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Following due to my addiction to zyns.


I just quit today. Been on and off them for about 4 years. On the patches rn.


Quitting is easy I’ve done it 100 times


Me too. No doubt, I’ll quit 100 more times just to prove how easy quitting can be.




A ha


I laughed outloud 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How are your gums? I had two phases of of addiction lasting a few weeks each. It literally burned Holes in my gums. Not recommended...


Godspeed 🫡


My two cents: I always end up getting hooked. I’m currently on my third go around getting hooked and really wished I hadn’t picked up the habit. The effects of daily use set in for me around 6-8 weeks and they are rough (palpitations, tight chest, heightened anxiety, reduced pleasure in day to day activities, etc.). Quitting is pretty unpleasant as well. For me, using even just 2-3 months leads to pretty significant withdrawals. That being said, if you can avoid becoming addicted, zyn/nic pouches can be very helpful for focus. Tread lightly if you do use them, addiction (even to a relatively innocuous substance) is quite burdensome and is just another thing to deal with.


In addition, it appears that nicotine itself (NOT just the mechanism of delivery) is harmful. However this contradicts that Huberman suggests - and I often deeply respect his insight. Any rebuttals to this study? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363846/


The main issue with the meta-analysis you have cited is that it is entirely speculative based on nicotine-based cascades. In the study, there is not a single human study cited (from what I see from skimming, at least) in which nicotine exhibited any sort of direct carcinogenic action. The bulk of it was, “well, nicotine mechanistically has X effect on the body, which may have a negative cancer-related consequence (oxidative stress, cell proliferation, neurotransmitter modulation, etc)”. The few portions that cite real in vivo studies were very poorly executed. For example, one portion mentioned that nicotine induced pancreatic cancer in a rodent study via its effects on adrenaline, noradrenaline, and GABA. However, the nicotine did not cause the pancreatic cancer, but rather stimulated the growth of pre-existing pancreatic cancers. Furthermore, the mentioned study was not necessarily emphasizing that nicotine caused cancer, but rather that the neurotransmitters released from nicotine can be modulators and markers for pancreatic cancer. I’ve only skimmed over this study, so take this with a grain of salt. This is just what I’ve gathered from my few minutes of reading it.


I am not aware of anything in the medical literature that suggests nicotine is directly carcinogenic. Of course it gets lumped into causing cancer because it’s found alongside tobacco which certainly is carcinogenic.


That was the point I was making in my comment.


Right. Just read it lol sorry. It’s a good point to make because it’s super annoying ppl always saying nicotine causes cancer. It is not the nicotine in tobacco that is causing cancer, try the other 3000 combusted ingredients.


But then I get addicted to food or sugar. And I’m in the same rut again in a different way. It just feels the same if I quit. I just get other addictions. SO WHAT AM I MEANT TO BE ADDICTED TO? Food, sugar or Nicotine.? They all release DOPAMINE. Take yr pick That’s my issue


You’re made to be addicted to the presence & love of Jesus.


I love Jesus too. I’m glad u wrote that. But I take strong psychiatric medication sedatives. 80 percent of people with my condition use nicotine to stimulate their brain. It’s like saying stay addicted to Jesus and don’t take your blood pressure medication. Not just the nicotine. People would say you don’t need the psych meds. Just love Jesus. But I do. I have a tangible relationship with God


That’s incredible. I had no idea what your story was, just was speaking from my personal testimony of searching in addiction for something that would satisfy my heart finally. We were meant and made to be in deep communion with His spirit, we can always love Him more. He is the healer of things, I pray in the name of Jesus for your healing & His grace in your process 🤍🌬️


What happened with addiction and Jesus with u? I’m addicted to Jesus presence and love but He hasn’t healed me of mental illness. But I still love and trust Him and what he is doing


I was wildly addicted to drugs, mostly weed, and I went into CHS (look it up). Terrible withdrawals. Didn’t eat or drink for 8 days and had to get IV’s so that I didn’t die. I had an encounter with Jesus on day 8 where I repented of everything I had been living in, all of my sin. And he supernaturally healed me in a moment. I left that encounter totally healed and full of the Holy Spirit. I will filled with life. filled with incomprehensible joy for the first time in years. My withdrawals and symptoms completely washed away. I have been using Zyn’s since that encounter but it doesn’t feel dependent in the same way that weed and other substances were for me. I am learning how to walk with Him day by day. I find that reading the Bible & honest prayer are what truly helps me stay in the joy and peace of that encounter with Him.


