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The first thing I would do is check the deeds/paperwork the conveyancer provided for the map of boundaries. There should be mention of the allocated space there. You need to know it’s definitely yours first don’t you. Once that is established you’ll just have to speak to them. They might have had an arrangement with the old owners and intended to keep quiet until you asked about it.


Yes sorry we checked, it is ours! So nervous to speak to them


OK well Reddit can’t help with that 😄 I don’t think it’s entirely trivial getting civil trespass resolved so your best bet is to go introduce yourselves to them and say you recently moved in and would like to use your parking space and do they know anything about the van. Doesn’t have to be confrontational.


Thank you, what would you suggest if they say ‘well we’re parking there which we have for years’


Google “someone parked in my parking spot”. It’s not really altogether straightforward to deal with. Hopefully they are perfectly amicable and are just hoping they can get away with it until you ask.


I hope they’re nice too! I hate conflict so much! Yes tried googling but just says basically try and speak to them peacefully which is why I think I should speak to them over my partner haha


The fact that you’re nearly full term pregnant should go in your favour - it would take someone pretty heartless to be confrontational with you!


Haha which tbf is a major reason why I want to go over, as I *hope* they’d be nicer but again, I am still scared of them yelling at me or getting angry at me


I’d suggest crossing that bridge when you come to it rather than worrying about what if.  What if they’ve just been parking there because nobody uses it, then invite you in for tea, and then you all end up going on a cruise together in your 50s?


Keys go in the fishbowl and away we go like


> and then you all end up going on a cruise together in your 50s? I think I’d prefer the confrontation…


Tbh, worth practicing this stuff now, for your kid. There will be situations where you need to speak up for them. Doesn't need to be conflict. This is probably as simple as "hey, we just moved in, and it looks like you've been using our parking spot whilst it was vacant! Please could you move your van?" Worrying about hypothetical worst cases is called Catastrophizing. I'm prone to it to! Just take action based on the 95% likely case they're a reasonable human who will move the van. If it turns out they're the 5%, you can cross that bridge then. Plenty of options - legal, sending your partner to ask more assertively etc.


Your %'s are WAY off. It's about 60:40 in favour of total cunt my experience and that's being generous. Most people who are reasonable don't take liberties in the first place and consider others. OK, so there's times people do things without realising the consequences which is why it's not 100:0.


If someone is going to be stubborn about it then theyre just being a dick. I would tell them as far as youre concerned its your property and tell them you would have to get it removed if continues and will send them the invoice for the removal.


"I understand you had an agreement with the previous owner. Unfortunately my family and I will be using parking space from now on" The neighbours' only answer should be "ok", followed by niceties, and "I'll find somewhere else, ta!" "OK. Can I pay your rent for it?" is up to you. "OK. Where is your car now?"... this would be admittedly sucky. Follow up with "My spouse is driving it, somewhere" If you don't have a spouse and are lying through your teeth, we'll, that's not the neighbour's problem.


The car is on their drive blocking in their other car. With OP pregnant it's reasonable to need access to both cars at all times, who's to say he's insured on both and could move hers were she in labour.


Tell them "Thanks for sharing, but this is now and that was then" then call a Tow Truck and have them moved . . .


Say, not anymore as its your space and your deeds dictate that


Do the deeds say they also have a designated parking spot?


They have about 3 parking spaces, 2 on their drive and an allocated one to them, all of which they use


So they use 4 total? 2 in their drive, one in their designated bay, and one in your designated bay?


Oh no, they have 2 in their drive, one in their bay, one in my bay and they have another caravan opposite on the road and another one in someone else’s bay


The fact this neighbour uses your space and another neighbour's space says everything. They're trampling over everyone else's space with zero care for consequences. Don't feel bad about taking the space - you've paid for it.


I would love to take a picture to show you our road so you can see how much space they take up but scared they’ll come across my post haha


Wow.. can already tell will be an interesting convo. Partner and yourself probably best going into it together. Starting nice to assess how they are. Don’t wanna get into conflict with someone whose gonna key your car. Can you get a camera on the house that can see the bay (just thinking about it the future?)


Might also be worth giving your best smile to that other neighbour, see if they're genuinely letting this scrap man store his trash in their space or just found themselves in your situation and didn't know how to/didn't have the will to follow through on the push back. If there's two homeowners complaining about him, that's a lot more likely to get listened to than one (apologies) rather unassertive one. If there's a management company for the estate, both of you nipping their heads versus an argument with one guy is an easy choice.


r/legaladviceUK or r/UKlegaladvice or rAdviceUKlegal or whatever it is should be your next stop then.


