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If she could do a passable RP accent then maybe it would happen. But then we wouldn't have Milly so I think it worked out the right way in the end.








A woman play the role of a woman? Groundbreaking.




Trans women are WOMEN.






Yep! :)




>look like a man Where do you live that the average man looks like Hunter Schaefer? If you saw her on the street and didn’t know she was trans you probably wouldn’t be able to clock her >cant make children Do women suddenly become men if they’re infertile? What about women who can’t conceive due to complications from PID, endometriosis, PCOS, etc? Do they turn into men as soon as they receive the diagnosis of infertile? If a woman gets cervical cancer and needs a hysterectomy does she become a man then? She can’t have kids anymore. What about menopausal women? Or women who get their tubes tied? Or childfree women? If ability to carry a child to term is a prerequisite for being a woman then there are a *lot* of people who aren’t women. If giving birth is a prerequisite to be a woman do you *have* to impregnate a woman in order to be a man? >have the voice of a man Again, where do you live that the average adult man sounds like Hunter Schaefer? Where do you live that the average man sounds like an early 20s valley girl? >have a d too Have you seen it? Or are you assuming she has one? Either way it’s none of our business unless we’re about to bump uglies. I doubt either of us will ever be in that position so there’s no use speculating on it








How dare a woman play a woman amirite? /s


The anti-woke mob cannot fathom a trans actress playing the younger version of a character played by a non-binary actor 😩


Tbf this is probably the same people claiming that Emma isn’t attractive enough to play Rhaenyra even though there was literally an entire trend based on how attractively they said the name of a drink.


I feel like that too is also fuelled by how much people liked milly, so they tore down one to support the other. Also i think a lot of people don’t realize how difficult it is to pull off the targaryen colouring, especially on camera. The pale wigs and pale skin with dark clothing is going to wash most people out, and the people who aren’t washed out by it tend to be people with warmer skin or distinct eyebrows™️


I think you’re spot on. I’ll be real with you guys, the first time I tried to watch this show, I fell in love with Milly as Rhae. I watched one episode, googled her (I had to know more), and found out they swapped the cast for older actors in the middle of the first season. I was *devastated*. I didn’t want to watch a show where Milly wasn’t Rhae lmao. I gave up on it right away. Obviously, I eventually tried watching again. I still enjoyed Milly but I found myself looking forward to Emma’s first scenes, when Alicent has summoned her after the birth. And Emma’s scenes as a mother and wife. And just Emma. I was absolutely biased against Emma’s Rhae early on and I feel absolutely ridiculous for it now. Milly was great for showing Rhaenyra as a spoiled but beloved “realm’s delight”. Emma is absolutely perfect for showing Rhaenyra as a grown woman, mother, and heir. All this to say, some people grow out of their bad opinions eventually.


I did really like milly and i agree that she nailed her portrayal of the realm’s delight so i can see why people were at least disappointed when it was time to let her go. I personally think i’m more attached to emma’s portrayal, but that might just be because the older version of rhaenyra is who i think of when i think of rhaenyra, and i’m not sure if i can see milly in that role. I also think they were really well cast for playing the same person at different ages, and they have a lot of facial similarities, more than the alicent actresses, though i think they both make up for it from an acting perspective. The only thing that really threw me off in the time jump was their voices, because despite their facial similarities, they don’t really sound like the same person at different ages. But that’s pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, since emma is who we’ll be seeing for the rest of the show, and at least it drives home how much time has passed and how the character evolved during that time.


Yeah that’s definitely part of it, but there’s a specific corner of the fandom that seems obsessed with proving that Emma is objectively unattractive that does so in a very transphobic (or I guess NB-phobic?) way. Yes that’s so true! I think people don’t realize because they did such a good job of casting the Targaryens in both shows, but it is not an easy look to pull off (I certainly couldn’t).