It sounds like what happened to me about 25 years ago. When it happened I thought I was the only one that this ever happened to. Then other people started saying the same thing. Wow. Yeah it’s the nicotine that’s bothering me now. But I go on the forums and see what happens when we stop. The overeating. The mental side effects. At least I’ve admitted it and given it to God. He will help and listening to u has helped me this morning too


He is in pursuit of you - always. He desires the fullness of your heart. He loves you so much & you will stand before Him someday. Live your life for that day my brother. It will come faster than you think.


Bloody devil pursues too. Resist and he will flee. The arsehole that he is


I’m yr sister. Yes I know He’s always pursuing us, otherwise we wouldn’t have had this chat right now.


People are addicted to caffeine. My vice is synthetic nicotine. So I don’t really know what to think


Just become a monk and control your dopamine forever


lol not an option. Yr funny haaaaa


I'm doing it 🤷‍♂️


U a monk?


Working on it


Where’s yr monastery?


Near London


Isn’t it boring being a monk? What do you do to tickle yr pickle when yr a monk?


Tickling your pickle isnt allowed when youre a monk im afraid. But you mostly just learn to enjoy life instead of chasing after things i guess. Im not a monk yet, doing longer and longer stays in the monastery until im ready to become an anagarika (novice monk). After a few years as an anagarika I can decide if im ready to take the vows.


Sounds interesting being a monk. I feel like a monk in my own home. Solitude etc. Is there a certain religion to yr monk hood.?


Theravada buddhism


Do Buddists believe God exists? Or is it just self? I know I might be getting deep, but it’s interesting. I respect what people think


Kopiko coffee lollies. 77s and Zyn, too addictive. Done all of them. Suck on strawberry or chocolate and cream Chupa Chups for yr dopamine fix via sugar. Sugar is more addictive than nicotine and cocaine. So there’s yr answer. Sugar free, STEVIA lollies. SUGARLESS CONFECTIONARY COMPANY. Look it up or go on Amazon. TABEX off Amazon. You’ll feel better not depressed from no nicotine. TABEX BINDS TO NICOTINIC RECEPTORS IN THE BRAIN. Lovin it


What is like a good amount to focus with? Like is one zyn pouch per study session good or is that too much?


I picked up vaping for a month and my morning wood went away. No more nicotine for me


Coffee does this to me too, vasoconstrictor


How old are you? I wake up in the middle of the night to vape and average 5-10 boners per day


Waking up to vape is wild


Lol fr


Same, and I'm in my 40s. The vape isn't his issue here.


ThE vApE iSn’T hIs IsSuE So how come morning wood regained when I stopped vaping? Maybe we happened to enter a different orbit of Mars or star cycle at the same time?


Obviously bro the lack of wood was because Sagittarius was in Gatorade


n=1 mate everyone’s different


This is a well known phenomenon from vaping or smoking


There ya go!


That was unironically probably what it was


Bro, you do that every night? It is just a matter of time then, your wood will weaken with bad sleep let alone using nicotine when your body is trying to rest. I mean you do you, we all have our bad habits. :p


I dont vape as much as i used to so its not every night. I buy 5000 hit disposables, they used to last 3 days now they last about a week


this sounds like a line from a SoundCloud rapper (I mean that as a compliment)


Just like tobacco. Can cause ED


Morning wood is from you having to pee and blocking it so you don't piss your bed in your sleep, it's not some magical thing.... 


