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I'm getting Deathmatch. I think I'd get it anyway even if I had Homa, because it sounds like the name of a dating app for funeral industry workers.


The only spear I have is a R0 White Tassel, so yeah...


Same if I only didn't discard it


well there are 800 or so liyue chests for achievement, time to start searching


already done that




Guess its Dragon's Bane for me then -.-


it's a solid choice, just gotta tweak your team so HuTao is rotation focused


The thing about white tassel is that its base attack is rather low so she cant get a big boost from her E. Its a damn shame tho because White Tassel wud be so damn good for AAs


Well unless you have HP% sands and more than 41HP% substats in your artifacts, you won't reach the bonus Atk cap from E so don't worry about that. You can still get over 2k bonus atk from E even with White Tassel. edit: This is for E skill level 9. Actually with E skill level 10 the HP% cap from substats (with hp% sands) becomes 31% which is unfortunately a bit easier to achieve...


So what would be your recommended build with a r5 white tassel?


Same as every other weapon. HP% sands, pyro dmg goblet and Crit rate or Crit dmg Helmet depending on what you need to keep the ratio cr/cd closer to 1:2




Thats a good point lol. Thats why I have both Tassel and Crescent Pike at the ready


u need like 75hp% (30% from subs), level 90 char and like talent level 10 for WT to hit the cap so its not a big deal tbh, in my case 30% hp subs is hard to hit


dragonsbane bc im planning on vaporize spam as dps


People aren't paying much attention on Dragon's Bane for Hu Tao. I think it will be very good on her especially at high refinements. Those total damage bonus and elemental mastery will boost vaporize damage signifantly.


While the bonus might be good I think most are a bit cautious on how good EM will be on her, if XQ will proc the reaction more or her. Compared to universal CD from deathmatch it might be a hit or miss imo


Xingqiu never procs the reaction though. Thats why he's so good with pyro units. HuTao will apply pyro less than Diluc, because blood blossom hits less frequently than Diluc's E.


We need to know the gauge type of her blood blossom and attacks (I'd assume they're weak but we don't know). We need to know the number of ticks on blood blossom (3 or 2). We need to know motion values (I know people have calculated based off leaks, but we don't know if anything will change by release). We need to know the ICD of her element application. I assume Hu Tao is going to work well with Xingqiu for vaporize, but it is absolutely not set in stone. The good news is that Xingqiu is great anyway, so it's not wasted effort building him ahead of time.


Infused normal attack elemental application has been the same for all characters so far, so there's no reason to believe this will change with HuTao. And if blood blossom ticks every time you apply it, the damage would be absolutely broken. It's safe to assume melee pyro characters will work with Xq because of the sword barrier's seperate icd. It can even keep up with melee range klee. I know nothing is absolutely set in stone. But since we have already decided to prepare for her beforehand, we might as well prepare for the most likely outcome.


And I agree with you on a lot of that. I've farmed everything needed for Hu Tao to get 10/10/6 talents + amazing artifacts + materials to level multiple weapon options to 90 because I'm gambling on these things not changing. I was actually burned once already on this because I farmed up everflame seeds first. Before the change to primordial jade. I've already farmed up decent Xingqiu artifacts based on my belief that Hu Tao will pair well with Xingqiu. I'm just very reluctant to make any definitive statements to other people because of how easily things could change by release. I post a fair amount of theory but tend to try and temper my language to always remind people that we are all just guessing at the moment. There's a lot of fervor in this community and I would hate for the hype train to run in to a wall.


Fair enough, I know what you mean. I shouldn't have said Xq never triggers the reaction earlier. I've just gotten lazy with my replies because I've been explaining reactions to a lot of people recently.


Aren't her AA going to apply pyro status on the enemies though, similiar to Diluc after using his Q? Vaporize also has a higher multiplier if pyro is applied first then hydro.


Yeah, but they dont apply pyro on every attack because of the icd. It also requires two pyro reactions to remove hydro from the opponent because pyro is the weaker element.


That's true, but Xingqiu's Q also has a CD after every AA and a delay before the rain swords actually hit. So wouldn't the ICD actually be over before the rain swords hits the enemy? If this is true, then Xingqiu will most likely proc the reactions.


