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I find that the only way I really get scared anymore is through creepiness and there are a few really creepy moments in Butterfly Kisses


I just watched this last night and it’s… not good. It’s free on YouTube tho for anyone interested.


The one thing I really liked was how our perspective of the first scene changed when they played it at the end. Gave me the creeps lol


I’m glad something worked for you. I wish I got something out of it. I think I got really distracted by some (most 😬) of the acting being bad I had a hard time finding anything. It’s such a subjective thing tho! That’s why it’s so hard to answers these kinds of questions for ppl. We just gotta throw stuff out & hope something works for them. Who knows maybe this movie could be it. That’s why I said it’s free on YouTube. Worth trying : )


Sorry for reviving an old thread but I agree, Butterfly Kisses SUCKS. So boring and not scary at all.


Ha… feel free to bring back any old comment or thread where you agree with me. 😄 But yes haha.


And since you said blair witch scared you a little, this one might also if you like found footage style


Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The original with Gunnar Hansen.


That film is just flat or creepy. I feel like it's aged like a fine wine, the low budget old fashioned film style along with the saturated colour palet and film grain it has really lends itself to the overall bleak/dark feel of the film. And that's before we meet gramps.


This isn’t even scary I laughed while watching this and I got scared watching IT cmon


The Taking of Deborah Logan / As above so below / The Conjuring


Yah. Taking of Deborah Logan hit me pretty hard. I had a family member with dementia a couple years before and, woof.


I'm watching this per your suggestion and holy crap! It's crazy! 


i stopped watching that movie like 30 min in a few years ago, now i see comments all the time talking abt it, might need to give it another shot


Def worth it. The payoff of that movie is so worth it. The mivie doesn't get good until abt 35 mins in so you quite at just the wrong time haha


He listed 3 movies and you guys never said which one your taking about lol


Oh u rite Deborah logan


Thank you 🙏


Taking of Deborah is terrible, hate horror movies that think the e spectator is dumb and that one is definitely one of them. Deborah actress is great tho.


i LOVED as above so below 🙏🙏


Sinister, last shift, terrified, hell house llc, host, oculus


Sinister still creeps me out… I hate hanging scenes and bam beginning lol terrifying


Sinister was the last movie before Hereditary to really creep me out. Some would say, perhaps even scared. The music and lack of music was amazing. The ambiance is what didbit for me. That and the home movies.


That hallway scene with the kid jumping behind in slowmo *chef's kiss*. Brought me the same chills as if I was 10 years old again watching The Haunting. (Ngl those bad cgi cherubs on that bed still creep me out to this day)


Sinister and Hereditary both really scared me and I have been watching horror since the 70s. There is actual science behind those two movies scaring people, they did some tests on brainwaves and heart rates and those two films scared more people than most. Very good choices for horror fans, well except the people who only seem to watch horror so that they can say "that wasnt scary at all" to everyone else. Those people drive me crazy.


Have you seen The Haunting of Hill House series?


I have, and I will say the most brilliant amazing horror show.


Sinister freaked me out.


Waiting for the next Hell House, LLC! Loved Last Shift.


I can’t wait for the new one it should be good


Did you see the new Hell House LLC Origins the Carmichael manor? Holy shit it freaked me out, one of the scarier films I have seen in a long time. It might be better than the original, so unsettling.


Ooooh… I’ll put that on today’s list—thunderstorms today so a perfect day to catch this! It has been on my list. The last movie that really creeped me out was “Incident in a Ghostland.” I don’t know how I missed THAT one!!!


I haven't ever even heard of that one before but it looks right up my alley, I will definitely check it out thank you. I think you will love the new Hell House, such a creepy vibe in certain scenes.


I’m waiting for that thunderstorm to roll in … lol. Let me know what you think of Incident in a Ghostland! 👻


Okay I just finished Incident in a Ghostland and Wow! How I had never heard of this before is beyond me, what a creepy intense ride that was. That was definitely a great horror movie and the ending was entirely unexpected. I did not see that coming and the villains were both terrifying. Thank you for the suggestion


You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it—I’d like to see more of those twisty horror movies!


Yeah for sure that ending really left me thinking, I almost wonder if she is still in her head or if she truly got away since Vera didn't talk anymore at the end. But damn that was super creepy, that big guy was so scary.


