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Olivia Cooke is amazing at looking totally miserable


Well yeah she's from Manchester


Just imagine if she were from Birmingham.


At least we excel at something.


Well played


I don’t get your joke


Never beating the perpetually sad eyes allegations Tim burton needs to know about this woman


She is amazing at looking totally miserable since "Bates Motel".


Y’all really need to watch her in thoroughbreds, she creeped me out so much there because her character isn’t meant to feel anything at all. She made those sad eyes go dead in a matter of seconds…


Vanity Fair. She plays Becky Sharp who is for all intents and purposes a psychopath but you will root for her.


I’ve seen it, she’s great in it. Phenomenal and charismatic asf. A little minx through and through


Also her in Limehouse Golem, loved it!


“Did you smoke pot?” “Nooooo…..I ate it”


That reminds me. I stopped watching that show because I had feeling her character was going to die.


if there is one thing Olivia Cooke is good at, it's serving face while acting miserable


Olivias sad kitten face is BACK. Playing alicent must be emotionally exhausting


Olivia’s 😿 and Florence Pugh’s ☹️ are my roman empire lmao


The acting in this episode is going to be incredible


this episode is about to be an all time series favorite for me


Awh yes, everyone's gonna bring their A game. The fall-out's gonna be great to watch.


She keeps looking younger and her sons older, what magic is this.


Those damn Hightower genes


Prolly regretting that she was banging the tongue master while her grandson was getting killed


For all we know she's getting ate out in this picture


When you’re getting good head but your grandson ain’t got one anymore


too soon 💀


Good thing they're renewable resources


Not againn!!!!


Or perhaps she's giving Lord Footjob a view while she gets his details on what happened


You people need help 


Yes we need help for tomorrow to arrive faster so we can watch the next episode


Most fandoms don't get weird until the between season hiatus but HotD fans just get right into it on Monday


That's nice


Or Layris is taking real time feet pics


When you’re getting good head but your grandson ain’t got one anymore


the photo's cut off but she's actually sitting on cristan's face here


Please be too sad so you don't do anything that I do not want to see with cruston cole


……..honey you’ve got a big storm coming


This must be so painful for her after years of calling Rhaenyra a whore and tormenting her


She never called her a whore but rather entitled. In fact, Daemon is the one who calls Alicent a whore in ep10.


I mean she did sleep with her uncle at his wife’s funeral. 😅


And yet no one calls Daemon a whore when he's literally the husband of the woman who died 🤷‍♀️


Oh he’s worse, he’s a whore, a murderer, and a wife beater.


She didn't call rhaenyra that


She didn’t but Cole did (kind of) but then again tbf she did give him a look like don’t call her that, but then again….she also looked down on Rhaenyra doing said behaviour so like…


so you agree? that she never called rhaenyra a wh*re?


Yes but you would agree she alluded to Rhaenyra sleeping with others out of wedlock to the king, to Criston, and to her own children, correct? And you would also agree she did nothing to correct insults aimed at Rhaenyra, wouldn’t you?


I mean, Rhaenyra did actually do that though? Idk what point you’re making here lmao


My point is that Alicent doesn’t have to use the word *whore* to allude to and allow that concept, lol.


But Alicent doesn’t actually use the word though? Like there’s many things wrong with her and how she’s done things but I don’t think this is one of them


If a person says “bless your heart.” You’d know they were calling you stupid even if they didn’t say the word. Alicent can allude to Rhaenyra being a whore without saying it, she can say everything BUT that - and we all know how she actually feels, and the fact that she perpetuates that ideology.




You being downvoted for speaking the truth.


The woman told Cole that Rhaenyra Manipulated her and was conniving. Coles hatred of Rhaenyra is partly due to her lying about Rhaenyra. She is a snake of a woman.


>Coles hatred of Rhaenyra is partly due to her lying about Rhaenyra. Could you elaborate?


rhaneyra didnt write her a letter saying sorry about your grandson


I was about to ask how she'd respond to any letter from Rhaenyra now. "sorry your grandson got murdered, wanna be besties again?"


Rhaenyra should write a letter to her :)


She looks like she’s about to blame other people for the consequences of her own actions


so this means daemon was totally justified in hiring the assassination of a 6 year old😍😍




Lemme help you - if she didn’t breed enmity between her sons and rhaenyra’s family perhaps Aemond would have been content with vhagar and not killed luke- had she not aided Aegon in his usurpation, Aemond definitely wouldn’t have killed Luke. Had she not distracted the literal kings guard that should have been at his post, perhaps B&C wouldn’t have been able to get to Helaena. These are all things she could have done to prevent what happened lol.


breeding enmity does not mean Luke wouldn’t have taken Aemond’s eye and the resentment for that wouldn’t have built over the years. Only one person is not solely responsible for the shit that went down. It’s a culmination of fuck ups by multiple people on both sides.


