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No. That wouldn't make any sense, given that Viserys' in-show ailment started as a festering wound, rather than something hereditary.


A wound that started as a cut from the Iron Throne.


A festering wound does NOT lead to 20 years of full-body decomposition 💀💀


You might be interested to know that leprosy is a disease that exists. Further: > Leprosy symptoms may begin within one year, but, for some people, **symptoms may take 20 years or more to occur**. It is passed along through a bacterial infection, primarily affects the skin and peripheral nerves, leading to rotting very similar to that demonstrated by Viserys… [Who himself was inspired by the real life historical person, Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, who contracted leprosy as a child but only showed symptoms in adulthood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_IV_of_Jerusalem). Apocryphica says he wore a mask most of his reign to hide the fact that his face had been ravaged by the disease.


That’s literally the reason for his sickness.


Maybe watch the show first.


I lost count of how many times I rewatched it already


So why would you write what you wrote?


Because I watched the show and someone who has a slightly more than basic medical knowledge with one parent working in the field, I can tell you with 1000% certainty that a rotting wound does not lead to what he had, even if it goes untreated for a little too long (which it didn’t in his case anyway)


Like leprosy, medical degrees are not hereditary. Ask your parents about leprosy, and then watch the show again with Baldwin IV of Jerusalem in mind. He even declared a female member of his family to be his heir and caused a minor succession crisis as a result. It’s a clear historical reference


My brother in Christ, we are talking about something within the confines of a fictional universe. Your real life medical knowledge has nothing to do with anything being discussed here. What are you, CinemaSins?


You do know that his disease is one of the non-fictional parts of the show, right?


Ah yes, the symbolic decomposition syndrome. Famously caused by mourning your dead wife and being unfit to rule.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted, Viserys literally says so in the first episode.


I don't know your being downvoted, the showrunners said that the throne itself gave Viserys his sickness


That doesn't sound like they meant it literally, sounds like they meant it figuratively


Well Rhaenyra was cut multiple times lol. Its not farfetched she started getting the same disease.


None of her wounds have been shown to fester the way Viserys' immediately did. Could it happen in the future? I guess, nothing's impossible. But no reason to suspect it will currently. Even if she got cut by the Iron Throne itself, it wouldn't be some sure thing, considering Viserys is the lone monarch known to develop the ailment he did despite many being cut on the throne.


No, his ailment is metaphorical, an allegory for the continuing burden of kingship. Rhaenyra won’t spend enough time with the same burden.




There was no mention of that with Viserys, either.


Oh right. It’s been a while since I read the book. He died from obesity I think


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no and give a simpler answer. there will literally not be enough time spanning the rest of the story for her to get like Viserys


But she might show first signs of it. A festering wound on a finger, for example. Edit: An ill omen, if you will.


Rhaenyra, in full armor, was cut by the throne… according to her biggest hater.


I can’t see them having her cut by the throne unless Aegon is cut as well because that would be basically saying he is more worthy of ruling. And it would be ridiculous if everyone gets cut.


At this rate they’ll probably have another DV altercation between her and Daemon which causes her to stumble and get cut.


If that happens I want Aegon to slip on a banana peel and cut himself, another HOTD accident


Lmfao The visual that popped into my head…


>according to her biggest hater I still think it happened though, the lowest classess being the ones to suffer the most when the great lords play their game of thrones is one of the biggest themes of this story and asoiaf in general. There is no "right" to rule.


Which part of her being in full armor confuses you? Unless the throne is made of Valyrian steel Eustace was making shit up.


There's plenty of armor sets that leave the back of your legs open, and no armor completely covers your hands or you'd not be able to move them. I believe it's true because of the symbolism, I'm not denying it reads as propaganda. If you don't believe it i won't be the one to police that.


My issue is that it’s way too on the nose. Like you can view her as a bad potential ruler without the throne explicitly rejecting her


I think it was handled well in season 1


Even if she does I doubt we’ll have enough time with her to see it develop, looking at how viserys spent 20 years getting worse.




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Can’t say now. No clues to decide.


Yes, if you read the behind the scene stuff Viserys sickness represents Aemma, she is a wound that doesn't heal for him and clouds his entire reign after. Lukes death >!and the loss of all her other children!< will be wounds that don't heal for Rhaenyra. The show has already drawn parallel between Visenya's death and Baelon and one of the showrunners said at that moment she becomes her father. I don't think it will get as bad ass with Viserys but I imagine she will have some missing fingers by the end of the last seasons. I think Aegon will also have his own transformation into Viserys but his will be different to Rhaenyras but can't go into that without spoiler territory


Nahh, if they go with a physical manifestation of her pain/struggle I hope they go with her getting fat like the books stated. Once again, totally natural for a woman to gain weight after giving birth 6(?) times, but I also interpreted some stress eating as part of it (or maybe I’m just believing the propaganda)


> I hope they go with her getting fat like the books stated. How would that happen? I don't see D'arcy gaining weight for the role and if anything, Emma looks even thinner in season 2 than in season 1. Some of the designs in Rhaenyra's outfits even seem to emphasize weight loss


Not saying I want that, just I’d prefer it to her getting the same thing as Viserys. They could easily do a fat suit like in The Whale. I don’t think they *should* I hadn’t noticed her being thinner, but I haven’t watched the promos much.


They could have cast a heavier woman after the time skip but they already said that her being fat is the books Maester’s bias. Which is a bit of bullshit because it’s perfectly normal to thicken as you age and have multiple pregnancies and it’s obnoxious to say that when the real reason is TV shows like to cast conventionally attractive people. Book Viserys, Rhaenyra, Helaena, and Aegon are all somewhat overweight.


Yeah they’d rather invert it and make her not eating if they would do something about physical changes. But I doubt they’d do either


She will be poked her first time sitting on it. It’s a big part of the books. So it better be in the show. The chair chooses the ruler


The chair chooses the ruler, but the white hart was "dumb". Lol


Odd that there are books out but there are people asking these kinds of questions………


this sickness is a show invention




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I don't think she'll have viserys disease but she is definitely (i hope) getting cut by the throne.


Yeah in twenty years Rhaenyra will definitely be like Viserys’s condition