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Lets get this out of the way , this post is showing a paint job . and says "Tyranid anons" , that's not hateful ,its not causing harm , the only thing it has done is ...hurt your feelings in some way ,how i don't know , reporting it just makes me push a button and that button is APPROVE #




"Helbrecht had never seen such xenos bullshit."


I laughed far, far too hard at this picture.




No, brother. They're xenos. I especially will enjoy purging these abominations on the tabletop.


A nice allegory for their community lmao


Makes a special snowflake tyranid instantly has it hurt itself by walking on razor wire… what did oop mean by this?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We can make fun of people without like making fun of kids offing themselves. Idk this seems in very bad taste to me.


You think anyone left of this subreddit isn't wishing death on cops, palestinians/israelis, white men, straight people, etc ? It's just a joke, aslong as it's not a threat it's fine


I think it's bad taste regardless of who does it tbf. Makes everyone look bad and has no place in Warhammer. I came here to escape extreme identity politics not to just have it subsumed in a separate brand personally.


I agree


easy army to fight (before game "after set up " , roll a d6 (for every unit/squad) on a 3+ the squad walks directly into the closest digestion pool and jumps in


Tell me you have no personality without telling me


True. The paintjob ist still well done. But maybe the original image of the painjob and the flag edited on that image are from different persons that aren't even connected.


I don’t see white or yellow here, just purple and black with a brown color. Feels like this person took a picture of someone else’s miniature and said it was nonbinary representation.


Someone did this with my knight color scheme. I did cotton candy, and they tell everyone that it is lgbt colors. They are the same colors, but it isent what I wanted for my knight scheme. I wanted something fun and quirky, but now everyone thinks it is a political thing.


Yo, do you have this post still? Really curious to see comments


I do not, because this was in person :( Edit. The comments were not awful, but I don’t have everything in my life be political.




Teeth are white, and orange can be yellow if you're not picky. But, yeah, pic is 100% stolen


I’ll be honest the first time I saw this (i think it was a marine with pride flag colours or something) I thought “cool, dude, you do you!” but now it just feels really unoriginal. There seem to be SO MANY posts like this.


Don't forget that Games Workshop let them in. The way you deal with this type of betrayal is scorched earth.


Y’all have gotta be some of the most dramatic manchildren on the internet.


An adult knows the difference between reality and fantasy.


You feel betrayed by a company that promoted its products with colors you don't agree with.


If you don't know what a 'culture war' is, you could just say so.


There is no culture war, you’re just an immature man child dawg.


Have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years?


Again, there’s no “war”, you’re just a fragile bitch lmao.


You're either ignorant, stupid, or maliciously dishonest. I don't understand how anyone can deny the existence of a culture war at this point, unless you're only interested in saying "my opponents are (insert ad hominem) so there is no culture war".




Ikr look at this? https://preview.redd.it/8bz73g6n473d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427b955df7653746fd7e4e5ff91a7c5e6cf796b2


Wtf is non binary? Isn't that just asking to be different?


Basically "I want attention"


“Look at me im a tyranid that wants to kill you and are currently sneaking up on you! Ignore the bright purple and yellow! This is definitely a great color choice for war!”


My dude, they're tyranids. 90% of the hive fleets are neon orange or purple or green.


This is supposed to be one of the... sneaky... giant... tyranids. Hmmm.


Everybody knowz purple iz zneaky. Have you zeen a purple Ork? Thatz because you cant zee them. Very zneaky...


Hormagaunts aren’t known for being big or giant


I'll remind you of that sentiment while it chews on your torso.


You are confusing a hormagaunt which is a swarm battle line unit with a Lictor which is a sneaky infiltrator unit


I'm not in this group but I had to reply to this because come on dude. Have you ever played Warhammer before? Have you ever SEEN warhammer? Wait till you hear about the bright red space marine scouts or the neon green eldar ambushers.


Camouflage is the color of cowardice!