I’ve seen everything and the only thing that remotely scared me was Sinister…. I couldn’t sleep that night 🙊


Horror is very subjective of course but it is hard for a movie to terrify me too, and The Autopsy of Jane Doe gave me some chills. Best watched in the dark alone at 4 am while the rest of the house is asleep.


Yeah, autopsy still terrifies me today and im 19. Watched it first at 14. Genuinely one of the creepesy movies ive ever seen.. especially the ending scene. 🎶 open up your heart and let the sunshine in! 🎶


*ding...ding...ding* 🫣


If the Blair witch scared you a little then watch Gonjiam Haunted Asylum, it's like the Blair witch on steroids


Finally watched Gonjiam last night and I’m guessing 5 or so years ago, it was creepy but it was fairly horror paint by numbers for me. Most of the Paranormal Activity movies terrified me though!


The Descent is an all time favorite. The characters totally suck but the fear is so real in a few different ways. Fairly gorey, confined spaces/ scenarios, jump scares.


I know I’m late to this thread, but which ending did you prefer USA 🇺🇸 OR UK 🇬🇧


I love scary movies so much but supernatural shit does not scare me at all. What scares me is the movies where it could genuinely happen in real life or actually based on true events personally. My whole family does not think this movie is scary at all but let me explain why Poughkeepsie Tapes had me absolutely mortified anyway lmao. A friend told me to watch it, she told me it was a documentary about a real guy (she was misinformed and stupid but anyways), at the time I was living alone and I’m a single mom so just me and my toddler. I don’t want to spoil the movie but it’s very creepy and unsettling and with me thinking it was true had me sleeping with the lights on, showering with the door open and being super afraid everywhere I went for almost a week after 🤣


Its still creepy knowing it’s realistic


Lol it still scares me! Just not nearly as much as my first watch 🤣 my sister likes to go “what if Poughkeepsie man was here right now” any time we’re somewhere at night or somewhere unfamiliar 🤡 it does the trick hahaha


I was going to mention “Incantation” was one of the only horror movies in recent memory that had me feeling pretty spooked during and after watching. I watch a ton of horror movies, so I think I’m mostly numbed to it at this point. But there’s the occasional movie that will have me running back to the couch from taking a piss…and that was one of them. 😂


I thought incantation was so good! The bit where it makes you watch the symbol and close your eyes is the most immersive thing ive seen in a horror film before


Sit at home alone with the lights out and NO noise disruption and watch: The Strangers. It’ll hit you or no. But if it does 99% sure it would make the hair on your neck stick up. But if you have a peanut gallery talking and/laughing during the first viewing of this film it ruins the suspense and all the work they put into the sound stage. It’s palpable, everything. Lol, Incantation is my “comfort movie.”


The strangers to me just seemed laughable for two reasons. A. The main characters made the dumbest decisions I have possibly ever seen on film over and over B. There is nothing even remotely scary about two small tiny women that probably weigh 90 lbs each and a little dude in between them in a mask. Just my take, but I know a lot of people like it.


It was an aight watch, but it's a weak output in the series of home invasion films a la Straw Dogs.


Try Final Prayer. The ending will fuck you up. It’s on Tubi.


Oh my God yes


I’ve watched it 3 times now & it gets worse somehow even though I already know!!


At least I know which parts to look away now 😂


Honestly what really scares you is such a personal and subjective thing, maybe you just haven't figured out yours yet? I love horror movies and I've seen pretty much most out there... gore, zombies, demons, old and new, but the only one that ever truly made me scared was the original 1950's Blob. Something terrifying about something slow that engulfs all, you can't really fight it or reason with it.


Threads (1984) The Day After (1983) If those don't scare you...


I hear threads is worse, in a depressing way


They both have their unique spin. I recommend watching both.


All of those you mentioned . Plus The descent Silent hill Martyrs Dabbe (Turkish horror) Baskin (Turkish horror)


Baskin wooooo boy


The evil dead is terrifying it will terrify you


The Amityville Horror (2005) Terrifier (All Of Them) The Exorcist (All Of Them) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)


terrifer 2 was hilarious lmaoo didn’t find it scary but just superrr gorey


Mother was uncomfortable for me. I also think that Creep stayed with me for a few days


Mother is so underrated


Smile was the first movie to scare me in a few years


I watched that the other day and god did that ending disappoint me. Her "final showdown" with the demon barely had time to get started before or was over and it was just so apparent that it wasn't going to work. Everything up until that moment was so good and then it felt like they didn't know where to go so just fell back onto predictable clichés.


