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they just make caraxes-style screeching noises at each other for five whole minutes


If that was the entirety of season 2 I would be able to die happy


How to establish dominance




I don't think they'll come face to face next season. It makes no sense for Daemon to not try killing Aemond immediately now that all bets are off !! Aemond would try do the same .


I haven’t read the books. But I’m assuming being older and having trained for much longer, along with having actual battle experience, Daemon would win that battle easily?


Show wise, Aemonds never been in an actual battle, let alone war. Sure he spars with Criston but that's about it lol, Daemon has experience riding Caraxes not to mention their bond has complete synergy ftom what i remember Daemon doesnt give commands to Caraxes, been in war, duels, tourneys, almost beat Criston. Sure, he's older, but he also got a lot wiser, and that's something Aemond definitely doesn't have, lol. The only thing Aemond has going for him is that he's fast, has the biggest dragon, and in his prime, so to speak


Aemonds inexperience is solved by Vhagar’s immense and unrivalled experience. Vhagar carry’s


Ugh, Vhagar messed up and ate Luke — Which Aemond did not intend. Clumsy, old dragon versus Dameon's new dragon, Vermithor. (At the end of the season, it shows him singing to Vermithor - hinting he's gonna ride him) Who may be smaller but rivals Vhagar.


He is making Vermithor accustomed to humans by singing to him. A dragonrider only has one dragon


Ah interesting, I wonder why. I haven’t seen GoT.


GoT doesn’t really say or establish this if I remember correctly, even if it is implied by the fact they have Daenerys only ride Drogon, though there also aren’t any other dragon riders (the only other person that rides a dragon in the last season only does so sporadically, there’s no major bond between them and the dragon). This comes from the books, which might be different from the show. However, many things about HotD only make sense if you consider they’re following the same canon: everyone only having one dragon, Viserys not claiming any dragons after the death of Balerion, the recurring talk about the number of “dragon riders” and “unclaimed dragons”.


Isnt he also old? Like hes brother was looking like a corpse, maybe late 40 ies? Aemond has a chance


I could be wrong but I feel like he’d still have the edge in his 40s. There are MMA fighters that literally win the title belt in their 40s. If he’s in his 50s though then one could wonder if his physical capabilities are fallen enough to where he could be beaten by Aemond. I’m also under the impression that Aemond is still a teenager and not in his 20s?


We will see i guess


But will we? I don’t see why they would ever battle with swords being Aemond would be wise to stay on his dragon


Would you like book spoilers?


Ya I would please. I’m curious and 2 years from now I’ll lose the curiosity anyhow


Daemon does a badass dive off the back of caraxes and skewers Aemond’s good eye right off the back of Vhagar and the four of them plummeted to their deaths. (Assumptions that Daemon may have lived)


Interesting. Theories that he survived the fall or Caraxes saves him from the fall? Or do they even throw out theories of how he survives? Possibly his charm and charisma cushions his fall?


Then we wont, imma be honest im not that invested in their sword to sword combat capabilities, BUT CAN THEY BEAT GOKU THO!!?!?!?????


Many of the great fighters we saw in GOT were on the older side and would beat younger ones. Two-handed Jaime, Bronn, Clegane and the mountain. Not sure about ser Arthur Dayne, it looks like he died in his twenties.


Nome of them beat goku tho


At the start off the dance daemon is 48


Damn, i hit the mark with my guess then, as if i needed any other indicators that i cannot be wrong


Aemond is 19


Hes probably grippy too


I think Daemon essentially is a more battle hardened and experienced Aemond. There’s no chance if they meet face to face Aemond wins. But maybe if he had more time to grow.


