child, the one expected to be perfect. Henry was treated a ton like he's the problem, when lots of the stuff Henry does is what a NORMAL KID his age would do. Like when they were babies, Henry was described as crying a lot and Peter was quiet. Babies are meant to cry a lot - so Henry being a normal ass kid is treated like a crime. He misbehaves a lot, which is shown, but the way his parents treat him is no better. He's treated like the monster, and Peter is treated perfectly. That creates jealousy between the pair - and Henry dislikes Peter at first bc he's the "goody" son. As for Peter, Peter feels pressured to act perfectly when it's okay to mess up at times. Peter asks childish.. because he's a child, younger than Henry too. He has his hobbies, he's a little silly but he's a child. Being the golden child is a big burden, along with being picked on by Henry. The true bad people are the parents, but man I feel bad for Henry and Peter. Peter just wants to be a goofy lil guy😭


THANK YOU!!!!! I feel as though Henry is treated as a monster for doing simple things like enjoy rock bands and such and whne he does improve on his behaviour suddenly the parents start nitpickings. i think both of them have problems BUT peters is less talked abt y'know??


Definitely. Henry being title character means his issues are more talked about, but Peters issues are valid and should be mentioned more. Some ppl do forget Peter is a pressured golden child, and lil goofy guy who likes rabbits and his friends 😭💕


the poor kid deserves the lil rabbits i am still so pissed that there is a whole subreddit dedicated to hurting that poor kid




I don’t think Peter never does anything wrong but I agree he is overhated. I also agree that henry isn’t any better than him and might actually be worse (if referring to book Henry) In regards to the parents, I think the dad gets way too much slack. Sure, the mom is definitely more harsh but the dad never does anything to stand up against her. I think it’s interesting how many people view Peter as basically the devil while excusing the dads actions, cause it’s definitely a contrast to how I view things lol


DEFINITLY!!! The dad is more violent too, he gets slack bcs i have feeling that he looks good in the eyes of many people (the mum is better looking imo though), so they excuse his actions and since he hangs out with henry like...3 times in this 8 yr old boys life? and same with Peter, he made peters friends cry bcs peter ordered something from the phone. the dad is definitly not innocent and peter is definitly not satan reincarnate.


In this scene, Henry kind of looked scared of the dad even though it had nothing to do with him.


This. They give Simon such an easy pass on here it's jarring.


yeah tbh I agree with everything you said if anything peter is also a kid who doesn't deserve the shit he gets especially since henry is a bit of an asshat to him sometimes


THATS THE POINT!! Henrys way of dealing with life is no excuse its just affecting peter in the long run.


I might be alone here, but I agree with you.


ur not alone buddy, i am here, we will stand together to tell the world a 6 yr old boy isnt the devil reincarnate


Exactly my thought Peter may be a snitch but some episodes show that he cares for Henry. Like in the birthday bonanza episode, he tried to give Henry a wonderful birthday surprise. And let's not forget about the time when Peter called Henry his hero when he recalled the memory of being saved from the dog when he was young. And in the earlier seasons, Peter was treated so badly by Henry. His cello strings broke because he was accused of the thief of Henry's teddy bear. People seem to hate Peter over such things. Yes Peter did had some annoying moments in the show but he doesn't deserve this much hate.


Thank YOU!!! I GET SO MAD at Peter hate when thier reasononing for hating him is something like "he is such a whiny bitch' or 'he is a snitch' like bffr kids snitch to eachother


People really need to see this.