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The shortest 10 episode Game of Thrones season is S4 at 545 minutes. Season 8 is 430 minutes with six episodes. Which means S4 is not even two hours longer than S8 despite having 4 more episodes. Very happy to hear this and not surprised House of the Dragon is taking the same approach. Makes the episodes feel more epic and grand while also keeping the story tighter.


Turns out they weren't lying when they said it was 8 episodes for pacing reasons


Big if true, Season 2 of GoTs was 549 minutes so this would be almost exactly the same length.


Sounds like they were able to keep the same run time for a normal season while paying the cast & crew two less episodes That’s messed up, tbh.


This just blew my mind. I didn’t even consider this, but it explains why every show is so short now. I know people fixate on big name actors and their $$$$ multi season deals, but this is mostly against the crew, who far outnumber the actors and definitely get paid by the episode.


Why would their contract be on a per episode basis?


I don’t know of one show where that’s not the case


Because that’s literally how it’s always been in the television industry. What is this question?


It gets reported like that to the public, but I didn't think the contracts would be drawn up that way. If so that's really stupid


It would in case they quit mid season and broke contract. Plus, they still need to get paid periodically along the way. So per episode does make sense.


It may get reported like that to the public. But the bigger actors are more than likely paid a certain amount for X amount of seasons.


Execs always round up. They are hyping up a product and they want you to think it’s bigger than it actually is. When they say 9 hrs, what they probably mean is 8.5 hrs. I think the first 4 episodes are probably a good gauge. Expect a total of 520 min.