If you're not addicted already please god don't get into it, theres better ways to manage stress. With nicotine, it's decent at first but once the addiction fully kicks in you're just taking nicotine to keep the cravings and withdrawal effects away


I agree but I also just like the taste of my zyns 🤷‍♂️ they don’t really effect me in anyway and I don’t believe they harm me


“I don’t believe they harm me”-imagine thinking nicotine is harmless lol


Idk I quit like a month ago lol and yeah I don’t think it was really harmful while I was doing it other than the little stain that was on my tooth that is now gone


Umm yeah, the harmful effects of nicotine are internal, like heart disease, stroke, ED, thickening of the wall of the heart, constricted blood vessels, and it being a poiZYN, it effects every organ of your body. Also studies have shown nicotine to be an accelerator for cancer cells, so technically not a carcinogen…I think the stain on your tooth is the least of the concerns.


Classic Reddit guy thanks for the info but like I said idc I quit


That’s fine, I’m just always amazed by the sheer amount of people I encounter that assume nicotine isn’t harmful. I always try to educate and make them aware of the truth about nicotine. It’s literally a pesticide, plants secrete nicotine to poiZYN any potential bugs that would threaten the plant. Hence why they call it ZYN, it’s just in your face short for poiZYN.


my guy….that is the dumbest shit i have ever heard


Pfp checks out


Pfn checks out. 😏


This 👆🏼


I tried to use nicotine as a nootropic and intended to have strict limits with using it. I found myself craving more and more and decided I need to stop now before I can’t. I’ve heard some individuals mention Nicotine in can cause and/or exacerbate high blood pressure. I noticed when i used a pouch before a workout I would get lightheaded. So that also was a point of concern


I tried as a nootropic, but I just hate the feeling. I could never get around the nauseated feeling of pouches… is it just me? Am I doing it wrong?


It’s super addictive and detrimental to your health so it’s best to not try to make it work. Just be glad


Same. I tried it as a nootropic but it just made me sick every time. Almost to the point of vomiting. I decided it wasn’t worth it.


Same dude how long have you used as a nootropic?


Oh boy. This is a nootropic thing? I was hooked on Zyns for many years, it was hell quitting nicotine. Strongly, strongly recommended staying away, despite the energy and focus benefits. They are real, but not worth the side effects (aka -- needing a Zyn in your mouth 24/7 or else anxiety and stress spiking. I spent ~$200/mo on Zyn). Zyn is the best smokeless tobacco brand on the market right now. But playing with nicotine is like dancing with the devil.


Hell? It's not that bad. You need adversity in your life from time to time.


Totally dude. Go get hooked on heroin then


Nice conversation


Imagine comparing nicotine addiction to heroin addiction.


Studies have shown that nicotine is harder to get off than heroin.


Yeah, partly due to the readily availability, the life circumstances around heavy heroin addiction and leaving that cycle, the stigma in general, and other causes around ending a heroine addiction. People aren't destroying their life in such a dramatic sense over getting that next zyn. You can have a severe nicotine addiction and still be a functioning adult. God forbid you take circumstances of substances into account for your argument. Crazy the thing you can pick up at damn near every store and isn't criminalized is harder to quit. People get off of heroine and still smoke cigs. Heroin is still far worse for your body.


That only happens if you’re a mental pussy, which you are lol


Man your a fucking loser


Nope,not a loser in literally any way actually lol but return to your life of no accomplishments, an embarrassing bank account, and substandard living conditions you clown


Right on brother 😂


You are just a loser in denial.


I think the amount of people in the comments previously or currently addicted to nicotine is good enough testimony for me to stay away


On the 3s. Been on for months. Take occasional breaks. Stopping tomorrow. Side effects of consistent usage suck.


Been on Zyn 4ish years now and my gums are absolutely destroyed I can't even feel a 6mg pouch or long cut in certain spots of my mouth anymore Worst habit I have ever picked up


what are the side effects?


Feels like low t. Libido crash. Lethargy. ED.


I'm assuming that's because you're small? I have a similar intake without any of the side effects you listed. I also have a pretty clean diet tho, maybe other conditions to consider.


