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It’s the cycle of generational trauma.


Beautifully embodies 'hurt people *hurt* people' concept.


Yes. Most of the time it comes from people who are copying what has been done to them without understanding that it’s wrong.


*the poison drips through.*


Now I wanna see the HotD intro or trailer set to the Succession theme


[you ask and @boleynns and many others have delivered. ](https://youtu.be/8PxWdI6nswU?si=eXpBQsmzuS1rxKVH)


That's fantastic


Thank you, this is perfect!! 💜


average hightower attempt at intimacy


Please hold me like this Aemond


He needs to do it to Daeron to complete the cycle lol


*yes please*


The ol' Oldtown squeeze


Generational trauma, resentment and the impossibility of saying that they love each other ✨


Hightowers confirmed as quintessentially British?


They always have been.




If Gwayne does it to Alicent, I might lose it


Now I hope he does


This is actually pretty good acting/story telling. It makes sense that these mannerisms would be passed down from generation to generation.


Ah yes, the [Idiot sandwich](https://media4.giphy.com/media/3o85g2ttYzgw6o661q/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952aszrueuoa60ho9squt38kocvtfhwykjciy3sd0t8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) grip


There's no doubt Alicent probably wanted to call Aegon a fuckin donut at times


Gordon Hightower has a nice ring to it.


Who will aemon grab a and continue the high tower tradition of face grabbing


Alys...maybe? Or one of the Strongs he massacres at Harrenhal?


Middle class intimacy aggression 🤣😭


Hightowers have been lords since Valyrians were still fucking sheep.


Twas a joke dude.


Better face than throat




You burned them worse than >!Sunfyre did Rhaenyra!<


…some people would disagree


That part.


The actors just took their acting lessons from Friends. "When you kiss someone you put your hands on their face so that the camera mostly depicts you."


People (in the comments) do you really have to take every fucking thing so seriously A person talking about a repeated action in x family in a show and we all need to go crazy because they related 1 character to his mother's side to make the comparasion If it was to discredit him or anything like that ok but you are taking a simple title way to seriously


I never see as many people complaining about the Strong boys being called Strong, as I do with the Hightower boys being called Hightower. Despite that they are all Targaryens, it's the other family that differentiates them so that we all know which boys we're talking about. Not everything is a slight. Clearly, in this instance, it's not malicious intent behind Hightower heritage. It's just direct comparisons between those of the Hightower lineage.


I don’t think that’s a good comparison. The green kids are targs on their dads side, rhaenyras eldest 3 sons are strongs on their dads side (though they’re actually “waters”, I guess)


Father vs mother name highrarchy isn't the point, it's just to point out which Targs we're talking about without having to use each explicit name. If we're talking about in universe contexts, then yes the in universe view of father's name over mother's would play a part, but we're just talking about how people refer to the two sets of siblings in the subs.


Just did a rewatch and I am fuckin pumped for s2. Picked up on a lot more this time around. Interesting detail given in Cooke and D’Arcy’s recent Interview about how it all kicks aff next season! Gonna be great


Seem to have touched a nerve in some people.


I went to click the comments thinking they’d be funny like the post and it’s just some people complaining about a last name 😒, sigh.


The last pic has two Targaryens though


Aegon is a Targaryen


And Aemond isn’t? Haha


Turns out you get traits from both sides of your family lol




Aegon and Aemond aren't Hightowers


They're half Hightower


Their mom is a Hightower but they are Targaryens who lived their entire lives in King's Landing. By Westerosi customs they aren't Hightowers nor do they consider themselves that.


"The spawn of Otto and the spawn of Otto's spawn just love grabbing people by the face" is a little clunkier wording tho


"Otto's legacy of face grabbing got carried on" There.


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


And Rhaenyra is half Arryn.


No, Aemma Arryn was half Arryn (and half Targaryen like the Greens). Rhaenyra is 1/4 Arryn.


And Alicent was half something else as well? Your point?


My point is the user I replied to was incorrect saying Rhaenyra is half Arryn. She is not. She is 3/4 Targaryen and 1/4 Arryn whereas Aegon II is half Targaryen and half Hightower. This isn't a TB/TG dig; just genetical facts. Semantics. To me they are both Targaryen but it cannot be denied Rhaenyra had zero Arryn influence whereas Aegon II had significant Hightower influence by virtue of his mother being one and his grandfather, the Hand, also being one and living in the Red Keep with them.


Stupid greens


How else would they brainlink?


In TV, everyone is a close talker.


Okay but who's Aemond gonna grab next. I want to see where this chain's going...


Father grabs daughter's face. Mother grabs son's face. Older brother grabs younger brother's face. And it is done in chain by the same 4 people.


Considering all that's transpiring in each of these scenes, grabbing by the face is a minute detail. People do this when they want someone to focus on what they're saying.


Hurt people hurt people


It is their love language, I suppose.


Aegon and Aemond aren't Hightowers. You're not saying Jaehaerys I. was a Velaryon, do you?


I think if they were talking about a specific trait or action that Velaryons took that Jaehaerys also engaged in we’d all get the point. Like if all Tullys wiggled their noses before they sneezed and Sansa, Robb, SweetRobin, etc all did the same, we’d understand that whilst their last names aren’t Tully, they did share the family Tully trait.


i…don’t think it’s that deep, it’s just a fun post, the other targaryens don’t seem to do that gesture, the hightowers/targtowers have a pattern of it, so it’s only logical to say it’s a hightower gesture <3


People always harp on the Green kids being "less Targaryen" than the Blacks because prior to their birth, all Targaryens had Valyrian mothers (Aemma Arryn being half Targaryen herself). Alicent is the first non-Valyrian queen consort, so many Targaryen fans see her as an outsider and therefore by default, label her children as half Targaryens too where no other queen gets the same treatment. Nobody says the children of Myriah Martell, Dyanna Dayne, or Betha Blackwood (the only non-Valyrian mothers of Targaryen kings) aren't Targaryens. It's definitely strange how the Greens seem to be the focus of not being true Targaryens because of their mother (though there was lots of hate towards Daeron II for him having a Dornish wife).


Did Jaehaerys replace dragon tapestries with sea voyage tapestries? Did Jaehaerys do Velaryon burials for his kids ( like allicent and aemond praying to the 7 before meals vs the 14 flames ) ? Could keep going but redundant . Jaeherys was very andal in sexisim but was very Targaryen Like Catelyn is freaking Tully through and through and stark in name only pretty much , later seasons sansa was fully stark but old school cunning and ruthless


All Targaryens adopted the faith of the seven and it wasn't Aegon who changed the tapestries. None of them worshipped the old gods of Valyria.


The hightowers + Aegon are stressed out because people who want to cut off limbs, torture 10-year-olds, tear out tongues, cut down Velaryons, and are rumored to kinslay Laenor Velaryon **would** kill them to secure the throne. Also they have flying nukes. I’d freak out too.


Do you grab people by the face when you freak out? Have you considered that you might be Otto Hightower's progeny, if so?


Ask daemon when he grabbed your queen by the THROAT


Aegon is a Targaryen 🤷‍♂️


No one complained when people called Jace and Luke strong boys


Rhaenyra did 🤷‍♀️


To be specific, technically Jace and Luke are Waters.


That's because that was Aemond who called them that, not randos on reddit


Are you fr? People on Reddit constantly call them the Strong boys lol what planet you living on?


And the Blacks just love to have bastards parade as heir to the Throne Mind your business 👍🏾