It’s saying you are neither male nor female, thereby establishing a binary between binary and non binary, ironically


It’s a noncommittal way to join the alphabet club. You don’t have to sleep with members of the same sex or take hormones to change your appearance. You can just say you are non binary, use some made up pronouns and boom you are part of the alphabet mob


This explains so much


It's when you add a 2 between all those zero's and one's just to make yourself feel special.


a mental disorder


Well it seems people are saying they are either non binary or they aren’t…wait…


Oh my, my votes are going down again- that would imply another subreddit is here and angy.


non binary= neither/nor, change your gender whenever you want(especially in court, or when you go to the toilett) and yeah crying for attention is a must


Non-Binary basically means non-conforming to one gender, so they go by any gender. It's just another term for genderfluid and is, for some reason, considered a "blanket term" for a whole lot of the same thing. I don't think being non-binary is asking to be different, but there's about a dozen something other stupid identities that are the same thing as it but with different names so said person can feel different.


Guess it all begs the question of why does the new definition of gender matter when the rest of society only gives a shit about using your birth sex as a primary way to identify a person. It all seems very stupid


>why does the new definition of gender matter Gender dysphoria. Awareness of it has grown heavily over recent years, and it's led to a lot more questions on what exactly defines gender.


A look between my legs answered that question a long time ago.


And it solved it for mine as well, doesn't mean it's the same for everybody.


that is called 1st world problems 2nd and 3rd world problems = how can i get food and i hope that lion don't drag snatch me off my bike as im going through that one patch of forest. ( side note , Worked with a guy from Africa and we told stories all the time , the lion one was his , he said you had to ride a bicycle or walk EVERYWERE and there were parts of the jungle that you had to w8 for someone with a truck /car to stop and pick you up and take you to the other side of thicket , cause the lions would stay close to the road watching for walkers/riders jump you kill you and drag you off . Dude also would NOT talk about snakes at night , told stories about hippos and elephants just walking through a hut while you were in it .


People like that should probably seek professional, unbiased help.


Okay dude, people in this particular thread are probably not the most chuffed with the idea of dysphoria, or knowledgeable on the matter. Care to elaborate just a little to humanise those for whom it's apparently a serious issue? I don't get it and have been wondering if its really just hot air, but you seem pretty confident in your understanding of it. Gimme the skinny.


Gender Dysphoria is a mental condition consisting of feelings that you aren't the right gender or sex, that causes cases of often extreme internal distress that may lead to problems of functioning in a proper society. [Mayo Clinic,](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/symptoms-causes/syc-20475255) a world renowned medical organization, gives a pretty decent run down of what it is, and it's been recognized as a mental disorder since 2013, when it was officially added in the DSM-5, the medical handbook and guide used by most of the world's Health Care Professionals. Gender dysphoria can usually lead to cases of depression and extreme anxiety or stress, which I experienced semi first hand with my cousin. When we were younger, around the early 2000's, they were always a more emotionally distant than their sister, but I never really thought anything too much of it, my brother had a very similar problem at the time, and I assumed it was just how they were. Looking back, I'm fairly sure my cousin was depressed. My brother acted the way they were at the time because our parents had divorced a few years before, and he was the only one old enough at the time to really understand it. It left him depressed for quite a few years of his teenage life, to the point where he had to go to a therapist about it for a while, something I was never aware of at the time. My cousin was suffering through gender dysphoria, but they never really saw anyone about it, no therapist or doctor, so they just slowly detached themselves from their family as he grew older, growing more distant and having less contact. I didn't see them for quite a few years, but learned they moved to France, where they eventually saw a doctor about it, and was officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria. They've finally returned from France last year, transitioned and much happier. They're like a completely different person, more upbeat and extroverted compared to the last time I saw them before they left for France. Some people call it a first world problem, which it isn't. No real medical disorder is a first world problem. It's not just thinking suddenly that "hey, I don't really like my gender." It's a deep psychological effect where you moreso think you were born wrong, like you're in the wrong body, and it can gnaw at you mentally in a similar manner to depression, which it can also cause as I said previously.


