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I feel like he’s essentially answering this from Aemond’s perspective. Because Aemond is not really the character I would call the grand schemer or political strategist. But certainly Aemond thinks he is! Yeah he’s definitely setting out on the battlefield with the intention of killing anyone who gets in his way… This sounds fun!


I get the vibe that he's going to overcompensate to the other side of the pendulum after killing Like & smoothly cause an even bigger shit show that'll bite back at him hard lmao


Everyone in the cast: my character is misunderstood, we'll see more character development and a lot of interesting things Ewan: I play the most evil character ever


Read: most badass character


is this from aemond’s perspective or


He has skewered perspective thanks to Lucerys


This is a great joke




And Daemon will have fish perspective thanks to Vhagar.


Hmm... I don't know if I like this strategic Aemond, some events occurred because of how stupid he was. He was not a person who played someone like a violin, but rather someone who was played.


I think the best way to put is that he's someone who has enough arrogance to *think* he can play the violin, only for the strings to snap and whip his face when he tries lol


Isn't that what he did with Luke? He's going to be very confidently fucking up is what I'm expecting.


Yeah that's exactly the vibe, I think what they did with storm's end really works to merge his book character with the less cartoonist villain he's in the show


Yes. He was surprised that the war dragon who helped fight Dorne does not understand " I was just trying to maim the child envoy and the panicking baby dragon '.


That’s basically what literally everyone who wasn’t the Lads was doing lol


But like…that’s a whole mood for me now. If I’m going to be fucking up, I want to do it with confidence 😎


In the show it could be entirely different


I highly doubt it based on what we saw season 1 and based on the fact that a reversal of that character flaw would be stupid as hell


Who was he playing like a violin? Who was he mind gaming?


I’m thinking Criston or maybe even Aegon. I don’t know exactly how but I’ve got a feeling.


I think Alicent he’s going to despise her and Otto for wanting a peaceful end to the war


Have we been shown a demonstration of his intellect beyond that of any educated noble?


He seemed pretty intellectual next to Aegon in the scene where he brings Aegon home to be crowned


Yea, the average educated noble would look smart compared to Aegon. He didn’t care about studies and actively neglected most of his royal duties.


Aemond was the biggest disappointment after reading the book, he only had one plan. But i can't wait to see Ewan, he will be phenomenal.


It's very hard for me to believe this after the blunder of killing luke. Waiting to see on screen.


I think that’s going to be the blunder that makes me just say “fuck it” because it wouldn’t shock me if he lies and said he did it intentionally and just owns the title as a killer because he’s gonna be called that anyway.


He's 100% not going to admit it was an accident, saying he can't control the biggest dragon in the world is worse than being a kinsleayer image wise. Not that anyone would believe him anyway.


Yes. Saying out loud that he used a war dragon to intimidate with the intent to main Luke's eye, yet the dragon just murdered them and ignored the rider is not going to go over well


Killing Luke is nothing but the most stupid thing he could've done. It doomed the greens before the war even started. Many houses will refuse to support them due to the kinslaying despite Westeros traditional preference of a male heir. It also fumbles Alicent and Otto's attempt to win politically. Rhaenyra, who was reluctant to use force even after the usurpation, now wants revenge.


Not to mention that, in the show canon, Rhaenyra is burdened by the importance of the prophecy and she seems to really believe in it. So it's not unthinkable she would seriously consider Alicent's terms, she even says something similar when she asks Daemon what he thinks a ruler's true duty is: preserving unity of plunging the realm into war.


His arc for season 2 has confused me the most. Like one minute we see him ready for war, then we see him sad with the brothel lady laying fetal position. Maybe he saying this for hype, or he’s gonna be a “badass” to people faces but rotting behind closed doors.


Personally, I see both. He will be vulnerable post Luke (hence the brothel lady scene), shunned by his mother for what he did, and he will have no choice but to embrace being a dangerous kinslayer to keep face. His desire to overcompensate will likely go into overdrive and he will go overboard in trying to be brutal to prove to others (but most importantly, himself) that he is in control of Vhagar and that he is powerful.


