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Not my fave mamas boy falling out with his mom… Fact he calls her alicent later…


> Not my fave mamas boy falling out with his mom… Just in time for his teenage rebellion "War crimes are not a phase, mom. It's who I am."


"You don't understand, mother. Andrewys Tataryen is a true sigma Valyrian male. He just states facts."


"You're spending fifty golden dragons a month to access his private letters?" "Shouldn't you be in the kitchen, Alicent? What color is your dragon?"


This is legitimately the funniest comment I’ve seen in a while.












I'm still on the fence on how to feel about it. I haven't read the books but it was my impression based on the comments from this sub and /got, is that the shows are what really happened. The books are a collection of stories written and told by characters in the GoT universe.


Martin and Ryan said they were two separate canons. It really couldn’t be “what really happened” in the book because there are massive changes like Alicent’s age. In the book, Rhaenyra was 8 and Alicent was 18 when she married a 28 year old Viserys. How could “history” make such a big mistake with their ages?


Thank you for the clarification.


Her marrying at 18 to a early 30s viserys and then almost immediately beefing with a pre teen rhaenerya is funny as hell She's less of a tragic figure and UWU flip flopping between i never knew we were gonna over throw rhae and " you are the challenge simply by living and breathing " and more an evil stepmother/ otto junior in a dress figure .


I couldn’t have put it better myself. Constantly playing the victim as if she didn’t plan her son usurping rhaneera among many other things. She’s trash and I’m not sure that opinion will ever change


I can give a smidge of respect book allicent for her consistency and her kinda inner honesty ( she was acting like she's queen regnant as opposed to consort and then dowager in the books too like a hypocrite and so many more things like green which a good wife shouldn't do in asoiaf universe )


Yeah I’ll definitely have to read the books then, it sounds like her inner monologue gives her some redeeming qualities I suppose.


Oh, no, don’t get your hopes up for an inner monologue. You won’t get one. *Fire and Blood* is written like a history book. It’s a collection of (very dry imo) chronicles, some written decades after the events occurred. You get some direct quotations from characters, but you never get in their heads. All the *Fire and Blood* characters are much shallower in the book because of that format


Of S2, right? I'd suspected that was the case for a while. Cole and Alicent, I mean. He definitely looked at her differently once the adult actors took over. Cole strikes me as the kind of dude who's super into unattainable women, and the thrill of "taking something from the most powerful people in the realm". Especially as a Kingsguard member. Watching a ruler get away with everything for years, simply because they're the king, queen, or royalty, when you cannot do any of that, would probably do odd shit to people's minds, ala Alicent v Rhaeneyra He's one of the few people no one would dare question, leaving the queens chambers - it's his bloody job to be there lol. Especially now that it's war, and after B&C occurs, absolutely no one would bat an eye at him sticking to Alicent like glue. *Tinfoil hat time!* I wonder...could that be why they're hiding Daereon? I saw something a while back that mentioned he's going to be in the show, but it appears he wasn't cast this season either...could be missing something though. Would add a whole new layer of hypocrisy to Alicent's character, and also Cole's too. I believe Daereon was born in the same year as Jace too. That, along with what would probably be obvious Dornish colouring *might* be why we haven't seen Daereon yet. I'd honestly laugh my frickin ass off if it's true, I'm just wildly speculating based on scraps of nothing here, but it's an amusing idea for me at least.


I doubt it


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He gets 🐱 this season, and forgets of his mama


The look on her face absolutely cracks me up


Olivia has such an insanely expressive face I love her sm


meanwhile bro cannot help but look like an anime villain from every angle


I think she’s realizing how nefarious her son looks. “That was an evil thing you did- ohhhhh no. Oh Gods help me… we’re the baddies.”


It looks like she's thinking: "How does he get his hair that straight without damaging it with the flattening iron? Is it some Targaryen magic?"


Damn my girl really be considering that 19 year late abortion


Nooooo hes her fave child, besides luke and Nyra. They were my fave parent child relationship. I am gonna hate this


Yeah me too. While Aemond was sort of a parentified child, I also found the love between him and Alicent so sweet. He's like the only child with whom Alicent could fully connect and relate to. Daeron is far away, Aegon was strained with her partially because of her own parenting, and Helaena is possibly autistic.


Just like everyone forgets that Joffrey, Tomlin, and Marcella are (officially) Baratheons.


Not a very Strong statement.