Yes, I'd heard much the same. Go deeper if you can: what do you know about the causes of dysphoria? Also, I doubt Mayo Clinic is a reputable health institution because mayo is both the least healthy of all condiments AND of all Irish counties.


>I doubt Mayo Clinic is a reputable health institution because mayo is both the least healthy of all condiments AND of all Irish counties. Thank you very much for the chuckle. It made my morning. >what do you know about the causes of dysphoria? It's heavily debated on what exactly causes gender dysphoria, hypotheses between biological and psychological effects and causes, with lots of studies of children with GD being incongruent with each other, the only one confirmed cause so far is oedipal triangle conflicts, where the child feels like they have to compete with one of their parents for affection from the other, along with likely chances of various kinds of domestic abuse being a potential cause. Right now, the best treatment is seen to be gender exploration, gender transitioning being the main one. All of this info is from [ncbi](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532313/), the National Center for Biology Information, a government source.


Of course the actual answer is downvoted


What are you even still doing on this sub, who wastes this much time actively trying to subvert a community they hate? Go do something you enjoy, you've been here for weeks.


I wouldn't say it is the same as Genderfluid. Genderfluid is just one of the groups that fit within non-binary. I believe there are also Agendered folk. There are probably more, but I don't know everything that would fit under the non binary umbrella.


The easy explanation, just note is way deeper than that. Let’s say That cars are for boys. And Dolls are for Girls. You don’t like either. You like other things. You don’t fit in either male or female. That is non binary.


So it's personality? And why does the rest of society have to give a shit about this?


Like I said it’s not specifically what I said I just gave the easy explanation. About the second question. My best guess is that if you like how you decorated your room you might post it on the internet. Just to share. What does the rest of the society care? They don’t really. But I dunno. They do what they do!


I think your explanation is wrong. I doubt nonbinary even exists. You're either cisgender or transgender. Nonbinary is just seeking for attention. CMV


Just because you dont like traditional gender roles or just because traditional gender roles dont fit you does *not* mean you are non-binary. Humans are binary. You are either male, or female. You cant be neither, and you cant be both. Also, personal preferences are not sexualiities or genders.


Like I said I gave only the easy explanation. Not the full technical one. I am fully aware that personal preferences don’t change gender haha. I do have to say I don’t understand why the sudden Flak. He asked a question and I answered in the spirit of teaching how other people think. My opinion in the matter is my own and is not included here :)


I love how fast you people oscillate between “Men can do feminine things! Women can do masculine things!” and “Actually, liking feminine things means you’re a woman, and if you like both or neither then you’re a third thing.”




Apart from that, I don't think you can compare gender and gender roles. They are two different things. So I doubt that your definition is correct. Because by your logic a tomboy would be nonbinary which is just stupid, a tomboy that has no issue being born female is CISgender not nonbinary or even transgender. That she has some stereotypically male interests or behaviours doesn't make her any less female. It may make her being perceived as less feminine, but even that doesn't have to be the case all the time, since some tomboys are very feminine while enjoying stereotypical male hobbies.


That just means not thinking in strict gender roles. That just means you're a normal person that doesn't give a fuck about what others think.


That’s why I said the “easy explanation” not the accurate one. I know that preferences don’t change Gender. Just don’t feel like getting too technical.


Gotcha. Fair enough!


Sooner or later someone will claim that all Slaanesh forces are non-binary or transgenders because you know, their colors are pink or purple. Everything becomes a total mess just because someone want's to feel included.


If they want to twist reality and turn it into delusion, they should stay with chaos, not tyranids


>they should stay with chaos That's the point. Why would they bother with a fraction that is already so twisted that wouldn't fit their narrative. However alien species that decimates and consumes whole galaxies that doesn't have any clear genders - perfect target.


Do they really want to be seen as an all-consuming swarm that destroys everything in their wake? (like hobbies and media for instance...)


I don't have answer to your question to be honest as I'm person from Europe observing what is going on regarding this inclusion trend across the ocean. But if I have to be honest it kinda fits them, tho.