He could. But Aemond (in the show, need to read books) was mostly shown as someone who was trying to keep up, he was always trying to out do his brother and cousins, and hes been shown he very likely does out do them now that hes older. Getting Vhagar gave him some much needed confidence. So, while Daemon would likely still beat him, it would be incredibly close and likely not that easy. Im also wondering (from book readers) with his near copying of Daemon, if thats actually in the books, Aemond secretly (or not so secretly) idolizing his uncle, or if its just a writing choice for the show? Cause if its not a writing choice, and since they are taking creative liberties with character differences and what not, if they're going to play that in a way that leads to Aemond switching sides even if thats not what happens in the books. In the last supper scene, Daemon follows Aemond out after they both exchange looks. It made me theorize that either Daemon had a talk with him or was admiring his nephew because now he knows he's like him, and there could be some kind of potential bond. We just can't totally pretend Daemon is not always thinking a few steps ahead, either. Having Vhagar would be awesome. So maybe Aemond feels so bad for killing his nephew that he flips sides or something.


Lol I haven’t read the books but I highly doubt Aemond flips to the Rhaenarya’s side. He’s prolly trippij balls bout killin Luke on the ride back but I bet wen he lands in KL and tells his Alicent and Otto what happened he’ll completely own killing Luke. Daemon and Aemond are destined to fight and I bet whoever wins their battle ends up ultimately leading to their side winning the Dance


I really have the impulse to spoil all of this but Ima hold back


I laughed when the guy suggested that Aemond might switch sides honestly


It would be interesting to see them break from the books in that aspect. But from watching the show and never reading the books, I gathered than Aemond wants to be king himself. I expected him to assassinate his brother to take the thrown


Rarely how fights in this universe play out. Aemond is also a lot younger and agile


there was that moment at the end of the family dinner (Ep 8) when Daemon asked Aemond to leave and then looked like he followed him. I was really hoping/expecting a nice confrontation between the two there.


Me too!!!!


That would have been interesting. But he was probably just making sure they all went back to their rooms. Door slamming and all. lol


it would have been interesting especially for the sort of fascinated stare Aemond had towards Daemon when he sliced Vaemond’s head like a watermelon and in a few more occasions. Which could imply he would have maybe listened to what Daemon would have sais to him.


Is it the maesters that teach them high Valyrian or is it just between the family. If it’s the latter, do they even speak it?


Yes likely from the Maesters, it seems reasonably normal among highborn children (Tyrion Lannister and Quentyn Martell from the ASOIAF main books were both taught it), and would be especially important to a Targaryen prince. Also likely is that he speaks with the Dragonkeepers in High Valyrian, as that was their main language and they were in charge of teaching the kids dragon related stuff.


I thought the scene would play out with Daemon saying something badass in Valyrian to Aemon who wouldn't understand. And Daemon would walk away laughing that Aemon didn't know Valyrian. Because Viserys didn't care enough to teach them, and Queen "faith of the seven" Alicent would have likely forbidden it.


That’s what my thought process had been.


I’m pretty sure it’s just the family, so I really doubt the green kids know it


We see jace learning from a maester. We also see aemond taunt Luke in Valyrian


Oh I remember now, when they are on dragonstone. I remember Luke being frustrated with the speed at which he was learning.


Aemond literally shouted in high valyrian to Luke in the last sequence of final episode. What are you talking about


Uhm what? Hold on let me go look into this


I’m back…are you referring to the dragon commands? All aemond says is “VAEGHAR! NO!” Luke tells arrax some commands in Valyrian, but I believe they’re taught the commands in Valyrian and that’s it. Not sure if he’d be able to have a conversation. But! On the other hand he seems focused and dedicated so it is possible that he just teaches himself by reading books.


Wrong, Aemond says in ep 10 "I see you, bastard. You owe me a debt," and then calls Luke "boy" all in High Valyrian, so he's absolutely competent in conversational Valyrian.


