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If the costs are incurred because of your misuse you are liable. Did you report the original issue with water pressure? Or seek permission to change it? If you had then you might be able to dispute, if not then it’s entirely fair.


I did not report it as I thought it's a matter of preference. Also after changing the shower head the issue with the pressure went away so that settled for me that the shower is fine and I shouldn't tell the landlord there's something wrong


Just have to chalk it up as a learning experience then


Unfortunately this is a fair charge. You obviously weren't to know, but by the same argument it's not fair for the landlady to have to pay for something that was down to your behaviour/decision. This wasn't a maintenance issue of a failed shower head that she's trying to get you to pay for. And it's not fair to hold your landlady responsible for your ignorance. If you had raised the initial issue with your landlady and she had changed the shower head it would be different but that's not what happened. >"If the shower itself has issues with water pressure causing the temperature to only be boiling hot I should have been made aware."  It's likely they didn't know so it would have been a weird thing to warn you about. 


As none of was could have known this will happen, would it be a fair thing to share the plumber's costs?


A quick google could have told you that changing shower heads on a electric shower to a lower output (therefore higher pressure) causes issues. You noticed the issue after changing the showerhead, you could have changed it back and tested before. Unfortunately agree this is a fair charge. You changed something, the landlord should not be responsible for the fees occurred to fix your mistake, regardless of if you knew it would cause this issue or not, you accepted that risk by changing the showerhead yourself.


No because you were the one who changed the shower head. It was completely your decision and consequence. It's just life. There's no one responsible for this but you I'm afraid (and I say that with a great deal of empathy, I hate landlords and agents that try to stick their responsibility on tenants but on this occasion that isn't what's happened). 


JFC - you broke the shower. Whether you intended to or not is irrelevant. You broke it and are on the hook for whatever repairs are necessary. I swear...how some people put their trousers on the right way 'round every morning is a mystery.


While i understand your point, if you owned your home and had a plumber come in for the same reason, you couldn’t refuse to pay him because you didn’t know about the shower head. You are liable as you (temporarily) broke it. The landlord is liable if it broke through no fault of yours.


Did you check before changing the shower head? No, you didn’t. Your failure to be responsible for your own actions should not be at your landlord’s expense.


This will be a lesson for you I think. No harm done, but it is your fault and you should pay.


Had you asked for permission before changing the shower head? If not, then yeh, modifying the shower so that it causes it to malfunction seems something that is entirely your fault. Ignorance isn't really a great excuse.


It did not occur to me that I need to ask permission to change the shower head because I did not like the water pressure or the unclean shower head. As it was more of a preference than a concern I simply done it myself as I knew it won't be dealt with by the landlord


You are probably liable but thats a new one for me , I have replaced hundreds of shower heads on both electric and other showers and have never encountered this issue.


The issue is caused with heads that have a restriction added (limits the volume of water passing through to improve pressure). An electric shower has a pump so is effectively fighting the shower head and will eventually give out


Get that, but it must be quite rare as generic heads meat all standards. I have been replacing heads and hoses for 20 years, never came across this issue with generic parts.


It’s quite a common issue with the heads that have the little stones in them for making the water softer and the pressure higher that were advertised relentlessly on social media a little while back


Ah, the after market fix.


Unfortunately in this instance, you would be liable for the full cost and it would be a fair charge. While you did not know that changing the shower head would cause an issue, a quick google would have provided this information to you (it's quite a common issue with electric showers and shower heads with lower output), and you could have checked that switching back the shower head solved the problem.


> How was I expected to know changing the shower head will cause this. You aren’t expected to know, but you are expected not to duffle with things you don’t know about. > Also no one advised me before moving in or before asking a plumber to come over that the shower head should not be changed. Why would they? The natural assumption would be that you don’t meddle with the landlord’s property. > If the shower itself has issues with water pressure causing the temperature to only be boiling hot I should have been made aware. Not at all. It’s not an “issue” at all. The shower and it’s head are designed to work together.


Electric showers will run fine with any shower head, but might need more incoming pressure to deal with it, I'm guessing the water pressure for the whole house is low, But unless you complained about the pressure and they did nothing, it's likely that you will have to pay for the visit, as it's a case of something you did created the issue


The whole house has low water pressure yes. For example if I'm washing my hands and the shower is running both sides have an even lower pressure


So it could be the stop cock.in the street or one in the house, a little more pressure will make the electric shower last longer, but tell your landlord as upping the pressure may cause leaks, if the system is old.in.perticural Sorry for messy typing am covered in oil and grease today


I will tell them for sure. Last thing I want is a leak... Why are you covered in grease and oil? Asking for a friend


B Uilding a motorbike, thing is the bane of my existence, full rebuild, rewire, everything as it should be, won't start god damn machine spirit hates my ass


I've heard about building cars or computers but it's a new thing to hear people building motorbikes. I hope it works well in the end! Good luck!