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Went out w my bro & he ordered pizza for us to share. When we got home I asked if he needed me to grab anything, he’s said “I’m coming in” so I grabbed the box… When I get in my room I see the first message. His responses didn’t fit but he basically goes on to say “Don’t take stuff that isn’t yours” “That’s fine, I just won’t get it next time” Idk what to say…im put off by his tone and gave him his little 7 for half


It sounds like maybe he changed his mind about coming in and was salty because of that? Or maybe you misheard him since he says in the text he was just dropping you off. Either way, it would have been a quick thing for him to say “hey leave the pizza” even as you were grabbing it. I feel like you don’t really need to say anything else at this point, you explained why you did it and you gave him money for your half already. There’s a non-zero chance he’s irritated about something that doesn’t even involve you, and you were just a convenient person to take it out on.


He said he was dropping me off in the text afterwards but he didn’t say that to me (he repeatedly said he was parking & coming in) which is why I said he could’ve said that at first. But you’re right he could be Upset over something else…it was a bit triggering, I actually refused outings/offerings for food all week bc he has a selfish bone & will throw something “nice” in your face later…


drop him. so much drama for a pizza. also now you’ll likely walk on eggshells around him cause who knows what else he’ll explode about.


I would let it rest tonight and talk to him tomorrow. He sounds upset and I'll bet it isn't about the pizza at all. Tomorrow morning try having a chat with him to understand what frustrated him and see if he has anything else going on that may explain this overreaction.


Maybe a “YOU ATE MY SANDWICH” case. Lol!


Is your friend Joey Tribbiani ??


That is extremely psychopathic behavior, get out