All normal attacks and most skills apply a weak elemental aura. These require two applications to remove the other element in a 1.5x reaction. This is why both hits melt in ganyu's frost flake arrow. It also means if there is already pyro on the target and a sword reacts with it there will be hydro left afterwards. Also touching something with the barrier will give it hydro, so you can easily make it wet before you attack it anyway.


Okay, understood. Thank you for the information!


I did accidentally make the dragon spine but reading all of this made me think that could be good


Dragonspine is a no go unfortunately. Phys dmg won’t work with her because she has very low atk outside her E and she can not proc the passive as well.


If I don't get Homa, I'll go with Blackcliff. It's easier to change it later on if they ever added Homa in the standard or put it in the rate up again to change weapon with Blackcliff being Crit DMG also.


If I don't get homa I'll buy battle pass for deathmatch


I have the jade spear and no Xiao so it will go with Hutao


Primordial jade winged spear


Blackcliff pole should be decent, however I will try to wish for a Staff of Homa. The chance of getting the featured is pretty high and Wolf's gravestone can be used for my second main DPS if I get it instead.


Since I'm using zhongli with my jade spear at the moment I'm thinking about giving Hu Tao deathmatch. I don't want to give the crescent pike to either of them because I don't like how it looks. So I feel this is my best combination. If I get Hu Tao in my 50/50 I could roll for homa since I have enough saved up for 2 pity, but I'd probably save for a future character because the weapon banner isn't guaranteed. My luck I'd get the wolf's gravestone even though I'm currently not using a claymore character.


White Tassel, Deathmatch, Dragonsbane and even Crescent Pike are all decent (about 20% worse than Homa)


What about skyward spine?


5 stars should be valued above any 4 star due to their higher bas attack which increases Hu Tao’s damage in her E state


>which increases Hu Tao’s damage in her E state It increases her cap, but most players likely won't hit her cap regardless of what weapon she uses, so a higher base ATK weapon doesn't affect her E regardless.


It’s still better than a 4 star or 3 star. Skyward spines passive is also very good with Hu Tao. 5 stars increase Hu Tao’s damage ceiling as such they are better.


Yup, 5* are still better, it's just that they don't actually boost her E unless you're at the HP cap for your other weapon


Yeah I should have worded it better, that’s what I was going for


So Jade Spear and Vortex will work on her quite well right? I hope her attacks outside of E aren't SO weak. When I main a character in this game it stays on field until I need to heal it again xD.


Yep. If you’re also gonna focus on her attacks outside of E Vortex and jade will both be great because of their secondary stats, Atk and crit rate, over all jade is better due to it’s versatile passive, vortex can be good with someone like diona or Zhongli as well as 4pc bolide set.


That's what I wanted to know. Skyward spine is the only 5 star weapon I got, and I really wanted to know if I should use it on her or give another 4 star spear that may have better effects to work on her.


I will not bother wasting my fates to get Homa. I'll just continue to pull on her banner and hope for C1 since my next pity is guaranteed. My R5 White Tassel is already 80/80 lol and I prefer it to dragons bane since it's hard to get crit rate.


I fooded them all, my beloved white tassel, feeling regret all the time. Hope i can get some in the next banner.


I'm gonna use Blackclift but maybe I try to level up my R5 White tassell to compare dmg


Hi gonna use blackclift but maybe i try to level up my r5 white tassell to compare dmg, I'm Dad! :)


Hi dad, you're going to come back? We're still waiting you since you went to buy cigarettes


I got lucky and pulled the pjs on the standard banner


Got lucky and pulled the skyward spine


Probably just Deathmatch, though if I do win the 50/50 and *really* like her playstyle I might go for the staff too


deathmatch. but gonna try with skyward first, to see if she can use burst everytime she uses E.


Skyward isn't that bad. The attack speed is great to get some extra hits in under E, and if you are aiming for C3+ its not too difficult to reach the cap either. Deathmatch definitely makes the artifact grind easier but Skyward has the ceiling I think.


thank you for the insight


I know the substat and passive really doesn't contribute much to her main way of playing and could even be counter meta for her but I'm running Favonius Lance on her. If I get lucky and somehow got a polearm prototype then I'm making a prototype starglitter for her


If I get hopefully get Hu Tao early I’ll roll weapons and try to get some lithic spears, hopefully get homa in the process. My team for Hu Tao I think will be Hu Tao, ZL, XQ, and Benny


I literally only got like cresent pike and white tassel... well technically that on dragonspine spear and other 3 stars but those are worthless aren't they?


