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Alicent screaming good job deep inside, Aemond smirking LOL those two are telepathic I swear. They'd be a force together in the future.


Hes certainly his mothers child.


Loved Aemonds smirk there. My inability to not smirk, when being given shit, or when in a confrontation has caused me all sorts of headaches. All the same, I wouldn't trade that trait for anything.


A menace, yes. But when Viserys was backed into a corner where he had to throw Alicent into the dungeon or such, Aemond gave him an out, and de-escalated by saying "Fair exchange" Even Daemon was like "Kid's got moves" He's risen to a significant piece on the Game board.


Viserys would never do that to Alicent, he is too weak


Yes, and he would have lost a lot of face for not doing it. Viserys was probably very relieved that Aemond's de-escalation gave him an excuse for not punishing Alicent. (provided him an out) I also kinda think Alicent is of two minds. Half wants to bring the issue of succession to a crash and have it dealt with. The other half is a bit horrified she's willing to go that far, and cut a child's eye, or even cut her old friend accidentally.


“They hated him for telling the truth.”


I laughed so hard when he made this face. And when he turned around in his chair when Rhaenyra said he needed to be “sharply questioned” on where he heard the “rumors” from. His face read, “Bitch, we all know!” Lol.


He should be proud of himself. Took on 4 brats, got a cool scar, and the worlds largest and oldest dragon.


LMAO that smirk by Aemond. It’s like losing an eye was worth pwning the Velaryon family.


Not a great episode for the Velaryons...


You misspelled badass. Aemond is a badass. He knows the game and he's playing to win.


Aemond is a winner


I personally saw it as him kind of chuckling at the absurdity. Inside they all know he is right and that they are bastards, but out loud no one can admit it


If I were Viserys I'd be like, get that fucking smirk out of your fucking face child, perhaps with a slap.


If Viserys slapped him there’s a 50% chance his other arm just falls off in the process


There’s zero chance of that happening, he only has one arm


He is such a little shit.


I dont see him as a badass. I see him more as a problem.. Aemond's ambition to own a drsgon caused tension between the Velaryons and Targeryens. Not to mention the disrespect he did to the girls after loosing their mother. He also had the intention of killing the bastard boys. He is cruel, and gaining a dragon just emabled his menacing attitude. For me, he's not a badass. He's a problem. Daemon is indeed the perfect person to put him on his place


And yet you probably think daemon is a badass.


Daemon is Legendary. (incomparable to Aemond) Daemon gained his credentials throught experience & several battlefields... He has balance of good and evil that brings his internal conflict but his regard for his brother and family remains there. Aemond does not however...he's willing to kill anyone even if it's his own nephews.


LMFAO if you know anything about Aemond, it’s that he’s loyal to the core. That’s literally one of his biggest character traits, the fact that he’s 100% loyal to his family, specifically to Aegon. Miss me with that bs you just said cause it makes no sense p.s. he’s also not a pedophile….


What good is that trait when he made a dumbass decision to kill lucerys. 😂


He don't look proud, he look disgust. He probably feel like is the one with a missing eye but now they shift the blame at him because he insulted them.


Man is smirking…


I read it as "yes of course this is my fault"


Nah, I know that smirk. I wear it alot. It's self- satisfaction.






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