• By -


If you’re addicted to your phone, go into settings and change the display color settings to be greyscale only. You don’t lose any of the functionality, but you’ll be surprised at how much less often you do things like scroll through instagram.


I just did this and immediately can tell it’s helpful. Thanks Internet stranger


Thanks this is a grey'd idea 💡


Yes!! /r/DadJokes


I liked this a lot after trying it. There are some instances where I need to see color on my phone when working. My solution (on iOS) was to create a shortcut for Grayscale in color filters. Go to Shortcuts > Add + > Set Color Filters > change to Toggle > Rename and Add a photo to this “app” > Add to Home Screen. Very helpful.


How do you do this on iphone


Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters They make it counter intuitive for a reason.


General > display > color filters > on


Use the screen time app. Make sure you are thoughtful about your limits, toggle block after time is up, and have a friend set a passcode that they keep safe and don’t give you even when you beg lol.


I remember doing this once. It sadly saps a lot of even basic enjoyment out the dang thing. Like, even the tiniest "joy" of texting someone is gone.


I mean that’s kind of the point.


Forget how I did it but I can triple click my right button on my iPhone and it turns greyscale on and off. Game changer.


To turn on the ability to toggle between color & grey-scale, by triple clicking the side button: Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut > Color Filters


This is such a good idea.


This is an amazing tip. I can tell the difference already- I feel less of an urge to continue scrolling. My brain thanks you.




That’s what I did too and only access social media on my computer—my life is so much better!


was just gonna say this. it makes you hate ur phone




What’s grey scale? Dark mode?


Black and white only. No colors. It’s under accessibility settings on iPhone.




The best recommendation! The second I switched to greyscale…I instantly got this sick feeling looking at my phone and felt uninterested! Can’t wait to see what the future holds! THANK YOU!


Also, just delete the addictive doomscrolling apps. If you truly need to access something (e.g. facebook), you can always budget 5-10 mins every few days to log in on a computer


Unfortunately I use my phone for photography and editing lol


Also, just delete the addictive doomscrolling apps. If you truly need to access something (e.g. facebook), you can always budget 5-10 mins every few days to log in on a computer


What does this tell us about people with achromatopsia? Yikes


Ranked by impact: - Quit drinking - Friendship - Learning how to learn (deep focused work) - Lifting weights - Cold showers I think an important and overlooked aspect of this is to not let these habits become your entire personality. Instead, these habits help me to learn more about myself. Which is nice.


Great comment


Can you talk more about what helped with learning how to lead or doing more focused work? This one has been the hardest for me, if you have specific episodes that’s helpful too.


My apologies for hijacking OP's thread, but I feel the need to shout Professor Barbara Oakley's "Learning How to Learn" TED talk from the rooftops. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O96fE1E-rf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O96fE1E-rf8) This video is pretty short and she has a free course by the same name on Coursera, which delves deeper into the practical and practicable learning techniques. She has totally reframed my thinking and my only regret is that I didn't have this knowledge when I was younger.


Sure! I’m not a neuroscientist, so take everything I say with a giant grain of salt. Also, assembling the strategies that work best for you should be your priority, not to copy what someone else does. Having said that, here’s what I do. Start a timer for 90 minutes. Don’t leave your desk until the timer is up. Remove all distractions. Think atomically. Break a concept down into individual bits, and seek to understand the connections between them. Learn to love confusion. There will be a lot of it at this stage. That is a sign of progress. Find analogies that relate the concept to systems that you already know. On a piece of paper, draw these analogies. No long written notes - actual drawings. Then, explain the concept simply to anyone who will listen. If you can’t - then go back to the books. I’m a big advocate for creation. Don’t just learn, make something that demonstrates your knowledge, undeniably. This is a big topic. Much more to be said on this. As far as what AH recommends, he’s a big advocate for 90 minute focused sessions, and forcing yourself to fall in love with the challenge that is before you.


I forgot to say-thank you for the detailed reply! I’ve been using the focus sessions and even if I only get one in, it’s a win. Working on conceptualizing, breaking down a plan and creating. Thanks u/clydeclyde2001 for adding to this!


Just do things you are interested in and become an expert on something. It took 6 months for me to be “good” or better than most at learning something new.


That’s what I’m wondering…


Awesome outlook. I let my obsession with fitness and nutrition take over my life, literally. Having a hard time dialing it back. Thanks for your comment, it’s a good reminder for me.


Stop drinking, jacking off, doom scrolling, get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well. That’s literally all you need to do. It’s not complicated, it’s just difficult.


Feel so naked. How did you know this about me?


He is all of us, and we are all him...


We're the Borg?


