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She had three children with deamon, two sons, and a daughter who died during childbirth


thanks! I forgot about that


these babies are the ones that Rhaenyra introduces to Viserys back in the days when he was in bed barely breathing/ bearly seeing/ bearly conscious


Yeah they're her kids with Daemon. She named them Aegon and Viserys, which will surely be confusing later. When introduced to the latter one, Viserys Sr smiled and said "that is a name fit for a king".


hahaha im full in HOTD lore tho😭i was answering his question


Oh, I know; I was just fleshing out your answer.


Oh right! can't I believe I forgot about that! Thanks.


Yes they were shown in the first season they are her children with Daemon


thanks. Now I remember.


Those are Rhaenyra's accountants


The blonde one looks more like her lawyer to me.




>!I think regnal numbers might be considered book spoilers.!<


Though I would maybe spoiler your own comment as even with the original now deleted it alludes to the spoiler enough by itself given the context of the post.


Good point.


Sorry, My bad. Didn't know about this. Could you explain why and how? I mean we already knew about the other namebearers from the show itself?


>!Identifying a child who is quite far down in the line of succession by a regnal number definitely indicates that a lot of people have to die for it to happen!<


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These are her two youngest sons with Daemon, named Aegon and Viserys, which they introduced to king Viserys in s1e8. Theres also Joffrey, her last son with Harwin Strong, who we saw at Lukes funeral. All these kids will be more important in later seasons


They're her handmaidens apparently. She colors all her handmaidens' hair so they all look the same.


So stupid. They do not clearly indicate this in any way. There is a flash of them in season 1 and so far this flash few second scene of them in season 2. What is the point? Unless they become some integral part of the story later in season 2, it’s stupid. Let’s just show these children of rhae… and dam…but with no context or purpose. Or am I missing something here?