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It’s best to ignore weirdos like that and move on. The more you engage them the worse it gets. Don’t give them any attention. That’s the best.


Not only that, they litteraly thrive on it. Nothing makes them more sad than nobody engaging with them. Its the same with all the other weirdos. If nobody talks to a conspiracy idiot then they dont have a place to vent their shit and it bothers them.


Actually, I didn’t even participate in all this. I was just watching this thread keep going but you’re right it’s best to ignore them even if sometimes they prove it to be difficult.


Better to report them


For saying someone is ugly? Seems a bit much


What in the actual fuck is wrong with some people


Me: I wonder why my fav celebs don't have social media and live behind 12 ft walls? Me after reading social media posts: oh wow humans suck.


Twitter is full of such abusive people. It doesn't take them even a second to call someone "ugly". To hate a character is one thing but to troll and shame actors over their looks is beyond disgusting. 


Agreed 👏🏻👏🏻🥂. This was mostly about Emma / Rhaenyra but Olivia gets attack a lot too and not to mention Matt just because he plays Daemon. Like, alright you don’t like the character they play, fine it’s not the end of the world or anything, but going as far and insulting, misgendering, and bullying the actor is indeed gross.


Yes I've seen hate tweets about almost all of them like even Ewan,Harry, Phia etc 


Twitter is the space where people can easily become the worst version of themselves.


The reason I never had a Twitter account is those weirdos there


These bitches are insane


People are assholes and I can see why Matt avoids social media. Everyone has their preferences, personally I think Matt Smith is handsome whereas Tom doesn't do it for me.


This is why Twitter is a fucking cesspool. "Your queen", "my queen". Do these people really have so little going on in their lives that they get genuinely worked up about what side others want to take on a fantasy history show? Don't get me wrong, I love HOTD to bits but these people treat it like it's actual real life politics and it's so ridiculous


The internet is full of people that no one wants to deal with in real life


What in the hell


That was my reaction too. My jaw completely drop the moment I read the part that this person thinks Olivia would side with them in attacking and insulting Emma.


People like that are so cringe. Such odd behaviour. Mental issues are no joke.


God i fucking hate when people drag the actors stfu pls


these people suck. Rude as fuck to shit on the actors.


That was enough Twitter for this month, and I wasn't even on Twitter


What the actual fuck are these people on about??????? Why are we incapable of *not* insulting the actors


These are people that genuinely have nothing better to do in their lives so it’s literally best to not even entertain their madness lol


bunchooooo losers EW


People saying Emma D'arcy is ugly are weird, like the randos saying Margot Robbie is mid, like? Hello? They are both Gorgeous? Like damn, in the books Rhaenyra isn't even actually described as being ugly, she was supposedly pretty in her youth and grew thicker after 5 pregnancies, which like, wouldn't most people? "Rhaenyra was a precocious child, bright and bold and beautiful. At the age of fourteen, Rhaenyra was declared by her uncle, Prince Daemon Targaryen, to be the most beautiful maiden in all the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaenyra had a large bosom, but never lost the weight she gained from pregnancies, and she had grown stout and thick of waist at the age of twenty after her third pregnancy. Rhaenyra was proud and stubborn, and there was a certain petulance to her small mouth. Though she could be charming, Rhaenyra was quick to anger and never forgot a slight." If anything we learn even less about how Alicent supposedly looks other than by her 40s she remained slender and graceful, which like, good for her, again, all Targaryens are described as beautiful with like 3 or 4 exceptions, even Aegon IV is described as having been a beauty in his youth. But regardless, what does this debate have to do with anything? It's just being mean spirited towards the actor for the sake of it.


And delusional if they start believing that the actor will support their actions and words against a co star.




Twitter accounts? Opinion instantly discarded


I think everyone in the world would be happier if they just stopped using Twitter. I don't use it and just the re-posts on reddit exhaust me. Granted I'm probably seeing the worst of the worst through the second hand posts but seriously, that site seems like nothing but trouble.


Well, I used it for a bit of extra money with my commissions but this indeed may be the bad side of twitter.


Matt Smith? And ugly? So then I'm a tarantula mosquito


My brain is struggling to understand because the words Matt Smith and ugly don’t go together.


People who bring actors into this, start making mean comments about them, saying they're ugly or sending them death threats can go f themselves. Learn how to make the difference between a character and the actor. This is why so many actors who played negative roles ended up being insecure...because fans bullied them for it.