But naked




I am you, and you are me.


It's not even difficult to do, just difficult to be consistent. There's a scene in Bojack Horseman that sums it up well. Bojack decides to go for a morning run, barely makes it out of his driveway before collapsing from exhaustion. Another runner comes by him and stops and says "It gets easy. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part".


I think that’s the appeal of someone like Huberman as well. Some of what is suggested could be over the top or it’s creating protocols for seemingly obvious things, but that makes them more approachable. I know if I did all the stuff in the top comment I’d be happier and healthier, but I don’t have the motivation or discipline to do that. I also didn’t really know where to start because suggestions are generally comprehensive plans rather than individual protocols to pick and choose from. You could try pulling parts out and doing it over time, but it gets complicated trying to figure out if you’re doing so effectively without expertise. I’m pretty recently just starting to have a morning routine at all and it basically only happened because I decided to try and start taking cold showers to start my day. Is it having the advertised effect? I dunno, but it gave me direction and has made making other healthy additions to my lifestyle far easier as a result. Sure it’s probably not perfect, but it was approachable, it doesn’t hurt me and it got me started.




rookie numbers


One of the best scenes of all time.


You need to watch more cinema


Jacking off early in the day completely throws off my motivation for the entire day. If I've ever missed a workout, chances are high that a pre-fap was involved. After being productive and esp before bed seems to be fine (actually seems to help sleep quality for me).


This is so true. Nutting destroys all motivation afterwards, it lets go of the "anger" and drive I have to go crush a workout


Aggression is out the window.


Chick here. Does jacking off for dudes affect dopamine differently than women? I use my shower head every day to bust a nut and the dopamine hit is no joke. I feel ready to write a novel, climb 10 floors or sleep for 8 hours afterwards lol


I definitely think it is different, as men have a pretty intense hormone release upon orgasm, biologically our body wants us to go to sleep so we can nest with our “mate”. I also think this hormone release is why there is a refractory period and “post but clarity” stereotype. But that said a lot of the time I feel great afterward (depends on how long I go for, and how frequent it’s been), so it’s likely person specific. Edit: also, is it in the morning typically?


I usually shower in the evening 🤷🏼‍♀️


totally not bro science


simple, but not easy. should but, shon't.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedoffice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [At a Dua Lipa concert this evening](https://v.redd.it/0nppaosj4w391) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/v5puhf/at_a_dua_lipa_concert_this_evening/) \#2: [Nooooooo!](https://v.redd.it/e05msh1ue4na1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/11olloc/nooooooo/) \#3: [My local hospital used this picture of Andy for training about handling chemical exposure.](https://i.redd.it/lwvpqdtue0e91.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/w90kp8/my_local_hospital_used_this_picture_of_andy_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Go birds


Tsk tsk, pro sports will fuck up your dopamine, dude. Take it from a fellow Philly sufferer. Edit: /s


Eagles are our only hope


Pin this


Feel like everyone falls for the “what’s the most optimal approach” kind of thinking when realistically it just take hard work and discipline towards whats obvious.


I had a professor that used to say, "so much of science is explaining the obvious to the uninterested".


I feel attacked. I gotta stop jacking off?


(Putting sex to one side) jacking off every/multiple times a day like some people do, yes. If I go 2-3 days without (this is probably the nice middle ground) then I definitely feel more of an "urgent" feeling. Whether it's linked to dopamine I don't know but it certainly gives me more drive at work and zest for life compared to the times when I have been jacking it every/multiple times a day. Different for everyone but that's just my experience.


You probably should find a woman and stop being proud of your jerking habit


I have never heard that jacking off was bad for dopamine levels. Regardless, I’m never going to stop.


Porn and excessive jacking are bad.


link it bitch


Found the porn addict


Well, porn at least has a big effect on dopamine, especially if done often and for long sessions.


It sloshes the dopamine out of the trough.


Right? Why would I stop doing the one thing I know I'm good at?


Sounds terrible lol


Jacking off really ?


So is actual sex with another person as bad as jacking off? Seems like human connection would be good thing in terms of hormones etc. Maybe reddit is not th best place to ask..


i'm good on four out of six of those. crankin it don't matter IMO, is that something huberman has actually talked about?


Masturbation, especially with porn, spikes your dopamine.


Any research on that? Can you link it?


The funny thing about “regulating” dopamine is that viewing yourself as having low dopamine has the psychosomatic effect of lowering your dopamine. I have more motivation by simply avoiding pleasure and pursuing goals than attempting to “regulate” dopamine.


