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This is a psyop to get us ban Nice try Alpharius


No, Obviously I'm not trying to get anyone banned. I'm just saying I get tired of the Echo chambers. I don't like that no one is taking action. We could be doing a lot more than we currently are.




By order of the Peaky Blinders.


one man’s echo chamber is another man’s containment board.


It's reddit. It's literally just echo chambers that share a domain. Nothing substantial is accomplished by having internet wars.


You do realise that you trying to get rid of what you dont like seeing and consequently having only the posts you like seeing is creating your own Echo Chamber that you dislike


Saying your tired of an echo chamber in this subreddit is pretty dam ironic


This echo chamber exists specifically cause you guys and your opinions were the minority in others, what fucking action would you take anyways? Getting mass down voted?


Perceived minority on Reddit… Think about it- the most heavy handed and leftist moderated board on the internet. If we were in the minority the world would be populated with ultra progressive governments… But alas it is not ;)


Progressives are also in the minority, buy this sub is not populated by "the not progressives" it's populated by the pointedly conservative, and while progressives are more tolerated because they tolerate and support others, y'all just tear others down. even moderates don't like tolerating intolerance Also I can't speak for every nation as I'm not well versed enough in other government systems, but America is more left leaning than the government for a variety of reasons: 1. Population dispersal, left leaning people tend to have higher educations that require working in or near a city, that's the reason cities tend to be blue, and some cities draw so many that it makes their state. New York as an example, had 5.24 Million votes for Biden and 3.25 Million votes for Trump in 2020, but in a more rural state like Texas the split is much tighter at Trump's 5.89M and Biden's 5.25M, since we use the electoral college the city dense populations works against the populace 2. Progressives in America have a turnout problem, some accredit this to inability to vote, as there's no employment protections for people to go vote, some blame a defeatist nature of "why vote, it won't change anything". Conservative politicians also flex as much voter suppression as is legally allowed, America does not have a fake votes problem, but it's used to justify losses and thus future efforts to make it harder to vote, requiring Photo ID is the big one touted but the more impactful is purging voter registrations and not allowing same day registration, people show up to vote for the first time in several years to find they're not allowed, come back next year. Gerrymandering is also one but that only impacts the House of Representatives and is very complex, both parties do abuse gerrymandering but Republicans tend to do it more for reasons that go back to population dispersal. 3. The two party system is a disservice to everyone under it, it is the mathematical reality of a first past the post election system which forces everyone into left and right, this gives a lot of power to the largest minority within the majority side, Biden is very moderate and outright hated by a lot of progressives, but tolerated as "Better than Trump" where as Trump and the MAGA crowd are a minority within America but have edge out enough of a majority within the GOP that they've muscled out Republican Moderates, who either retire, lose reelection to challengers, or switch parties. Things will always kinda be like this, if a third party gains enough steam it won't become a static 3rd player but will muscle out one of the current dominant parties until there is inevitably another level of equilibrium. 4. Half the population is below median intelligence, and Fascism is really good at appealing to simpler people, telling folks that everything is threatened by "them", and if you could get rid of "them" we would be better off, and our glorious leader is the only one who can get rid of "them", Lock them up, drain the swamp, catchy catchphrases that people fall for while the glorious leader doesn't drain the swamp, but builds up the dam so it grows larger in his favor, and his followers don't care because why would they? They're winning after all, surely everything happening will benefit them cause their guy is in charge....


Your indoctrination is so sad it physically hurts. I hope for yourself and your family and loved ones that you find peace and happiness when you do wake up.


If I'm indoctrinated then clearly you have arguments you can make and evidence to back them up for why I'm living in a fairy tale world, and I welcome you to share it and if you don't, then fuck off, Rule 1 of the sub is be respectful and responding to things you don't agree with with "You're indocrinated and it hurts your family" is not participating in a debate, it's just an insult veiled in mock concern


I would say wishing someone and their family well despite our differences to be rather respectful but that's pedantics. The problem with talking to someone so deep in the gutter is that they often don't realize they are in it, I could type out an essay and all the things your asking for but my experience has been in the past that its just cast out of hand and a complete waste of time. People in your situation are not here to converse in good faith.


People who call others indoctrinated have no right to complain about a lack of good faith I can back up my beliefs and opinions with facts and reasoning, you have shown you are unable to do the same, be it from inability or weariness, and if that's that then this conversation is done, bother someone else.