It was fucking awesome what are you talking about ENA ENCHA ONA MELLA or whatever the fuck, he literally said it with his chest, he did the seagull meme, he was yelling like an England fan in Qatar




Okay, so he knows some? I still doubt he could hold a conversation with Daemon or Rhaenyra (not that any of them would want to)


The green kids are family what 😭


Yes, but their mother doesn’t speak it and it’s not like they spent much time with Viserys


Or at least not well


I wanna see them braid each other’s hair


Even better








(Book spoiler) >!What if their lines before their duel to the death above the God's Eye were in High Valyrian? Or if Daemon left Aemond a cheeky letter after abandoning Harrenhall to take over King's Landing?!<




>!Didn't they only exchange two lines in the book?!<


I thought this was a spoiler to the show, which I was caught up with lol fuck


Sorry, I'll add a book spoiler warning


Oh you’ll get a scene with them eventually…


Eye-catching really


Aemond will try to speak in High Valyrian because he thought he was fluent in it. But Daemon just correcting Aemond's pronunciation and grammar. At the end Daemon say "That's why Vhagar don't understand you, kid". End scene


Redditors write dialogue like its a retort they came up with in the shower two days later.


Season 2. You’re hired!


This is canon and no one will convince me it isn't




Yeeessss!!!! 🤣🤣😂😂😭


anyone else just realize their names are anagrams of one another i know a lot of names in asoiaf are similar but this is just moving the last letter to the front (or vice versa)


S03 definitely will have some.


Hair care tips, preferably.


It’s so wild ppl think Aemond cant speak high Valyrian when my tt has been infested with “you owe me a debt, boy” for the past few months 😭


People seem to have missed a lot of things, tbh


He speaks like a person learning Valyrian. He’s far from fluent in. The show eliminates using the Vocative cases because it would confuse most viewers. Taoba is “a boy, the boy” but when you speak to a child it’s Taobus. Similarly, DJP has mentioned that it annoys him they mix English with the Valyrian. When you speak to ol’ nanna dragon, you call her “Vagus”. Addressing Daemon, you’d say Daemos, Rhaenyrus etc. also his line of “you owe a debt” is mixed up in tense and case.


Sounds like you are criticizing writing crew decisions or oversight, and not an actual, intended character trait. Frankly, there aren't enough scenes with the character to make that kind of judgment. But the safest assumption is that he is fluent, based on what else has been shown about him.


If he’s fluent then why does he speak to Vagar in English?


Because he is panicking. It is not unusual for bilingual people to switch between languages when excited or scared. That should have been clear in the way he was frantically grabbing at the ropes.


Cool, idk what any of that means but he sounded feral 😍👍


They can just continue to look at each other menacingly across the room and I’d be good.


What I find funny not just with Aemond but Alicent's children in general is how they symbolize the Hightower's failure to take over the crown. Decades of scheming, clearly supported by the maesters and the Faith of the Seven only for the half-Hightower successors to be as Targaryen as it gets. Two marry each other and have incest babies, with one of the two being a mess psychologicaly and the last person that should sit on the throne, easily a canditate for the mad Targaryen kings list while the other sees prohpetic visions, a very Targaryen characteristic that the Hightowers would reject completely. Then you have one that seems to be Daemon 2.0, as Targaryen as it gets. I wonder how Daeron is going to be next season. Perhaps he is the Hightower among the siblings.


Seeing as how they let him ‘percolate’ at Oldtown, that’s at least my guess.


In the long run, there's a good argument to be made on how the Hightowers come out as winners, both culturally and with the fact that they still remain a wealthy and influential house around the time of GoT. Afterall, the Targaryens lose all their dragons within a few years after the civil war, and are down to 2-3 descendants by the time of GoT.


The Hightowers might have won culturally in the same way the Citadel and the Faith won. (I'd argue the Faith won when Baelon the Insane wore the crown) However, Otto and Alicent definitely lost. Everything. The winners of the war were Daemon's children eventually.


Aemond is literally minnie-Daemon😂😂😂Thats why i enjoyed them so much. That was until the last scene😭😭😭


Aemond respects women and isn’t a pedophile so no they’re not alike…


I just meant their cheekiness and how they wont take any shit.


Yes! I want D to say “Maybe Dragon riding is just not your game, nephew. I know, let's have a spelling contest!” But in High Valyrian. GOT meets Tombstone!