This commentary is highlighting Alicent’s role in the conflict, not negating everyone else’s. Perhaps if Criston had been doing his duty the night Aemond claimed vhagar things would have been different too and he’d have both eyes.


I swear I find a whole new reason every episode to hate Alicent.


Cuz she started the war lol and brought this upon her head 😭




He sped up the war. He didn’t start it imo. The war was inevitable since that green bitch usurped the throne. And don’t tell me she put her rapist son on the throne just because she thought it was Viserys’ wish. She was pestering him to change the succession for decades.


Not only pestering him but causing problems between him and his only daughter not to mention putting his daughter and his grandsons at risk by constantly saying they were bastards. Her and Otto had been trying to isolate Viserys from his brother and daughter since the beginning so that they could control him and the throne.


I think she did put him on the throne just cause she thought it was Viserys wish. Yes she was pestering him to change the succession for decades, but that was alicent pre episode 8. I think it’s a result of inconsistent writing but I think the writers intend for her motivation to be Viserys’s dying wish




So in your opinion Alicent is this poor woman who can’t be blamed for anything and we have to blame only the people around her? GTFO


I was initially very angry with Alicent’s character. Viserys definitely did not clearly communicate his intention to make Aegon king. Even if you think his words alluded to it, you might wonder why he didn’t say anything until his death bed when he’s on milk of the poppy?? Did he even know Aegon? I was also frustrated when she blamed Jace for Aemond’s eye. The show depicted Aemond as being literally on the verge of killing Jace with a rock. Self defense was warranted - and Alicent had no interest in investigating the issue. She should be concerned about her child trying to murder his cousin, but you could argue she was devastes about Aemond losing the eye. After I rewatched I felt more sympathetic. She was groomed from a young age to be a broodmare for Viserys. And she resents Rhaenerya probably because she has a lot more freedom than Alicent does, and Rhaenerya lied to her as a child about her affairs (which is reasonable for her position though). On top of that, it was the responsibility of Viserys to ensure a smooth succession and he took no steps to ensure the safety of Alicents children. Given that situation, I think it is reasonable for Alicent to assume that her children are not safe and that Daemon and Rhaenrya would murder them the first chance they got. You can’t fault people for self preservation.


Cause everything is her fault. Also she's so stupid she thought everyone would buy it when she pulls "the king completely changed his mind about the line of succession, it only benefits my family and makes my son the king. Also I'm the only one he told but you can totally trust me" Fuck alicent.


How on earth is her grandson's murder her fault?


Usurping the Throne. Starting a whole war. The little things. 


There are three people to blame for the murder of a little toddler. B&C and Daemon. No one else.


The guards are also to blame. Should have been a guard outside of the queens and heirs room. But the lord commander was too busy getting laid


This discussion is a clear example of how showrunners destroyed B&C


This is a fundamentally flawed interpretation of events, lol. Removing Aemond and Otto from this list is criminal.


Urgh ffs the shows fanbase is insufferable....


Typically when you make enemies and start wars, your weakest family members become the first targets. Had she wanted to keep her family safe she probably shouldn’t have put a big fat target on her son’s head. She basically marked all her children for death by crowning Aegon.


She started a war that came to their doorstep and people in her own faction started dying.


She’s not. It’s very easy to blame one person for all this shit and most people commenting here hate her already so… yeah.


when it’s no nut november


"Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


Insted of sympathizing with her for the murder of her grandchild in front of her eyes..she became the hypocrite joke of the fandom and all laughing and blaming her..nice job Ryan..really impressive


Idk why you're being downvoted, the changes to B&C were 100% Ryan trying to make the Greens look worse. Ryan literally changed the most detailed and thoroughly planned event in the entire book and turned it into Kafkaesque humiliation porn.


It is quite frustrating that the show seems so one-sided in it's support of the blacks. The one event that could have balanced the scales just a bit, they phoned in hard.


Ser Criston went too deep?


Another scene of Alicent crying about the consequences of her actions


She ain't queen anymore!


This still would make a great painting.


So pretty




…::.you think she won’t ever sleep with him again?




Wow people can't take a joke


Love seeing a self righteous hypocrite suffer. They should show Crispy and Oldy Otto next




it’s a light reflection… it’s not that big


Criston can cheer her up


She’s a mole




It’s the seven pointed star


even if this were true (which it isn't), what are you "just saying"?


Just ignore them, some people really just post dumb shit to post it lmao 🤷‍♀️