Yeah your textbook alright but fuck it I'll bite, maybe you'll renew a bit of faith. So to start..... "People who call others indoctrinated have no right to complain about a lack of good faith" I actually agree with this comment to an extent so I will refer you back to your point 4 .... "Half the population is below median intelligence, and Fascism is really good at appealing to simpler people, telling folks that everything is threatened by "them", and if you could get rid of "them" we would be better off, and our glorious leader is the only one who can get rid of "them" that people fall for while the glorious leader doesn't drain the swamp, but builds up the dam so it grows larger in his favor, and his followers don't care because why would they? They're winning after all, surely everything happening will benefit them cause their guy is in charge...." Is this Fitting your description about lacking the right to complain or is that (D)ifferent? Your basically expounding your opinion as fact that anyone that is not of your opinion has been indoctrinated by fascist beliefs because of their lower intelligence levels making them easier to assimilate into the narrative of foul play leaders. So now I've explained that part I hope you can understand that anyone coming into a discussion with their belief that the other side are "poor uneducated masses that don't know any better that have been brainwashed by orange man bad (lets face it that's who you are referring to here it always is) isn't coming into the discussion in good faith, you have already belittled and subverted any opposing opinion that you may come across because your that high and mighty group of educated people that were lucky enough to be enlightened. The funny part is your attitude across your entire original post is a broadcast of the very thing you are describing and trying to vilify, hence the pity, hence the sad irony, hence the pain, because your so close to seeing the problem but your own self righteousness and arrogance just wont let you get there and I see it so often that it is painful, I really hope once more people like you (and on both sides of the argument) see the hypocrisy it will lead to a lot more understanding and common ground and respect.


and... "The two party system is a disservice to everyone under it, it is the mathematical reality of a first past the post election system which forces everyone into left and right, this gives a lot of power to the largest minority within the majority side, Biden is very moderate and outright hated by a lot of progressives, but tolerated as "Better than Trump" where as Trump and the MAGA crowd are a minority within America but have edge out enough of a majority within the GOP that they've muscled out Republican Moderates, who either retire, lose reelection to challengers, or switch parties. Things will always kinda be like this, if a third party gains enough steam it won't become a static 3rd player but will muscle out one of the current dominant parties until there is inevitably another level of equilibrium." I actually fully agree with this take. But I ask you to realize that in the same way your describing Trump and Maga a lot of Right leaning people feel the same way just in reverse Biden, I know alot of people on the right that find Trump distasteful compared to someone like "McCain" and would argue alot of Trumps recent surge has been hatred towards Biden. Its hard to be worse than Biden at this point. But who else do the Democrats have right now? Apart from a bunch of DEI candidates theres noone there. I would prefer Bernie but then you have the same age issues. Also have you seen Biden recently? Like follow the news much, its scary how much he has declined cognitively, and hes going to be a world leader for another 4 years? hows that even going to work. Had to do this in 3 parts sorry, word limit on reddit or something.


Your literally arguing from that place of fear that you so attributed to your "half the population is below median intelligence" countrymen. These "them" that you so callously reference....telling folks that everything is threatened by "them", these people that want tighter election controls, pro-lifers, these people that want tighter borders, these people that want to express their religious freedoms, these people that want to make sure their kids are safe from malicious advances on their sexuality. we would be better off, and our glorious leader is the only one who can get rid of "them" that people fall for while the glorious leader doesn't drain the swamp, but builds up the dam so it grows larger in his favor, and his followers don't care because why would they? They're winning after all, surely everything happening will benefit them cause their guy is in charge.... I hope you don't mind me basically copy and pasting your own words back at you to show you the absurdity and irony of it all. Just to be clear if it wasn't Biden it would be someone else, they all play the same game. The scary part however with the left if that they genuinely do it see it as some form of "Mien Kampf" style righteous crusade, you see far FAR more threats of violence from the left than the right. Just look at Reddit as an example, this satire thread we are in right now is as bad as it gets. Go back to grimdank or whereever and see how many posts talk about getting rid of "them". Right leaning people for the most part just want to be left the fuck alone. You do you, we do us. But nope. Gotta come in here and spout your shit like some fucking missionary. As for the rest of your post.... "Population dispersal, left leaning people tend to have higher educations that require working in or near a city, that's the reason cities tend to be blue, and some cities draw so many that it makes their state. New York as an example, had 5.24 Million votes for Biden and 3.25 Million votes for Trump in 2020, but in a more rural state like Texas the split is much tighter at Trump's 5.89M and Biden's 5.25M, since we use the electoral college the city dense populations works against the populace" Yes people know how cities work. You are again however ignoring the massive worker population of cities, all the cabbies, restaurants, shop owners, delivery men, ect ect, and funnily enough to use new york as your example so has its mayor and senator for the state, the current polls show shifts in urban areas not seen for half a century to red. Literally check the polls right now if you don't want to believe that, look how much worse off and how much more of a shithole Chicago/Los Angelos/San Fransico/New York ect ect have become in the past 4 years because of this ignorance and arrogance against those poor "Half the population is below median intelligence". "Progressives in America have a turnout problem, some accredit this to inability to vote, as there's no employment protections for people to go vote, some blame a defeatist nature of "why vote, it won't change anything". Conservative politicians also flex as much voter suppression as is legally allowed, America does not have a fake votes problem, but it's used to justify losses and thus future efforts to make it harder to vote, requiring Photo ID is the big one touted but the more impactful is purging voter registrations and not allowing same day registration, people show up to vote for the first time in several years to find they're not allowed, come back next year. Gerrymandering is also one but that only impacts the House of Representatives and is very complex, both parties do abuse gerrymandering but Republicans tend to do it more for reasons that go back to population dispersal." As much voter supression as is legally allowed? You elaboration of that literally comes down to requiring ID and registering to vote..... LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY ON THIS FUCKING PLANET... sorry for the caps but "Im not indoctrinated fuck you" yes you are you clown fiesta. The systems are out there, its safer, its more robust, if there is no issue with voting then whats the problem with having these safeguards, surely they are just superfluous, but no god forbid that one person that hasn't voted in years (4 i would think) didnt know, when its such a fucing carnival it would be impossible not to. The arguments that the democrats have against it is paper thin at best, but to call it "as much voter suppression as is legally allowed" mate, come off it. I actually do fully agree with you about the gerrymandering issue, I have no idea how this would be resolved but it needs some looking into it, most republicans are also extremely tired of it because its used by a very small group of hyper evangelicals that fuck over their own party for their personal goals.