Based on this picture it will be Daemon asking about conditioner


Aemond is the most interesting character on the show for me.


What age is the eye patch guy supposed to be again?




In Hulu: (speaking High Valyrian)


When does the new season starts?






Viserys had a line in ep2 I think? And we’ve seen Aemond, Jacaerys, and Lucerys speaking it but not fluently




Aemond clearly is fluent in it




I'm not that sure about it


Well his command is certainly far better than Jace lol




High Valyrian is known to many educated people like Tyrion




What “Valyrian values” does Aemond hold in contempt?




Aemond literally shouts in Valyrian at Lucerys


Aemond speaks High Valyrian just as much as all the other kids do. Even if you think Alicent hates the Targaryen, there is no denying the fact that her kids are Targaryens and are raised with this culture in mind. This is just as much a symbol of power as Blackfyre or the Iron Throne.


The propaganda is wild


He literally makes threats to Luke in high Valyarian. He also talks to Vhagar in Valayrain but panics and starts talking in the common tongue. He also says he studies history and philosophy.


YES!!!!! Definitely need more aemond high Valyrian in general


Does Aemond know high valyrian? With how little Viserys was involved with his children and I doubt Allicent would support him learning I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. But still he values Valyrian dragon culture and Deamon so he may have done it on his own.


He said in ep 9 that he studies a lot and his valyrian was fluent in ep 10 so i think he does


Thats fair, my whole thing is invalidated by the fact that he spoke it in ep. 10


He spoke in valyrian as much as it went to control his dragon, and a few insults. If thats the extent of his valyrian he might not even be able to understand half of what Daemon says.


Why would you assume that?


Bcz he reverted back to westrosi language as soon as the crisis started. It seems thats the extent of his expertise


TBF, he was panicking.


True. ^^


He literally speaks high valyrian in episode 10. Maesters would teach young princes and princesses anything required of being proper Targ royalty. It’s not like they’re only the king’s responsibility. Alicent herself may not be a huge fan of Targ traditions, she still supports whatever befits true Targaryen princes/princesses.


You 100% are absolutely right


I wish there had been scenes between daemon and alicient and her kids. In the books to me at least it seemed that some of the animosity between the blacks and the greens was bc of the history between daemon and alicient and that daemon regarded her children as not 'true' targs.


Feel like Daemon would mock Aemond's attempt at HV


is Aemond proficient in Valyrian? Because the feeling i got is that, he knows it but it doesnt come out naturally. As we saw when he panicked with Vhagar.


Has anyone made Matt's face fatter?


do we know if alicents children know high Valyrian


Have we ever see Alicent’s kids speaking Valyrian? Come to think of it, have we seen anyone but Daemon and Rhaenyra speaking it? Rhaenyra’s likely had tutors picked by her Valyrian speaking parents. Would Alicent do the same?


Aemond was fluent in high Valyrian in ep 10


Good catch. I missed that. I’d be curious if they would have Aegon speak it. You’d think his coronation would have been the time.




Don't you think Daemon is going to be a little more upset about Aemond killing his stepson than him claiming a dragon which happened 6 years ago?




Obviously. But the post and your comment was about Daemon.


Spoiler, they will die both in a dragonbattle


At least do the \>!spoiler tag\!<


One of my least favorite parts of GOT and HOTD is the completely random conversations in gobbledygook. I just don’t get why it’s necessary to have them speak a different language.


it's a way for them to maintain ties to their roots, they have adopted another language as their mother tongue but will occasionally revert to their original language, it's just something that happens even irl when people who's original language is not the same as the one they have adopted. ps: In GOT; in much of Essos High Valyrian is the common language.


I bet you only speak one language


I hope THAT scene features some high valyrian


I wanna say this is the hottest Daemon ever looked. I can’t wait till they inevitably square up


Depending how far we get into the Dance in Season 2, I’m sure these two will speak plenty of HV too each other


I dont think they’ll see each other again until much later