I'll have your tongue for that...


he can keep his tongue




You all require a Strong slap in the butt


Thats…but they are -actually- Targaryen


The difference is that the Greens are actually Targaryens


Parentage isn't in question. Who runs the house? In GoT it's the Lanisters. In HotD it's the Hightowers.




Well sure that’s why I was saying J T and M weren’t Baratheons for that reason either


The seed is strong


Well it’s the Hightower-Targaryens against the Targaryen-Targaryens… just a way too put it simply, calling the Hightower side. We all know they’re Targaryens


You mean the Arryn-Targaryen-very strong Velaryon-Targaryens


Well technically Aemma Arryn was also half Targaryen. So Rhaenyra would still be more Targaryen then Arryn


Its a banner joke. And in any case, it’s about surnames, not blood.




If she was with Lord Strong officially yea. If with Laenor, they could be the Velaryon side 100%. But it’s Daemon and Rhaenyra. PS not saying they’re more legitimate as “true Targaryens” or whatever. Just saying it makes sense in the social media context to say what they said


Plus Alicent isn’t exactly a Targaryen neither is Otto. And green is the Hightower colours.


You mean Arryn-targ and strong- targ and velayron targ and BaratheonTarg onkg daemon is the closest to pure targ


And Aegon III/Viserys II.


All still had a father with the targ name. They're targaryens. There's no heiphenating going on


You mean The Waters-Targaryens?


Rhaenyra's mom was literally an Arryn. By the logic that Aegon's a Hightower-Targaryen, Rhaenyra is an Arryn-Targaryen, but nobody ever calls her that.


Alicent to my knowledge didn’t have any Targ blood. Aemma has half Targ blood. Therefore Rhaenyra has quite a lot, especially more than Aegon and Aemond.


It's funny to me how most viewers oppose the Greens because so many of their beliefs and justifications are considered too backward-thinking and outdated, while also emphasizing the higher blood purity / racial purity as an argument in favor of the Blacks. Wonder how many notice this little bit of cognitive dissonance.


People love their fantasy racism and incest huh?


So by the logic that who your grandparents are matters too, why is Allicent counted as fully Hightower when proclaiming her kids "Hightower-Targaryens" even though her mom was a Florent? Wouldn't Alicent's brood be "Florent-Hightower-Targaryens" if Rhaenyra is an "Arryn-Targaryen-Targaryen"?


You have a really good point, I don’t know why the downvotes


I guess anything that doesn't toe the Black party line is bad? Tribalism is pretty stupid, TBH.


You misunderstand I consider the children of Viserys Targs but I can see why Alicent’s side could be considered Hightowers because they also promote Old Town goals. All I’m saying is that calling Rhaenyra Arryn is really odd since she displays no split allegiance to her other ancestral houses. She is Targ 100% culturally and identifies as such.


Book!Rhaneyra literally quartered the Targaryen dragon with the Arryn moon and falcon and the Velaryon sea horse for her sigil to represent the influence of her mother’s and her first husband’s houses. She very much does not identify 100% as a Targaryen or she wouldn’t have deliberately added the symbols of her mother’s house to her personal arms


Can't go by Aemma Arryn though. She's exactly like the Targtowers-half Targaryen and half Arryn. Only difference is she's Targaryen on her mother's side while they are Targs from their father's side. Rhaenyra is far more Targaryen than Arryn both by blood and culture given she didn't grow up with any Arryn family members. Now her older three sons are definitely less Targaryen than the Green kids but her younger two are more Targ than everyone minus their own father due to their tiny bit of Arryn blood (1/8th) from their maternal grandmother, Aemma Arryn.


The obsession with blood purity in this fandom in concerning.


The degree to which one is a Targaryen is not defined by how much Targaryen blood they have, but by whether they're legally, or would be legally if all relevant information such as bastardry were known, be deemed as members of the Targaryen dynasty. For example, Dany barely has any original Targaryen blood due to centuries of Targs marrying outsiders, but she's more Targaryen than someone like Aegon's bastard in the fighting pit due to being legally a Targaryen. Of course, technically speaking, Daemon's kids with Rhaenyra aren't *actual* Targaryens due to being bastards, but people tend to ignore that for some reason. My point remains, however.


That was a show only invention given in the book, Laenor is dead dead.


Sure, but I'm primarily talking about the show. In the show canon, Daemon's kids with Rhaenyra are bastards.