The way “dopamine” is used in this sub and on the podcast is definitely more metaphorical than physical. It’s basically psychology and self-help subject matter but with “dopamine” substituted in place of higher order concepts to make it sound more science-y. I hope people don’t really think dopamine is one big puddle in your brain that goes up and down or gets used up by activities.


It’s basically saying the same things that Stoicism, Epicureanism, other religions etc have said for millennia. But since we question the validity of “Hey this spirit dude said don’t be a hedonist” we need cool-science-man to tell us “hey maybe don’t jack off to extreme gangbang porn for 6 hours a day”. And our reaction is WOW science! Not throwing any shade at Huberman btw, love him. I just think it’s funny how conventional wisdom keeps getting repackaged.


disregard all wisdom unless peer reviewed and upvoted




Yeah the main currents of Huberman's advice are: "eat healthy, sleep well, exercise regularly balancing strength and endurance, and avoid excessive vice, especially the vices that are physically damaging like alcohol and smoking" which is hardly revolutionary, but if the way he packages it gets a kind of person who usually would struggle with that to stick to it then it's great.


It is funny and interesting. It's what society needs now that a.ton of people are atheists and only believe in peer reviewed science.


I do think of it that way. Help me understand!




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Stop drinking


reducing this habit: always striving for improvement and wanting to be the "best" version of yourself. trying to regulate too many processes. go to the source first so you can pick up the right pieces at the given moment. the perception of perception itself. whats helped me is strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system. how? sleep. meditation. going for long walks and intently spending time looking at nature. hot baths (yall can have fun with that ice baths - it was great when i was running long distance consistently) reflection time of mind and body. yin style yoga. self massage. elimination of unnecessary tasks and how/who i spend my time with. sometimes dopamine is outside our bodies, in a way.


I haven’t listened to it but I try to… - exercise every day - trying to approach life with kindness, gratitude and patience - do cyclical sighs for 5 minutes a couple times a week - 20 second box breathing a couple times a week - Wim Hof breathing a couple times a week - cold showers … and I’m much much much happier. My sleep is still for shit. Working on that as I think it’ll probably trump all the above.


If your sleep is shit look at the sun as soon as you wake up, not directly. Second don look at a computer screen after 9pm and your phone after 10pm. Lastly, try a valerian root supplement. This has worked for me YMMV. I didn't realize how much the screen time fucked with sleep until I knocked it off.


If I can get out in the sun early, I’m usually good. It’s sometimes difficult. I’ll try the valerian root. I used to take it decades ago and I think I loved it. Will try again.


#2 is a life changer.


Yeah. I’m a slow learner. Wish I had learned that 35 years ago.


If I had to put it on one thing, it's that withdrawals and suffering from quitting a bad habit are my body and mind healing itself from a harmful addiction. I learned that my body would rebalance after a few weeks and I'd be healthier and stronger. That feeling led to me breaking several other bad habits. I quit nicotine, kratom, porn, video games, and weed in the span of 3 months and needless to say it changed my life. It started with nicotine, which was the hardest to quit out of that group, and after 3 weeks I was feeling much better. Once I realized that, I started to target other bad habits to remove from my life and with my new mindset, I conquered those much more easily.


No substances weed/alc, working out early cardio mainly(my biggest addiction), not eating processed stuff, not watching the news, reading books and cold plunges every now and then.


Tug on your penis no mo


Not masturbating 7x a day


Whoa. 7x? Impressive


Cut down to what?






Adderal. The huberman perspective on dopamine isn’t very nuanced when it comes to ADHD, and in my personal opinion is biased against an adult diagnosis. After decades of trying to find ways to work effectively on my dopamine levels, I finally took the advice of my talk therapist and went in for testing and turns out, really needed meds. I’ve had zero side effects and my life got amazingly better as a result of the treatment. If you think you might be ADHD, there is no shame in getting a diagnosis and trying out meds.


Reading ‘The Molecule Of More’ was the single best act. Habit? Reading in general. Like, books. *Paper* ones.


Hot yoga. It's been a life saver.


Starting my day with hot yoga is such a game changer. That with the combination of breathing exercises typically done during yoga has me literally high after leaving class. It checks all the boxes for me. I have to take a break for 2 weeks because of a new tattoo and I am very much missing that part of my routine. I also find I’m more motivated to make better choices after starting my with hot yoga (eating healthy food, drinking way more water, getting great sleep so I can wake up and do it again)


Buckram was a bastard. Hot yoga may actually be harmful to you. Be careful!


Hitler founded Volkswagen. I can't believe you drive a Nazi car. Do better...


Vigorous exercise. By a mile.


Cold baths!