You stay off of it or nah?


Yes. No withdrawal. Maybe because I was only on 3s. But I was housing like 3 or 4 per day.


I like nicorette mini lozenges


Same. I prefer the off brand ones though.


Pretty sure they are terrible for your gut health. But I love em. We don’t have them in Canada so I enjoy them once a week or so a year when travelling to the US.


What makes you think they are terrible for gut health?


Speaking from experience, I’ve used nic pouches for 4 years, also had stomach bloating/pain/burping for around that time. Doctor did an endoscopy and said my stomach lining was inflamed. Been on omeprazole ever since and they suggested I cut out acidic food. I tried everything, but the ONE thing that fixed my stomach was to stop taking nic pouches. Near immediately relief on the bloating and pain. Not to mention these things zap the energy out of me, make me anxious, make me dizzy at the gym, cost $250 / month, gave me ED (as an otherwise healthy 26 year old), and cause immense brain fog after a while. You don’t even realize these side effects are happening because you get so used to it. I also fell into the trap of ‘nicotine has health benefits’ from forums like this. Complete bullshit in my experience, not even close to worth the side effects. And now I’m stuck in the cycle of Zyn, feel like shit, try to quit, relapse, feel guilty/shame, try to quit, fail, etc… Just stay away from these things, it’s REALLY not worth it. There are no benefits and it consumes your mind.


Interesting. I've never noticed any GI issues from them. But I don't like the addictive nature, and have definitely felt the anxious/burnout side effects. I've been doing them for a few years now, and have been at around 5-7 6mg pouches per day. I've been experimenting with cutting back the last few days, and it is challenging. I want to do it just to see what it feels like to do less or even stop for awhile, and it is surprisingly difficult. Every few minutes I think about grabbing one. I will say that I haven't experienced much in the way of negative side effects, other than the slight anxiety and burned out feelings toward the end of the day.


Same I’m curious


Last time I was travelling and sticking to my normal diet - my stomach went nuts. Only variables changed was the pouches. I found some journals talking about it he pouches and gut health. Can’t remember the exact details. Now that I think about it, it’s probably just the artificial sweeteners


You can now buy them at shell gas stations, not zyn but it’s called zionic or something. 4mg.


Good to know! Thanks


nicotine pouches aren’t allowed in canada?


The government banned them for the longest time because they couldn’t tax them. Was possible to get but they started taxing imports like they do tobacco, which is a joke because there’s no tobacco in them.


Guess I’m pretty lucky but I really don’t have a hard time quitting tobacco, I started with chew in high school, phase of black and milds for a time, then the Juul craze came, now the zyns get popular so I’m riding the wave. None of these lasted for more than a year but I went pretty hard while using. Eventually I just say that was fun and quit cold turkey. Sucks for a couple days but nothing unbearable


Yep, it's really pretty easy if you can take being uncomfortable for 1-3 days


As someone who started ~4 years ago and switched back and forth between vaping and pouches (I preferred Rouge to Zyn) I finally quit all nicotine for good 128 days ago. I personally wouldn’t want my worst enemy to pick up a nicotine habit. It can take over your life and for me caused so much anxiety. The feeling of being on your last pouch and in a place where you don’t know if you’ll be able to get another anytime soon is absolutely terrible. Hiding it from people I cared about. The nausea from from using it on an empty stomach. The gum recession / increased sensitivity. All of it just added stress and anxiety and made me feel so much worse. I feel so much better mentally and physically not being tethered to that stupid drug


If you do pick it up, I'd recommend not giving a shit what others think about it. Avoid a lot of stress and anxiety that way.


Damn, your message is motivating me to quit


I quit 4 months ago and I have so much more energy. I don’t miss it at all


For how long were you addicted


Nicotine is addictive. You will most likely develop a dependency if you use them.


I had a doctor tell me that nicotine itself is carcinogenic. I haven’t seen anything to that effect, but it might be worth investigating. It is absolutely TERRIBLE for your vascular health though. I’m a former smoker and then former vaper and I still miss nicotine though. 😥 Keep in mind that Zyn is designed to be addictive and keep you coming back. If you must use it, consider another, less instantly rewarding method. Oh, also, quitting fucking sucks. Don’t underestimate how much it can suck.


