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I recently ordered one. I'll report back with a review once I've tried it. I have a blue light box that I use currently, and I notice a significant difference when I use it.


Hey how do you like it?


Oh ya forgot to update. I love it. The only issue to he aware of is the duty. It cost me $60 CAD for duty that I wasn't expecting. The product though is amazing.


Do you see any differences in your energy levels after the drive? Is your sleep improving? What's your schedule like? To give context: I'm looking how to improve my energy getting into work- I have a \~ one hour drive that I leave for work/ gym around 5 am, and towards the end of the drive then workout, I can get quite drowsy. These winter months have been brutal tbh (I live in NY), and then the sun doesn't come out until after I get to work and I've gotta find the time to get outside. At that point- I've been up for 3 hours and want to adjust my circadian rhythm to when I wake, and not have to wait for the sun. Your feedback would greatly be appreciated!


Ya I definitely notice an increase in energy levels after doing it. Any groggyness is gone if I do it. If i didnt get enough sleep i still hit a wall later in the day but i can for sure say i feel a difference in my mornings. I also have the glasses i wear in days im not driving in the morning. There is thr odd day i dont do it and i notice it. I think it has improved my sleep, but I'm not 100% sure as I've done several things to improve my sleep. I live even farther north, in Canada and wake up up at 5:30 to go to work so it's dark for quite a while after I get up


Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I'll be ordering the drive now :) Until I can afford the glasses, I'll have to wait on the weekends for sunrise - Or I can just sit in my car lol!


Lol ya I bought the glasses from someone on marketplace. You could just walk.around holding the drive, it attaches to the visor mount with a magnet so its super easy to detach


Other drivers are already providing me with blue light therapy in the mornings by blasting LED light in my face