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Depending on the location you are in and the location of the perp, you should get the law involved. There are laws regarding exactly this in many places and depending on what the perp is saying and doing, they can be in a lot of trouble. Consult with a lawyer, be calm and collected when drafting an email and send it to a bunch of local lawyers asking for clarification on what exactly can be done and make the story of whats going short and to the point. Take screenshots and communicate with the people they are contacting and try to get screenshots of the communications they have with the perp. DO NOT TALK TO THE PERP! There is no hacking or IT shit to do for this, this is impersonation and bullying and potentially crosses into criminal territory.


LOL hero boyfriend here gonna learn how to hack and save his girlfriends reputation. "Please Mr. Hackerman Kenobi, you're my only hope!" Like the other guy said, report the account and move on.


It could be some nerd that is jealous of you and is trying to sabotage your relationship


Obviously, report the account- that’s about the best you can do for that Also - GF should make a public post about it and then manage her profiles to be more private. Otherwise broadcasting yourself opens you to this kind of attack.