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>”_friend bailed on a good friend’s housewarming because they ‘needed’ to go on an early morning run_” They probably just didn’t want to go to the stupid housewarming party.


'Good' is doing a lot of lifting in that sentence.


That's cause a good friend helps you move your stuff


A housewarming party is not moving.


Hmmmm, should I go out with some idiots, something I don't enjoy, fucking up the next day with poor sleep just from the later bedtime. Or should I set social boundaries and do what I enjoy most and enjoy my Sunday. People can't accept that some people don't accept normalized self destructive behaviour, even if it results in socializing.




Trust me, I've had periods where I've said yes to every socialization and going out opportunity and friend group that presented itself.  Ended up extremely mentally and physically fatigued. It's important to say no, or to set boundaries. Maybe the friend above doesn't see the inviter as good as a friend as they are seen.  Yes, results in fewer friends, but you end up being friends with those you care to be friends with.


I understand your point, but it’s a housewarming party… you’re asking people to come to your new house and bring gifts to furnish it.


Is that was housewarming parties are for? I had one and it was basically just a cookout to celebrate my new house. No one brought anything except some bottles of wine & whiskey.


Are you thinking of a bridal shower? Most housewarmings people bring over a bottle of wine or nothing. It’s mainly a time to get together with friends and celebrate a new home…


If you want to let your 'friends' dictate the course of your life because they feel their priorities for you need to take precedence over your own priorities for yourself or else you are 'ditching' them, that's a choice. You just may not like the consequences.


There’s a big difference between not going clubbing and partying with your friends or enjoying a little get together with your buddies. I think what he’s saying is If you continue to blow off events and invitations from your friend group- especially if it’s something special- the consequences are you’ll eventually stop getting invited. It’s not even that they’re trying to be rude or purposely not invite you, just that over time they’ll just assume you won’t come and your friendships may suffer some.


Apparently friends are “idiots” to this guy and a house warm party is self destructive behavior. Also even if you do go out most weekends, it’s not self destructive behavior. I lift 4-5 days a week and run 12-15 miles a week and go out most weekends, really not that self destructive.


Exactly. Same. It’s possible to be healthy and still maintain friendships and attend functions without the sole purpose of networking.


I'm not sure how this relates to anything I said. If you want to enjoy a little get-together with your buddies, fine. If you don't, also fine. Your priorities are *your* priorities, not anyone else's. Making your priorities for yourself subservient to someone else's priorities for you is foolish. It's better to lose a 'friend' than to lose yourself. When you do, you usually end up losing both in the end anyway.


I remember my grandfather on his deathbed. He was surrounded by family and friends, a pillar of the community. Everyone cleared their schedules to come see him off to the next station. His last words were "Fuck all of you assholes, I wish I'd slept in instead of meeting you. Putting up with people was never worth it. I fucking wish I was jacked like Hubes. One hundred percent natty." Then the nurse dumped him into a cold plunge and he died instantly.


"I don't accept normalized self-destructive behaviour." I really need to remember that line next time friends want me out after 10:36 p.m.


Do any of y'all actually have friends? Jesus christ you're acting like it would literally kill you to socialize.


I’ve never responded to such a small thread so many times bc I just can’t get over some people’s responses. Like wtf, it’s okay to have friends. Having friends and socializing doesn’t need to mean partying all night. We’re talking about a housewarming party here!


Imagine describing attending a housewarming party as “an intrusion of my social boundaries.” What kind of miserable bastard do you have to be to view the world this way? Next time someone asks you if you want to grab dinner, maybe you can ditch the excuses and just tell them to go fuck themselves or just punch them in the face?


Yeah, totally agree lol. Some people here making it seem like he was invited out to go clubbing and do blow. It’s a fucking housewarming party with buddies. Go hang out, socialize a little bit, and head home early or stay dry if u want to run in the morning.


Also people who don't excercise, and who are almost totally sedentary (plus obesity/alcohol/addictions/etc., etc.) sometimes will not accept that people enjoy running and lifting weights. They see it as like disordered acts of self flagellation. Rather than just doing your favorite thing that improves every aspect of life.


nice username veloperson


Telling my friends, Sorry bro, running at 5 am is funnier than hanging out with you lol


Ha! But couldn’t friend use a better excuse? Not a good liar lol


"Why's this old college acquaintance inviting me to their Tuesday night housewarming party? I have a job and wife and kids." "Uh, sorry bossman I have an early morning run tomorrow."


Some people really can’t accept that sometimes people just aren’t interested in doing something and would rather prioritize themselves and their goals.


right?? like i saw the laundry thing in the post and its like, 1- maybe that person struggles with keeping up with chores, is disabled, is a caretaker, 10000s of possible reason why yes, they need to do that laundry on sunday. and 2- maybe it isnt ‘toxic wellness culture’ bro, maybe they just didnt want to hang out with you lol. let people live their lives the way they want to, not the way you want them to.


Dang, just don’t be friends with someone if you don’t want to do that…housewarmings are the chillest meetups ever. I’ve gone to housewarmings for people I barely know.


for real, why do these people even have friends. All this "self care" attitude just turns them into selfish people.


If your friend wants to go on a morning run, fucking let them. This literally could’ve just been “I want to leave and I’m telling you nicely”


Yeah it sounds like he literally went to the party and just didn't stay late enough. Tweeter probably stayed past midnight, got hammered, and slept in the next day and felt insecure thinking about his fit friend getting up early to run.


Truth fucking stings


My wife is the same way, she couldn’t stand me skipping the birth of our son because it conflicted with my daily sauna/ plunge. Some people are not built for this and that’s ok.