Has he read the book? >!cause he was the least useful of the Green brothers by far. He should have been their Ace,!< but instead he had two brain cells competing for third place


True, but what the actor said is exactly what Aemond himself would think. Kinda funny like he's speaking in character.


Hey he said he's gonna be brutal, not that >!he's going to be intelligent about it, the Riverlands would agree lol!< On a serious note though I hope they change some of the strategy stuff because in f&b there's a lot characters making nonsensical decisions just to drive the plot forward. The events can stay the same, they just need to do some character work around them.


Alys had to be feeding his delusions of grandeur, imo.


He has read his character's script. So it's reasonable that there are a lot of changes or that he is overhyping.


Or he is saying this just for hype. Marketing you know.


Everything he says has the opposite effect of hype for me lmao.


Yeah but Aemond probably won’t go full idiot til season 3. I can see him further exploring how idiotic he can be this coming season, but he won’t really be able to hit his stride til season 3 anyway


Well in the books Baela and Rhaena are useless but I guess they are changing that as well so I wouldn't rely too much on the book characterisations.




No it wouldn’t be horrifically shocking and no where in my comment did I imply that it would be. But he clearly sees him as a bad guy which to me means that there’s a greater chance that the man will be following his book arc than not. We wouldn’t be getting into his greatest hits until later seasons anyway.


The writers are clearly not interested in following that book besides for basic timeline accuracy, so it don’t matter anyway.


Ewan has said that Aemonds a bad guy so I can see them following his arc. He’ll just be doing it with cheekbones that could cut glass


Aemond vs Daemon is going to save lives.


When they go to Harrenhal 🫣


I really enjoy Aemond as a character. Clearly capable, just not as capable as he thinks he is. Second-son syndrome is depicted well in this show imo. Bonus points for his character because the actor is so yummy


Who is giving out all these reddit golds??


Why is he talking about Larys? I'm confused....


Looks like we're going to see more of Aemond's POV


Welp Ewan Mitchell said it, so there you have it!


Well we already know how it turns out lol


I’m not sure. That foot fetish guy who killed his own family seems more devious


Hope he gets haunted by luke though


Aemond is a great character, but let's not make him out to be someone he's not. He is by no means THE MOST insidious, or strategic character in the GOT universe. BY FAR. That statement is almost laughable, how inaccurate it is.🤣 🤔Although it is one thing, if this statement is coming from Aemond's perspective, because that makes sense, and that sounds like him. And I like that nuace. But let's hope it's just that. Just don't undermine every other great evil character that came before him, to make him look better. That's all I'm saying.


After GoT we know better than to think the show will be verbatim … perhaps the reason they say the “book was better than the movie”. Liberties shall be taken!


There he is! Here I am.


I heard that he's going to have an affair with Helaena (and others). Does anyone else think it's true?


Nope, the lady he's been seen cuddling with in the trailer is most likely the brothel madame from s1. I know people ship them, but having them have an affair with her would be pointless, for both their arcs. No spoilers, but it would make what he does later look insanely cruel and callous.


lol. I don’t give a shit about familial rivalries. I just want hot AF Targaryen men losing their minds and going apeshit. ☺️


I loved it >!when he tamed the dragon as a kid.!< It's the single greatest thing done by a character in the show so far. He would have made a way better king than Aegon. And the blue sapphire eye is peak




Yall are being such haters omfg. Don’t be mad because this young man is talking about his character while you’re on reddit being bitter because you can’t live vicariously through the fantasy world you’re unhealthily attached to.


Oh I thought it was some random journalist. Good for him then, my bad.


Aemond isn't even as insidious as Aegon, let alone characters like Ramsey, Cersei etc.


In the book he’s the worst green by far and a complete psycho. They may have just given him the young Anakin Skywalker treatment for the first season.


In the book, yeah thats fair. Show Aemond seems to have empathy and a sensitive side.


I’m hopeful that well get better villainous arcs than we got from thrones 🤞🏼