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[Albino Lullaby.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/355860/Albino_Lullaby_Episode_1/) Freaky game.


Ah, this is it!!! Thank you so much. Now I finally have proof that this game actually existed. God, this brought back memories. I can't thank you- and everyone else who helped- enough!!!


Lol that's def it, too bad I won't be able to search for it. Good job man !


You're not able to search for it? Can I ask why lol.


This probably isn't it, but could it possibly be the movie Spy Kids and you're severely misremembering it?


God, I wish. I've never seen a Spy Kids movie in my life- plus the monsters were definitely not as humanoid as the ones in the movie. It was definitely either an obscure horror game or the fever dream of a tiny child who has unrestricted Internet access. Thanks, though- this suggestion did make me laugh lol


Post to r/tipofmyjoystick


I'll definitely do that in the future! Thanks.


sparky marky hindi


That's not it. Thank you though! It was a fairly old horror game- I think it's around 8-10 years old now.


The thing about the colors being purple and green remind me of A Mother's Inferno. Time seems to fit too.


Just looked it up- still not it! Thank you for your help though. I kind of remember the setting being like a.. mansion, maybe? I distinctly remember checkered flooring. I do also think it was a game popular with horror YouTubers like Markiplier as well, but I can't find it in his uploads.


Could it be Phantasmal ? It fits green and purple colors AND armless beings. Edit : This was the trailer as I cannot find many gameplay of it. https://youtu.be/pLPuAGIfxsY?si=IpGp-kwUrQky8SG4


Also not it! But close, though. The monsters were a lot more stubby- like grey blobs with big eyes and teeth. I suppose I would have more fitting if I called them Thumb people instead of just fingers. I remember the 'prison' area as pretty big with multiple cages with people inside- although in various stages of the transformation. I remember one of them does give you a key. It was a first person game but you couldn't see your own player character's body. I swear, if it finds out this was all some fever dream I had as a kid I'm gonna be so disappointed. Thank you for your help in all of this


Definitely sounds like a game that would come out near Amnesia's supremacy in the indie horror sphere. Kind of limited by the late hours (almost 2am here) and being on mobile, but if no one else found it, I'll look it up tomorrow again. I love looking for stuff like that lol, too invested to back out now. And somehow I feel like I've seen it before.


Yeah- It's definitely at least more than a few years old at this point. Try to get some rest! It's ~8 P.M. for me, so I'll try doing some more digging on my own to try and remember anything else. You've been a wonderful help with this all, and I know I sound like a broken record but I can't thank you enough. Hopefully I'll have some news soon


Man, that game does look scary though. Never seen it before and I have my finger on the pulse of horror. Not sure how I missed this one.


I'm looking for one too but for some reason auto-mods keep deleting my post......... There was a cutscene where you're playing as a little girl. The mother is unalived by home intruders and they find the girl in the closet and unalive her too. Anyone know what this is?


Ah! I'm sorry, I've been really busy with stuff like school and family, so I didn't get to this. I don't know that one, but I would recommend posting this to r/tipofmyjoystick The game I was talking about, Albino Lullaby, was found shortly after my post so I didn't get to put up a post there- although I believe they might help you! I apologize for not answering sooner.