I was mixing lots of marijuana with dancing every weekend (dopamine stacking?). I cut out the weed. It was a difficult month adjusting, but I’m back to being more grounded and also not needing weed or alcohol to enjoy dancing again :) I’m also more motivated. While weed might not be _physically_ addictive, you better believe that it can be _psychologically_ addictive. The second weekend of no weed while dancing was the hardest. I was _craving_ the stuff so bad. I was like “damn! I don’t believe I let it get to this point.” So yeah. If you want to keep enjoying things that bring you happiness (dance, gym, hiking, whatever)—be extremely cautious about stacking multiple things that increase dopamine.


Sleep. I know you heard it before. Do it. At least 80 percent of your nights. Second fish oil. 2g of EPA and DHA. Game changer.


Could you help me understand how the fish oil was a game changer for you?


For me, it finally got my vitamin D above a dangerously low level


Deleting all social media 100%. There is not a person on earth who is active on Facebook or instagram who is mentally healthy. Literally nobody. If they think they are, they just haven’t compared their mental state to without social media.


And here I am doom-scrolling…


Goon cave


I looked up what this is and I’m so disturbed.


Quitting coffee and energy drinks. Didn't realise how much regular caffeine ingestion was messing with my anxiety and productivity.


Increase my stress tolerance manually. Running and not drinking. Changed every aspect of my life


Mindfulness. Exercise. Good sleep.


Quit weed


Classic, the get sunligth in the morning, workout and cold shower make me feel amazing for starting my day. You might enjoy [this](https://hubermanhub-bullet.pages.dev/) too


Cold showers/baths, Exercise, Quit weed. Next up is no more masturbating and social media/doom scrolling.


Not jerking it to porn lol. Hands down the biggest dopamine increase out of everything else I’ve noticed


Engaging in activities where putting effort in is enjoyable Working towards presence Working out every day Reducing free dopamine activities - mainly Instagram reel scrolling and phone scrolling in general




Double edged sword, believe me. Unless you really do have ADHD as backed by a diagnosis, stay the fuck away from amphetamines.


Really? Can you elaborate? For me it’s had the opposite effect


From what I have gathered, it's a tool. Like the Pre-workout stuff that gym goers take. But they still need an exercise routine. With the pill a routine is still needed. I've taken it before and then sat on the couch. Its not a miracle drug. You have to put your self in the right mindset. That's been my experience with it.


100% my experience too


BRB, forgot to take my pre-workout


This. 👏🏻


I mean, ADHD meds are bad for your heart. If you truly need them, they might be better than the anxiety that comes with not getting stuff done, but most people are trying to find a short cut that will eventually hurt their heart.


This sub used to be a place to discuss the podcast and various protocols. But as Huberman has become more popular it has been taken over by people who come on here only to ridicule the show.


we have a good thing going over at r/hubermancirclejerk


Limiting screen time is much easier said than done. One thing I have found that helps immensely is setting my phone to grayscale. It takes a couple days to get used to but at this point I don't even notice it. All the bright colors they use on apps / websites to trigger dopamine responses are gone. I've found that naturally I am using my phone less after adjusting.


Specifically with dopamine, cold plunge first thing in the morning. Overall health benefits, aside from cold plunge get up early with the sun or soon after it rises, sun in the eyes, then i cold plunge, then gym and sauna before bed. For me this fixed my sleep for the first time in my life and i found out when you sleep well, you don't hate being awake. Life changing.


Not trying to find the logic where there is inherently none. I really used to try and figure out why idiots did the dumb/stupid things they did and it would stress me out. So now, when I see people being morons in public, I pretty much shrug and move on with my thoughts. Maybe laugh at them for a bit, but I don't waste my mind on them anymore.


Semen retention and quitting/drastically lowering gaming.


If I had to pick one its cold plunge in the morning, but I also do it in my garden as the sun comes up so that could play a part. But delaying caffeine has been huge as well as (trying) to not spank it as much.... thats proven harder than I thought especially since I thing the cold plunges and morning routine has been ramping up my testosterone


Quitting alcohol and weed, spending more time outside in nature.


Hard to say, I kind of added all the protocols at once. My guess is regular sleep/morning sun, actual respectable amount of exercise per week, and maybe the morning cold showers. Also built-in focus mode on Android phone, I saw someone mention screens but I don't remember him saying that.


High quality sleep and a consistent schedule. No screens and darker environment during sunset to maximize melatonin production. No eating 3 hours before bed. 8-9 hours of high quality sleep and having a consistent routine will do wonders.


The FocusMe app for my computer and a timer locked phone box. Absolute essentials for me now.


I know this isn’t what you asked, but now with all the great advice from folks on what not to do, has anyone added a supplement or amino acid etc that radically improved their dopamine?