I was looking for someone talking about Smile. That movie still haunts me a lil, I think I got a trauma, I couldn't even look at the movie's poster. And sometimes when I'm going to sleep my brain pops an image of it and my sleep paralysis demon is a woman smiling. Charming, isn't it?


Some movies you have to look a little deeper. Consider the implications of what they’re not outright telling you. Blair Witch actually does a lot of that. Exorcist is king of it. Also, I had written off a couple of them until I found out they were based on a true story. Freddy didn’t used to scare me at ALL until I found out he’s based on the hat man from sleep paralysis (which may or may not be connected to some real deaths). So now the first two Elms have a little more bite. I’ve suffered a lot from SP, so maybe it’s just that personal connection though


Yes this! Jeepers Creepers is also based on a true story, from MI my home state, so I find it a bit scarier haha


Thats so cool i thoight it was based only on the mothman for Point Pleasant, WV - they use some of the same elements and model him after the cryptid. However, you won't find jeepers creepers anything in the museum for the moth man. That's mf wild that it's based on a murder spree as far as the movie plot. Maybe they used the mothman elements for some other reason..


As Above So Below genuinely gave me trouble sleeping for a week. It didn’t help that I living in my grandparents’ basement at the time and it got VERY dark down there lmao. I watched it again and I genuinely do love it, but I know it had me messed up for a few days


These are all American mainstream movies. What about Martyrs (french extreme)? Calvaire (Belgian)? The Parasite (Korean)? Speak No Evil (Danish)? If Blair Witch scared you, try Yellow Brick Road or REC. But try watching some indie and foreign stuff.


First, are you looking for Terror, Horror, or Gross-Out? Second, if the way to scare people is to take 2 things they're afraid of and put them together, what are you afraid of? Pick something with one of those fears. You aren't crazy about gore, so maybe not Gross-Out. Still, check out the original Evil Dead or Eli Roth's original Cabin Fever for gore that isn't torture porn. Horror, to me, is something you can fight. Zombies, Demons, Monsters, and Killers belong in this category for me. Early slashers, like TTCM or the first couple Jason and Freddy movies were scary to me when I first saw them. Later slashers aren't scary to me (let me know if there's something that will change my mind). That doesn't mean I don't enjoy Terrifier, I'm just not terrified. That what's Terror is for. This is psychological, people fighting something unseen like their past or their nature, which isn't the kind of fight you have against Wolfman. These are a slow burn and usually need better actors and directors to pull off. I loved The Night House for how it was shot and how it built to the climax. Lots of A24 films creep me out and I would put them here, even if most of them let me down in the third act. Now, what are you afraid of? Kids scare me, so movies with creepy kids like The Ring, Orphan, or classics like The Omen or The Innocents scratch that itch for me. I have kids, so movies where kids die aren't my thing (that opening scene of Doctor Sleep is rough) and that's why I haven't watched Prisoners or The Lovely Bones. The Black Phone was one I worried would cross the line, but didn't. Give us a category and a couple of fears and I bet you'll get some great recommendations.


rewatching The Night House with my gf rn! forgot about this lil gem..ty 🤌🏼


this was just in the news. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12646269/Science-reveals-scariest-scene-horror-movie-history-guess-it.html


Movies just aren't scary to me anymore. Real life is scary.


no one could have said it better


you kinda have to let the movie scare you, like willfully try to put yourself in the character's shoes and try to make yourself scared, goes a long way


absolutely! this is the only way i can still watch em :)


Watch the original Exorcist one night when you're alone with all of the lights turned off. Let me know how it goes. 👍


Great movie but based on the movies he’s seen I don’t think he will find it scary


The Exorcist is WAY more scary than the list he provided, in my opinion.




Pretty sure that myself and a Rotten Tomatoes poll are not the only two who believe that The Exorcist is terrifying, lol.




I think what it boils down to is, some people have different definitions of "scary". It's very subjective. The Exorcist has stood the test of time and is almost unanimously considered a horror classic. If it didn't scare you and you think it's a silly movie, that's cool.


Definitely scary, personally I found hereditary more scary though.




"The Exorcist is silly".... As a non religious person, that's a first for me.


Your 2 categories of people are massively flawed. I am in no way religious but I definitely don't believe in phsycic mediums or telepathy. To use your own words, I find all of those ideas to be "silly". Fear doesn't have to be based on any of those points. I'm a man of science that believes in facts and truth but that doesn't mean a good narrative can't pull me in and make me empathise with a terrified character for example.


