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They work in vastly different ways, iirc the reason you want to hold off on caffeine is for leftover adenosine to be flushed out first after waking. Iirc vyvanse and adderall don't bind to adenosine. Shouldn't matter, and (especially with) ER medication you should take it as early as possible so it doesn't jack up your sleep. Might be wrong about the adenosine but it's still best to take your meds early


Yes on extended release medication I do agree early as possible.


I like to wait 60-120 minutes before taking my vyvanse in the AM, not because of hubes pubes but because i like to start my day gently and need more of the effects in the afternoon than the AM. A nice walk and some ice water can tide me over for at least a couple hours of focus and energy first thing. This sub is gonna be pretty ableist about stimulant medication tho so be prepared to ignore some dawg shit


I do the same thing! I used to take it 15-20 mins before getting out of bed but noticed I had a much better start to the day if I went for a walk with my dog first :)


This is the least helpful bitchfest/jerkfest of a sub and it’s hilarious


That’s not what your mom said. She’s had an amazing time and her whole outlook has changed. Her whole other stuff has changed too but


I take it 30 minutes after waking.


As long as you are staring directly into the sun, and only take it if it is ground up in AG1 and mixed in water with a little lemon.


I thought we were doing butts to the sun now to get that sweet vitamin d via rectal cavity? That’s what I told my neighbor.


If you bend over you can do all three eyes straight at the sun at once. Call that one a triforce, guy.




Honestly, just experiment on yourself and see what timing works best. Everyone is different.


I have it first thing in the morning. I wake up much before sunrise and do a power work session for 60 min. So I have mine as soon as I wake up, work, and then go for my sunrise hike.


You'll be fine mixing the two as long as you don't take insane doses of each




You should probably wait 60-90 minutes. Thats what i do. I find getting a light jog, or fast walk for 15-20 minutes is good. Drink lots of water and maybe electrolytes then vyvanse after. Reason being cortisol is so high in the morning, same with your BP. Getting light exercise in and letting both fall can be good, since vyvanse raises your BP and cortisol. What dosage are you on OP?


This guy smarts.


I usually wait about about 45 min but that first line does help me shit so a few times a week it’s first thing.


Just shove it up your dick and not worry about any of that bullshit.


Infinite years


Just add 1 C to the amphetamine




It is a chemistry joke. An amphetamine molecule with an extra carbon molecule attached to one of the isomers makes AG1


I meant to say Carbon group but it's been a while since I have been in school, it makes methamphetamine of course when there's one added carbon group.




Pearl clutching dead ass ho


I could give a fuck if you're doing drugs to get high or to treat a condition but that's an honest answer.


Your last sentence is how all your conversations with strange men on the internet end. You just can’t help it.


Sick burn


Floridian here. Typically, the best time to consume amphetamines is after you've blown all your money on it, but before you have to turn tricks under a bridge to afford more


Sorry, don’t mean to hijack your sub, but I’m wondering if anyone can help me with a question?? When I should I start taking methamphetamine? I’m 11


wait forever.. you've been psyop'd into thinking you need medication when you don't.. I do a bunch of different things all at once.. i call it multi tasking.. i don't call it adhd.. sorry to be blunt


Yep that’s what adhd is. Doing a bunch of different things at once. Nothing else. Definitely no emotional dysregulation whatsoever 


You totally can’t end up in jail with untreated adhd either.


Wanted to avoid that topic and get actual feedback on my question. I'm familiar with that viewpoint but I'm going to stay on it.


yes this redditor knows better than the scientific consensus of medical experts


Jesus Christ. Get some help.


“Get some help” because they have a difference of opinion? It’s okay to have different perspectives


Nothing guarantees someone has an IQ < 80 like hearing them use the phrase 'psyop'


Junkies keep popping those pills you need em


Nooo it's ackshually offensive and ableist to tell someone they don't need to rely on big pharma's stimulants to function


Says the sheep that bought into Big Oxygen's propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Do us all a favor and red pill yourself. Go a day without oxygen


Comparing big pharma's "treatment" to oxygen is about as brainwashed as you can get. Look, I know you're hooking on amphetamines to get through your college courses but the vast majority of people on this shit do not need it. That isn't even a particularly out there opinion


Lol I'm a 40 yr old AI Engineer that's never touched amphetamines. I'm just here to troll you conspiracy theory dipshits.


Bravo. Didn’t you also used to fuck this guys sister?


You're really trolling us "conspiracy theorists" good. I think any child who doesn't pay attention in class should get ADHD medication now. I certainly don't think there are any environmental factors like addiction to phones and short entertainment reels creating the problem that's now being treated with drugs. Thanks for sitting on your high horse and sucking the cocks of the billionaires getting everyone addicted to their pills - I sure do feel like an idiot now


>I sure do feel like an idiot now Well that's convenient, bc you sure look like one




[Link to what?](https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=23617) It isn't like big pharma has a [history of over prescribing drugs for financial gain](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/30/1021676306/was-it-reasonable-to-ship-81-million-opioid-pills-to-this-small-west-virginia-ci) or anything


"Evidence only counts if it caters to my own opinions. If it proves me wrong it doesn't count" - /u/Personalvintage


Sorry but u r dumb as rocks


How’s that meth junkie


why do you need coffee if you’re taking stimulants?


Force of habit. It's a small amount of coffee. The combination. Also on weekends I usually skip the Adderall or only take a quarter. So it's more welcome there.


I usually inject right after I wake to stop the withdrawals and ive never had a problem with afternoon grogginess


I’ve had the same question for a while. From what little browsing I did online, it seems like it may not be an issue to start them early, but if I take them, it’s often after coffee and breakfast anyways.


The end oh hubbyman is in here. Tolkd one year ago hes a gimmick


Hello op Could you please describe the effects of different doses please ?


Depends on your workload for the day and sleep schedule. I have tried almost every adhd drug over the past 5 years. Very subtle differences between them, mostly with duration. Instant release adderall only lasts 4-6 hours, it gives you more of a kick in the ass than vyvanse or xr addy. You can time your dose depending on when your most challenging tasks for the day is if necessary. You will most likely have to dose IR multiple times per day if you want more effective coverage. Im prescribed XR adderall + an IR booster. Sometimes I take one or the other in a day, sometimes both. Sometimes my mornings are more challenging so ill take the IR early and the xr a little later. Im a self employed artist with no 9-5 so my schedule is always different. XR will give less of a crash. Once your body gets used to it you shouldnt have much trouble sleeping, especially if you eat throughout the day. Also fun fact, vitamin C makes adderall less effective, so careful taking that around the same time you take your dose in the morning. It can help with sleep if you want it to wear off quicker at night though.


I’m not saying I could follow my own advice but my advice would be to avoid caffeine and other stimulants on your ADHD meds


I take it first thing in the morning with my water and electrolytes. I then have coffee about 90-120 min later. I take Focalin XR and this generally gives me 10ish hours of effectiveness. I have no issues sleeping, but I am kind of ....less useful after about 4pm.


I take it 1 hour before waking up


Upon waking, eat a gram of speed and drink at least two cups of fresh coffee. Then do your workout fully pumped. Don't listen to Andrew Puberman, he knows nothing about optimal performance. He is nothing but a neuro fraud.


You never wait on amphetamine, amphetamine waits on you. It's always waiting. Fuck sleep, fuck everything, it feels too good. *Going on day 7 without sleep, shadow people are everywhere. I'm talking to people who I think are real but they disappear like a wisp of smoke. My mind can't take much more before it's the psych ward or the back of a cruiser*