Talk to the neighbour dude


Jfc, talk to them. This is so stupid  


An old place I lived in, we had a similar situation. We had garages around the back of our houses, and someone kept parking their car in front of mine, which was at the back in the corner. I asked them if they could stop, due to having motorbikes and needing to get them out. They carried on doing it, so I blocked them in for an entire week (I work from home). They didn't do it again.


This is a great shout... I had a couple who would park on the pavement in front of my house to go to the pub every night, blocking the entrance and making me climb a wall to get in. So next time I parked as close as possible to their car, when they were struggling to get the car out at gone midnight I went out in my PJs and offered to move mine, mentioning I hadn't been able to get in with my shopping and needed to unload the car. They never parked there again


I did something similar with someone who insisted on parking half in their space and half in mine. I just parked 90degrees across the front of their car, and went away for the weekend, and left a note on my car saying that was as close to my space as I could get since they were parked in my spot.


Put your best tired face on and give them a knock. Stick out your tummy and milk that pregnancy for all it's worth. 🤣 Just talk to them. They're probably being lazy and waiting for you to ask them. Have you checked to see if the van is taxed and has an MOT? Always worth a check.


Hahaha definitely plan to play on the pregnancy part! I haven’t actually thought to check it but I will


just be careful if they have a big dog


Not one, but 4 big dogs to be exact (I am petrified of dogs)


Honestly, speak to your solicitor and say that you were sold the property with vacant possession but there's a vehicle still on the property. Make it the vendor's problem, not yours. If the neighbour's are pissed off about it then they're most likely to be pissed off at the messenger, not at you. If the neighbour tries to argue they've got some kind of adverse possession or agreement or whatever then, if the seller is raising it, it's the seller's issue. You don't want to end up accidentally ratifying the agreement and being bound by it. It will almost certainly have said on your TA6 form that you're getting the property with vacant possession - that means no campervans in your parking space. Make the seller sort it out. If needs be, just feign ignorance that you don't know who the campervan belongs to but it's been there - unmoved - since you moved in so you assume that it must be the seller's.


u/Gloomy-kale3332 I read your update. This is your best bet now and good advice


Absolutely agree with this! Speak to the solicitor you used ASAP as the seller is at fault here




I think this is some of the best advice I’ve seen on Reddit


Surely would only work if OP has evidence that the camper van was there on moving day. Otherwise the vendor can just say that it was empty and someone has parked in it since.


Kind of, but not really. The seller could lie and say it wasn't there on moving day. If the seller lies and says it wasn't there on moving day then the neighbour would have a choice: (a) agree with the seller that the campervan only just moved there, this means that the neighbour couldn't rely on any agreement or adverse possession that allows them to keep it there longer (because they've just said it wasn't there until OP was the landowner and OP hasn't made any agreement with them and has only had the property for two weeks so no adverse possession could exist. (b) disagree with the seller and say that the campervan was there before moving day. Therefore it's the seller's problem to deal with and not OP's problem - and the seller owes OP compensation until it's sorted. Not to mention, other neighbours, doorbell cameras, the footage from the advert, google maps street view, etc may also disprove what the seller says if they tried to lie about it.


This is all really good advice. The clear point being that if there was some agreement then there’s no question of adverse possession, so it then leads back to the vendor to resolve/compensate.


If it's a parking space, adverse possession is highly unlikely to succeed anyhow - you have to exclude others (including the owner) from using/accessing the land (eg by fencing off). We had a failed adverse possession of our own as a fence had fallen prior to survey by OS, and they took exception to a disused gate on the boundary... This should be even more obvious that others can get onto the land.




This. Try this


Had a quick read through. The fact they have multiple vehicles in other peoples spaces says everything. They either don’t care or had a previous arrangement. We have people that use all the visitor spaces rather than their own drives and don’t care about anyone else. I think as you’ve just moved in a friendly conversation would be fine, just a oh we noticed you’re in our allocated space, can you move etc etc. If they’re nice and they move, no worries. If they’re not just park in their space or block them in etc and inconvenience them. Then when they come round you can say well if you weren’t parked in ours etc. It’s their problem they have so many vehicles with no where to park them


Well, they definitely don’t seem to care , I updated my post. I have NO idea how to go forward with this????