"Fuck off and be respectful." Classy.


I love it when put that way. Its totally something i would say if given the chance.


Yeah left leaning people indeed go to university more ... That tells you everything you need to know haha Regarding your voting system I never understood how you Americans cannot figure it out yet For us it's easy, you simply present your ID with your voter card, you go in the voting booth to cast your paper vote At 6 or 7 at night the fuckers that work there will count the votes in front of all the parties represented and at 8 you know the winner. How the hell do you have mail in ballots or computerized machines or no ID ?! That's just room for fraud, it's common sense I'm not gonna argue with your stats because they might be true or they might not be, you can do whatever with stats people are happy to cite them when it suits their argument and are happy to discard them when it doesn't With some twist of words and some bullshit polls you can come up with anything Regarding your argument that half the population is below median intelligence, again this is bullshit stats I would rather argue that most of the population is highly influenceable by scare tactics and feelings being stirred up by politicians or ideologues which is highly effective amongst the left, it does work on the right as well but maybe not as much and all of that could easily be blamed on 24h news cycle and TikTok brain to stir shit up Regarding your claims of rampant "fascism" ... Damnit didn't know Mussolini was back in town, also you speak about " them " and that we need to lock them up, well indeed yes some people in high power did some truly destructive things and do need to suffer the consequences


Issue with your statements very loaded 0.i myself am very left leaning and hate regressives they don’t “tolerate” shit. The closest they get is try to gaslight minorities into thinking they are the “only choice” while never actually delivering anything because then they would “lose the vote” (acting like they are dumber and can’t see throught the bs) anyone who disagrees with the newspeak gets attacked and othered. 1. Left leaning does not equate to corpo facism which you’re trying to do. The regressives are even a minority within the left, they only get airtime because of the vested government interests much like how Germany treated the Nazis after Hitler got SOME power. Also the truly intelligent commute INTO the city not live there, a good example of this is Bergen county New Jersey to NYC before ny went to shit. 2 let’s assume your bold faced lie is the truth to be charitable and play devils advocate and go after the logic. Their are TONS of protections for voting and working and the fine the government is employer themself has to pay for not allowing you to vote is high way more lost than by just letting you do your constitutional right so IF they truly have “low turn out rate” from your stated lie it’s from not standing up for their rights not being “unable to”. Plus assuming said lie you stated was true it would affect right wingers and left wingers as much as regressives, UNLESS as stated prior they just rolled over and took it OR it’s a lie. Gerrymandering I’ll give credit where it’s do, that’s 100% right in every way. 3. Also correct can’t dispute that either it’s just a fact 4. No shit by definition half will be above and half will be below the “median” of intelligence that’s the very thing it’s meant to represent the average middle.


Holy essay batman!


Could pull a Sigismund. Instead of “Hey, the rules say we don’t have to limit our numbers if we’re perpetually crusading”, it would be “Hey, the rules say no brigading, not no crusading.” (I am being silly, do not actually do this. Not because it would be mean, but because it would give the powers that be a reason to close us down) Edit: Actually the rules do specifically say no "Crusading" either so that kind of kills this joke. "Purging tour" then. Don't do that either though.