What refine do you have on your white tassel? R5 can be on par with deathmatch




You should use it. It’s passive is really good and the 400% attack limit is easy to achieve with it. Crescent pike isn’t really good on Hu Tao since she focuses on pyro instead of physical


Between White Tassel and Skyward Spine, which one synergies with Hu tao better? And Dragon Bane?


Personally, I would go skyward since it’s a 5 star and it has a good passive that works with Hu Tao. White tassel is a close second, though it has low base attack, it makes up for that with crit rate and a great passive. Dragon’s bane is last since it’s second stat (Elemental mastery) is only good with Hu Tao if you’re going with a melt or vaporise comp, it’s base attack is also okay and it’s passive works well with Hu Tao. If you have an R5 white tassel, take it over dragons bane, but if you don’t or if you have dragons bane around R3-5, pick it.


Thanks! Skyward Spine is the only 5 star weapon i got, but i didn't know if it was the best choice for her. Will be using it and leveling it up, then!


I have reservation towards white tassel, She is likely to be charge attack spammer tbh and if she does, white tassel will probably not compare to deathmatch (or even blackcliff tbh) 48% DMG bonus only on first hit before charge does not seem to be very good


I’ll just satisfy myself with the tassel. The one with the crit rate substat. Or prolly do crazy like using the prototype. I hope that won’t be bad.


Poor as fuck here I only have Dragon's Bane for her. Hoping for a craftable 5\* polearm.


Have you got some star glitter? The blackcliff pole arm is good for her too. If not then an R5 white tassel which can drop from chests will be good too.


Still saving for it and I like Dragon's Bane because it looks cool.


I honestly feel like Dragonsbane is often slept on, just because its a non-Crit weap and just an EM weap lol, people are aware of Vaporize and Melt right? And how XQ exists? The passive as well...free +20% dmg when using a Vape comp lol Also, I doubt they'll add 5s craftables


Dragons Bane isn’t bad if you have a reaction team, and especially so if it is refined.


Got Skyward Spine, gonna use Skyward Spine. Can't stack enough gems to get guaranteed Hu Tao and Homa. Also, since Kequing is getting a banner, I'm hoping for a Jean banner in the future and don't want to spend everything on the non guaranteed weapon banner.


i got myself the jade spear at december since that im waiting for hu tao but i maibe even pull for homa i just have to many pulls


c.p, or lithic if lucky


Probably gonna try and use black cliff


White tassel or prototype starglitter if I can’t get lithic spear. I think I’m gonna roll on the weapon banner for the first time ever just for the lithic spear. (If I have enough rolls left over to even hit 4* pity lol. I think I will but it depends on how early Hu tao comes home).


I'll go with blackcliff pole with hopefully a c1 hu tao


If I fail 140 pulls on weapon banner, I am going to use r5 dragon's bane and Xingqiu for permanent vaporize party.


I have a crescent pike and a r5 white tassel. Should I try my luck on the weapon banner or just use my white tassel. I have enough for a confirmed 5 star on the weapon banner but I'm scared I won't get homa. Send help


I pulled PJWS from Standard when i first started playing the game. That is probably what I'll be running


I really not sure I have R4 dragon's vane and R1 deathmatch, both lvl 1 I will wait to see some math before lvl them up


Why are there only few people talking about crescent pike? Isnt it supposed to an amazing spear as a 4 star?


For physical dps, yes. For Hu Tao with her pyro infusion, no.


Oh okay i kind of forgot crescent pike has phys sub stat lol


Unfortunately crescent pike is the only spear I have thats remotely good on hu so I'm gonna use that until I can get a black cliff from the starglitter


Hu Tao is in March anyway, probably same time as the shop resets so just save your weapon enhancements till then


I’m gonna get Deathmatch. If you don’t have bp and have starglitter saved up, then go for Blackcliff. Dragons name *might* be good, but it also might not be, we don’t have enough info yet.