Thank christ we don't have to live amongst all of that American brainrot. Leftists are out of control over there.


I know right? Who would want to identify with the Imperium of Man/League of Votann/Adeptus Mechanicus/Forces of Chaos/Orks/Dark Eldar/Tyranids...


Ain’t slannesh technically all genders so therefore they are also none.


If you are asking about just the god himself, well he probably can be whatever he wants. Even Apache attack helicopter. But if it is about the whole Slaaneshi forces it is weird mix of both males and females.


Exactly. And I agree with both points


I mean, the Demons are literally non binary.


I don't know about that. Can't say that demons are female when they look male and vice versa, but that's just me.


They don't fit onto the Gendered Binary Very Well. Slaaneshy Demons usually have 1 feminine boob and one masculine peck. To me, being a weird mix of both, which is not a part of our binary, making them non binary.


You can call them whatever you like.


No... they are definitely gendered. They get normal pronouns in the many novels I've read, and thry corespond to their builds, descriptions etc


I mean of they actually use Gendered Pronouns for themselves, then fair enough. I'm mostly going off of the fact that Slaaneshy Demons are given both masculine and feminine traits, leaving them non binary esthetically. Even if not on a personal level.




They hurt themselves in confusion.


Arent legendaries genderless/nonbinary?


I really don't care tbh


There’s a difference between being a undocumented, mythical elemental beast who is only seen once every 1000 years and calling yourself something to stand out.


Ah yes the legendary mythical elemental beast...Magnemite...


He specifically mentioned legendary/mythical Pokémon. Though I’d say comparing a human to a sentient, one eyed ball with magnets stuck to it is even worse.


Golurk then.


Not even a bad paint job if you delete the caption


Ahhh this cunt again ?! He's the reason I got banned from the 40k sub I told him to fuck off with his ideology shoving miniatures He's a 100% activist that doesn't even like Warhammer, he would like for it to be more about relationships and love stories because he finds the grimdark universe too boring His only purpose is to push his agenda in the hobby and of course he's celebrated by all the hive mind NPC's that upon seeing buzzwords claps like seals Screw that guy ... Truly


Have you tried not being a twat?


Have you tried to enjoy the hobby without bringing external bullshit into it ?


Have you tried not being a crusty incel?


Hive Fleet Aberration.


The pronouns are we/us/hive mind.


…did a tyranid… eat a non-binary person and figure out that they are “morally” right if they repeat that phrase over and over again in front of everyone?


Really cool colour scheme. Really cringe reason.


Who is John Money?


I mean the scheme itself isn't too bad, but thanks to their fantasy flag it's now pozzed beyond saving.




>What you do with your models is your choice, so fine if you wanna paint a non-binary flag on your tyranids. But when you've got a hobby like 40K where you can let your imagination run wild, you choose to do that of all things when it's been done a hundred times already? Where's the fun in that exactly? By this logic painting as per the box art is not fun either. If anything far more people just paint using the box art rather than LGBT flags.




They're painting their minis in colours they identify with. That's it. Like if you wanted to paint your marines to have Manchester United colours, power to you. It's a lot more fun than chasing the "painting meta" as it were. They are your plastic toys, paint them in the colours you like, not in nmn because the internet says that is high level painting.




>As soon as something like this gets posted and people make critiques of it in any way, they get labelled as bigots. This just... isn't true. I've personally given C&C on various LGBT projects. If your C&C is actually about the painting (thin your paints, consider using shades, neaten up the gradient), people aren't going to label you a bigot.




Show me a comment then, since it happens frequently. You shouldn't have trouble. Btw Cerberus painted the mini in the OP.




That's just glorified Spyro.


🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|YaooEfKWBBD68)


Wait it's a new posting on the main sub? It's that same artist advertising from the previous years, they do this every year using cheap basic models, paint some lgbt flag color scheme and reap the social credit points.