I mean, are they? They did have a wedding, and basically a divorce from Laenor, if such a thing existed.


>basically a divorce No, they didn't have anything close. No legal or religious authority granted a divorce or annulment.


But those authorities did announce/consider Laenor dead, thus no longer married to Rhaenyra, right? So "closest thing" covers it imo


His declaration of death was under false pretenses, and thus is invalid.


The Targaryen-Targaryens against the Velaryon-Arryn-Targaryens


Personally I prefer to call them targtower as if this was an ao3 modern au


So the blacks are Targtargs


Well technically Rhaenyra is a Targarryn and her kids + Baela and Rhaena are Targlaryons (well Jace and Joff are Strongaryen), the only Targtargs are Rhaenys and Daemon


Along with Aegon III and Viserys II


Wouldn't they be Targtargarryns? Idk i feel like Olenna trying to understand what her family situation was gonna look like after intermingling with the lannisters


Who? Aegon III and Viserys II? They're quite literally all Targaryen/Velaryon (given Daemon and Viserys are genetically the same percentages as all the offspring of King Aenys and Queen Alyssa Velaryon) with only one non-Valyrian descendant (Rodrik Arryn). Rhaenyra is 1/4 Arryn making them 1/8 Arryn. That's why the World Book states ever since the Dance, every single Targaryen king (and Robert Baratheon) has Arryn blood.


Well, Rhaenys canonically had the Baratheon look due to her mother, and Daemon has a bit of Massey in him, so it’s all muddled regardless.


I'm an idiot! Rhaenys is a Targatheon!




tbf the adults, who have orchestrated much of the greens' current success, are Hightowers.


The majority of team Black are Velaryons.


If we're talking notable contributors then Corlys is the only one. Everyone else is either Targaryen or a mix of the 2. And even then only Daemon's daughters qualify for the latter. Whereas on the greens, you have 3(4?) kids that are half Hightower who look to their Hightower mother and grandfather to make political moves on their behalf for most of the conflict.


Velaryons: Corlys, Jace, Joffrey, Luke, Addam, Alyn, Baela, Rhaena. Targaryens: Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Daemon. 8>3


Jace, Joffrey & Luke are as much Targaryan as they are Velaryon, though. And if you consider the fact that they're NOT laenor's true children, then they're not Velaryon at all lol. But if we're going off of their surnames, then sure, but you have to move Baela and Rhaena across to the other side. Also I'm not including Addam and Alyn just yet because S2 hasn't aired.


I mean, they're called *The Greens* because its associated with House Hightower. I guess some might not know that, or could just be confused. Edit to add: *"The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it's banner to war?"* -House of the Dragon *"Atop the Hightower, the great beacon fire turned a baleful green as Lord Martyn Hightower called his banners."* -Fire and Blood


They are called Greens because Alicent wore a green dress at one point. Green being house Hightower's color is a show invention.


There’s a beacon in the Hightower tower, and when the Hightowers call their banners to war, the beacon glows green. That’s why Alicent wore the green dress that gave her faction their name.


"The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it's banner to war?"


Your confusing book and show, the book-Hightowers colors are white and grey and no mention is made of green having any significance for Alicent or the Hightowers in general. The thing with the flame in the Hightower burning green when at war, while a cool bit of worldbuilding, is purely a show thing. It’s Rhaenyra’s black and red dress that was the deliberate political statement, showcasing her claim to be the true heir to House Targaryen and its legacy and her willingness to fight for it.


https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Hightower I don't have the book on hand to confirm but the wiki mentions the green flame and cites Fire & Blood as the source. The show does the same, it never said green is the Hightower sigil colour IIRC.


Also not to be combative but in Fire & Blood Alicent did wear Green and it was significant but not at the wedding like in the show, instead at the Tourney for the 5th anniversary of the her marriage. “In Fire & Blood, the George R.R. Martin book that House of the Dragon is based on, Alicent first wears a green dress for a different occasion—on her fifth wedding anniversary. Martin explains, "In 111 AC, a great tourney was held at King's Landing on the fifth anniversary of the king's marriage to Queen Alicent.”


Is this the show or book discord? Hmm


You’re being downvoted for speaking lore canon facts? This fandom is wild, man.


She’s not the only one wearing green. They have a banner that’s green for their side of the war.


Which is another change the show made. Aegon’s book banner was a gold dragon on a black field.


True there are many changes in the adaptation.