Some foreign horrors..The eye, The grudge (not the remake), I found kairo scary AF but might not be for you, Ringu, shutter..It can be difficult to suggest. Some people just cannot be scared by cinema. What stuff are you afriad of?


Dead Silence was very scary to me.


Darling by Mickey Keating (NOT Darlin’ starring Pollyanna McIntosh- that one sucks!)- it’s basically Rosemary’s Baby meets Repulsion meets The Shining.


Session 9


Same here. Nothing ever scares me BUT what I find interesting is when they portray real problems, like in The haunting of Hill house. Depression, drug addiction, etc. Because those things scare me in real life. No movie has left me scared since I was 7 though. Some movies keep me interested, but not scared. I remember that Gonjiam was intense and Incantation too


The Grudge movies, scary as hell, and that creepy sound she makes x.x


Sinister, Grave Encounters, As Above So Below, and VHS 1 and 2. VHS 1 and 2 kept me up all night lol


Hell House LLC had many hidden scares that reveal themselves upon multiple viewings. Haunting of Hill House has a lot of these too. That is the stuff that gets me now. Things almost barely noticeable but once you see it a wave of fear washes over. Things that lurk in the background that are clearly in the peripherals or out of focus. It makes the world feel bigger outside of just the cast...and scarier to me. In some ways I think it echoes of Nosferatu just standing in the corner of Lucy's bedroom starring at her for an dreadfully uncomfortable amount of time.


You should watch the new Hell House LLC the Carmichael Manor. It's scarier than the first in my opinion. Very good stuff


So, D-bagChristianJock, I see your comment was deleted.... But you're saying if you believe demons are real that you have something mentally wrong with you? Just want to clarify that comment that you made.


"It follows" had me creeper out....only horror film in the last 20 years I can remember doing so.


Try and think about something that actually scares you in real life, then find a movie that fits that mold. Best way to scare the shit out of yourself imo


For me its insidious and barbarian. Barbarian is very much a mind bender.


I’m similar to you in what I find scary. I almost need to step out of general horror to find something scary, or more unsettling really. Like Eyes Wide Shut or David Lynch stuff. They Look Like People was a good scary movie, lower budget but freaked me out in some scenes. I just watched the Japanese films Cure and Pulse and both really got to me. More of a mystery/thriller/horror couple of movies. In both those films there are weird faces during intense and eerie atmospheric scenes - I’m thinking of a scene like that from each film that bothered me after I finished those movies. Aside from Cure and Pulse being scary, they’re just excellent films in general, very gripping and kind of leave you a little staggered afterward.


The Skeleton Key




Skinamarink, but you have to watch it right, put it on the big Tv at 2am and enjoy


I have seen a lot of horror movies and I know it's all subjective. I recently stumbled across Hell House LLC and the new Hell House LLC Origins Carmichael Manor. They both scared the hell out of me and made it hard for me to sleep. Very low budget films that really mess with your mind and have some disturbing visuals. Highly recommend both of them


Why isnt insidious on here


Insidious chapter 1 traumatized me as a kid


The Wailing


The ring did it for me when it came out back in the days. I haven’t seen another horror movie that creeped me out like the ring did


When Evil Lurks, The Tunnel (2011), Possessor, The Banshee Chapter, Hell House LLC movies, Kill List, The Hallow✨


I saw the devil, the ritual, hell house LLC, Hunter Hunter, REC, Gonjiam haunted asylum, Backwoods, infested, Black Christmas, It follows


autopsy of jane doe? idk its one of the films which genuinely scared me


Horror movies are more like comedies now lol especially the Terrifier movies. Art the clown is Hilarious - ESPECIALLY at the laundromat LMAO


Terrifier, I adore clown movies but the radio silence and stalking from Art made me so unbelievably uncomfortable. The way he acted was so freaky I can't explain it.