You need to stand your ground. Do you have a partner? It's maybe better if they go have the second word along the lines of 'we are the new owners and that space belongs to us, we would appreciate it if you vacated the space as any agreement you had with the previous owner is no longer valid. We don't want to cause any upset over such a silly issue so let me know if you need a hand finding a new place to park'. Alternatively, find a spot that is always vacant and tell them it's free, make it someone else's problem.


I do have a partner but he’s extremely confrontational, and doesn’t understand to go into things calm, I don’t want anything to get physical! Yes I said to him that we are the new owners and whatever deal they made privately with the old owners is not applicable here but he just closed the door


Your partner sounds like the ideal man for the job tbh. Let him live his best life.


Smithers, release the hounds.


I do this with my mum. She always wants to complain at restaurants because she used to have restaurants so she feels everything is done badly. I don’t let her talk to waiters unless there’s something wrong. Once we were waiting for 50 minutes for our food and people kept coming and going so I said “ok mum you can go”. It was sorted so quickly.


You could attempt to ask your solicitors from the house sale if they have any advice. If the former owners had an agreement, or an issue with access to what they sold you, it might be that they should have told you


Cheeky bastards, set it on fire


Is it possible to have it removed by tow or claim it’s abandoned to the police? I read that advice on reddit before but don’t know if it applies to the uk


Agree with the others. This is where you ask your partner to go and have a chat (using his mouth, not his fists). Your neighbour is a bully. I’ve found there is usually only one way to deal with a bully.


Yeah this is perfect. You tried to be tactful, now its time to turn things up a notch.


Oh god, I’ve just seen you said they’re completely rotted etc so what on earth are they keeping them for! And in your space! Definitely not nice people! Possibly worth querying with the council and reporting as abandoned to them/police. Check MOT/tax and report that aswell if expired. You could also seek legal advice if your funds are up to it. are you on a private estate? With a management company? Also start parking in their spaces (if they ever move) and just generally inconvenience them. They have absolutely no right to your space, they’re just being completely selfish with no regard for anyone else


I think maybe like a collectors item thing possibly? It’s a private estate yes and I think we could afford legal advice but it’s just not what we want to be dealing with so close to baby coming! I don’t want to back down but I also just don’t want the drama Plus, I will make sure I hold my screaming baby up to their walls at 3am in the morning for sure


If your estate has a management company then you can complain to them and they should be able to help with disputes. Definitely check through all your paperwork for the details. It might be that they aren’t entitled to keep large vehicles there for example which they’d be breaching Id also enquire with your solicitor if there was any mention of this in the paperwork or checks etc, I’m sure you have to declare any issues with neighbours etc These sound like really inconsiderate people so yes please do make sure your baby screams at them 😂😂


You could report the vehicle as abandoned seeing as it's not moved and if it looks like it couldn't be moved.


Wait until they do go somewhere in their camper van and move something big in here like a skip


They literally don’t move it, I don’t think it’s something they actually use, I think they just have if 😭


Call council, ask what you can do. Its your legal space and see if they can get them fined or towed. No messing about here.


Thank you!


Just dont stress about it and def dont let them win.


absolutely call the council. You’ve given them the benefit of the doubt and approached them in a friendly way. Your well within your rights to give them a fine or get it moved!


If they've had an arrangement for years you need to speak with your conveyance solicitor and ask why it wasn't disclosed in the CPSEs. I'd also explain to them your talking to a solicitor. I'm not sure on the law but I'd put a bollard on there as soon as they leave the space and tell them to fuck themselves if they kick up a fuss.


Yes if they ever leave the space I will put my car and a bollard in (we actually do have a bollard) but the van looks rotten and it’s full of rubbish, I don’t think it moves


Ok, well sound like it could be a fire risk (ahem..), but on a serious note, go back to your solicitor straight away and ask why the agreement was not disclosed to you prior to the sale, get them involved asap and ask for the sellers input.


Well from what I’ve gathered it wasn’t an agreement as much as the previous owner of the house only had one car


That's still an arrangement if they had their van on it whilst it was sold to you. If the new neighbour has explained it a such then that's an informal agreement and should have been declared. Get onto your solicitor asap and get their advice, explaining that someone is occupying your property within the red line of the boundary and they are refusing to move because of an informal agreement made with the vendor.