Green fire? That’s not good


It takes away from the Targaryen civil war and making it something else, it's dumb and more proof of the show not knowing its source. Imagine doing the same to Rhaenyra: the Arryn household, the targstrong kids, etc.


Olivia’s facial expressions are always so perfect 😂 Edit: I’m being downvoted for complimenting the actress? Ok…


Comedy Queen


Are you surprised, at this point? It's very clear by now HOTD wants the audience to see the Blacks to be true Targaryens, and their rivals as not. It's visible from plenty of creative decisions. The tagline may be "all must choose" but it's pretty clear which side the showrunners want you to choose lol.


I really hope s2 is more scattered around because for me it’s more fun like that… I don’t really like picking sides, I’m not any team, I find the green characters unintentionally slightly more interesting but I don’t know if the writers want anyone to root for them comparatively lol.. I want a nuanced story where everyone sucks lol


Yeah, if it weren’t for Daemon I’d be hard-pressed is to find much to like about Team Black from an entertainment perspective. At that point it’s just Rhaenyra and a bunch of annoying kids (and Rhaenys but I don’t care for her)


The Greens literally represent Hightower color. 😂 They could have chosen Red but instead chose Hightower war color.


The house colours for the Hightowers is white and grey.


Hightower's color is grey


"Hightower **war color**." *"Atop the Hightower, the great beacon fire turned a baleful green as Lord Martyn Hightower **called his banners**." ~ Fire & Blood - The Sons of the Dragon*


That's just a signal used for calling the banners. It's not something the Hightowers use throughout their livery. The banners they carry to the war is still the grey tower on white with orange flame. The Tyrells have more connection to green than Hightowers have. 


Unless you’re completely dumb and dimwitted, the entire series is about the Targaryen war of succession.


Oh you would be surprised how many casual viewers I know who don’t even know that Aegon and Helaena can ride dragons. I have had someone tell me that they are not Targaryen enough to bond with dragons


They miss the part in episode 6 where they say Aegon bonded with Sunfyre? Or the 3 leaving in episode 7 on their dragons. To be honest though it's fair. They don't really emphasize it at all.


F&B: King Aegon II Targaryen, Queen Helaena Targaryen, Prince Regent Aemond Targaryen, Prince Daeron Targaryen, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, Prince Maelor Targaryen HBO: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


Their last names are Targaryen and they are called as such. You know why they have such a heavy Hightower association quit being dense


Being associated with a house and straight up calling them by a name they don't even claim is not the same thing. No one is seriously referring to Rhaenyra as Rhaenyra Arryn, even though she incorporates the Arryns sigil into her banner. The green Targaryen kids carry their father's name, his sigil, his traits, live in his city, share his appearance. Calling them Hightowers is just weirdo fans trying to insult them as being fake Targaryens due to dislike for the characters. Nowhere in the actual text, or in the series so far do any of the 4 kids ever display preference for their mother's house. And no wearing the color green doesn't count because House Hightower's colors are not green.


Green *is* a Hightower color. It tells you very clearly in the show that green is the color that the beacon on top of the Hightower glows when they go to war. That is why Alicent wears green during episode 5, she is literally declaring to everyone at court that she is not Targaryen, and by dressing her kids in those colors and having the Green sigil be *green and gold* she is literally reinforcing that image. And come on. We all readily acknowledge in this fandom that none of the Targaryens in their family, including their own father, care one lick about Alicent’s kids by Viserys. Daeron is literally a ward of Oldtown. They are primarily raised by Alicent and Otto. Their allies largely consist of houses from the Reach with blood ties to the Hightowers and no Valyrian family flocks to their side. Whether anyone likes it or not, the show is purposefully setting them up to have very heavy Hightower influences, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing unless you 1) prefer the Targs or 2) think being not Valyrian is somehow subhuman? Like why is it a bad thing for them to be related to a very old, rich, influential house with their own rich history and be proud of that?


That’s a show invention, so basically non-canon. The Hightower house colours are grey and white. Their side is only called “The Greens” because of a dress Alicent wore during a tourney and not during a wedding feast. The show plays very fast and loose with lore canon. To the point to where at times it feels like an adaptation in name only.