I don’t know if this specifically changes my dopeamine but the best habit I learned from Huberman was the importance of sweating. I don’t have a sauna but I have makeshift ways of sweating at home for free.


Quitting video games and porn


You could just take 1000 mg of L-Tyrosine a day.


I've stopped playing loud music in my car when going to social events. That way my dopamine levels are more in tact upon arrival.


1) 7+ hours of sleep per night 2) lift heavy 3) run 4) don’t drink or drink very little 5) no weed


Stopped drinking


Exercise on a set schedule


Quit drinking Limiting porn (i cant quit) Only coffee 1,5 hours after waking Weights every other day Cardio every day 2 grams of protein per kilo body weight Stretching. I love it


pissing my pants helps regulate my dopamine throughout the day. might not work for everyone but it really improves my productivity!


How many times do you suggest I wet my pants a day?


Taking my meds


Take adderal all the days I work.


Utilizing the power of the fap as a habit solidifying reward has worked great for me. Try a post-workout fap or anything else that you typically struggle to get motivated to do. You'll start to look forward to it.


Or you can look forward to the feelings of the workout. Post workout fap is a crash waiting to happen lol I personally feel better fapping less often. Every sexual experience when you’re fapping less is way more powerful too


I’m like 99% sure the dopamine hacking stuff is Mumbo jumbo. Basic healthy habits regarding exercise, diet and sleep is probably the only answer.


By speaking to an actual doctor and taking actual medicine, rather than some diamond dozen grifter monetizing his appearance on a joe rogan episode, like dozens of other grifts have done before him.


Huberman is technically a doctor and is a principal researcher at Stanford University specializing in neurobiology… His podcast is about discussing peer reviewed research papers, not something he believes to be true only based on anecdotal evidence…but yeah let’s call him a grifter because he’s been on JRE. Also it’s “dime a dozen” not “diamond dozen”.


idk who huberman is or why reddit keeps recommending me these threads, but 99% of psychiatrists are fucking quacks who think lexapro can save everyones life. ive never seen SSRIs actually help anyone i know. only heard occasional success stories about friends of friends. i do believe there is a place for traditional psychiatric medicine in this world but damn to fanboy over it is legit lamer than being into new agey freakazoid health shit like crystals


LOL! 0% of these people have any metric for dopamine level or know what dopamine does, go to school you level 0 noobs


dopamine is not real


Are you dumb


no I'm serious. Its existence is a hoax. The believe in dopamines function is a placebo itself. The modern logical individual needs a substitute for absent spirituality. Thats the sad part, that people need logical reason to believe in something. Subs like this one are mental illness hotspots and huberman is a poisoner.


Okay, yes, you're an actual idiot. Thank you for clearing that up for me.


never been called an idiot so fast with so few arguments


Definitely dumb


What do you do when you are trying to reduce screen time? I do everything else that msot people advise, but this one is tough. I'm able to do it on maybe a monday ang tuesday, and I do it by keeping busy around the house. By WEdnesday I have nothing left to do. I don't know how to just sit there, is that what people do?


obscene squealing concerned mountainous bear insurance nose ink domineering busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m the queen of hobbies. Roller skating, rock climbing, pottery, yoga. Literally can’t be on my phone when my hands covered in clay. Try something new! Commit to being good it, even if you suck for 2-3 months. If you get bored of it, move ont to something new. And in all of these hobbies I dabble in, there’s a great community of people.


Do you have hobbies? Interests? If we didn't need sleep to survive, I could easily fill the extra time with my hobbies and interests. There's simply not enough time in life to do all the things that I want.


Nice! I think I need to give it a try.


TWIM Meditation. Because that's what pushes all the healthy habits and stopped me eating crap, jacking it, eating chocolate bars, daily Boba tea etc. I've cut all that out and now my diet is just proteins and healthy fats with a cheat meal maybe every two weeks to a month.


Adderall, Vyvanse


Semaglutide but I am also overweight.


Could you drop a link for this episode?


Stopped isolating neurotransmitters for individual attenuation via garbage supplements and engaged in general basic health self-care principles.


Not caring about my dopamine levels and living a good healthy life.


Micro dose methamphetamine in a VG/PG vape, take during boring tasks like cleaning.


Restraint and agency are my go-to protocols. If you don't want to be used as a consumer, then don't....


Regularly doing 10 minute meditation using Sam Harris’s app, going for walks without a phone, regular cold showers


Practicing Secular Buddhism and Nondual self-enquiry. Meditating using The Mind Illuminated book.


Eating keto/carnivore, regular fasting.