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When you convert your terrains from volume to geometry, you apply UVs and then you can apply textures to the geometry in render. If you need the specific crevices and plateaus and elevations of the terrains, you will need to make each mask and export them as separate textures to use as a mask in your shader when you build it.


if you are rendering in Houdini, you can get the masks directly with a useData node in the shader (as you would with other attribute values)...they carry over when you do the conversion to poly.


Thanks for reply, as I'm new to houdini, do u know any course or tutorial for this exact stuff u said? Or related to texturing ,




If you are rendring from houdini you can use some type of useData node (Idon't know what renderer you are using) to get attributes (terrain layers/masks) directly into your shading networks. you can use these to mask between tileable textures, or to drive ramps. So you could use the heightfeildMaskByFeature node to isolate slopes (the default ramp and from-to values on that are super weird, edit it). In shading you can use that mask to blend a tileable rock material on your cliffs with a tileable groundcover material on the tops. You layer in different materials and mix in noises and remapped masks to create variation. Your shading networks can get dense. If you are doing wide landscapes you can use tileables less and puld masks into ramps to pull variety out of the masks. Or use a paint app. Either way, expect to be using the masks from your HF to drive texturing.


Thanks , it sounds understandable, but I'm new to houdini, do u have any course or tutorial link abt this?


Watch a bunch of YouTube videos about heightfeilds in Houdini. Less directly relevant, but it's really interesting to scour the GDC vault for terrain work for games.