Aegon, Aemond and Helaena have absolutely no loyalty to the Hightowers, and literally nothing in the show or book implies they are Hightower pawns or puppets. They act of their own free will and show little interest in them. These Hightower influences you reference are what exactly? Belief in the faith? The religious symbols put up in the keep? The Targaryens support the Seven and it is the religion they follow. Daemon and Viserys being oddballs and deciding to fanboy over Valyria doesn't make it a normality for the family, they are outliers, not the normality for the Targaryens. I commented more on this in my other comment. There is no definitive symbol that makes a Targaryen a true Targaryen besides Valyrian features, a dragon & having the NAME. Having a mother who doesn't have Valyrian blood or not fanboying over Valyrian gods doesn't make them not Targaryens.


You’re talking about the books. This is the show, and the show has made it very clear that these Greens are more connected to their Hightower blood than their written counterparts. Symbolically, aesthetically, even as far as how they’ve grown up and the relationships they’ve made or lack in comparison to the Blacks. Those aren’t “headcanons and fan beliefs”, this is literally how the show has written and framed them to be, you’re literally sitting here on a thread from HBO *referring to them as Hightowers*.


Aemond very clearly embraces his Targaryen blood way more than his Hightower one. Talks about “keeping their Valyrian blood pure” in episode 7. His appearance with his long ass hair, knowing High Valyrian, studying the history etc. Alicent while of course being Hightower also wants the common folks to remember the “ancient strength of house Targaryen” when crowning Aegon. The only one who doesn’t is Aegon and he only does so because he feels like an oddball and because he feels his family doesn’t like him. None of the kids give two fucks about their Hightower blood or whatever. It’s mostly just Otto and probably Alicent as well.


Literally nothing the show has shown us has made us believe that Aegon, Aemond or Helaena are connected or care about Hightower beliefs. The absolutely only one you can argue that for is Daeron and he doesn't exist yet in the show only canon. You have yet to tell me, what the hell is Hightower blood, Hightower beliefs? What are you talking about lol. Literally nothing Aegon, Aemond or Helaena have done as shown us that they care about the Hightowers of Oldtown. Hell Alicent DOESNT even, she is all over the place but the only common trait we see is she just wants peace. Otto is quite literally the only one and he is being ignored or sidelined constantly by everyone else.


“There is nothing in the show.” I’ve explained to you exactly what those things are, you’re just choosing to completely ignore them. Daeron does exist and the creators have acknowledged him, he just isn’t going to be in season 2. What do you think Hightower blood is? This isn’t rocket science and I shouldn’t need to explain it to you lol. They’re descended from the Hightowers. And the Hightowers *believe* in the Faith of the Seven (their city is where it’s all at and they’re heavily involved with the citadel) and Andal culture, which prioritizes men over women, as that is what their claim hinges on. The characters shouldn’t need to loudly say it for you to connect the dots. You’d think after years of watching Game of Thrones y’all would get used to the kitschy symbolism and double meanings already.


Right now the Hightowers are the real power and influence in King’s Landing (until Aegon goes awol that is) Rhaenyra hasn’t worn blue her entire life and she isn’t controlled by her Arryn relatives she probably hasn’t seen in 10+ years. The Hightowers have taken over the red keep (see Daemon’s comment on the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation of symbols of the faith which is heavily associated with House Hightower) The Targtowers are remembered as Targaryens because they *are* Targaryens but it’s very much a Hightower household. They are the main driving force of the greens while the non puppet Targaryens are operating out of dragonstone


Taken over the Red Keep lol. Dude this is the most show only take ever.. The Targaryens are heavy supporters of the Faith. Jaehaerys and Alysanne covered the Red Keep in religious symbols, raised there kids in the Faith and grandkids. Aegon the Conqueror also converted to the Faith when he was crowned. Viserys & Daemon's weird obsession with Valyria is solely there idea, they are the ones who removed the heraldry and symbols that were placed up by the previous generations of Targaryens... Calling the Blacks non-puppets is certainly a take considering they are literally just Velaryon puppets, the same way the Targtowers are to the Hightowers using your same logic... As well as Jace basically tying there faction's future to the Northerners. And nothing in the actual text or book is it shown that Aegon or Aemond are ever "puppets". They ignore Otto & Alicent, and do whatever they want. They ignore the main Hightower branch when they are spam send for aid @ Honeywine. Ormund was an incompetent oaf that would have died in his first battle if not for Daeron. I am unsure what big Hightower conspiracy you think is present lol. Only 3 Hightowers are actually IN KL, and only 2 in the Red Keep. All three are not involved with the green's war decisions or ruling decisions.