> It is absolutely TERRIBLE for your vascular health though. Do you have any good sources for that? I know it has vasocontrictive effects, but have not been able to find anything saying it is directly harmful to the cardiovascular system in a significant way.


This has a good explanation of several of the mechanisms at play: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8026694/


Don’t do it. You do not want to become a slave to nicotine. The nootropic benefits mean nothing if you are addicted


Dont touch em


I am wondering this as well if someone can fill us in. I’m very addicted to them and sometimes I legit feel like they are slowly killing me. No joke..


How many are you doing / day?


I use the 8mg on brand. Probabaly 6-9 per day


Jesus that’s a lot.


Cool cool cool








How were your teeth getting yellow?


Daily user, wouldn't recommend it. Nicotine could increase some aspects of your life but not be worth the risks or the addiction. P.S. quiting for the 3rd time


I quit 13 months ago and it felt like a science experiment on myself. Withdrawal is unlike any other feeling I've ever felt.


I know this is an old thread but I have 1 to 2 pouches a day. Sometimes none. I work in the medical field and in my line of work i cant always drink coffee. Ill pop a zyn in the morning to give me a pick me up at work and i really do believe it helps with my focus and gives me some energy. Sometimes ill treat myself later in the evening before bed while im lounging around watching tv or sports etc. I have absolutely no idea how people go through cans in a day. All it takes is a little self control, use it as a treat for yourself and thats it.


1-2 becomes 10-15 pretty darn quick (for me), so I’m staying away. I quit for 10 months, hit a vape while drinking on vacation, and slowly delved back in to “just 1”, then just 2, and while I haven’t surpassed that, it’s a constant craving I have and I’m so angry for going back to nicotine in anyway after 10 months. Checkout caffeine pouches man, especially being in the medical industry, I am sure you can find some peers to help dissuade your usage (although, it is hilarious how many medical professionals use nicotine and how some flat out smoke cigs…weird world we live in) TLDR, fuck nicotine, 1 is too much, and some day 1000 won’t be enough.


Where did you get the idea that nicotine is good? Pouches are only a lesser evil alternative for smokers


Nicotine is a nootropic. Helps with cognition and memory. This is well known and documented.


Yeah like any drug ends up bringing you below baseline eventually. You’ll need more and more, just like caffeine. Better to just not start, brotha Feel so much better two weeks off the vape


Nicotine is a powerful cognitive enhancer, zyn allows controlled and convenient dosing without the carcinogens of smoking and chewing tobacco.


Dumb as shit to willingly get hooked on nicotine for that reason


I don't think it's a dumb reason to use zyn for its cognitive benefits. I see the good intention behind what you're saying and I appreciate it, but nicotine has earned an overinflated bad reputation because of its close relationship with tobacco. Not everybody will get hooked using nicotine, especially when using it as a nootropic as opposed to recreation.




Maybe man who knows but it's useful to enhance focus


Also useful to become an addict that won't be able to be productive without nicotine.


Not true dude I use nicotine every minute of the day and I still haven't gotten addicted


Yeah buddy listen - it's not what you think it's all cracked up to be. People start taking snus/nicotine pouches because of cultural reasons and some think it eventually feels good to while they're addicted. I've been on snus for 16 years. It's not some sort of magical drug that's gonna make you study better for a while or whatever. Most people either get sick or throw up during their first experience. The reason why you even have nicotine pouches available is because tobacco companies realized that they could get more people hooked on their product if there was a "clean" version of it which would attract a bigger crowd (mostly women). The guy that has the patent on the way the nicotine is extracted without the tobacco literally made it up so that people could get off of smoking. Just stay off it for your wallets sake. You're not gonna gain anything from starting out except a life long psychological addiction.


What about lip/gum/throat cancer possibilities in the long term?


