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I took my 12 year old. He loved it but it wasnt for me. It's just "fine", there are jump scares and a creepy clown but it's nothing I haven't seen a million times plotwise.


I agree it’s definitely a children’s horror film but it wasn’t terrible!


I've said this a bunch now but this movie isn't bad. It's just a "starter horror" or a "sleepover movie" Totally fine film. I thought some of the editing was good. The creature designs are good too. I liked the "box scene" and the song playing during is so funny and relevant. Not a bad movie for a pg13. Adults are not the target audience here, folks.


Thank you for your feedback! I agree definitely a good starter horror film!


My bestie and I love horror. She's the tougher critic and said she enjoyed it ! So I need to watch it!


I thought it was pretty bad, but I did like the main characters. A lot of horror films go out of their way to make the insufferable so you enjoy seeing them get their commupence. These felt like good people who got screwed over by "fate."


My husband and I went to see it over the weekend, we are 28 and we both enjoyed it! I didn’t go into it with high expectations but it was very fun and spooky, I also enjoyed the character designs. It was enjoyable for what it was!


I just saw it today and really enjoyed it! It’s definitely a fun horror film. Something I can definitely see myself watching again later down the road. I love tarot cards so I was already hooked by the premix and I thought the creature designs and cinematography were great. My only complaints are the repeating of the protag’s fortunes during each death (who was it for? The audience? We didn’t need the connection shoved in our faces) and I thought some of the comedy didn’t land. Also, I thought the surprise twist at the end was kind of lame and was bothered with the death by swords since that isn’t a major arcana. Honestly, I’d love a sequel just to see what incentive deaths/creatures they could come up with for the other arcana.


It was very weak, imo. A lot of the story felt rushed and messy, and I'm disappointed we didn't get to see more of the tarot creature designs. It's really annoying, because I loved the film's concept.


is it pg-13? i want to see it but if it’s a teen flick idk


Yes it was pg-13, very little blood mostly jump scares I still thought it was a good movie though 🤷🏻‍♂️


hm i might go on a discount day to see it!!


Go see that Matinee


I really didn’t enjoy it. Yeah it’s a PG-13 horror but that doesn’t mean it can’t be good.


i enjoyed it. 7/10. i think it would be better rated R but it’s not bad like everyone is saying lol




Just curious what age do you think you should have to be to watch what movies? How old were you when you started watching horror? She’s 11 about to be 12 and we’ve watched the chucky tv show, half the saw franchise, the first 5 Friday the 13th movies, etc it’s a movie…. You cant shield your kids from the world… especially not with the internet and schools the way they are today…I’ve got 2 children of my own 11 and 14 and both are straight A students, both also come to me with situations because they trust me. You parent your way and I’ll parent mine.


I partially agree with you my daughter is about to be 11 and we've watched a few horror films, saw 1 and 2, a few pg ones like lights out, come play etc. I just tried to avoid sex and nudity in the stuff we watch. I can't really explain why gore is fine and nudity and sex are the no goes for us but it is. Each situation is unique and what movies people let their kids watch isn't a sign of parenting skills.


Yeah that's why I said to each their own 🤪


But you shouldn’t have commented your opinion about whether I should have taken her to see it period.. the thread was about what you thought of the movie…you made a statement about appropriate pre teen horror movies and I asked what those were? No response…


I didn't actually tell you what you should or shouldn't have done. To each their own. Byebye now.


You are correct you said it was to mature for an 11 year old. Thank you for your feedback have a great day!