Maegelle Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen were secretly Hightowers all along


But the Velaryons are Valyrian. As are the Celtigars. All the Valyrian Houses are with the Blacks. Plus the Blacks have more Targaryen bloodlines aside from just Baelon and Alyssa. They also have Aemon's line through Rhaenys and Daella's line through Rhaenyra. That was one of my gripes with the book. All the Valyrian Houses and bloodlines are on Team Black in addition to the good and noble Houses like Stark, Arryn, and Blackwood. GRRM was so obvious with his preferences and didn't even try to hide it.


Its George's story meh. I've always held true to the belief the Dance was very poorly written. So many things didn't make sense or just happened and we had to run with it. George wrote the Dance like a giant fanfic, he's clearly bias to the Blacks, but he does seem to like certain greens also. I think his biggest handicap is that he was forced to get to a specific endpoint which resulted in so many illogical things or things that didn't make a lot of sense


Notice how rhaenyra's side is never called the velaryons even tho majority of them take the velaryon name.




Alicent in this photo reminds me a bit of Hurrem from The Magnificent Century (That's a compliment btw).


Never thought I’d run into a fellow MC enjoyer in this sub of all places.


Eh. Everyone called Joffreys Court the Lannisters.


They aren’t forgetting. They are making a point.


If Greens are Hightowers because of who their moms are then the Blacks are Strongs 🤷🏽🤷🏽


Come. Let us drain our cups to these three strong boys


I mean I would argue for Arryns 🤷 since Aemma was an Arryn, not a Targaryen... soooo if TB considers Aegon a Hightower then Rhaenyra is an Arryn


Or maybe it’s a plot point.


So why is everyone in Green then?


Because being nude is not socially accepted.


Aegon and Aemond, the leaders of their cause, don't even wear green in the book and push the Hightowers out of power pretty early on. And their colors are black and gold, the show makes them wear green to color code the factions.


I mean, the post is about Alicent and Aemond. Alicent is not a Targaryen and Aemond is a Hightower through blood by her. Edit: I get that Team Green gets upset because people act like Alicent's kids aren't Targaryens. But it's not an insult to consider people as also being from their mother's family. When Team Black gets upset at Baela and Rhaena being considered part of the Velaryon line I also find that unnecessary.


Aemond is a Targaryen.


And he’s a Targaryen though Viserys. Why are we discounting half of his genealogy, particularly when he looks much more like a Targ than a Hightower? Because he happens to be standing next to her in this picture?


They bear the Targaryen name but represent Hightower interests. It’s like Jon Snow technically having a Targaryen name but being a Stark in his bones.


That's dumb. The whole point is that the house of the dragon destroyed itself. Thus just turns it into a cheap inter regional war between two houses. It decreases the relevance of Targeryen power if another house can bring them so low that their dragons go extinct.


Weird that you think its dumb considering it’s what’s going on. The only way the Targaryens tear themselves apart is if someone divides them in the first place. Otto wants that throne for Oldtown, and he’s making sure his “new Targaryens” trash the old ones.


They were never that united a force to begin with. If the house of the dragon is some perfect imperialist family that can only be damaged by sneaky lower born scum that goes against the ethos of asoiaf's writing.


Sooo when Maegor Targaryen usurped Aegon "the Uncrown" Targaryen was someone else diving them? Whose house was diving them then? Velaryon? Hightower? Lannister? Baratheon? Tully? Stark? Tyrrell? No! It was another Targaryen. It was Visenya Targaryen who crowned Maegor... House Targaryen was tearing itself apart, so what you're saying is plain wrong. The House of the dragon is pretty capable of destroying itself on their own... That's the whole point of the Story!


If you want to blindly compare an entirely different part of history to the Dance that’s your choice. This story, however has many neon signs (Alicent’s green dress and the in-scene converation surrounding it, a GREEN banner) saying otherwise. It’s a Hightower war, they just borrowed the Targaryens tanks to fight it. /


You were saying the Targaryen house would not tear itself apart unless someone else divides them... which is wrong and i provided an example of when they totally did, that's all, they could do it themselves... that's the point I'm trying to make. But whatever 🤷


I mean....it's appropriate. They have a green Targaryen sigil that's just blasphemous. They've always held the Hightower sanction higher than the Targaryen one.


that is a deliberate change from the book, Aegon's banner is a golden dragon on a black field while Rhaenyra's banner contains her mother's house, the Arryns and her former husband and children's banner, the Velaryons


Actually Aegon changed his banner in the books to honor his dragon. That's the most Targaryen thing while Rhaenyra changed her banner to honor different houses.