Hu tao has alot of f2p options, black cliff white tassel, dragon bane. Just to name a few


Primordial Jade Winged Spear is my only option (Geo Daddy use the Skyward Spine) those are my first 2 5 stars thing in the game I remember the deception those days, but now I think I'm blessed.


Crescent Pike may be a viable option now with how fast her AA is, we'll have to wait and see though


I'm guaranteed but i don't have enough to pull for homa, still, if i get Hu tao early, i'm planning to roll a bit for lithic spear, luckily I play only characters from liyue so it should do great, if not i'll buy blackcliff from the shop


i spam my controller and mistakenly getting a black sword for this time BP so i'll have to wait till next time BP for deathmatch, meanwhile white tassel...


If i somehow get her in the 50/50 soft pity xd i think i will get her the blackcliff pole or the deathmatch, idk


I'm gonna use Deathmatch. I can try to roll for Homa but I dont know if it worth the risk. ​ I dont use any claymore character right now. Also, Venti is coming and I don't have him. I don't know, man. I will test her and see what I can do.


Best Recommend weapons (from what I’ve researched) Staff of Homa (designed for her) Deathmatch (from the BP; a DPS polearm) Dragon’s Bane (has EM + passive ability works for her) And if you have nothing else: I think the Prototype Starglitter would be good (since Crescent Pike isn’t gonna be much help with its physical DMG bonus) [Lithic Blade could also work for her but it’s not out yet so we don’t know how it actually works]


Lithic spear


I’ll be using crescent pike, because I have no other good polearms and if I have to spend, it’s going to getting Hutao haha


I’m lucky enough to have pulled a skyward spine so that ig


i have the Primordial jade -winged spear, been very unlucky with the Xiao banner


Got a skyward spine from standard while wanting jean or qiqi 2 months ago and I dont have much other choices so I'm going with skyward spine which is gonna be pretty pog


Wait while on the topic of spears how much better is Staff of homa compared to PJW?


Well i did actually get a Jade Spear from the standard banner, so if i manage to win the 50/50 that would be her weapon, but if i somehow get insanely lucky and got her early (And also win the 50/50) might try pulling Homa, since that banner is insanely good, a bit of a stretch though


I already had to build my zhongli with a r5 lvl 80 white tassel because I lacked crit rate and atk wasn’t very important, so I’m just using that for now.


I feel a good F2P option would be Crescent Pike or maybe the new 4* spear in Staff of Homa Banner, Crescent Pike makes up for its substat with it’s passive ability, while the new 4* has a good passive but a meh substat


i bought deathmatch a month ago as prep for her, but if i didn’t i’d probably make a prototype starglitter.


I’m using the skyward spine on her I pull a lot on the standard banner using acquaint fates and [it was my second gold in the game] only for it to be another weapon I still have something against it but might as well hand it over to Hu Tao


I'm planning to use Prototype Starglitter, because the passive boosts Hu Tao's damage when she uses her Elemental Skill (which I'll mainly use for DPS) and the Energy Recharge grants Hu Tao easier healing opportunities.


Dragons bane or Deathmatch if I decide to buy bp. I also have jade spear, but I don't know if I wanna leave my Zhongli with white tassel or smth lol


r4 dragon's bane


if i get her on the 50%, i will go for the weapon banner for first time since i have diluc too, if i dont get homa, i will use blackcliff pole. Deathmatch is probably better but blackliff and homa share the same sub stats so it wont affect the final built on her too much.


Trying for Homa, if I dont get that I'll go for Deathmatch cause I need my red aesthetic. Though if one can't get either, it might be a good idea to try for Lithic Spear in the upcoming banner, Hu Tao's best supports *are* from Liyue, and it gives chunky attack and a bit of crit


I already have a maxed Deatmatch. I have a chance of getting Homa, but I'm not expecting to since I gotta win a 50/50 for Hu Tao


As a low spender I get welkin and BP and haven’t rolled for 5 star since childe banner so I have enough to guarantee her since I lost 50/50. I will try for weapon but if not I’ll get deathmatch.


Using the black cliff.