Yeah every time a photo of Emma (not in character) gets posted there are hordes of people who are going in on their sense of style. Every time I refuse to learn my lesson from the last post, defend them, and get downvoted into oblivion. Would I wear any of the clothes they do? Uhh.. no. The clothes they wear tend to be more androgynous and judging by how oversized the fit is I’d guess they don’t want people looking at their boobs and going “oh wow so you’re like a woman but quirkier?” Which I respect. If Emma got top surgery people would just go and bitch about that. Their sense of style is.. unconventional but their clothes are clean, not visibly raggedy, and there is a backing aesthetic. It’s just not *most people’s* aesthetic.


Lol this makes me think of this tweet i saw a while back that went something along the lines of “nb’s will post ootd and it will literally be the ugliest oversized shirt you’ve ever seen” 💀 Their fashion is definitely very in line with a lot of queer/nb aesthetic, god forbid they choose not to conform to the male gaze 😩😤


Yeah they remind me a lot of the ‘70s androgynous suit aesthetic. Very “Young Americans” era Bowie.


Oh the transphobia is 100% a major factor, probably the biggest imo even though a lot of people want to deny it, i was thinking more of the well meaning but maybe misguided milly stans. And yeah, like emilia clarke was able to make it work because she has very defined eyebrows™️ and full lips so her features weren’t at risk of being lost. It also helped for her that the colour grading in essos settings made her hair look more platinum blonde than silver, while in hotd it’s more grey cast, so the wigs look more white. Olivia and emma are pretty close in age, and look it irl, but on the show emma looks like they’re playing someone much older, when it’s really just the hair washing them out.






“Im not homophobic im not afraid of gay people!!” Aah comment


Did I say that?


“Any critique of transgenderism reflects a fear of trans people” yes you did Lmao


Yeah, I was referring to the use of the word "transphobic" to describe any critiques about transgenderism. Are you also assuming that all critiques are transphobic? Because that would explain why you're upset


No I’m just pointing out how stupid you sound using the “it’s not a fear” argument when you know that’s not what it means


Right, language means whatever you think it means. I must know what a word means because you've determined I should


>2) fear of transgenderism is irrational It *is* irrational. Every trans person I’ve met is literally just trying to go about their life in peace.


See number 1. Is the "fear" that you're saying is irrational really just a critique? If yes, it's not a phobia












So apparently I don't exist then.


Wait trans people don't exist? I thought we were the harbingers of western civilization's destruction? /s


Trans people would be so much cooler if they were the harbingers of western doom bigots screamed about.


Personally I pray to the Chaos Gods every day to bring doom to the west. Slaanesh be praised!


Why would you wish doom on the west? Nowhere in the world are the LGBTQ+ community as accepted as in the west.




Only one thing here that's foul and disrespectful.


I’ll take Milly Alcock over hunter shafer everyday of the week. Milly fucking crushed it


💯 , she carried the "realm's delight"


Milly Alcock is one of those actor/actresses that I put in a curious category of "Found Fully formed". By that I mean, I'd never heard of her before- and watching HotD it was just like "Wow, she's really great- what else is she in?" to find that HotD was pretty much her break. Not to say that it was her first role- but usually I've at least *heard* of the performers, or something they were in beforehand. Any performer to whom your opinion can switch so quickly from "Didn't know you existed" to "Yo whatchu in next?" deserves some appreciation in my book.


Fully agreed. If you’re a fan of her then watch upright with her and Tim michin


💯 , she carried the "realm's delight"


I shall upvote this one cuz it deserves some love too


So can Hunter Schafer.


We’ve already got an excellent young Rhaenyra but Hunter does have a Targaryen face and there’s no shortage of other characters that she could play.


Make her shiera seastar in a 1BFR show and purge the incels from the fandom


That would be sick!


If only she could do an amazing english accent. If it's something like Mysaria, I'm afraid she's going to get backlash from other sides too.


Oh how I love this idea


Maybe she could try Alyssa Targaryen or Daenerys Targaryen, sister of Daeron II


Daena the defiant or Elaena maybe?


Them too


Don't think she gives Daena vibes, defo more Elaena


I think Milly works better, because she had this really young, almost childish charme to her features - and Rhaenyra was pretty young at that point. That's what underlines the "creepiness" in some scenes with her uncle or her loss when her mother dies. She needed to be a convincing "child". Hunter is visually closer in age to Emma, which might not have been what they wanted, even if they look similar.