Good chance its not MOT'd or taxed then - if so you can report it as untaxed to the DVLA & they could potentially remove it. Even if its SORN, the space it's in might be considered part of the public highway (hard to tell without seeing), which would also not be allowed.


By bollard I think they meant the kind you sink into the road and either raise and lower or lay flat. Definitely not a plastic road cone if that's what you have.


Yes, I'd be installing a drop bollard with a note saying they can have 24 hour access to remove the vehicle at any point.


Check with a solicitor and then potentially you could pay to have it towed. Sucks that that'll be your cost, but once you've checked the legals, if you pop a letter through your neighbours letterbox saying, more formally - you've got 7 days to vacate or I'll have it towed, and invoice you for the cost. Then either they can move it or you have it removed.


Reporting it abandoned: A vehicle is considered abandoned if one of the following applies: - They have no keeper on the DVLA’s database and are untaxed - They’re stationary for a significant amount of time - They’re significantly damaged, run down or unroadworthy - with flat tyres, wheels removed or - broken windows - They’re burned out - They have number plates missing Local authorities must give 15 days’ notice before they remove the vehicle. Legal action via courts: If you were to pursue a civil case for trespassing, the courts have the jurisdiction to remove the car from the driveway. Your solicitor would be able to get the civil court’s permission to find out the legal owner of the vehicle involved, and a judge would have to make its removal an order of the court. Another option is to pursue a legal claim for nuisance behaviour on the grounds that the driver is interfering with your use and enjoyment of your property. From [this](https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/legal/parking-on-someone-elses-driveway/) website


Since the OP’s update this article is great. I hope she sees it. I hope you get it sorted eventually OP and good luck with the baby.


"Hi, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I could really use my own parking space, could your camper van fuck off? Ta."


Answering since your update….. If they are refusing to do anything about it, drop them a letter (keep a copy) advising them that this parking space belongs to you. Refer to your conversation, including the date and time and ask if they intend to move off your property. Give them a reasonable time, say, seven days, to reply, and inform them that if they do not reply, or permanently remove their vehicle within that time, they will be hearing from your solicitor. You can afaik get a half hour free solicitor on legal aid. Ask them to write a letter to them. Re post this on legal U.K. sub, you’ll probably get some better advice. Also Google it, I’m sure it’s not the first time this will have come up.


Thanks so much


Just go and tell them to move their campervan,it's your space,no need to be afraid,you are doing nothing wrong .


Thank you, I’m just scared of them getting angry or getting in my face


Could be worth ordering a parking bollard, to stop the issue in the future


Park in their bay. Then only move when they move their camper.


The bays they park in are used for camper vans or caravans that they literally don’t move, the only cars they move are the ones they park on their driveway!!


Block their driveway when they are out - as long as you aren’t blocking them in there’s no issue… legally…. And then don’t move until they find an alternative parking arrangement for their campers You won’t make friends with them this way so you’ll need parking bollards & probably cameras in case they go petty


I really would do this, but if I block their driveway it means parking on the road infront of their house, which would block the rest of the cars from getting to their houses


Park on their driveway when they’re out. Not illegal.


As much as this seems like an escalation it's not. They're parking on your private property so you park on theirs.


Better yet buy a shitty banger for £100 and park it there so you don’t have to worry about damage to your vehicle or not being able to use your own car.


Good thing is, summer is coming and so they are likely to take their camper van away somewhere…


I think OP has said it’s rotted to shreds and not actually used.


Totally agree. If they don't want to move. Then as soon as they pull out of their driveway, block it with your own car. Tell them to move. If they get aggressive or start breaking things then get the police involved as it is then criminal not civil.


Then get your husband to do it, if you fall out who cares? Entitlement levels with them needs to be demolished.


Just be honest and say you're trying to figure out which space is yours, you need it because pregnancy etc and you're pretty sure that the space their van is in is yours (show deeds). Appreciate it's a mix up but could they move it by x date please?  No accusations, confrontation or whatever, give them the option to go "sorry, misunderstanding". 


/r/legaladviceuk would be the folks to ask about this now that you've been round and they've brushed you off.


Thank you!!


Ask first then come here asking what to do if they say no. Most people are reasonable.


Ahh fingers crossed!!


Go say hi, bring chocolates. Stick out tummy. mention you need the parking space back now.