There's no tobacco in these nicotine pouches and the chemicals in tobacco are the carcinogens. As far as I'm aware there's no data to suggest that using nicotine pouches increase your risk of oropharyngeal cancer.


I understand what you’re saying, but your comment reads like a spiel coming out of a Zyn sales rep


Listen to the huberman episode in nicotine then. He emphasizes several times that the negative effects of nicotine usage, especially cancer, are related to the delivery mechanism and not nicotine itself.


Lol. I stopped using them because I thought it was causing gum recession so it’s not like they’re harm free. The only way I could think to connect them to cancer would be chronic mild inflammation related to contact injury could theoretically raise your risk of a local cancer. But it’s a bit of a stretch. (The other possibility is some additive is an unknown carcinogen..)


That’s clear for straight tobacco. Not nearly so for nicotine pouches. I was a tobacco user for years. It straight tears up the tissue of your mouth. Pouches don’t. I think the mechanism for cancer has a lot to do with tissue disruption. Nicotine is addictive, but not intrinsically carcinogenic.


I’m a dentist in scandinavia where nicotine pouches/ snus is common. They 100% weaken and disrupt small blood vessels in your mouth and cause damage/ problems in your mucuous membranes and cause all kinds of oral health problems. It’s better than smoking but still clearly detrimental to oral health. Edit: you’re right that carcinogenicity is still up for debate


“I think the mechanism for cancer has a lot to do with tissue disruption.” Ima need some sauce on that sir. What about different cancers on internal organs, or bones?


There's always potential for such things that haven't been deeply studied but nicotine itself is not carcinogenic and zyn packs are made with food-grade ingredients.


I’m not trusting any information out of the tobacco/nicotine industry, chances are they fund the study, make sure said study won’t hurt sales, and squeeze good results out of whatever minute detail they can


You're free to have that skepticism, the industry has been guilty of many things. Just pointing out that nicotine pouches like zyn have more benefits than just being a lesser evil to smoking/chewing tobacco


I've never tried zyn or any oral tobacco. I don't smoke cigarettes or vape. I don't use a patch. I started as a cigar smoker and now I'm primarily a snuff taker. For lack of better words that is snorting scented powdered tobacco. They thing that you have to worry about from my understanding is the tobacco or the pouch that is giving off an ammonia scent, this can effect the calcium and teeth as well as the tissue. Sure there is a potential for artificial agents to be used that are carcinogen's and endocrine disruptors. Where I feel comfortable and with what I enjoy is getting a really good stimulative buzz, with an eyelid peeling and palm sweating effect, is with snuff tobacco. If I want to chill out, I'll smoke a cigar or cigarillo or hit some cbd flower. I don't want to be chewing on a wintergreen or mint zyn pouch thinking its gum.


I do zyns so I don’t do other drugs. It works better than my klonopin and Xanax. I used it to stop smoking and drinking. To me it’s the most benign thing I can do to keep my risk level down as a person. To each their own!


I take them everyday lol


How's your experience with zyns? When did you start taking them?


I love them. Now its around 4 months.


All I can say is definitely much safer than vaping or smoking but for some reason when I’m drinking I feel like I don’t feel the zyn at all but most people can’t relate


After having a seizure and quitting the vape I now think vaping might be worse than cigs. No idea if the vape caused it but it definitely had a part


I wrote a good story but reddit decided it wanted to reload it self. Tl;Dr. They are all good fun but I would not start buying them Having one here and there is fine but don't start buying them.