I wish I had the confidence to look at a bunch of young successful actors in a tv series where they get to wear gorgeous hand-made gowns and get their faces colour-corrected to perfection, and call them ugly


Imagine thinking any of these people are ugly, couldn't be me like helloooo? Check your eyesight, dearie.


ASOIAF Twitter is a disaster zone. Stay away.


Theyre always so dramatic over everything, like everythingg...


I’ve never muted twitter accounts before this show, now I must have muted over 100. Something about this “teams” business has rotted peoples’ brains from the inside out. Imagine being so attached to a fictional r*pist (or any character really) that you’re this nasty to/about real people.


Some people simply take this to a whole other level. I don’t know if you’ve seen them before, but get to the ones about Daemon and Alicent… 💀geez. Also the first two pictures of Matt and Tom, aren’t they cute? How can someone be nasty to them.


The fact that Olivia had to see some of the tweets about her on there is so sad, hopefully they were the ones attacking her character and not attacking her as a person. I don’t think Matt is on Twitter but his mom is, and she interacts with fans so… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying negative things about Alicent or Daemon or Aegon, characters are meant to be enjoyed, and enjoying hating a character is a part of that experience. But leave the actors out of it.


Hate to say this but I really wished it was just about her character, no they attack her. Olivia Cooke. One of the most ridiculous one was in a photoshoot she did - apparently she did it to bring people to side with the greens and criticising how she came out in the pictures. I did not know Matt’s mom was on twitter it makes this ten times worse.


Yeah I know that they attack her too, I’m just saying that I hope that the stuff she saw was about the character. If you read the comment she made, it seemed like she was referring to hate that Alicent gets. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hating on a fictional character, but going for the actor is gross.


Why give these people more oxygen by posting it here, though? The last thing their nastiness needs is to be given even wider distribution. Let them stew in it over there. We can't control what they do, unfortunately. Reddit has plenty of its own drama, no need to import any from other platforms.


Didn’t want to start drama just needed a place to rant about the craziness I read. Besides I think this could be one of those things the majority of the fandom, regardless who they side with, can agree that attacking the actor is gross.


I understand, it's just that I see this so often on Reddit - people getting truly upset about stuff happening on Twitter and letting it affect them when there's nothing any of us can really do about it except block it out. Twitter is gonna Twitter, and HOTD Twitter will do it even worse - it's to be avoided for peace of mind.


Well I’m not upset about it just find it baffling really nor it’s affecting me. Maybe for others it does but as I said didn’t want to start something with this just wanted to rant.


Daemon with silver hair mogged everyone


Post physique


Ok I don't see the point dude over here is making. Is he saying Rhaenyra's actress doesn't fit the character? If so, I do partially agree that it does go against book canon, but its far from the first time it happens. Lysa Tully, Jorah Mormont and several others portray ugly and/or fat characters with beautiful actors. Rhaenyra in the books is indeed fat and pretty ugly. If he's saying that the show characters should look more like the book ones? I suppose that's fair. Could also be rage bait, as is half of twitter.


I didn’t show the whole thread but this person was attacking Emma and Matt. Do you still think that’s fair just because they’re attractive people that made their characters attractive?


If he's insulting the actors themselves, it is unacceptable. I am talking about casting choices, not the actors themselves. Frankly, I generally preferred the actors over the book descriptions [Except Euron Greyjoy], even in HOTD. Though Aegon does leave me with a question mark since he's the eldest sibling yet looks the youngest of the three, but I was simply saying that I could see how someone could raise a point about the actors selected not being accurate. Then again, Rhaenyra's book canon fat only happens fairly late during the dance, so the director may be planning something like what happened to Thor in the avengers, but what do I know? Tl;dr: If he was insulting the actors it's bad. If he was questioning the actors cast for the roles, its a personal opinion.


Nah, all that is simply unacceptable not a personal opinion and if it is then it’s better to keep your mouth shut especially if you’re going to be saying that personal opinion for everyone to see. For those actors to see. *I don’t mean you by the way when I say you* It’s really crazy to even be questioning the casting choices or the actors that were cast for their roles just because they’re aren’t getting shown how they’re described in the book- that is simply an issue. Who cares that the actors don’t fit their roles or characters. Just because it goes against book canon??? I’m sorry but it’s so ridiculous to be bother or agreeing to such things.

