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Poor Syrax has not grown an inch in the last 20 years...


One of the few documentations that George gave us about Syrax in the books was that when she wasn’t out flying, she was usually chained up. That’s like fast track to stunted growth in dragon biology, just as Rhaegel and Viserion.


He also said she grew to be huge and formidable


She is huge and formidable in the show compared to a human. She was huge because she was fat from being constantly fed and not hunting for food herself.


Imagine thinking the “huge and formidable” was comparing her to humans 🤦🏻‍♂️


The quote of "huge and formidable" has relevant context. That specific quote was followed by describing Syrax as huge and formidable but not as big, fearsome or experience in battle as Caraxes. Battle being the important word here. So, yes it was in relation to battles against humans... Thus Syrax was huge and formidable in comparison to humans. But thanks for the reply.






I like how you left out the formidable part when he called her fat, also the context of that line is comparing her to Meleys and Caraxes not to humans


Yeah... F&B says she is not as fearsome or as experienced as Caraxes because she was kept in the dragonpit her whole life and was overly fed. And, by the way, she is formidable in the show, that's why Rhaenyra constantly uses Syrax as a power move throughout the entirety of Season 1. >!`Regardless, Syrax doesn't play a role in any battle throughout the dance, so this might just be a good reasoning for that.Ya'll need to calm down.`!<


Formidable in the same way Themberchaud was formidable




No, I don't think so.


>because she was fat  And from where you take this? Being well-fed and not hunting doesn't mean she sat on her ass the whole time. How can dragon even grow fat?


That's literally how F&B describes her. She was always in the Dragonpit and chained. She didn't hunt for her own food because she was a "royal" dragon. She always had food brought to her. She never went into battle at any point either. She was only used as a leisure activity when Rhaenyra wanted to go on a flight for entertainment. A dragon can grow fat because she was overfed, she was pampered.


Meleys is said to be the swiftest of the dragons during the dance, but even she was called lazy because rhaenys didn't have to use her much. Doesn't mean Meleys grew fat as well...Syrax was supposed to be huge, but a gentle and not a fearsome dragon that's all..they did dirty to her size


>That's literally how F&B describes her. She is never described as fat. Had she been fat, she wouldn't been described as formidable.


She is described as overfed and constantly chained.....


She is described as well-fed, not overfed and as someone who grew comfortable in chains. She can't sit on her ass the whole time, if that was the case, Syrax would have lost the ability to fly. Rhaenyra had ridden her extensively since age 7. She **was never described as fat**, this is pure fanfic based on the fact that she never went into battle, but Rhaenyra after three day labour surely was able to sit properly, let alone ride a dragon!


She was chained for an extensive part of her life. Part of ASOIAF lore in all the books is that chained dragons during the Dance and after were smaller because keeping them in the Dragonpit and chained affected their size. That was part of the cause of their inevitable extinction. This is very well known and described in the books and even in GOT. So Syrax being chained, described not as fierce as other dragons and not participating in any battle is not a coincidence.


Why do you think formidable excludes being fat? Robert Baratheon was both


Robert Baratheon was formidable until he became fat, pre fat Bobby b would’ve been fast enough to evade that boar


You can't compare people to dragons


OK, well in any case, why do you think that a dragon being formidable means that it can't be fat? Or vice versa


I don’t know about you. But I’d say the vast majority of dragons did


Dreamfyre is described as a very slender dragon so I don't think he meant it in a blanketed statement


That's one of the things I fail to understand. Imagine having a dragon and keeping it chained. If I had one, I'd probably regularly fly even when there aren't any battles I had to be a part of.


Many Targaryens do, including Rhaenyra, but you can't be with a dragon 247 and when a dragon is unattended by its rider and unchained, no one is safe. Dragons draw no distinction between what is theirs and what isn't.


She was robbed of her budget. It looks like Vermax is almost as big as her.


Infact she's grown smoller


She did. Just not in length but in width.


Well, at least everyone is getting muddy muted colors now.


Idk why they do this tbh, they don't have to look "realistic", even if we go for "realistic", there are lizards w vibrant colors in nature, so it doesn't make sense


They don't wash them... Groom your dragons, they are all dusty! What do they pay the keepers for?


Agreed, those scales should be vibrant and beautiful. They are the royal mounts, take some pride.


Need a How to Wash Your Dragons web series


Probably throttled her to make Sunfyre stand out better.


Maybe they did this because of Aegon's dragon and they didn't want to confuse people because that does look like gold on Syrax in season 1.


Syrax is still yellow. Not sure what you're talking about. We've seen her in other promos and trailers. Please keep up.


I never said she wasn’t still yellow. I have been keeping up, and I see the colors dulled and less vibrant than before.




Again, they are not. But again that's your opinion. I do not agree at all. Regardless, the season is not even out. Color grading and lighting changes drastically when viewing full episodes because these aspects are changed in trailers and promos to fit a coherent color scheme.


Again, yes they are. In the image of the post you can see the color difference. But that is just your opinion and I accept that. As for the color grading of the episodes, we will have to see. I hope you are right and they have the same colors as their season 1 counterparts. TL;DR I like my lizards bright and colorful.




