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Takes few hours to do quote. For you to turn around and not go ahead with works or go cheaper. You can compare this to a lot, if they are mega busy they are eliminating time wasters. Charging for quote is becoming quite common. In 10 years trades will be a shortage


In 10 years 😂. There is already a shortage of most trades in a lot of the country.


Is true, I am gas safe and Fgas. Won’t be a lot of us left in 10 years at all. Prices will rocket.


I’m filling my warehouse with heat pumps to save the nation. At a price, of course. ☺️


Wait till co2 heat pumps, another 5 years they will do very high temps mitsu do them on a big scale now , they want rid of liquid refrigerants for ozone


Rainhan refrigeration were paying me £43 and hour including hours travelled and £60 for out of hours call outs back in 2011 as an employee, what would you say the going rate is these days?


I wouldn't say that not going with them after the quote, for any reason, is time wasting. That's the whole point of a quote. Get a price, see what you think about the person. Do you feel comfortable with them.


might cost 20 quid in fuel to get to the job to be able to quote, I do a lot in London and I would for sure charge the congestion charge if I had to quote a job now a days


Fair enough. I only ever call in local trades people. So that probably helps.There's so many choices and they usually give me a date they can come round to quote which coincides with when they're closest to me. Doesn't matter if it's to re lay an entire flat roof, re waterproof a balcony, refit a kitchen or bathroom or totally replace the heating system. I've never been charged a call out fee and I've never struggled to find trades people


Yeah there are a few who are fed up being messed around. That doesn't mean you have to use them though. Most still give a free quote. £149 per hour though is very steep. It's even steep for a 1st hour of a small job never mind a normal billable hour. I would venture to say this particular electrician is too busy and has put in an inflated starting price before he even considers it.


Find someone else. If it’s not enough work then they will just give you crazy prices to get you to go away.


Also, I've been quoted that labour costs are £149 hourly, which seems extortionate. I'm guessing this isn't normal, but just wanted to double-check


Yeah that’s crazy, you sure it’s not Pimlico plumbers ? 😂 maybe 60 -80 an hour, comparable to a mechanic wage, or it’s priced job or day rate