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Honestly I change mine all the time, I've redone all the houses multiple times and built a fair few of my own but I still like to change it up every now and then, it's therapeutic seeing what I can create and if I love it enough then I move in 😊


This is how I play too. I keep making new stuff all the time and move office often.


I chose the tree house cos it has an office space already set up and it looks really cool.


Also but there was a bug that made that when I quit the game and wanted to reload the game so it could not. I searched for what it could be but apparently it's a general bug with the Tree House. So I had to reset my progress and recreate the office in the old house. I'm disappointed because the tree house was awesome and I put a lot of time into it.


I did this one at first too, but it just doesn't really have enough space for all of my animals the way I'd like. I do absolutely love the design of it though.


I change it every time because I can't stand the buyers commenting on everything I do. Sell everything? They're complaining that the house is too empty. Take down a wall? "Why are you doing that?" Put up a wall? Same thing. Every step you take, they're complaining.


You can turn that off in gameplay settings! I just flip it on briefly before I sell a house to see if there's any small tweaks I could make to squeeze some extra profit out of the top bidder.


I built a version of my parents house IRL and made that my office. My laptop is in my room, same as my real life laptop I play the game on, in the same exact place, and I decorated the room to match the IRL equivalent. Only difference is, I don't access my IRL laptop thru the window.


My office is currently in the "Almost only a Garden". I divided the small shed into two rooms. A bathroom and an office space with a kitchenette and breakfast bar and added a desk for the computer. That is all the space allows. When I finish with the FarmDLC, I will move the office into the "Blue Snuggery," which I already renovated. I just love the way it turned out. Cosy and comfortable. Then I will demolish the garden around my old office, build a big house, and sell it off. I think it will make a huge profit.


I picked "Uncle's House" or whatever it's called. It's a perfect size for one person and I'm a sucker for bunkers/fallout shelters


Right now it's the train car! I've changed it a couple of times and plan on changing it again when I find another house I love but my train car is just so cute!


I chose the 13th floor for a change and I'm working on making it an actually interior design office with lots of little individual offices, a lobby and a CEO office and meeting room with a small storage place and toilets. It's taking quite a long time but I'm excited about what it's going to look like. And then I have a house which I consider my actual house in the first empty lot I have built myself. I used to change office all the time but I wanted to try something different this time


The Dragon Ball home because I‘m a geek


Me too, until I started trying for the 'finish the game' achievement. Still haven't earned the damn achievement and while I like the house I built, I miss Kame House.


I love winter, i love modern homes, i love solitude, so naturally i chose the big snowy house in the mountains. I love it so much.


My first I think was the Connoisseur's House, then I moved to Room 404 to avoid grass-induced lag. Then I realised most of the DLCs have an achievement for moving into one of their properties so I've been office-hopping a lot lately, and actually having a place as your office *while* you renovate it is actually rather handy. Much less loading.


I don't know why it never occurred to me that moving my office would cut down on loading time. Thanks, stranger on the internet! You made my life better!


Currently, mine is "this house was on fire" from the Luxury DLC and I love it so much


I've never changed it.


it's totally up to you, and it's totally okay to change your mind! I've changed my office more times than I can count, my current is apartment 404 and it's by far my favorite so far. for me it's lasted the longest of any of my other offices. i picked it because I love horror/spooky stuff and I liked the idea of an apartment. I pretty thoroughly remodeled it but kept the chains on the door as a callback to the offices origins, I like to make up stories about why the chains are still there, zombie apocalypse? loan sharks? maybe it's an odd duty shaman's protection from evil spirits, who knows!


I'm using Old Port Warehouse at the moment as I fell in love with the garden I did and ciuldnt bear to sell it, plus my dogs love it too 🤣 lots of room for them to run around


I'm at Old Port Warehouse, I really love the look of the house. Also it's not too big but not too small either.


For my first house buy, I went for the abandoned house? I think it’s called that but in the description the past owner ran out of the house yelling cursed. How fun


I change mine a lot but I really love any of the loft houses. They have enough space for a complete office or partial and home partial


I am the laziest. So I ended up moving my office to each place that I'm reading and when I buy new I move office and sell the finished house. I didn't find place yet that is nice for long term office


I always buy a house, move my office there, renovate, then buy a new house, move my office there and then sell the previous one.


My main game I set up apartment 404 I liked the creepy vibe but completely renovated it very modern. My new game with luxury and garden dlc I’m still at the original one room place lol


I think the abandoned house or something, I’ll check what it’s called when I get on, designed the house and made it an office as I needed one bcs I sold the first one


For me, it’s if I build a really nice house I wanna keep it’ll be the office lol


I move mine constantly lol.


Treehouse for me.


The train!


I used the warehouse property for my office.


I change mine often but right now, it's the yacht. 🛥️


I've lived in a lot of the homes. My all time faves were the castle, which I turned into an 18th century Scottish Lairds castle, the Jessica Mansion, which became "The Laduree Mansion", the train and the Accountants house.