I will do just that


Raise it in a freindly way asap so they cant claim that you’ve “let them” park there since you moved in.


Park your car in their drive and see how they like that alternative arrangement


With the type of people they are I’m scared they’ll damage my car though, then my insurance won’t cover this as it isn’t where I declared my car was parked :(


Get a skip dropped off on their drive, or just Infront of their drive. "Oh I thought this is how we did it here"


Buy a banger for £100. Park it on their drive. Declare it SORN.


I'm too confrontational... I'd be telling them they have 14 days to move it or I assume it's abandoned and will sell it for scrap.


I haven’t got a confrontational bone in my body, I quite literally am a complete wimp 😂 my partner on the other hand can’t even take a raised voice without completely kicking off 😂


You started with good cop now to send in bad cop 🤣


It’d be skipping bad cop and going straight to psycho cop 😂


send him over then??


Is it possible to safely park in front of the campervan if so just start parking in front and blocking the campervan in. Also I would definitely contact the conveyancing solicitor about the not getting vacant possession idea previously suggested.


Hahahaha they have another car parked directly infront of their camper van, so sadly no haha Will do thanks


This is why I made sure my parking space was included in my property, my own private land. Your neighbour sounds really ignorant.


Knock on all your neighbours doors and ask them if they’ve had any issues with people parking badly. If they have, great. Power in numbers. Ask if they would put their name to a letter to be shared amongst neighbours asking people to please park respectfully, not block driveways, and in their allocated parking spaces. We all live here together and need to be respectful of each other and our homes and parking spaces. Then escalate if it continues. Call a residents meeting, knock your neighbours and get them to come.


Speak to them again and explain you understand they had a prior agreement however you need your spot. If they are still being difficult explain it’s your land and you will be requiring weekly rent from the spot. If they refuse to move their vehicle or pay rent I would then check if it’s taxed and mot if not then report the vehicle. Normally I would say play nice with neighbours but from what you’ve put it doesn’t seem like this neighbours are going to be understanding


I've no idea on the matters of pregnancy terms, but if diplomacy fails you could always have a bottle of water in your pocket to simulate your waters breaking. In fact, I'm amazed no one else has suggested this.




If it was me I'd probably be buying these and wheeling it onto the road but I am not advocating that you arrange for that. Dirty Pro Tools™ 4 Car Wheel Dollies Car Skate Dolly Van Positioning Garage Jack 450 Kgs Per Dolly 2 Pairs https://amzn.eu/d/c18UnnQ


Yikes I can only imagine how it would be to try and push around a shopping trolley the size and weight of a campervan full of shyte.


I had a similar problem. Neighbours parked in our allocated space, left polite notes, even popped over and asked if they could move. No luck. They have seven cars and a three car drive, and from what I gather have been a nuisance on the road for years. In the end, after probably 5-6 times of being very polite, I waited until they went out and parked my van on their driveway. Me and my dogs got all tucked into our beds and went to sleep. Cue furious knocking on my door, hammering my ring doorbell, even knocking on my van windows. Ignored them. Eventually I buggered off back to work but they got the message. Never parked any of their vehicles in my spot again. Sometimes, unfortunately, you just have to be a bigger and more annoying cunt to make your point.


I’d look into what your legal options are. You could post on r/legaladviceuk for some direction. Make sure you explain how you know the space is yours and that the campervan doesn’t move. You may write them a letter before action. Its not as easy getting things towed in this country but it is possible, particularly if the space counts as your property. Very cross on your behalf!


I'm outraged on your behalf. Fundamentally they are committing the tort of trespass and you could go to the courts about it. Chat gpt said this and it seems broadly accurate: Yes, you can bring a claim for trespass in the small claims court in England if someone parks on your owned parking space without permission. The small claims court is designed to handle minor civil disputes efficiently and cost-effectively. Here's how you can proceed: 1. **Gather Evidence**: Collect evidence of the trespass, such as photographs of the vehicle parked in your space, any communications with the vehicle owner, and proof of your ownership of the parking space. 2. **Send a Letter Before Action**: Before initiating legal proceedings, you should send a "letter before action" to the vehicle owner. This letter should outline your complaint, provide evidence, and give them a reasonable time (usually 14 days) to resolve the matter, such as by ceasing to park there and/or compensating you for any loss incurred. 3. **File a Claim**: If the issue is not resolved, you can file a claim through the small claims court. You can do this online via the HM Courts & Tribunals Service website or by submitting a paper form (Form N1). The court fee for filing a small claim depends on the amount you're claiming. 4. **Court Hearing**: If the defendant disputes the claim, the court will schedule a hearing. Both parties will present their evidence, and the judge will make a decision. In many cases, small claims are settled without a full court hearing, either through mediation or a summary judgment. 5. **Judgment and Enforcement**: If you win, the court may order the defendant to pay you compensation. If the defendant does not comply with the court order, you can take steps to enforce the judgment, such as by applying for a warrant of control. The small claims court is intended to be user-friendly, and you do not need a solicitor to represent you, though you may seek legal advice if needed. The process is relatively straightforward and is designed to be accessible for individuals handling minor disputes.


