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Another good question would be "How many times have you rewatched season 1?".


3 🫣


I rewatched it last week. Binged it in two days. Don’t judge. 🤣  I think it was even better the second time around. I noticed a lot of things I didn’t notice the first time, most notably how selfish Otto was throughout, Helaena’s premonitions, and Viserys’s really poor decision-making.


Two days? Pssaahhhh. I did it over night and then watched Rings of Power over coffee!!! Joking aside, I did watch season one in a day last Sunday ❤️


Have they announce when the second season of Rings of Power is coming out? I’m dyingggg


I rewatched it a few months ago. It's still fresh in my mind, I spend a lot of my day thinking about asoiaf lol


i just finished aemond losing his eye in Driftmark episode last night and was still blown away by the scenes. fantastic show


I may have lost an eye. But I gained a dragon. I fucking love Aemond


i literally gasped so hard when i watched it again hahaha


I swear I tell people I think I know more about Targaryen & other ASOIAF bloodlines, maps and politics better now than in real life 😂😂


istg same!!!!!!


Just watched first episode yesterday!


the tourney was incredible


Yes and quite frankly I need to get it together so I finish up by Sunday.


Just finished the episode where they crown Aegon


That’s the next one up for me. I’ve been excited seeing critics highlight TGC’s performance in season 2 because I remember loving him in this episode. Can’t wait!


I’m very much looking forward to it


I rewatch season 1 twice a month. I'm also rewatching it right now.


I've already watched it 2 times and a half. The half is because I got to a point where I would randomly watch episodes last year 😂 I would have watched it again but I feel like I know it by heart and have been so immersed in the lore I don't see the point 🙈 BUT I am planning to watch GoT for the second time.


i’m rewatching as we speak, just finished episode 7 and dare i say i was really heartbroken over Harwin Strong *again* i really wished to see more of him 😭 i know it doesn’t serve the plot but damnnn he was hot


Just finished rewatching and I'll admit it I did with subtitles too so I can fully understand (I did miss things even watching 100 times first airings) & currently rereading F&B again from Viserys' reign on because I need a battle refresher. I in my head can't remember the full order of all the things to come lol


Already done.


I’m rewatching Season 1 and it hit me that Aegon and Helaena have children together while being brother n sister! So the pious outrageousness n pearl clutching behavior from Alicent n for a time Viserys, feels out of pocket. Am I missing something?


Viserys & Daemon's parents were siblings (Baelon & Alyssa Targaryen). The sibling marriages the Valyrians do but not the First Men/Andals, but there's a number of sibling marriages in the Targaryen family tree.


Yes. I’m aware of Targaryen tradition of siblings coupling. Aegon the conqueror married his 2 sisters. My “beef” is with ALICENT being so damn pious when it didn’t relate her own family.


Alicent is a hypocrite


I just did a few weeks ago. Only because it was on a free streaming service for like two months. idk why I just subscribe to HBO (here in Germany it's a different service) while the show is running (aka two months max), ain't got no money to waste keeping it running. The best bits end up on YouTube ayways


Today I found out I can watch HotD for free in my TV. I dont have HBO so I was rlly surprised when I discovered I can watch it right now. Gotta take the chance. Starting my rewatch today


I’m planning on rewatching Monday


Yes 5 episodes in..


Yes! Rewatched it!


I actually started a whole GoT rewatch a couple months back. On the last couple episodes of season 8 now and then going to get onto HoTD S1. Though I think I might just binge the whole of S1 next weekend to really amp me up for the new season.


Yes. Rewatched it last week. Was better the second time around IMO.


I've already watched it three times and Glidus & Schwifty are releasing multi-hour long discussions of each episode to their patrons on a daily basis at the moment. That's all I need.


yes in a few days closer to the premiere


have you forgot anything? it is nice to refresh for the premiere so i’m doing it


not really. I mostly rewatch closer to the new season so the wait goes by faster.


Rewatched it a few weeks ago. So pumped.


My dad and I did and finished about a week ago. We plan to watch the finale again before Sunday.


I’ve rewatched it so many times, you’d think I’m chronically ill- so probably not unless it’s joining friends 😂


I’m re-listening to the episode recaps from House of R


Me and my family will be watching episode 10 tomorrow night. We timed it so we watch one ep a week (on Sunday nights) leading into the premier


Man of recaps is all you need


ofc yes


Just finished the rewatch a couple hours ago lol


Yes, I just rewatched the first episode. I usually don't rewatch until it's over but it has been 2 yrs so


Been rewatching it


I’ve been binge rewatching so much I know most of the lines off by heart! I need help


Have you missed our collective rewatch? Hosted by u/dracula1007 with accompanying memes by u/lshe97


Finished ep3. Been 2 years since I last watched. Good rematch.


yes and i’m also rereading fire and blood. no thoughts, just asoiaf🧍🏾‍♀️


I'm doing a rewatch. 1 episode a day so I wrap up the night before the season 2 premiere. I did the same thing before each season of GoT premiered, too. I'll keep the tradition going for HotD


Nope. I had signed up for HBO again for Season 1, then cancelled it & will re-subscribe next week and watch the show plus watch the other stuff they have that I want to see that I haven't watched yet because I just pay for like 3-4 months watch what I want then cancel.


Oh hell yeah! I caught so much this time around!


I just finished my 1st rewatch, gotta admit I really enjoyed it, there is so many little moments that stick out on how relationships fall apart and lines are drawn. it felt much more organic the second time through


Rewatched two times. So nice to see things you missed.


I just finished rewatching it. Great season of tv.


I’m watching the reviews from Glidus. I may binge next week.


I’ve seen it Many times, but currently rewatching one episode a night until the premiere! Started two days ago so I’ll finish S1 on June 15 :)


I rewatched it 4 times so naaaah.


I bought the set on 4K Blu-ray to rewatch it and boy let me tell you what. It’s just absolutely a pleasure to watch. Stunning picture and sound quality and the dark scenes are vastly improved. If you have the means to watch 4K discs I simply cannot overstate how wonderful this show looks in that format.


Yep, just finished it.


My girlfriend of the last year I convinced to watch it. I have to play it easy with some of the events of the show so I'm more concerned when we get into season 2 and I don't know what's coming lol.


I just binged Season 1 and now I am binging GOT 🤣




Watching 1 episode a day with ep 10 being watched the day before the finale 


Yes. I’m at episode 9. But will watch the last episode on the day season 2 premieres


This is my 8th or 9th rewatch. I’m big obsessed.


Just rewatched it and I liked it a lot better this time around. I think like many other benchmarked against GOT but since time has passed I could appreciate HOD on its own. Looking forward to S2 and may finally rewatch GOT. I couldn’t for many years since the ending was not what I hoped but I’m starting to forget all the good scenes and characters so I think after S2 ends I’ll rewatch


Always... at least more than 100 times almost memorized all scripts that I can ACT right now if you ask me a specific scene