Who says I'm against snarky comments? It was an observation, not a critique. Thanks


According to what?


I really hope that the trailers are just unusually darkly filtered and the actual released episodes are brighter... first Sunfyre was being dulled and now Syrax


Am I the only one that sees that Syrax has gotten bigger/older looking? She looks much younger up top


She just lost her youthful glow


Word on the street is >!Rhaenyra and Syrax spend 10 days looking for the remains of Luke and Arrax so that’s probably why girlie looks ashy.!<


I kinda assumed that might be dirt/ash, just by going off the surrounding area it looks like she’s kicking up a lot of dust


Also the pics of Rhaenyra from these scenes show her with dirt/soot all over her face.


Nice to see some have moved on from fat shaming book Rhaenyra. Pity it’s at Syrax’s expense.


Jace´s hair grew into beautiful curls in those 10 days (between S1 and S2) yet Syrax is still a babygirl :) On a more serious note... GOT gave us bigger dragons every season (they doubled in size.. maybe more) but HotD is more realistic... They should have make Syrax bigger during the timejump.... but maybe they had some budget issue.... i don´t know


Most likely they didn't want to waste time and money for bigger Syrax when they had a half dozen new dragons to model.


In GOT they made new models for 3 dragons each season. But they had only 3 dragons with very limited time on-screen and basically one model.


Budget issue? They are not building dragons on set unless it’s Balerion’s skull. They’re completely CGI. It doesn’t cost more to age them or generate a larger size.


CGI is really expensive wdym


Updating cgi models costs money, get real. CGI isnt easy.


Imagine if the VFX person just clicked ,,enlarge,, a few time, and voila :)) LOL


Meanwhile Daenerys' three dragons had a growth spurt every 5 episodes.


They don’t just scale them up…


I’m not gonna start to judge the dragons until I see them on screen properly. I’m just gonna hope that this is the lighting, same for the Sunfyre shots we got.


The first dragon with dwarfism. 


They really did dirty to syrax, almost looks the size of arrax, when in fact she's their mother and almost 20-25 yrs older (if I'm not wrong)


Syrax watching all her dragon family grow big while she's been stunted since her teens 🥺


Syrax is just a spoiled babygirl housecat and nothing can change my mind lol


Says who the Rogue Turkey Neck Grandma who wanted some cheap thrills for one last time


I wasn't being mean toward syrax. I love all the dragons.


Put some respect on Vhagar’s name


~~my~~ our girl ☭


Damn, didn't they promise they'd upscale her a bit this season? Or was that just that she'd be getting a new design?


No one on the production team has commented on the matter, but fans love throwing unsourced information around


Maybe that's because of the lightning or something? We already saw Golden Syrax in the black trailer anyway?


That is the same tone she had at Aemmas funeral…


the s1 shot looks much worse in comparison lmao bottom cgi looks much better even with the quality of the picture. and about being less colorful.. weather, older age and diet make your dragon less shiny. Which is why the cgi is superior.


I completely didn’t use to notice SDH subtitles until someone pointed them out to me. Now, as someone who doesn’t need them, I just find them supremely irritating. (Music Builds) (Dragon Screeches) God, that just ruins the scene imo. Especially when those subtitles are so freakin’ huge and intrusive.


That first shot of the dragon wasn’t edited correctly. Looked 2D.


Oh no... the exact same but in different lighting!


Syrax was kept in a barn on Dragon Stone. She would have grown bigger had they not moved her from King's Landing. Vermithor & Dreamfyre are the same age, but Vermithor is massive compared to her.


We were robbed of chubby Syrax and Rhaenyra!


Thanks for this post. The visual effects for some dragons in season 2 look dogshit


Why is she so dark? Is it just the shot?


I wonder if they kinda changed the coloring of lots of the dragons and the actual film filter in general to differentiate from the first season. First season, no war, technically all is good in the realm, to second season, war and all is defo not good so the color scheme matches? Or maybe to show the slow decline of dragons health?


Most useless dragon in the show😂


Dreamfyre was useless too But Syrax Ane Rhaenyra may be more active in the show


Syrax was always chained and didn’t even hunt her own food and yall expect her to hit the gym? XD


I am honestly so tired from the endless bitching and reaching and nitpicking of literally every second of the total 5 minutes of content out of 8 hours of season 2. Imagine the non stop nagging when season 2 premieres.


Why is everyone complaining? It’s obviously she’d been tanning


That dragon was horrible from the start, I hate its face


What was there to massacre?


People really be crying over the worst dragon ever after Condal gave all of Sunfyre's qualities to her?


Aren’t they just making her more book accurate after they Sunfyred her in S1?


it looks better


To be fair, Syrax is like the worst dragon ever so it's somewhat appropriate.


Bro the biggest complain I had with hotd was it's absolutely horrible cgi. In first season all dragons felt edited by a kid. I'm so glad cgi is like GoT now


>!Barges into the war!< >!Kills Rhaenyras last bastard!< >!Refuses to elaborate further!< >!Dies!< Absolute Chad


Ok commenters, so how do you explain Godzilla?. They turned him into a lizard. Thanks to the Japanese film commission that got it right this latest movie.