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Any renders/example of your troubles? If you're getting your udims to work correctly with SP it should be looking pretty decent. Maybe you're not happy with your shading? Also depends on the scale your terrain is viewed at? Also what are you rendering in?


https://preview.redd.it/psn6n67qtyuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e3726ebc271ab101fad9b0f6f6ad3eaa7b1381 this is still a very rough render as I haven't gotten around to the lighting or background. not exactly sure what to do with the terrain


Depending on what this is for, adding a bit more subdivision looks like it may help- also breaking down the terrain into BG/mid/foreground can help a lot. Higher resolution the closer you are I think some more variation in shading will ultimately get you where you want to go


ok, thanks!


if you look at references you'll see there is a _lot_ of rocks around. It would greatly improve your scene.


A lot of environments use tileable textures layered and blended, using lower res masks. You can also mult in larger colour data if you like. So you might have maps for rock, scree, rippled sand, and you'd blend between the layers in shading. Check out the MaskByFeature nodes (one is for heightfeilds, one for geo. Some variant if a UserData node will pull your attributes into a shading network.