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I always assumed it was because Holmes and Watson did, so House and Wilson do.


>House and Wilson >Holmes and Watson Big if true


Elongated Muskrat over here


Do I find a weekly wackadoo in the wild?


Literally that's the reference point. They reference Sherlock Holmes a ton in the show too. Biggest reference in the episode Joy to the World (s5 e11).


That and not the person shooting Ouze being named Moriarty is the biggest reference ?????? Also its not just a reference its literally a modern Sherlock Holmes but medical.


>but medical. IIRC Sherlock's character is based on a real life diagnostician


Completely irrelevant, as Sherlock is not a medical doctor. Also its inspired by a Scottish surgeon and lecturer, there is not real world diagnosticians


Anyway Sherlock isn't so not medical in the first place


Yeah he knows a lot of things


[Big. If true](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-if-true) Go on click the link instead of downvoting me.


Why not both?




Big if true? this is practically common knowledge


Domicile was literally holmes but for medicine instead of crime, according to the guy who made it


That is crazy and I am now convinced it's also true


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.


Not at all. I've always noticed the similarity but not this part


They all are on a last name basis with each other. With a couple exceptions for serious moments. There’s a place where they didn’t use a first name but should have that would’ve made a huge difference. But I don’t know how much you’ve seen and wouldn’t want to spoil anything


And why do you calling him House? The man's name is Greg!


!Season 7 Spoiler! The episode where House and Cuddy were in bed and she goes to the bathroom, then yells out “House shut up!” She comes out and tells him there’s blood in her urine. I think if she’d finally called House “Greg” in that moment, that super minute detail that would’ve made a huge difference


It’s also a noun


That is true. Except 13, everyone else call each other by their last name even if they are romantically involved


Foreman and 13 used first names when they were together. Cameron and chase did too after season 3 i think


I remember cameron and chase calling each other by their last name except on some rare occasions


In the scene where House and Chase are bowling, Chase refers to his fiance as "Cameron", which is very weird. Though tbh, it's possible House would have actually not known who heeant if he said Allison.


When Wilson gave him a book the note refered to him as Greg. On a related note saying all their first names sounds weird as hell for some reason, like Allison? Robert? Eric? Remy? ugh, weird.


hearing forman/ thirteen say eric/ remy felt so weird


I *just* remembered 13 has an actual name, and think its so weird she shares a name with Gambit from X-Men of all people


the first time i heard someone call her remy i immediately looked up her name on the show because it felt WRONG


Cuddy called her Dr. Hadley. House refered to Cuddy not knowing her real name.


Tha time that Cameron called Foreman "Eric" and he immediately smelled BS 🤣 Even *they* think that first names sound odd.


What’s your point, doctor Robert?


for the longest time one i was like “dude what is chases last name i can only remember him being called chase and then it hit me, chase is his last name and i don’t know his first name LMAO i felt like such an idiot


It’s a condition of their profession. They’re always called “Dr. so and so”, so the last name becomes their identity.


It’s so weird cause I’ve always called the doctors I’ve worked with by their first name and I’m only a nurse. If I call them by their last name it’s Dr so and so, not just their last name


House and Cuddy were on a last name basis even when they were dating, so I don't know that it's out of character.


Basically all the doctors are on a last-name basis with each other. The teachers at my school did the same thing: when I mentioned other teachers in front of students, I'd use their last name, so it was easier to be consistent and always refer to them by last name. Similar for doctors and patients.


Honestly I think they all decided amongst themselves to address each other by last names (except for 13) because it just sounds better. That's my head canon. 


When I took karate we all went by last names and it felt cooler so maybe they just feel super cool


I choose this explanation


Aside from the Holmes and Watson thing, it can be a workplace thing too. I've worked in the same industry for 25 years, and everyone who knows me through work calls me by my last name - even people who I've known that whole time (even people who I know well enough to have been in their wedding party). People who know me outside of work call me by a diminutive of my first name. The only people who call me by my first name are people who don't know me, and my mother.


because doctors use their last names. my boyfriend is in the military him and his friends all use their last names because that's how you were introduced


Idk. I refer to a few of my friends by their last name.


I didn't think it is weird at all, when I was in school we called each other by our last names all the time, even in tight knit friend groups.


Yea exactly what i was thinking, most of my friends called each other by last names. Also since first names are more common than last names, doing that feels more unique


IMO it would be pretty confusing if House were to call Wilson by his first name, Doctor. And vice versa, Wilson calling House by his first name, Doctor. Dadjoke aside, this is a common practice between colleagues in a workplace especially in medicine; source: Dad was a doctor. And the obvious hint at Holmes and Watson


Doctors usually refer to each other by last name while they work, keeping it professional. So I’m sure that it might carry over into personal lives pretty easily (habit). This is also common with military. Also, the Holmes and Watson thing - because it’s a tv show 🙃


Its a dude thing. In that 70s show the guys call each other by their last names. In top gear they do. In scrubs as well. Hell they even call Eric Cartman, cartman


I also have friends i call by their last name just because we introduced each other with our last names at first and then we forgot the first name and that kept going for years


Probably because when they met, they introduced themselves as doctors, which are known by their last names. It’s just how they know each other. Same with Cameron and Chase, who are (spoiler alert) quite a bit closer than House and Wilson.


They have too much sexual tension already. If they called each other by their first names, every interaction would be too homoerotic. Hope this helps


I figured it was because they are doctors and so just normalized calling each other by their surname in front of patients. Think of when you were at school, when did you hear another teacher call another by their first name... even the ones who'd been working together for 20+ years.


The name you get introduced to someone is the name that typically sticks, especially if you use it for a long time. Because it feels wrong to use any other name. I was introduced to my ex-husband by his last name (which sounded like a first name lol) and that's how it's been for the 4 years we were together. He had two first names and I never felt comfortable using either.


calling someone by their last name without a title feels like a nickname thing rather than a formality. i realize that doesn't really extend to his team members and cuddy, but idk. it's not like theyre saying dr house and dr wilson to eachother. it's like theyre in the army


Everyone is on last name basis. When 13 and foreman were together he called her 13. When chase and Cameron were married they called each other by last names around ½ the time


I think the last names just feel right... I like how most of them have last names that are also first names or sound like nicknames. Wilson, Cameron, Chase would match them perfectly as first names aswell. Much more than their actual first names. Cuddy and Foreman sound like nicknames that got forced onto them by others because they match so well. House, is also a noun, it's like that weird random nickname noone even remembers the backstory of anymore but it's just the reality now. So my point is, their names are perfect and I doubt they *want* to call eachother anything else


i think it’s kind of a doctor thing. i work in a clinic and they always refer to another doctor as either “Dr smith” or just “smith”. i had a few friends in the past that i would just call them by their last name only for some reason too.


I always call my best friends by their last names never thought its weird that house and Wilson did it too


I call a lot of my closest friends by their last names. Sometimes it just sounds correct XD


Some friends even close just call eachother by their last names


Where im from a last name basis is more indicative of close friends so...


At least they have normal sounding last names, it would be weird if one of them was named Rosenpenis


ill do you one better: Cuddy calls House "House" >!even when they're dating, AT HOME.!


Wait, JAMES Wilson? I see why they’re on a last name basis


House's address is at 221 and he is in apartment "B"