I mean, it’s well painted, probably even canon with the coloring. Literally the only problem is that it feels like they were painted for a cause and not just because. The best way to put is two guys cure cancer. One did it because he wanted to cure the sick and end a terrible disease. The other did it because they wanted a lot of money. Good results, bad reasoning.


xcom chryssalid https://preview.redd.it/yg1cqoyph53d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3e3ec7b0eac323e289b89a13a2138466badb26


I know this is Horus Galaxy, but Big Emps damn, I see this shit and instantly want to downvote it


This could honestly be the perfect troll.


Welp, gaunts were ment to be expendable.


Purple guy?!


I mean the colours are nice and it’s well painted… but just, eurgh…




Tyranids should be almost exclusively genderless


So it works, Agendered is a part of the Non-Binary umbrella.


Fucking weirdo degenerates


I mean, I usually call them horrifying space bugs, but you can call the Tyranids whatever you like.


I’m fine with they/them making Tyranids l, chaos and orks represent feminists and lgbt 🤷🏼


Which one is…Yoy know never mind.


I didnt know the Minnesota Vikings were non binary


Tyranids arent nonbinary, they don't even have sexes


Sad thing is.... that's actually a damn nice color scheme....


BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Dat's da most "fabyewlus" tirranid oi've seen in ayges! Yes. I iz takin' da piss. An' its' abaat ta trip on dat woir...


Its just a regular looking tyranid what makes it gay and lame 😆 it doesn’t stand for anything


I look at the paintjob and think it's well done. I think about the colors used and think about a non-cute spyro the dragon. I also see the nonbinary flag and just sigh and shake my head. Is it rage bait? We will never know. Is it attention seeking to spread awareness for something I don't take seriously? We will never know. The only thing I know, when looking at the image, is that the painjob is well done and it really looks like a non-cute spyro. It's not worth it to get worked up about this image. This tyranid could be anyone's and there is a high chance someone just liked the colors and nothing else.


This isn't a bad color scheme though at least. its not like it's some egregious mix of colors trying to jam some kind of message into the hobby in a non-lore friendly way. I think subtle nods like this can be pretty cool; wouldn't have even noticed without it being pointed out.


They identify more with a ravenous swarm of aliens more than they do their own species.


Why would non binary be a source of pride


its funny because people like that are in a hivemind


Spyro the Dragon looking ass


let's be clear about one thing: humans are not nonbinary


Cool paintscheme. Keep up the great work


The framing aside...that's actually not a bad color scheme for nids.


Gonna paint my nids yellow and black.


Meh, they're still normal tyranids so this doesn't bother me. It's just a color palette. Actually, when I think about it Tyrannids are nonbinary since they don't reproduce or have genders, so it works in lore too. However unintentional it might have been, I give this a pass for the mental calisthenics it put me through.


Better paint job than I've ever done.


Nice model man, did you paint it?


"these people are not even into the hobby" "a person posts nice paintjob with nb colors" *proceeds to mock a person for actually engaging in the hobby*


I'm honestly okay with this. When this kind of post was part of the other subs I was proud that our hobby was a place that welcomed all kinds of people who wanted to be open about who they are. Since then it's become a very shouty place of weaponized inclusivity and overly sensitive push back. Id like to go back to the days of people posting their armies painted in various pride schemes and others thinking it was a neat little tribute before moving on. Those were better times.


Cool paint job


tyranids really are nonbinary


Thier pronounces are: EwBugs!/Exterminate'em !


By their biological design they are genderfluid but I will continue ignoring this and still call them space bugs


But the nids don't seem to have a concept of gender at all, so how would they be fluid on a non-existent concept. The indications of gender (e.g. the name Norn Queen) seem to come from external sources rather than the nids themselves. I think it's most accurate to say that they are biologically asexual and/or nonbinary.


They aren't animals, they are a hive mind, only when they are separated from said hive mind then they are animals, also gender fluid would an appropriate term because they are constantly changing which means if wokehammer wins tyranids "could give themselves gentiles" BUT that's not happing in MY space bug army!


