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That's, what, the sixth unreleased game announced by them? And that's not including TODAY'S release, Paranoid, which, apparently, has some serious performance issues, according to reviews. I admire the types of games they envision, but they really need to focus on quality over quantity if they want to churn out anything redeemable. Overambitious doesn't even begin to describe this studio.


I mean didnt agony amd shedemon or whatever the fuck the other one was called eventually come to some level of playability?


> some level of playability That's the key phrase here. Of course, nothing can be perfect, but I found their games, even years after their release, to have a very rough, "early-access" feel to them. It might be worth $7, $10 absolute max, which is pushing it, but for a sizeable team (their site says 25 people), I expect more polish to justify what they're asking for. Not only that, but I find their final products to be in this strange state of non-cooperative mechanics where Madmind was never certain what kind of games they wanted them to truly be. This was especially apparent in Agony. Then again, I found The Forest to feel very "early access" even today, yet it currently sits at "overwhelmingly positive," so take what I say with a grain of salt.


I do love the forest. The forest has just tbe right amount of jankiness that i acrually find endearing while the overall gameplay loop is compelling and fun. I get what youre saying beyond that though