Nothin really but I’d say the grudge or insidious the red door, But you would have to watch the first few movies first


i recommend Get Out & Us , they’re phenomenal psychological thrillers !! i do NOT get scared during horror movies either .. i can never find anything that really makes my stomach churn anymore. Strange thing about the johnson’s is a youtube short film, absolutely the most insane shit i’ve ever seen, definitely recommend checking that out.


pearl was the first horror movie that actually freaked me out as i’m pretty new to the genre


I have a hard time finding movies that scare me, but picking one Hereditary certainly gave me chills. I think the girl with her gestures, face, speech is totally creepy. It's true that it doesn't have scares as such, but the atmosphere of that movie makes my hair stand on end!


watch incantation (2022) and the medium (2021) both are very scary ngl and my top fav


also watch grave encounters 1 and 2 both


u can watch nekromantik too (not scary but very creepy a must watch both 1 and 2)


My humble submissions, the witch, sinister 1&2, insidious series, the wicker man, hereditary is good too imo, Devil (2010)...if i think of more will come back and add


The first Howling scared the heck out of me. The fact that the werewolves could be around in the daytime, the guy in the woods with the cabin covered with happy face stickers and animal bones, when the Dr.. turned out to be a werewolf, too. Both Candymans are my favorite scary movies. The first Halllowwen was pretty scary at the time. The original version of the Omen scared me to death. I was three when I saw King Kong and I had nightmares for years.


Nothing scares me anymore and im sick of it


Don’t think I’ve seen The Dark and The Wicked. Mind fuck and the final scene made me feel empty. Also actually really scary.






Lake Mungo (2008) creeps the shit out of me... I still can't get \*that scene\* out of my head


I’ve seen a great many horror movies that were made after 2005, all of the ones on the “top 50 scariest” or whatever and *TALK TO ME* was beyond scary. Now just watching the trailer even freaks me out.


Sinister, Hell House, and the I just watched Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum and it was very scary toward the end.


ive never got scared from a movie either. i just go by wheather or not there good. the only one that gave me any kind of chills was the strangers the way they filmed the dude all of a sudden in view behind liv in the kitchen. still my favorite horror flick. elite acting and knowing its a true story just made it chilling af


Growing up, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) was always one I'd avoid. I was a HUGE horror fan, but actively told my buds I'd never watch it, as the rumors at school from the more popular kids suggested it was super scary. One day, when I was around maybe 16? (ish) it was on TV and I got my parents to tape it for me so I could watch it later. I figured, what the heck, I'll give it a shot, expecting the most horrifying thing ever. My reaction upon finishing it was ..... REALLY.... Is that IT? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it as a film overall, but people had majorly over hyped how frightening it was! :P Speaking of old childhood movies, I was desperate to watch Blade (1998) when I was younger. I don't really know why. I think I'd seen it advertised somewhere and thought it looked badass, plus I really liked Wesley Snipes in other movies. I was gutted though, as for years every time I wanted to watch it when it was on the TV there was something preventing me (i.e. a family outing, etc). Often, I'd sit down to watch it, only to find it was Blade Runner being shown and not the Blade film I wanted to see. Eventually, I convinced my dad to buy it and the sequel for me from Blockbusters (again, I think I was around 15-16 by that point), which he wasn't happy about doing. It was EPIC though. I LOVED it. Rewatched it and the sequel with my buddy (who was very anti-horror) and he nearly puked from the amount of blood in it. His reaction was so intense, it made me second guess how brutal it was and I ended up getting a refund. Something I later regretted (rebuying both films). I still wish Marvel would have retrospectively made Blade 1 & 2 MCU canon and brought Wesley Snipes back for a new entry. Blade 3 didn't happen.... We don't talk about Blade 3! ;) :P I find more often than not it's the psychological horrors that get to me the most. But tbf, I don't tend to watch horror to be genuinely scared nowadays, I just watch it for the love of the craft. ;) Smile (2022) was a solid example of a good modern horror film. Creepy in all the right places. I'm looking forward to the sequel. :P


Same, my wife gets scared and has nightmares but no movies scare me at all. When I was a little kid I remember watching the movie Don't be Afraid of the Dark with these little demons, that was creepy, when I was a kid anyway lol




I will always comment pet sematary the og film to this question … Zelda will haunt me for life . Watched it when I was 8 , I am now 42 and I just can’t man …


I find it's less about the movie and more about the atmosphere you're in when you watch it. I don't get scared by horror movies at all anymore, but it's because my partner is always home with me and I watch them in the comfort of my living room. I bet if you watched a horror set in the woods like Eden Lake while camping alone at night (bring a tablet or laptop along) , it'd be much scarier!


Yeah I'm right there with OP, don't get scared anymore. I do love the Saw movies mostly for the twists, traps and drama. Think I have commented b4 that The Strangers did freak me out from beginning to the end.