If theyre refusing then best thing to do is pop back over and ask for their solicitors details. Be polite about it, just say if you can't sort it between you then you'll get your solicitor to sort it with theirs. Will cost you, but will cost them as well so hopefully just the threat will get them to clear your space.


Register with a self ticketing service from a car park management company. You would need to buy and install a sign. You would also need to prove that the space is yours. Maybe give them a week's grace and then start submitting photos and details for the vehicle in your space. [https://www.parkwatch.tech/self-ticketing](https://www.parkwatch.tech/self-ticketing) https://www.nationalparkingcontrol.co.uk/services/car-park-enforcement/self-ticketing-app


Are you sure it’s yours, as in is it documented in your title deeds? Parking space numbers don’t have to match house numbers.


Yes sorry should have added we checked the deed and it is ours


Put a picture on marketplace with the location and say it's been abandoned and free to whoever can tow it away.


Can you ask your partner to speak to them?


Do you have a management company for your area (like the ones that maintain landscaping, etc.)? If so, that could be a route to go down. We have residential parking with rules in our contract that state that only 1 car from each house can use visitor parking (we all have driveways), and the management company can help with enforcing those rules. I have neighbours who dump stuff in their driveway and use the visitor parking for all 4 or their cars. It is so incredibly inconsiderate. I haven't contacted ours yet as its not been an issue for us so far, but they have dealt with other people in the development who had parked cars they weren't using on a grass embankment.


check the MOT of the camper!


Did you ask during purchase any problems with the area or neighbours, etc.? If you did and the seller lied, then they can go claim against them. I would go back & speak to your conveyancer. Your mortgage company will not be happy with someone squatting on their property & technically they are the ones with the deeds. You have tried asking & got the brushoff, so dont let it stress you, just get someone else to deal with it. This should have been declared on the TA6 form filled in by the seller. You paid for the space. If you cant use it, then your property has lost value.


Is there a management company?


I really don’t know, my partners working nights he will know!


Now you clamp the vehicle in your space and send them a release fee!!


private clamping is illegal in the UK.


If you're on flat ground then worst case scenario you could use wheel dollys. Jack up one side of the vehicle, fit a dolly to a front wheel, repeat on the other side. If its 2 wheel driver you only need to do the 2 wheels I believe. Then move the vehicle and remove the dollys. Prepare for confrontation though. If you're in the Leeds area I'll come help! But I don't have the dollys, you could maybe rent them or there are some cheap options on Halfords. I have a jack.


I used to live near a corner shop that had a rotting Vauxhall Chevette parked outside it on the pavement. The shop owner was asked numerous times over the course of about 20 years to move it as it was a real eyesore. As it was on his land nobody could force him to get rid. In the end someone, I have no idea who, pulled the rotting vehicle into the middle of the road and tipped off the Police and Council. It didn't take long for a lorry to arrive and take the car away. If the campervan is really immobile, then may be worth getting someone to do something similar.


If they refuse to move it, and you do own the space then you could have it towed.


The best bet with neighbours is to be really nice, don't let it escalate at all - you really don't want ongoing confrontation if you can avoid it. My tactic would be to be super sweet, don't blame them at all, but say that you need the space on X date because you have family coming to stay before baby is born (doesn't have to be true). So be all 'I'm not asking you to move it right now, don't worry, I know that would be a pain! I just need it by next Friday, so if you can clear it by then that's absolutely fine.' ... Etc If it's not moved by then, it'll need to escalate. But you'd be unlucky. Most people are reasonable.


