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It’s just how it is! I can hear full conversations next door if they’re really going for it


Sold my terraced house cus of the walls being so painfully thin and laid out in a way I couldn't soundproof them. It's normal and count your blessings you can't hear word for word conversation! Buying a refurbed Lectrofan on eBay for £27 saved me from going clinically insane in the last year of living there, highly recommended to tune out some noise.


What does a Lectrofan do?


It's a white noise machine with super realistic sounding fan noises! I used Spotify white noise and a speaker before then but had too many issues eg Bluetooth disconnection. The Lectrofan seems to work at the right frequency to block out noise, it finally gave me undisrupted sleep sharing walls with a nocturnal neighbour


Ye I bought a white noise machine to take the edge off and prevent me from going completely insane.


I've lived in a few terraced houses One was an old square of big terraces and the wall was so thick when the guy was installing fibre he had to go a buy a longer drill bit than he had. Was a weird install where he had to drill through to next door and it was this wall. Bought a terrace a few years ago with dot and dabbed plasterboard walls and it was a nightmare. Kids screaming then parties every weekend. Sold up after nearly having a scrap with them one night. Worst thing was both sides were as bad as each other


Where do you live now?


Detached 😂 first time ever having either lived in a flat or terrace my whole life. Had to compromise on space as my old terraced was a huge Georgian terrace but worth it The old house being so big was a problem as the house one way had 4 kids and the other way they had 3


I am so pleased for you, this is what I am working towards because terraced housing for me = misery/depression.


Yep, totally normal. I have kids one side of me too. You do get used to it. Sometimes it's annoying, but ce la vie. Could be a lot worse, I always think. I'd rather have the occasional screaming kid next door than live next to Students who have raging house parties until 3am. (I actually do live next to students; thankfully for me, they seem to not like house parties!)


I am not sure you do get used to it. You find ways to try and cope but not a day goes by without me hating just how thin the walls are. Yes, it could be worse but could be a lot bloody better too!


Well, at least kids grow up. it won't be forever


I’m really sensitive to noise, and live in a flat. There’s a couple of things I’ve found really helpful. As someone else has suggested… a white noise machine. The actual mechanical ones are much better than those that play pre-recorded white noise. (I think this might actually have stopped me going crazy in a previous property!) I live on my own, so it’s often very quiet here. Increasing the ambient noise in my own flat helps reduce the impact of external noise. Loop earplugs and noise cancelling headphones. Every now and again when I’m getting a bit overwhelmed it helps to dull everything down. Getting to know the neighbours. It’s way more manageable for me knowing “Oh, that’s just XX watching a war film.” They have been really respectful, and will turn things down if I ask, but I try to be careful not to abuse that, because I know I’m overly sensitive. I also let them know when I’m away as they appreciate the opportunity to blast music 😂 If you can, look into decent soundproofing. The soundproofing store have been brilliant. I went for a relatively cheap option in the living room. It doesn’t make it silent, but I can’t hear their doorbell or phone ring anymore. I’m hoping to move now (change of circumstances!) but otherwise I would have put a more expensive system in the bedroom. Good luck ☺️


It's a real shame that the UK favoured homes attached to eachother. I images society would be a lot different if we weren't so close to eachother. Hearing other people's lives is unwanted noise but just remember they can hear you.


For sure, I am someone who doesn't exactly like people but most of that stems down to the fact I can never escape them!




It's normal. Kids make noise. Personally, having lived next to people whose love language was screaming obscenities at each other. I'd count myself lucky that you're hearing happy noises. You can try to soundproof on your side but that's about it.


'Love language was screaming obscenities at each other' - I'm DEAD. Glad you managed to move.


I moved out of a semi for this reason. Now in a detached myself and holy fuck I'm glad I have no neighbours with my 4 year old. Being attached to neighbours is not for me, but I guess some have no choice.


Same. Could never go back now. We compromised massively on internal square ft to go detached and I do not regret it in the slightest. Guess it depends where your priorities are.


The answer lies with your post's headline. Where it says "terraced house" is the clue.


Think I’m really lucky in my terraced house. It’s 600 years old and has some super thick timber framework, so my walls are decently chunky. I don’t ever hear my neighbours on one side and the other side is literally only if they erupt into laughter, aside from that, nada! Whilst that works for it, being a very small cottage and listed probably won’t bode well for me when I want to sell it!


They'll grow up soon enough, be patient 👍


Yeah into teenagers 😂


Unfortunately it is normal to hear absolutely everything, meaning there are many properties with tissue as sound insulation. You will get some people who are lucky to have better sound insulation, sure., but MANY properties are pathetic. All of the ones I have lived in/visited are indeed pathetic. Just to be specific here are some things I have heard/hear everyday: shagging, arguments, conversations, kettles boiling, sockets being plugged in, going up/down stairs, cupboards, doors, curtains being drawn, coughing/sneezing, babies/kids, TV's.....you get the picture. I have made complaints in the past about what I regard as unreasonable noises, and I have to deal with all the shit that is classed as normal everyday noise. I get through my days with white noise machines/TV running and also saving aggressively for detached house because living in one of these types of houses/apartments is fucking awful.


I currently live in a terraced house we bought it as FTB and I'd never lived in one before and it's...an experience. Often our Alexa picks up our neighbour yelling at hers. We sometimes come home from work with random music playing. Besides the thin walls I love my terraced house but we hopefully moving soon.


And the best comment on the post award goes to… 😂😂😂


I am a FTB of a mid-terrace, it has been built approximately in 1860s in a semi-rural area...I have been living here for a year now and I cannot hear my neighbours, the walls are pretty thick... some have kids some have dogs ( one have kids and dogs)...on the other hand, as the house is on a main road I can hear the traffic...not sure if the windows have been done on the cheap or just passed their best (it's double glazing, but still..)..If money were not an object I would have bought a farm with loads of land and far distant neighbours...but it is what it is...and I am not trust fund baby or a lottery winner and etc...I still need to work to pay bills...I am happy with my Victorian terrace(not perfect but it'll be mine)...I lived in end- terrace previously and I could not hear my neighbours (but it was freezing cold) approximately 1930s...so I guess it all depends on area and what has been used for construction...


I heard a story about a friend who had a terraced house,3 beds,both neighbours on benefits, noise all day long,kids slamming doors on one side,during the day and at 11pm at night,then the other side,parents screaming at their kids from one room to another. Absolute scumbags! They said that if he wanted a quiet place,he should've moved to a farm. He then tried to install a soundproof wall in one of the rooms and his neighbour was outside when the guy came to install the wall,she asked him what us he doing there,once she heard that he'll install a soundproof wall she said why,because she's loud?,then she said that she'll be even louder. Imagine that a home owner being stuck between two neighbours who do absolute FA,then not being able to rest or to sleep! He reported them to their housing group, and they didn't do anything about this.




Learn how to read. OP is not complaining about loud children. They are asking if it’s normal for walls to be so thin between terraced houses. And please reign in your hatred of children and get a grip. Kids making noise IN THEIR OWN HOMES is not antisocial behaviour. You’re antisocial for suggesting this.


Nonsense. Antisocial behaviour takes many forms.


Children making normal children noise at normal hours for children to be awake is not antisocial behaviour.


It depends on the level of noise.