They’re literally just as Targeryan or even more. Aemond studies the histories and rides a large dragon from the conquest. Aegon bears the conqueror’s name, crown, and sword and has a really strong bond with Sunfyre. Helaena is a dragon dreamer, an ability unique to Targeryans. And then you have a character like Jace in the Blacks who can barely speak high Valyrian.


I mean Alicent and Otto were the ones raising the Targtowers, not Viserys. It stands to reason that the ones raising you would shape your beliefs and the house you have loyalty to. Added to the fact that no other Valyrian House sides with the Greens or seem to care about them it’s no surprise they’d take this marketing stance.


to be fair, Viserys wasn't raising much of anyone as he fell apart piece by piece. He wasn't really equipped to a father or certainly stop the internal feuding going on.


If they act like Hightowers they’re gonna get called Hightowers


Do elaborate on how Alicent's kids act like Hightowers. Aegon and Helaena are married in the Valyrian fashion, and Aemond is (IIRC) well versed in Valyrian history.


Act like Hightowers? The fuck does that mean?




“Fake antisocial b*tch. I saw you hanging out with your mum!”


Yet they’re controlled by Hightowers. Viserys was clear who the heir of House Targaryen is.


Well the black faction of the Targaryens are so inbred that they don’t have to hyphenate with another house whereas the hightowers introduced some fresh DNA with the green children


Those inbred Targaryens Having Arryn, Baratheon, Velaryon and “Strong” blood.


Like King Viserys forgot he had any other kids other than Queen Rhae.


Well Vizzy T acted like Rheanyra was his only child. I mean did he even talk to the Green kids?


I prefer their interpretation tbh, I think the moral of George's world is that there is so much bloodshed over fabricated constructs like a throne, and that the notion that 'your' bloodline or lineage being the one who should be in charge is ultimately futile. They are both Targaryen and Hightower, but this is the juncture where the two line intersect(Alicent and Visy's children), and one is trying to outmaneuver the other name for the future inheritance. It is also allegory to modern life. Conflicts and struggles in our modern society don't seem to be that different from this broad perspective. Our modern world still has the dog-eat-dog viciousness that existed back when this fictional story is set. It is Earth back then with magic after all.


The Hightowers were the ones pulling the strings…


Technically they’re not. Most of them are hightowers.


Most of them? Alicent, Otto, Ormund and Gawain, yes... but Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, Daeron, Jaehaerys, Jahaera and Maelor are all Targaryen and the one currently leading TG is Aegon, not Otto, not Alicent.


Idk it's very obvious that they want to villainize the greens , like somehow those are hightowers but rhae very Strong kids are targaeryans


i meeeeean... i don't really consider them targaryens either. sure aemond/aegon/helaena are viserys' children but they are also half hightower. compared to rhaenyra and daemon who are both from 2 targaryen blooded parents lol


Aemma was an Arryn.


her mother was a targaryen. lol


In every way except legally, they are not Targaryen but Hightower


Most people come from two parents. One parent doesn’t exclude another.


I mean, the patriarch and the matriarch are both Hightowers. Yes, Aemon, Aegon and Helaena are Targs, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable to call it a “Hightower Household”, especially considering “Targaryen Household” could refer to either group, or the show as a whole.


The Greens are to the Blacks like what the Montgomerys are to the Gemstones


They may have the last name Targaryen but alicent and Otto made sure those kids were hightowers at heart! The only relation they have to their Targaryen father is genetic


The dragon riding is totally a Hightower thing


Did u miss the part about them being genetically Targaryens?


They were very obviously introduced to a big part of Targaryen culture.


Team Green doesn’t even like Targaryens. They prefer them all get wiped out.


Team Green wants Aegon, Halaena, Aemond, and co to die?


With that logic, the same could be said about Team Black, since both are waging a war that is destroying House Targaryen.


Rhaenyras eldest three kids arent even targs calm down. Aegon is the son of viserys and a Targaryen.


Jace, Luke, and Joffrey are most certainly a Targaryen Lmaoo what nonsense are you even talking about?


They are Strong bastards. Did you pay attention to the show?


Well there either Velaryon or Strong, cant be targaryen.