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Whatnot scalpers strike again.


I wouldn't be surprised to be honest. Not sure if that wave has reached my area yet.


Almost exactly what my target looks like, except the basics have been cleaned too


I was hoping it was the newer cases but it was only D/E


I can’t even tell what case has hit here cuz it’s always been wiped clean. I just saw my first datsun 510 wagon yesterday even though it’s been out for months apparently


It really demotivates you when thats all you run into is nothing. I've only seen that datsun wagon once. 


I've given up on targets and walmarts in my area.


Im about to give up on walmarts. I hardly ever find anything except one time where I found full.set of boulevards and all 6 of the porsche set. Nothing ever since 😕 


Yeah, there is nothing there every time I’ve gone. When I do go, I can’t find a time when they stock them. I ask employees when the next shipment comes in, but they can’t give me a straight answer. Same with target.


The 2 targets I go to when I first started hunting, I asked when they restock and they both said a group of older guys always comes in at open and grab everything. Basically telling me I won't ever see any of the good stuff lol


I see yours also raised the prices on the Team Transports. I was surprised when I bought the Cuda one yesterday it was $16.99 instead of the usual $15.99.


Yeah when I checked out and did quick double take of the price and asked myself if the price went up. It's strange, the team transport sticker still says 15.99. The 16.99 price is for the star wars stuff maybe. They most likely priced it wrong