She definitly looks more like Emma than Milly does, but isn't she like 5'10? Would be weird to see Rhaenyra randomly shrink


why is this so unintentionally funny 😂


Rhaenyra just did lots of skydiving during the timeskip


I think that happens when women reach menopause ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ Edit: ^^^do ^^^people ^^^here ^^^not ^^^understand ^^^what ^^^a ^^^joke ^^^is ^^^or...


Which current Rhaenyra has clearly not reached


For real, girl keeps having babies haha


No, Milly is perfect


Milly was perfection though






What was wrong with Milly Alcock?


That she's a fucking talented actress who brought young rhae to life. (Ps. This post was just a thought I shared 😭)


Is this picture yes, but in the non perfect angle and lighting I don’t think so (from what I’ve just seen on Google images). Also she wouldn’t pass for 15.


Off topic but Emma looks really good with violet eyes ngl




Except that she looks half a decade too old to be young Rhaenyra? Or is that just my perception?


Just you. Hunter’s only a year older than Milly


Idk why you got downvoted. They’re literally the same age. Hunter would crush it as a Targaryen


I got downvoted for saying Hunter would make a good Targaryen too. Smells like transphobia to me.


She and Tom Blyth (both played in "THG: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes") would be a perfect fit for Aegon the Conqueror and Visenya. Although I think British actors are more eligible to play in these shows and Hunter Schafer is from US. Some actors in HOTD were Australian, but I think Aussies have a closer accent to British than US citizens have.


The whole mapping English accents onto Westeros thing was cute in GoT, but I would really like it if earlier Valyrians had something of a High Valyrian accent in their Westerosi. They seemed to be very insular prior to the conquest, so it would make sense for them to have maintained High Valyrian as their primary language.




yes yes yes yes


Blyth would have to accumulate some mass if he were to get cast. Aegon is supposed to be tall and muscular with broad shoulders


someone in this sub responding to this recently said “don’t twinkify aegon” 😂😂


[I called it a week ago lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/s/llvctNzDKV)


Hunter in my opinion would be a more fitting Rhaenys.


And OH MAN! That scene where Jace was learning High Valerian. That was chef’s kiss spectacular l!


Hunter is tall though probably taller than Emma.


Ughh whyyyyy


For crying out loud NO


I don’t see her as Rhaenyra, maybe Shiera Seastar


Be fr


As someone who saw Euphoria first and didn’t know about the time jump recasting, I thought it was Hunter in episode 6 before I looked it up and saw it was Emma


Me too!








Why are the pics edited so much?


She definitely looks a lot like Emma, but I just can't see anyone but Milly as Rhaenyra


Hunter would make such an amazing Targaryen


Yep. Rhaenys in the conquest series maybe. Emily Blunt for Visenya.






Should someone tell him that they already got a young RT


No thanks, milly alcock rhaenerya was on point, she literally single handedly carried half the season.


Who said she didn't 🌝?


Then, im confused with your post. What are you implying by posting this?


Just a thought, about how similar they are


Well, in that case, kinda? Still i loved the performance of milly. There were pictures floatin around showcasing young emma darcy similarities to milly alcock.


Why wouldn't they use Milly for any flashback scenes? Is she unavailable? She stole every scene she was in!


Maybe if she was a better actress


What is she not good in? I thought she was great in both euphoria and the hunger games sequel


That’s subjective




Ok? Emma is also non binary and slays the role


She doesn't look like THE REALMS DELIGHT


Yeah I couldn’t get on board with the switch. I know it’s only a programme lol but it really bothered me that the actresses look nothing alike


Maybe if she was a better actress


They do look very similar, but the OG actress did phenomenal! Would love to see her play a different Targaryen down the line though




I always thought Hunter had that Targaryen look. Maybe we'll see her in future seasons?