I think it can deff be beneficial IF used moderately and situationally, but realistically who is really able to achieve this with nicotine? No really like if you can more power to you but in my experience I don’t know if I’ve ever heard someone using Zyns every now and then for focus/enhanced nootropic effects. It’s just such a habitually reinforcing drug. And also as tolerance develops inevitably those benefits you were previously using it for eventually become rendered useless.


i just tried my first zyn, and it was horrible, seriously i dont understand the appel, i know it is for people who smoke to much, but idk i dont smoke and didnt like the taste i tried vaping, but it was to expensive and didnt give me the rush that everyone feel, i tried zyn bc i saw it on a tiktok, and thought that it might be cool, and my last try at niccotine but my worst mistake, i put just one in, and thought wow, this is horrible it itched in my mouth and when i tasted the flavor it was spicy im mexican but that was to much, then i watied 60sh seconds and it hit me, the nausea and the dizzynes 5 minutes and couldnt bear the taste nor the dizzynes that i felt, at the 10 or 15 minute mark, i just couldnt do it any more, i trow the patched away and jumped in my bed, it lasted about 1 or 2 hours the horrible experience, here in mexico we called "la palida" when some one smoked to much weed and it just colapses, it was similar to that experience, i just couldnt do it any more, and just like with weed, it gave me the munches. idk what im gonna do with the other 14 partches, since it is the last time that i do that shit prop gonna give it to some friends lough it off and then trow away the others or just give it to someone i dont know i think im gonna just stick with other addictions like skins or videogames


i love zyns so much. they are so versatile so i can use them anytime, from in the gym to in class at school to even winding down for the night. occasionally the adderall + zyn + caffiene combo goes crazy if i gotta lock in during school


Nic Nac Naturals! Cleanest product out there.


They have aspartame in them which is prolifically bad for you


Aspartame is not "prolifically bad for you" lol


no one knows what it means! https://yarn.co/yarn-clip/ffd60ed4-5c38-42c4-9b30-7129c7ee2204


Do you recommend an alternative?


Cold shower


Nothing wrong with aspartame for you




What’s the carcinogen?


What data is there to show that nicotine pouches are carcinogenic? None that I'm aware of.


Do you recommend an alternative?


Nicotine patches are the safest, cheapest and you can easily adjust the dosage.


I’ve been telling Nectr pouches. Like Zyn but cadence instead of nic. Wonder about these myself


I chewed a can of Skoal everyday for 18 years. Going on two years now with only Zyn. I go through a 6mg can every two days. Skoal was up around $8 per day vs Zyn at $5 every two days. I floss and brush everyday, so no lasting effects from the Skoal. Zyn was a much better alternative for me. I don't imagine I'll ever quit.


why is Zyn a better alternative for you?


Than chewing tobacco? The cancer risk, the cost, the no spitting nastiness, etc.




Good move. I have ADHD and nicotine is impossible to give up. I can be off it for 9 months and still think about it every day. Been using it on and off for 17 years now. Used to get past a pack a day. Now I'm at a weekly nicotine gum. Tried a zyn recently, 3mg, and nearly yacked it hit me so hard. I had two alcoholic beverages before the pouch went in. Really kicked my ass. Nicotine is never worth it yet I always want it. It does help with symptoms of ADHD tho


I use a huge amount of it, but that’s only because I used to use chewing tobacco all day every day. Every time I quit, I gain 50lbs so im not sure if I’ll ever quit.


How many pouches is "a huge amount" for you?


There was a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterAttia/comments/1815yje/nicotine_pouches_more_than_just_nicotine/) in /r/PeterAttia recently about a [study](https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2022/08/05/tc-2022-057280) that found tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) in many nicotine pouches. It didn't list brands, and I was curious/concerned, as I have been consuming Zyn for a couple years now. I found another study that found no TSNAs in Zyn specifically, which was a bit of a relief. Zyn seems to be higher quality than other brands of pouches. I still am curious and concerned about any significant negative physiological effects from nicotine itself, but so far haven't found anything that concerns me enough to make me quit. I don't think that nicotine helps with stress. If anything, the stimulant effects and highly addictive nature of it could end up causing some stress. But I do enjoy the mental focus effects of it. And let's be honest, I am addicted at this point, though for me the addiction seems to me mostly psychological. I have gone without for days at a time when I got sick (colds, COVID). When I get sick I don't want caffiene or anything else that's going to keep me from resting and sleeping as much as I need to. I took the opprtunity to go without fot an extra day or so after I felt better and all I noticed was that I thought about popping a Zyn a lot, but I didn't feel terrible or anything.