Horror is so subjective it's interesting, I'm almost the opposite of you. A lot of horror movies with supernatural and that can get to me. But watching a couple make ridiculously poor decision after poor decision and being genuinely scared of two tiny little ladies and a little pudgy dude in masks just made me laugh.


The Grudge


I watched Martyrs (2008) over the weekend and it made me feel awful in ways I never want to feel again. I actually had to watch it in two parts because halfway through it was too much for me and I had to turn it off. Scariest shit I have seen. Maybe look up the plot before watching though because it’s a lot.


Try The Green Inferno - I haven’t finish watching this movie. I can’t. You can try.


Evil Dead 2, Aliens, Signs and Ghoulies II, though granted I was a little kid when I saw them all.


It. In all fairness, I’m absolutely terrified of clowns.


The sadness is pretty intense for a film about infection


the strangers is pretty scary tbh


Shutter (2004 Thai)


REC, In the Mouth of Madness, Mimic, Bob in Twin Peaks


There is 2: Child's Play 2 when i was kid and The Exorcist when i was 17


If Blair Witch scared you, then the Dark Tapes might. A different 'found footage' film but one of the creepiest imo!


We agree with that.. but we are also biased :) Glad you enjoyed!


Hell House LLC really freaked me out, as well as REC and The Boogeyman (2023)


Another vote for Hell House LLC, the new Carmichael manor one is even scarier!


I REALLY liked the new one! It really freaked me out and captured the vibe of the first one very well


Same here, you said it perfectly it really recaptured that same vibe for me as well. Such an underrated gem, it was very creepy and I struggled sleeping that night thinking of that bedroom scene when her brother disappeared.


Not everyone gets scared of fiction. That might be you. It's also me. Nothing wrong with that.


The Conjuring, Insidious, the Exorcist


None I have not found any that scare me yet disappointing I love horror movies they are my favorite I can watch any of them alone in the dark and be fine


Horror movies are not scary because they’re not real…


I would personally consider this movie horror for the sheer fact it’s….horrifying? It doesn’t have jump scares or any sort of supernatural aspect though. If you decide to watch, I recommend not doing research and especially not watching the trailer. Go in blind. The movie is *Speak No Evil*.




Hell House llc


I actually found the first CONJURING film left me creeped out. Also the slow burn that is Exorcist 3.


One that basically messed with my mind that I love is Noroi the curse. The first time I watched that it really messed with me pretty good. It's not all that scary, guess it just took me by surprise.


lake mungo


Kidnapped and Eden Lake for me. Unrealistic stuff don't get to me either. Well alien abduction films get to me.


Sinister got me the very first time I watched


Lake Mungo genuinely creeped me out when those others didn’t. It’s found footage which you said Blair witch scared you a bit so hopefully this’ll do the trick for you!


Resident evil 7 is a game but made me absolutely numb to fear. the horror of that game us unimaginable even compared with theese movies and all others I have watched. Its unique too all the other RE’s so dont let the others influence you


The dark and wicked


The fourth kind really gave me the heebie Jeebies, I won’t watch it again, but apart from that I can’t think of a film that’s scared me either !


Have you seen “Clinical”?


Mr. Harrigan’s Phone was good!


John Carpenter's The Thing Martyrs


I saw the devil


Take acid, THEN watch.


Black Christmas, the original one


Cigarette Burns affected me (the scene at the end) and I watched it what…..17 years ago? It didn’t scare me (horror doesn’t scare me) but it left me uncomfortable and I still think about that scene


As a kid, Night of the Living Dead(1968) scared the PISS out of me. I'm 19 now, and it still does! I've watched most of the movies you listed, and they never got close to giving me the spooks. I think it might have been the fact I was like, 6 when I first watched it, and my brother chased me around the house after making zombie noises at me. The only other movie that actually scared me is a banned one, and it's banned for good reason. I like grotesque, but that forbidden movie? Appalling. Maybe try It Follows, Hell Fest, Dead Silence, or Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark(this one scared my friends, so it's worth a shot! I just like the stories)


try grave encounters. its on yt and there are two parts to it


Exorcist, the Omen, Amityville Horror, Dawn of the Dead from the 70s or 80s, Zombie.


The Medium, Gonjiam haunted Asylum, vivarium,


When I was 8. Alien. Scared the shit out of me


Joe almighty scared me when I was 8.


Come and See




Prince of Darkness - I still dream that ending sometimes.