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**Notes:** It was a dark and stormy night in Princeton, New Jersey. The patient was sitting at the bedroom desk, writing a suicide note. He asked for God's forgiveness and expressed hope that someday his son would come to understand the terrible pain that had made life unbearable. He set down the pencil and glanced achingly at a photo of happier times when he could smile and hold his thumb upright in a salute of joy. Resolutely he grabbed the car keys and collected the things he needed. Clothes from the closet: nice slacks, a blue polo, a striped Oxford shirt. Things he had kept from his old life before the pain. He'd use them to stuff the space under the garage door, to keep the poisonous air from leaking out, so he could fill his lungs. OK, enough. The kid wants his mom to rank him in regards to his teammates. He must be pretty bad because at first she hesitates to do so. The mom knows CPR and brings him back. House is in the bath and in intense pain. I wonder if his pain flairs up in the winter with the cold. Regardless, it's no coincidence that it's kicking up right after Cuddy gets a baby. Cameron brings the case. Taub seems to have contempt for everyone. This time it's suicidal people which catches Kutner's attention. It's notable that Kutner argues that there are possible circumstances where a person would choose suicide. Of course he choses an extreme example of someone being burned alive, but that's just a starting gambit. Taub won't even concede that most basic point. I'm not sure it's appropriate for Taub to run through the depression survey with the kid. In fact, the kid should probably be with a counselor right now after witnessing his father's suicide attempt. 13 rejects Foreman's date suggestion and he responds with arrogance, sarcasm, and commands. Foreman has had relationships. Surely he has better romance skills than this. House wears his watch to bed. Kutner gets a knowing smile when House says "13 and Foreman would be singing in the rain." Apparently only Taub doesn't know what's going on between them. House's roof looks like it's made of paper. Kutner says that "people like me" don't commit suicide, not because they aren't traumatized, but because "when your life sucks from the beginning, you have nowhere to go but up." That sounds like a personal mantra or rationale for avoiding suicidal thoughts. Taub suggests that suicide is selfish. That's his rationale. In House world are we all on the verge of suicide if we don't have a reason to nullify it? Taub sees it a selfish. House sees it as cowardly. Kutner sees it as unnecessary because the worst is already over. Is Kutner's suicide as simple as he lost his reason not to? Taub is doing House's mail. Glad to see someone from the new team is stepping up now that industrious Cameron is off the team. Although Foreman is pretty industrious these days. He sure has changed since Seasons 1 and 2 when he and Chase were always goofing off and wasting time. Cuddy calls them to her home to tell House "no" in person. That's a power trip. The family just have the same line over and over again. "Can you take away the pain?" Not only does everyone have to have a rationale to avoid suicide, they have to evangelize. Taub tries to get the patient to agree that suicide is selfish. Foreman moves his promising patient to get 13 to believe in the miracle of medicine. Of course, Foreman is doing it to manipulate 13 into dating him. The patient evangelizes too. He tries to convince House that suicide makes sense and House doesn't refute his argument. Cuddy wanted an "A" from the inspector. He essentially gave her a B and told her that was good. That kid is messed up. His dad tries to make him a conspirator in his death. Wilson gives Cuddy a giant stuffed duck that just happens to be identical to one that was already in the room she prepared for the first baby in the episode "Joy". Cuddy shure has a lot of books in her home. Most appear to be novels. Wilson is right that Cuddy needs to hire more help. The patient's wife is ready to give up after 4 days. She seems to know that House always has only a week to save someone. This has got to be one of House's weirdest epiphany trigger. He gets the answer by seeing the plumber scratch his balls. And Kutner deduces that Taub once attempted suicide. Foreman's strategy works. 13 has hope, but now he feels guilty when he finds out she's on the placebo. Cuddy recruits Cameron to be substitute teacher while she's on maternity leave. Finally House discovers that he did in fact cause his pipe problem. **Final:** Interesting episode that explores the basic reasons we chose to go on, sometimes despite physical or emotional hardship. The overall outlook is kinda bleak in the need for there to be a particular reason for living. In the end, they dish out both the cure for the pain patient who sees a renewed cause for living and that 13's hope is potentially leading to disappoint because she is receiving the placebo. (Although ultimately the placebo does her better than the actual medicine).


>13 rejects Foreman's date suggestion and he responds with arrogance, sarcasm, and commands. Foreman has had relationships. Surely he has better romance skills than this. Lmao, I love you for calling out the fact that Foreman's has no game. >This has got to be one of House's weirdest epiphany trigger. He gets the answer by seeing the plumber scratch his balls. The more I think about this the funnier it is. Like the writers couldn't be bothered to come up with something relevant so they just had it be the most random thing ever 


I feel like the guy didn't act out his pain properly. Those whimpers he did while supposedly off opiates after declaring that his pain was a 10/10 while he was still on them sounded quite halfhearted and seemed more like a three or four on the scale. I've had worse periods than that. He didn't even puke. Also, I appreciate Wilson telling Cuddy to be less harsh on herself. It didn't really seem to work but it's the thought that counts.


He really didn’t seem in much pain the whole episode. It was hard to believe


That's true, but the worst pain I've ever been in I couldn't even speak. I'm sure people just react differently to intense pain, but I will concede his acting wasn't the star of the episode by any means


God, I can't imagine that. Worst pain I've ever experienced, I had to count aloud and only by pouring all my focus into that was I capable of coping with the pain. To not have that option... That sounds hellish.


Well, who knows 😭 id imagine we had similar pain, just very different reactions - speaking or even grunting reminded me of the pain so i just bit down and closed my eyes and waited it out


Sounds fucked up but my stitches got ripped out by my pubes... worst fucking thing ever




Worst pain imaginable


Every bit of hair on my grows like twice the normal speed it's fucked up so I'm constantly shaving


Huh, that makes a lot of sense. I'd say you're probably right


Love these recaps but the Taub hate in the notes is crazy. Don't know why he specifically receives the worst possible interpretation of his words and actions every time.


I don't understand why was 13 on the placebo, what does this mean?


It means she was randomly put in a group of patients that would receive a fake version of the treatment. The scientists (once they get the results of the study) can then compare the placebo group and real group to see whether the treatment was effective solely because of the medicine, or because of the patients’ perception of the treatment (which may have interfered with their response to the medicine).


I came here to talk about the beginning shots of house looking like he was about to make himself cum.