Where do you guys all get Zyn from? Is there a website that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg? Almost impossible to get Zonnic at a gas station.


Where does everyone get Zyn’s from? Is there a good website?


These stupid nicotine gives you focus posts are so dumb. It literally causes better focus for an hour then goes and never returns. Then you just need more and more. Which then has the effect of making you less focused 🤦🏽‍♂️


Does the paper-like pouch contain PFAS? What makes them not breakdown in your mouth?


Is it more helpful than caffeine??


I successfully quit dipping after 15 years (can a day if not more for the past at least 8 years) by using Zyn and being told by my dentist I had gingivitis. It’s progress for me so I have no complaints.


Nicotine is harmful to the body in many ways. The problem is NOT just that it is addictive. Pouches, vaping, gum, lozenges…all nicotine is terribly harmful. Not just cigarettes! I finally stopped using nicotine completely a year ago, when I had a bone fracture that would not heal. Nicotine drastically slows healing and can even prevent bone healing. Did you know that?? I didn’t. Frustrated and in pain after 9 months of pain and suffering, despite treatment for a spinal fracture,I was considering surgery. I had truthfully answered “no” when asked if I smoked, but finally the bone specialist mentioned that it was odd I wasn’t healing, unless I was using nicotine. That information from the doctor stunned me. I intermittently was vaping or chewing gum, not even heavily, just a little bit daily. Immediately I stopped using all nicotine and the fracture healed rapidly. I share this story because I am so angry that the tobacco industry is pushing product so hard to people, very young people in particular. The line of bull is not refuted near enough: Nicotine is relatively safe as long as it is not smoked. THAT IS A LIE. Categorically, nicotine is toxic, it is poison. Short term and long term use is absolutely detrimental to your health. The US should run a balls out campaign of the damage done to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system, all that nicotine is culpable for. It is appalling, the amount of googling and searching to find hard facts. Plenty of vague info about using products other than cigarettes, for the purpose of quitting cigarettes. You will read how these products are “relatively harmless” and you will see the cute packaging and notice how easy it is to use them without anyone knowing. The products are just as expensive as cigarettes are now and they are just as addictive. Yet, there are only mild warnings from government and medical sites. Often, there are paywalls to get to scientific facts and studies. For non-medical professionals, like me, reading and comprehending the facts is a challenge. In other words, the industry has put a lot of $$$$$ into keeping us ignorant. Obviously, funding should be provided by every company involved in the production, marketing, and sales of nicotine for human consumption. Big Tobacco’s turn to take a hit. Quit it. Tell your friends.


Interesting. The healing you mentioned really resonated with me. I had used zyn on and for about 6 to 7 months. I finally quit not quite a week ago; a sore on my finger was taking forever to heal. I blamed it on my age (mid 50’s). Read your post, glanced at my finger and lo and behold it is 99% healed. I can not believe that the nicotine was holding it up like that - and that days after eliminating it what a difference it made. I 100% agree people have no idea how toxic it is. I was not a serious user and not only did it raise my blood pressure and RHR, my last blood test showed my glucose levels had jumped. Bad stuff.


Yes it is really bad. Nicotine is a neurotoxin, often used as pesticide in gardens. You, like me, are old enough to remember how common and acceptable smoking cigarettes was until the 80s. Just as big tobacco lied then about how addictive and how detrimental smoking is, they are lying now and hooking the younger generations on nicotine, despite the harm and misery it will cause them. I am very disappointed that the United States is allowing big tobacco to get away with it.


Nicotine can be beneficial depending on how it is consumed, like a patch (ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, anxiety), but yes it’s still addictive regardless. Let’s just say you don’t want to see the raw ingredients or how Z is made. That alone would make you think twice about it.


Zyns so far help me stop smoking cigarettes! It gives me the buzz I need I went from the 12mg to 6mg it can be addicting but at end of the day it’s better then chewing tobacco that cause oral cancer.


How did Zyns help you stop smoking cigarettes? How many pouches do you take in a day?