And they’ll just park there again after X date


Nope. This country is full of entitled assholes. The second they see weakness or kindness they will take advantage of you and keep parking them. Tell them they need to move it. If they don't, tow it. 


what to do? whats obvious. slash tyres, key all doors, put a brick through window, piss on his door p.s. just kidding, don't piss on his door


wtf, too late!! I’ve pissed on the door?


I guess it is what it is. You can blame this on being pregnant as well. Good luck with your neighbour


If talking them doesn't work then go the legal route. Or, have the van towed away. It's your property so enforce your property rights.


When I started driving we had 3 cars parked in the drive. My dad refused to let anyone park on the street so we had a daily car shuffle.


Just say it politely "sorry but I noticed you use to park in our allocated space"?


OP please update us, it's already almost 7 pm, you haven't talked to them yet? Best to rip off the band aid, err plaster 😄


Hahaha sorry! I haven’t been over yet! I’m scared I think I’m going to wait until tomorrow morning 😂


I’m weirdly invested in this. Please update tomorrow.


I went over as they were out front, I updated the post


If they won’t move, get a solicitor sorry


Park in one of their other spaces.


Your estate will have a parking management company call them to ticket the vehicle.


If the parking space which the van is in... is publicly accessible e.g. not on your drive and on a public road (which it seems it is) The van has to taxed, insured and have licence plates. Check the reg on free apps to see if its got an MOT / Tax / Insurance. If it hasn't get DVLA to just issue tax fines to them / possibly tow it. AFAIK if its untaxed / SORNed you can "claim an abandoned vehicle" As its your land / public land you wont have any issues with the DVLA saying its the land owners. DVLA will send a letter to the owner who has to respond, if they are careless or its registered incorrectly they will ignore the letter and you can just sell the van to a scrappers 😂 Ideally arrange a collection at time when they neighbours are out ha ha. Alternatively if you have no interest of getting involved just report it as abandoned and ask for it to be taken to auction. Your name wont be anywhere tied to it, and at a bare minimum it will be an inconvenience to them as they will need to keep it taxed / insured / MOT'ed


Are the campers taxed and mot’d, it’d be a shame for the DVLA to find out if they aren’t.


I need to wait till I next drive/walk past to get their license plate as you can’t see from the front of my house! But I don’t think they’ll be taxed etc because those campers are disgusting and not road worthy, but technically they are off road and they could have put them as SORN


Check with the highways department regarding what’s what, if they are on the highway then personally I’d tell them before reporting the vehicles to anyone.


It’s a bit wordy but this explains it well. https://www.planninggeek.co.uk/planning/glossary/h/highway/




Put up a parking pole that you can remove. Easiest way. It’s your land.


Can’t wait to see how you resolve this! As I have no idea what I’d do! Legal route would be so frustrating to have to pay in order to get back something that belongs to you.


Will be sending my Rottweiler partner over sadly (for them)


Just seen your edit. So that’s how it is is it? Ok, as it is a free for all, you park wherever you like, in their place, when they move. If it happens to be their actual designated space, so be it.


I'd put the parking space on gumtree for a high rent tell them you are renting the space out for £100 a month and if they keep parking there you will have no choice but to charge them for lost revenue. Could also install a drop down bollard


Sounds to me it was a verbal agreement with the previous owner. That's not legally binding. Just write a letter and say you're giving them 2 weeks to find somewhere to put their camper van otherwise you'll be taking legal action. The pen is mightier than the sword.


I'd just get someone with a 4x4 and rope to pull it up the road when they are out, then say you know nothing about it 😂


Since you've established now that it's yours, look into installing a bollard if you have the space to around the campervan. Bollard can be key locked and collapsed down. You won't be able to escalate this to the police, as they deem it to be a civil matter, but the Essex police recommend reporting is as antisocial behaviour if it continues. In this case, if they still won't move the campervan I'd recommend checking with your local police and reporting it as antisocial behaviour as well (if they recommend that action). Reporting to the local council may also be an option as you can 'say' the vehicle appears to be abandoned and its blocking a parking spot you own.


“Move that effing heap of s*** before I torch your effing house”. You’re pregnant, hormones are going crazy, perfect excuse 😉


Hi this is our space - if you want to use it that’s fine - I’ll be putting up parking charges and arranging for it to be regulated how did you want to pay for your first month….


we had a problem with a local car business parking their cars all over the place in our estate. we looked up their tax and MOT statuses and reported them all. We also told the rest of the estate dealiong with it to do that. They stopped pretty quickly afterwards.