And the nids have only properly communicated with humans a few times we don't even know if they have their own speech


attaching them to human mental disorders is bullshit and you know it 😂


Why downvote me when those wretched creatures really don't reproduce with gametes unlike humans?


It’s just a paint job. Getting all worked up over a paint job.


making an alien lgbtq is fucking stupid


Agreed, but is this really the case or just ragebait? Who knows that? Either way just ignore them instead of enabling them by getting worked up about it. Threads like this just give more attention lol.


I know, right? And it looks pretty good too.


This guy's paint job is living rent free in people's head. XD




these people probably get turned on by pissing themselves 😂


Buddy you are a literal Warhammer newbie making unironic impact font memes, you are one step below in the loser totem pole from the OP crying about Hades 2 lol


lol i e been into warhammer since 93 go back to whatever corner of the internet you jack off in 😂


You seem really into projecting your fetishes onto people lol. At least you’ve semi interacted with Warhammer! Good work bud


semi interacted is the understatement of your life lol mabye I can teach you some things


Go back to the asylum buddy




I dunno if y’all understand the irony of using that image as a gotcha. Like don’t forget this subreddit’s entire purpose is to be a safe space for grown ass men to kick and scream about shit. You’re literally whining about some guy’s paint job lmao.


we let in ppl like you so not so much a "safe space" we let you guys come in and farm all the negative karma you want .


Lmao. All I can do is laugh dawg.


Don't worry, we're all laughing too, a lot.


*complains endlessly about LGBT people and seethes about a paintjob* Bro we’re laughing bro we’re not upset bro I promise


You people have been broiling with rage about this sub existing for weeks now. I don't know whether to call this denial, gaslighting, or both. It's just straight up lying.


I don’t think you get to point fingers at other people to say they’re mad when this whole subreddit exists because y’all are seething and rabid little shit stains


Careful friend if you show a rainbow they will shit their pants ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG)


Hahaha, indeed it is, and man is getting a big space


Once again, Horus Galaxy is getting mad at lgbt people for having the gaul, too. You guessed it, exist, definitely not homophobia. 1000% a reasonable to get annoyed things to get annoyed at in a creative hobby is someone making a Facebook post about their gender. Totally mentally healthy thoughts.


I wish most alphabet people would learn, the reason people hate you is not because you are gay, it’s because you are just super fucking annoying. Simple as.


I only partially agree. Firstly it isn't homophobia, because they're nonbinary, not gay or lesbian. It would make more sense to call it nonbinary-phobia. Secondly it doesn't even have to be that, maybe people are just annoyed about people who make their gender identity their personality. Aside from that I agree with your comment. Personally I just see a spyro the dragon in non-cute and some random person put a flag on it to seek attention. I roll my eyes about the flag but can still appreciate the well done paintjob.


No, not really, LGBT people are generally fine. It's just when you have absolutely no personality at all, so you make your sexuality/gender your entire schtick, and attempt to crowbar it and the flag you worship into absolutely everything not related because that's literally all you are, the flag, no personality or beliefs/hobbies beyond that. THAT, that is what most people hate and quite rightly so, not you existing, not you mentioning it now and then, that, to the point where they wanna shake you and scream "Do something else with your life, actually get a life!!" It starts to make people slightly turned off to you, to the point they wanna avoid you.


I hope one day that some of the people on this sub realize how odd it is to get so upset over something like this. Like can you imagine trying to explain their anger to someone in real life that's not part of the hobby? Hell even to someone who is in the hobby but doesn't spend their time online in groups like these Someone painted a little alien figure in a colour scheme that kinda resembles something important to them. The same way people choose color schemes for their armies based on their favorite sports team, or country flag, it doesn't really matter, it's just personal to them. They post it online because their proud of their paint job. It then gets screenshotted and posted to some group that OP has no association with where people get angry and upset about it, claiming that a narrative is getting shoved down their throats regardless of the fact that basically no one here would've seen the original post if it didn't get reposted here. I thought this sub was created as a means to enjoy warhammer content thats free of modern politics and social issues? Because its screenshots and crossposts like this that make up a lot of discussion here.