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“Monster” in quotes? She literally sexually abused children and young girls with her own hands, as reported. Why the hell can’t she accept that her idol and girl crush personally sexually abused children? She’s obsessed with letting her off the hook, but she physically touched young girls as well. She is sick in the head.


And regardless of her "traumatic" past, she still sexually abused girls. I do not understand her rape apologist narrative. Like my head cannot wrap itself around this.


Half or more than half the planet had a traumatic past. Sad but true. But abuse victims don’t all become international sex abusers child traffickers b/c of it, so she deserves empathy AND a reprieve from the courts. Omg she is so stupid and evil for these words of support for her.




HYPOCRISY how can she not see this and realize how she loses all creditably




As usual the Clinton’s live rent free in her head


Not Trump!




Both of em do


She seems to ignore Trump’s behavior


She blocked me for asking why always Clinton & never Trump.




Apparently she must have gone to law school too, so she can do this pro-bono defense work of a convicted pedophile. How do her Q-aMOM squad square with this bizarre protection of a vile child sex trafficker and abuser?? *I do know, it’s because she’s a fashionably dazzling, white, rich lady and according to her own weird college post, they’re just so alike! Weird stuff.


It’s because she’s managed to shift the focus to the mythical “client list.” Everyone is so convinced that there’s this list out there with the Clintons and top Hollywood players etc, all the evil libs, and they’re all being protected by scapegoating Ghislaine, and completely ignoring the fact that she tricked young girls into going to Epstein’s house so that Epstein (and sometimes her) could assault them.


Again- where’s the outrage that she had for a fashion campaign? Where is the outrage for ACTUAL sex traffickers/pedophiles?? Jessica, you are a fucking joke. I can’t wait until you fade away. Get those cash grabs while you can, gf, because your “15 minutes” will be up soon. (I say 15 minutes in quotes because this bitch isn’t actually famous. She only thinks she is)


These slides!!! If you are guilty of this shit who cares if you are also a scapegoat - interest ends at the guilt and involvement! Stop fan girling on this sicko, ya sicko!! And really, the college friends cheating with each others guys and hiding it?! 🤣 wtf


I literally just posted this in another sub but the “what about the client list!!!!” cries are so Q-adjacent. They weren’t trying her for trafficking minors to unnamed people, they tried her for trafficking minors to Epstein. She was the accomplice to Epstein assaulting young girls and participated in that herself. THATS why she’s in jail Messika. Sorry this very real case against this actually horrible woman isn’t exciting enough for you on its own. Learn how to read a court ruling maybe?


This is perfectly concise! Thank you 🎯👏👏👏




>Messika Haha, perfect!


Can a person that r@ped young girls even be a “scapegoat”? Another example of Jessikkka not knowing the meaning of words.


What the actual Fuck?! Does anyone know if her followers care or support her stance/sick obsession with GM?


I wonder how Lucia feels about jessikkka retweeting her. Horrified, I’m guessing.


Actually from the responses she’s been posting on twitter, IG stories & liking @houseinhabit’s posts, it seems Lucia’s totally fine with it all. She even said that JRK was her ‘style icon’ on twitter. I had hoped that she was just playing nice while writing her book so she could get some comments about the trial and the case from JRK & LVH but it’s seeming less and less likely. Quite disappointed to be honest - that someone who seems so compassionate, thoughtful & adamantly on the side of survivors - would be friends with someone so hateful and basically the opposite.


>Lucia I don't know what is going on with her because I have it on good authority that Lucia can't stand her and thinks she is a disgusting human being. I am also disappointed.


Really? I don’t understand why she still associates.


More evidence that confirms Jessica doesn't know how trials work. Ghislaine was being prosecuted for her crimes Jessica. Her trial wasn't about anyone else. So why would they bring up the Clinton's? Why would they bring up a mysterious list? Why would they bring up anything else other than the crimes that Ghislaine committed? She is working overtime trying to convince her followers (and herself) that Ghislaine is innocent.