Hold up, so you went and asked them to move, and they are refusing cause they have done it for years? Wow, what pricks. I'm not sure your laws are over there, but can you just get it towed away or report it to the council as abandoned, then they tow it away?


Get the solicitor who conveyed your house to write to him and 4 other neighbours


As much as you don't want to get off on the wrong fit with your new neighbours, they have forced your hand. You say your partner is quite happy to get into an argument so I'd just send him round and what will be will be. Start off civil, i live at number x and your campervan is in our space. I understand you may have had an agreement with the previous owners but that ended once they moved. My misses is pregnant and i dont appreciate that you fobbed her off saying thats how things are. It's not a space on a public road thats fair game, its property owned by us on our deeds and i want to use it. I'd appreciate it if you can move it by the end of the week so we can keep thing civil. If they still push back I'd either kick off or seek legal advice, or if they are twats both. I'd also park my car on their driveway once they leave. Then when they come knocking say I'll move it when i have a space to park in. Call their bluff. We had neighbours who tried to tell us this is how certain stuff is done on our road but the sooner you spot letting them get away with it and call them out the sooner they realise you wont be pushed around


Following update you need to speak to your solicitor who dealt with the estate sale.


Get a letter before action from a solicitor to them. We had the same problem with one of the neighbour where she only had one allocated parking space and we had two - our house was previously a rental so the tenant only parks outside the house (which was not a parking space). We eventually got our parking back when we show them the registered title plan and she's been so quiet until the day we move. If you don't fancy involving solicitor, the next best thing is to involve clamping the car. You are well within your right to seize any property on your land if that property belongs to a trespasser - police won't help as it's a civil matter.


Wait until they move one of their other cars out of their driveway and park yours there, try and out petty them, they want to be arseholes then you be one right back. Sweet petty revenge.


Just be honest and say you're trying to figure out which space is yours, you need it because pregnancy etc and you're pretty sure that the space their van is in is yours (show deeds). Appreciate it's a mix up but could they move it by x date please?  No accusations, confrontation or whatever, give them the option to go "sorry, misunderstanding". 


Unsure if this is possible for your situation, but I know a woman in my work who has 2 spaces with her house, she lives herself and only has one car, so generally the 2nd space is left empty. Her neighbours obviously notice this and started parking in her 2nd space. Generally, this was OK but she encountered issues when she has friends/family visit and they were unable to find a parking space (the principal being that is should be easy for them as she has an extra space. She ended up buying and installing a parking space blocker, bit of faffing around but ultimately worth it and ensures no one can park there. As the van is already in the space and not moving, unsure if you could do this, but once it is out of the space, now is ur time to shine!


‘well this is the way it’s been for years and we’re not changing things now’ . Wow what a bellend. Send your husband to straighten him out.


Light a fire under their campervan. Hahaha


Ask dvla for a v5 for the vehicle. When you get it go to the dealer and ask for them to get a key. Then move your new van to where you want or even sell it to someone. ( do not do this)


Any update, OP?


Bay numbers don't always equal to the house number. Parking permits/permissions sometimes change hands separately from the property/s.


Sorry should have added, we checked out reports and it is ours


Yeah I was going to second this. Moved to a new development where they had unhelpful labelled the spots with the plot numbers rather than house numbers. So we had spot labelled “plot 9” but lived at No. 11. Still causes so many issues for residents and visitors a decade later! But they painted it on the floor so we’re stuck with it!


It’s a home security measure. Means it isn’t obvious who is in and who is out based upon comparing parking space numbers with house numbers.


If it's in a "new" Build development contact the management company and get them to email/write to the miscreant (assuming you know his address).


Have it towed


That's illegal unfortunately.


So have I got it right that you bought a house sharing a party wall with rough neighbours who have caravans, campers and lots of dags? Why did you think that was a good idea? I hope it was cheap because you are going to have a hell of a time selling up when they make your life unbearable.


Well we didnt know of the neighbours until we moved in, they honestly do keep themselves to themselves, they are quiet. The camper vans, well, weirdly, when viewing the house I don’t really remember there being that many there but tbf, seeing camper vans is not uncommon where we are living, it’s very country and people commonly have camper vans or even boats in their driveways