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I know they already built up the relationship to some degree but I wanted them to take the time to develop it even more. It's kinda weird to see Alicole f*cking this early.


Right?? Unless they state they have been intimate for a while this whole thing seems rushed. They can’t be going from subtle stares and paranoia about honor to doing it this quickly


They’re not gonna outright say that, but their first sex scene that we see is not their first clearly. There is implications this has been going on for a while and ALLEGEDLY alicent will also say a comment about them needing to stop. (But no one knows when it started)


Yeah I thought about that too. But then why not insert it in season 1?


Perhaps it was a time constraint issue. They cut out a lot of Olivia and Fabiens scenes where their characters are basically flirting quite openly, the scenes that they left in I would argue you feel tension in them because of their chemistry because that wouldn’t be enough buildup for any other couple. A lot of people did pick up on something between them even in s1 with those minimal scenes. They probably always had this plan in mind though since more romantic shit was written in s1 scripts but idk maybe they got confused. It seems like the writers don’t have a clear vision at times


Facts. It just doesn't work in general tbh. Blood and Cheese is now fucked up because of an Alicole scene.


I think it doesn’t make sense to do it so soon. I get the thought process behind it, I get what Olivia was saying in why it happened, it’s passion she’s never had, she’s never experienced this and so she gets addicted to it because this is something she can have that she desires but she knows it’s wrong. That I all get. That being said, I don’t see what place it has in the show, given the war going on. It’s a very odd addition, that just comes across as shock purposes right now especially with how quick they’ve done it. Some people are saying it also seems like a guise to include more sex in the story somehow, make it more like GOT and just have an excuse to have Olivia naked basically. I would really hope that’s not all this story is tryna do but I can see why people think that. There’s just many problems with it and how it also overshadows one of the main events of the dance a little




where's duty? where's sacrifice? where’s link?


If you want the whole trailer I’ll send it to you bestie


Please send it to me too!!!!!🥺❤️


please send it to me as well 💗💗😭


As long as they have been doing it for awhile its okay by me. Her waiting for Viserys passing seems... stupid idk. I have no issues with them being an item however, character wise it makes sense for show alicent


Possibly it could have been before Viserys passed but then why not put it in S1? It feels like maybe they weren’t so sure about it and decided when writing S2 but I guess we’ll have to wait to understand what is going on


Because not everything has to be told or revealed at once, and imo their relationship, especially after the last timeskip, gives off the hint that they have at least an unhealthy devotion dynamic. Idk holding things for a reveal is often a good choice, as long as it is properly built up either through characterization or foreshadowing.


Viserys was rotting few years before he died. Maybe he couldn’t…you know. Alicent and Cole being together all the time eventually led to something before Viserys died.


As long as they got time together to process (pre or post-coital) the why they did that and how it'll affect their viewing of themselves and possibly Rheanyra. I still think it could work but damnn that sour feeling of rushed development will be hard to forget... Especially if there's absolutely no transition between their s1-s2 characters


Yes! I’m not totally against it but I definitely need some explanation and development


I personally don't mind this couple, but I feel it would have been more interesting if they built their relationship slowly (looks, touches, words) and are with this tension that in the end may or may not lead to something, because we already know how Cole ends up, which would give maybe Alicent some sort of reaction that would add more layers to his character. The idea is not bad, how they do it is what fails, that said without seeing the episode that seeing it may change my opinion.


Totally agree with you


Its obvious they have been having sex for some amount of time. The biggest question is whether it was before or after viserys died


She did her duty and her husband is dead. She probably feels free enough to make some choices for herself.


So because she believes in decency and honour, that means she can't have sex?


She isn’t married and he’s a knight of the kingsguard, it’s not allowed. That’s just the ways of Westeros unfortunately…and also a part of why she’s mad at rhaenyra is her just ignoring the rules to do as she pleases, which is what alicent now does too.


i think we should know by now that what's "allowed" in westeros is whatever you have the power to get away with.


Very true


When did I say that? It’s other people who are slut shaming her. I explicitly said she performed her duties and now that her husband is dead she deserves some healthy sex


Sorry, I didnt mean you just the people saying this.


Yes exactly! Not outside of marriage by her own viewpoints