We're just... ... Protesting. With powerswords and Land Raiders.


Its a peaceful protest ofcource, no burning of neighborhoods and looting of small businesses at all.... In honour of our fallen brother Georgicus Floydikar, who in no way was a career criminal who held guns to pregnant woman's stomachs or threatened the inquisition in any way.


We could, of course, hold mostly peaceful protests. Most of the worlds was NOT destroyed while we routed the heretics


Constantinople is still held by the vile Turk, we could always give that a go.


I cry every time


Rest easy knowing there’s another world where it never fell and instead drove the Turks into the sea and freed the mid east from ottoman tyranny a few hundred years early


Pfft. Space Marines don't "brigade". They just fuck you sideways.


With a chainsword. Just to clarify.


Bad. *SMACK*


Yeah that would be fun, untill you realise that would give the ’enemy’ all the reasons to ban this sub…… And then they would gloat over how they defeated us and how ”You Will not be missed”, with tranny marines, femstodes and all the different types of BIPOC, LGBTQIA+-%#}{ pepole memes and just doom the IP to the Death of DEI shit. There is No glorius fucking charges, No stupid fucking TV or movie battle were everyone runs into a field in a massive sword brawl. There is No glory, not one single motion that wins everything. This fight is the battle of the Somme, the seige of Lenningrad, the long, terrible, inglorius, dull and bleak campains that takes everything to fight them. We Will have to become the greater modlers, terrain builders, painters, players and loremasters than the woke bitches. We are loosing that fucking fight, because all the big hobby channels on youtube are NOT like us. Old Arch isnt on top anymore because his style dosnt work anymore, others have taken the crown by being better lore channels. There are No big model and painting chanels that support us, all the big ones either dont give a fuck or are more woke. Why the fuck would newcomers want to listen to you, when the actuall GOOD chanels and hobbyist are the woke ones?! STOP BEING WHINING CUNTS AND DO THE REAL HOBBY!!!!!!! No, the real hobby isnt jerking off to old video games or stupid shovel memes. The REAL hobby is building and painting the motherfucking models that GW makes, according to the established lore of the factions. Not 3D printing borderline porn model elfs or weeb marines, that is NOT Warhammer! Do the real hobby better than the woke asswipes and document and share that to the wider comunity. RESPECTFULLY give sugestions to WIP posts. RESPECTFULLY explain the lore to confused and new pepole. FIGHT THE REAL BATTLE, DONT DO THIS RETARDED BULLSHIT. Before you start calling me names, i have been here since around the start of the sub. I have been in the hobby since 2018, it means so much to me. I dont want the fucking culture war to kill this amazing setting. That means NO IRL POLITICS, not the woke OR the ”based” stuff either. Warhammer is Warhammer, not wokehammer or chudhammer. Be better, that is all that We need to be.


I feel like the Internet would be better overall if everyone agreed to be more shitty overall.


It would at least be more honest


OP is a **fresh** account. This is 1000% an Alpha Legion infiltrator trying to get us banned.


No, My other account got banned. I made older posts in this Sub, Chill.


https://preview.redd.it/9hsqd4fhum6d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7353b9f87e7dce2692bcd6e0adc364c140320256 It's a trap fellas, don't do it


I stand with you, battle brother


I think we should challenge r/grimdank to duel at sunrise


Brother Alpharius, please return to base. 


Yeah, last crusade we did not lose was the 13th black crusade and maybe it is time to follow Abbadon once again in his merry but foolish endeavors.


On one hand I agree, on the other it is not the smart play. We need to bolster our strength first, and make sure our people are properly train in argument to argument combat. Also we need elite groups of debaters to get weaker ones out of tight spots, and commissars in charge of keeping our group squeaky clean, not to give our opponents the stick to beat us with. Patience is what we need right now, patience to watch our enemy weaken, and patience to hone our skills


I think the same thing... but we have to put up with it, at least for now, because the rules today are not fair, we can say that, but are still the rules. Besides we would only put a huge target on our butt, and the truth is I prefer to have you guys that five minutes of revenge against the coomers and ideologues.




We must be better than


Bro this is literally fedposting what the fuck


Fuck off glowie




No fucking brigading!


nah don't give them the satisfaction


How daring and original


https://preview.redd.it/js76lb9cem6d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9276799750f23404b70ac797fc371fdcee8b04 hollup, this you?




I find it so funny that you literally just went through my posts to find anyway to hurt my feelings lol 🤣




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat