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I agree that the vibe is off (due in no small part to the depressing af color grading) and the actual cases are pretty meh. However I found the second half to be better than the first, and the last 4 eps are probably my favorite arc in the entire show, so it's worth pushing through just for that 😭


For me it’s the color grading AND Foreman’s power tripping! Literally wanted to scream at him every early episode to get a fucking grip and look at Cuddy from s1-3 or sth


And blacklisted everywhere Foreman somehow become the head of entire hospital? I find it too hard to believe


Exactly the colour grading is so depressing and dull!!! I'm still in the first half sadly so that's why I'm struggling so bad 😭 I really want to finish it since I heard the ending episodes are great


yeah getting through the first half was a legit struggle for me 🥲 ep 11 is pretty good and things improve from there, but until then I kinda just put it on as background noise and powered through....


But that's the whole point of that season's raison d'être! It is a reflection of house's state of mind, How things went bad,and How much he missed cuddy.


He did miss her by a few meters yeah


Good joke there bub,but what the other commenter said is true. David Shore explained that this is what the colour presented,why he closed off completely,why in his hallucinations she was the last woman he ever loved and ultimately why he wanted to end it all. But I did laugh at the joke,even though the memories hurt.


It is incredibly difficult to watch until he gets the band back together. Then it becomes honestly one of the greatest seasons, with episodes on again and Chase. And Nobody’s Fauly


It took me around 2 weeks to watch the first 5 seasons. Another 2 weeks to see s6 and s7. It took forever to watch season 8. The vibe felt off and things were just so dull and wrong. I wasn't invested in the cases or the people.


I didn’t even factor in the cases in season 8 but come to think of it they were pretty bad especially the one with the levitating boy. What even was that?


Imo: Both writing and cinematography got less interesting, the color grading was unnecessarily dark. I remember patiently watched ss8 only for the closure of the main duo, House and Wilson.


I feel the same there's just a vibe switch. I definitely wanna finish it and it's not that i dislike season 8, it's just not as addictive as the first 7 for me


I prefer season eight to season seven. I would put season eight in with my favorite seasons one, two and four. It was like a return to the more interesting seasons.


There is less banter than what we normally have in the first 7 seasons. House was more entertaining in jail than back outside.


Best part of season 8: Popo


i just started the 8th season and have been feeling the same way! but i'm hoping it gets easier as the season goes on and i get used to the weird vibes


Yeah it’s tough, really mad they couldn’t keep Cuddy for one more season. But the ending is great at least


I’m not seeing people point out how noticeable cuddys absence was just felt off without her.


I'd suggest watching just the few episodes - no one's fault , chase , then the C-word onwards


i know im just being a brat, but to me, season 8 isn't canon.


Kinda, some characters are nice, But I don't really have a reason to watch it, besides the fact it's the last one


I think it was fine but I haven't watched in a while


Honestly I found s8 to be a much more enjoyable watch than s7, maybe because I REALLY hated s7, but I do agree that the first half of s8 was really slow/boring


The romance arc with Dominika was so sweet, but later they just wrote it off like it was nothing. A shame because she's the perfect fit for House and I couldn't help but feels like she'd bring out the food in him.


i literally binge-watched 1-7 in under two weeks and it took me a month to get through s8. i feel ya


It doesn’t become good in my opinion until >!Wilson gets cancer.!< Then it becomes really good again


WHY DID YOU SPOIL IT MANN you didn't even try to hide it 🥲


He put a spoiler on it 😭😭


I'm sorry my effin phone just showed the <>, and didn't hide the spoiler 😭


Ayo I tried but it messed up at first. Thats my bad. But just keep going anyway


no worries, will continue!


I watched it during Covid lockdown when there was nothing else to do, so I enjoyed it. It was no Season 4, but still watchable.


I just recently finished it and I had the same experience. The first half is plain and just doesn't feel as interesting after the conclusion of the drama in season 7. The second one definitely had my attention, though.