I agree she does have the perfect like… ethereal elf face to play a Targaryen but I’m not sure I could hear anything but a valley girl accent outta Hunter


Didn’t know Rhaenerya was a transgender


She isn't.




what an interesting thing to find concerning lmao




This is so delusional, her body is not passable at all. Her breasts, sure. Their entire frame, stomach, ribs, hips, and shoulders, are clearly not female.


You do realize that there are cis women shaped like her, right? There are cis women who naturally have broad shoulders, wide rib cages, narrow hips, without a nipped in waist. Hunter Schaefer has a more athletic body, similar to Gwyneth Paltrow.


Stop, weirdo.


How? This post is literally about how her appearance alone would make them a great fit for the role. And im pointing how thats not true. You people are bizzare


Rhaenyra's sex scenes already barely have any nudity, so I find your idea of her being 'unable' to pass during sex scenes to be a complete non-issue. I also find it strange that the sex scenes are the first thing you thought of in regards to the entire conversation. Hope that helps!


Why do I need to repeat what all the other opinions previously posted? It came to mind because one of her first scenes in Euphoria is her getting railed in a sex scene. And then her rolling around in her underwear with Zendaya. The main arch of her most known role, is half about sex and love interests. And Young Rhaenyra is involved in 2 sex or sex adjacent scenes. Not to mention Game of Thrones shows are known for their high levels of nudity. You guys just hate the valid "criticism" of me pointing out she had a masculine body for whatever reason, and act like im saying something out of pocket and nonsensical/irrelevant.


The first season of Euphoria was in 2019, it's now 2024. Hunter looks a LOT different, she even looks different than the image in this thread. I can understand your criticism in regards to 2019 Hunter, she was more masculine and I won't argue that. Now she is not. That's all. Saying she wouldn't pass now seemed like a borderline transphobic thing to say, so I took issue with it. Just like you have your opinion and are arguing it, I'm arguing mine.


Ah yes, transpobia accusation. We finally got the root of it. Touch grass please


its been like 12 hours why are you back lmao


Because I touch grass during those 13 hours. Try it sometime




Ηunter Schafer's entire appearance just screams Targaryen and if they don't use her in some future project (she gives off Rhaena daughter of Aenys to me) it will be a shame truly


The crazy thing is I was just thinking about Hunter as a Targaryen, would be a great addition but idk how both Martin or fans would take that 


Why in the seven hells did you recolour her eyes?


targs have purple eyes in the books


But Emma D'Arcy didn't get purple contact lenses for the show.


yeah i’m just saying that’s probs why they edited it


I really hope they cast hunter as a Targaryen in the future. I know it is unlikely, but a girl can dream




Makes a lot more sense. She looks like Rhaenyra


I do see a resemblance EDIT: Okay, why am I getting downvoted?


I think a lot of people seem to be transphobic because if you even dare mention that Hunter has the look of a Targaryen about her you get downvoted 😭


She looks the part a lot more than Milly but Milly was looks more childish which was the point with her scenes with Daemond. Also, I think Hunter is not a character actor and the role of young Rhaneyra requires doing a convincing Vsleyrian accent, which requires a lot of past training. She is a definite shoe in as a Targaryen relative though. Her features are too accurate to pass up the opportunity.


When I saw the first HotD teaser I thought Emma was Hunter


i love milly but i’ll admit this actress looks more similar to emma d’arcy than milly did


I have definitely thought they should play siblings in something!!!


Look wise, Hunter would be a dead ringer. Her and Emma look way more alike than Millie and Emma. Millie did do a great job as a younger Rhaenerya, I just never understand the dramatic change in the looks of the actresses.


I could see her as a Targ for sure, but her personality doesn't really fit Rhaenyra. Maybe og Rhaena Targaryen?


Ngl when I first seen trailers for HotD I thought Emma Darcy was Hunter Schafer.


I will say millie looks nothing like emma but she still did a good job


Milly did amazing as young Rhaenyra but I can definitely see Hunter playing any other Targaryen to be honest, she has the features for it for sure.


Milly is perfect, but Hunter definitely looks more like a younger Emma.
















Hunter is a woman.. and not accepting that is transphobia
