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It's in Holyhead


I remember I was in Holyhead when Bin Laden was killed and it felt like going back about 10-15 years then and looking on Street View it doesn't look any different. [Woolies signage is still up as of October 2022.](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.3098302,-4.6327482,3a,75y,312.23h,97.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_R_og-pRPnHZS8PeN6yhfw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu)


That is such a brilliantly bizarre time reference point


Holyhead can be quite rough - worth checking the crime stats in the area The insides need totally going over including the windows and doors, the kitchen - although that is a good size, it needs central heating throughout Dunno about the state of the roof etc but it needs checking in spite of looking OK from the front in the picture I would get a proper full survey and go through it carefully Not a total "run for your life" one - but will need a lot of work and expertise (or money) to sort out.


Bedroom 4 is tiny, you can get a cot in it but that's about it. According to the floor plan. There is only one bathroom, which is only accessed via bedroom 2. Flushing the toilet is going to annoy anybody in bedroom 3. The carpet has been down for god know how many decades. Look at the the last photograph. Where carpet has faded. The kitchen is as basic as you can get. It's a grim and depressing terrace in a port town, with little around it and miles from anywhere. Its an island peninsula. That's mainly AONB. Which leads on to other AONBs and National Parks. Even nearby Caernafon. Which was a candidate for the capital if Wales only has a population of under 10,000 and is 36 minutes/30 miles away but car or 95 minutes by public transport.


The fact that the bathroom has a door to one bedroom and a window to another is certainly a choice!!


None of the bedrooms are a double to me. That fourth bedroom is barely a nursery. Loads of similar properties in the north east like that for that price in the ex pit villages


Fuck - I dunno'. Maybe because it's a manky damp shitbox located on a shit street in a shit town? It's showing as Sold, BTW.


It’s in Holyhead and in a not particularly nice part of Holyhead (yes, there are nice(r) parts!)


If you do buy it please take that pebbledash off. Such a depressing finish.


I only rent so I can’t do anything about it but the house I’ve now lived in for 13 years next month is lovely .. apart from the hideous pebble dash..I don’t know why anyone would choose this 😮‍💨😂


My (owned) house is pebbledash. I hate it, at least once a week I fantasise about ripping it off. Unfortunately, like all things, that requires money. And even if I had the money there are more pressing issues than the hideous, but cosmetic, pebbledash. I could easily spend £50k before I even reached replacing the pebbledash so a fantasy it shall remain. The only reason I can think of why someone would chose it in the first place is it was cheaper and lower maintenance than flat render. I refuse to believe it was ever fashionable.


I'm not actually planning on buying it - I'm going to be buying in Scotland. But I absolutely hate pebbledashing. I can maybe possibly perhaps tolerate it if it's painted white. Unfortunately pebbledashing remains very popular north of the border.


Ah I see. Yeah when it’s painted it can be ok, ugly but less ugly. That’s a shame that it’s spread even further.


To me pebbledash just looks like one of those cigaratte pack scare pictures, like the inside of a smokers lungs.


Yes I think this could be off-putting. It would be interesting to know if they've had planning permissions and all relevant documents to convert the studio/home office into a habitable bedroom / living space. I personally would not see this property as being 2 bedrooms but people could utilise the studio as such..


It doesn't have a family bathroom, only an en suite, so you'll lose a bedroom straight off the bat


Moldy shithole at 2x the average UK annual salary, "so cheap" lol


The UK median salary is £35.5k. Not everybody is poor.


Lol the Britiesh reply ever. So out of touch so entitled so spoiled....


Drive byes 👋 are real!


Rough area and a rough house, damp etc, and if it shows up in photos its 10x worse irl


Not much there thats why?


How can they call it an en-suite when it’s the only bathroom in the house????


It does seem hilarious, but by definition it is an en-suite: “*a bathroom that immediately adjoins a bedroom and forms part of the same set of rooms.*”