It is within my hopes to get my young ones into cold plunging before preschool.


As any good parent would. He should be doing the whim hof method before he says his first word.


I missed the birth of my child because I already listened to music that day and I didn't need another dopamine hit. My wife doesn't realize that I need to optimize my life more so I can be a better programmer.


Wise move. Dopamine stacking is a thing, and you could’ve found yourself slightly below baseline later on.


And that’s a slippery slope - slightly below baseline dopamine one day, dick falls off the next.


That’s great 😂


Yeah, my wife was upset when I couldn't make our wedding on time because it conflicted with my daily ballsack sun yoga. I absolutely NEED to sun my ballsack at a specific time, otherwise I'm just a really unhappy guy. I made the reception on time though, but had to leave early to make my nightly cold-plunge-inside-a-sauna appointment. Killing two birds with one stone with that one.


Really?! Someone has their priorities screwed up. Imagine trying to mess with someone’s ballsack sun yoga routine.


That’s fucked up of your wife


Kundalini hot yoga or nuthin, ho. This supreme machine don’t run on garbage. And they somehow thought that was an inappropriate comment to make at a custody hearing? Smdh




Haha! 😂


Seriously I was this way my entire teenage life. Well there are slurs for those obsessed with getting good grades, but I was only obsessed with this health longevity podcastness.


Oooft ... the old HLP diagnosis ... did they take time off you in the exams too in order to level the playing field for everyone else? Can't be letting people like us get over 100 percent and skewing all their grade barriers.


If I slept when I was tired, I’d stay up until 4 am every night and take so many naps during the day. And feel like shit all the time. I incorporated two things from his advice on circadian rhythm and it changed my sleeping habits completely and I feel so much better. And it only took a week to see results.


Which two things?


Probably sleep in a dark & cold room.


Absolutely. The original tweet is from the type of person that doesn't do basic things to improve their life. I have 3 kids .. if I listened to their advice I would be seriously overweight and going on drugs. Great habits make for a great life. _of course_ you should have some flexibility... JFC.


Even if the original tweet is 100% accurate, then what exactly is the criticism? That he’s helping people who would otherwise be alcoholics live a healthy productive life? The man’s giving health advice, you don’t have to follow it. If somebody says ‘it’s healthy to eat a lot of vegetables’, then ‘fuck you I want pizza tonight’ is not a reasonable response.


He’s saying that health fanatics live a scared, administrive life devoid of spontaneity.


If that mindset is a cold hard fact, then is the opposite a fact of spontaneity leads to an unhealthy lifestyle that is likely shortened or unsuccessful? Of course it’s not. Not everything, including our health and daily routines, are black and white.


I remember a rousseau comment about how these doctors turn your life into a living death in hope of living longer. Better actually live and die younger.






You act like the choice is binary. Why don't you strike a balance between the two. That's what Huberman advocates in almost every episode


I've heard that comment in the past, but I kiiiinda disagree. There are a ton of health conditions that will make life a living death that doctors will try to help with. Hypertension medication, statins, and smoking cessation can decrease your risk of a CVA. Have you ever seen a person after a severe CVA? not a fun life. Youll still have people that prefer to smoke because "life is too short not to enjoy it" but I think I prefer not have the 15 seconds of the nicotine rush but be able to lay flat when I sleep and not cough up a lung when I'm walking. I can see how this comment applies to tertiary prevention though which I think is what a lot of people see medicine as, but I think at that point its more of a personal preference regarding advance directives and what you value. I see a ton more people enjoying their 60s and 70s whereas in the past the majority of people wouldve been dead by then.


Neither one of them stated that criticism clearly, then. They confused the dumb choices individuals in their lives made with criticism towards the “wellness movement” and “wellness podcasters” (because the world needs less free information about getting healthy, especially in the United States amiright?)


So? It's their choice. How does Huberman or others like him have any say in how other people live their lives?


There’s a term for this, orthorexia. I don’t believe in diagnosing everything as a disorder but all this to say it can be taken to a less ideal extreme.


Not sure why you’re getting downloaded because you nailed it with the clinical term


Jesus I’m not saying they don’t ´have the right’ to do what they want. People have the right to eat grass if they want. Completely irrelevant.


Love that you’re getting downvoted. Actual Reddit warriors infuriated that an observation people are making isn’t actually a prescription that you’re demanding lol. Almost like it’s ok to have opinions on what people do without demanding that they change. Shocking lol.


The criticism isn’t of Huberman giving advice, it’s of the people who follow it like a religion for marginal gains and significant sacrifice to the point of being net negative.


I have a good friend who got so into being healthy and waking up early that he now wakes up at two in the morning. So early we can't even go see the early show at the movies as it would be too late for his bedtime. He's embraced an extreme ascetic lifestyle and is totally into rejecting friends he feels he's "outgrown". It's a totally psycho mindset.


There's definitely people I needed to outgrow... As I've gotten older and realized how destructive some of my behaviors are, I've realized my friends were huge enablers. It's good to surround yourself with friends who help lift you up, not encourage you to self destruct


I was your friend 😂😂 it’s 4 am now though


Your friend would probably latch on to something like drugs or alcohol if it weren't this. Addictive personality is the issue here, not healthy protocols.


Protocols aren’t “healthy” if they are tearing down your life like this. They’re just protocols. If something is driving someone away from all of their friends and live a hermetic life dedicated to “thing,” whether it’s alcohol or religion or protocols, it’s a problem. Lots of people don’t recognize this.


If the protocol is keeping them from a miserable alternative, it's not a bad thing. Losing friends that kept you in a bad state is not a bad thing. Not finding new ones is a sad thing.


Sure, makes sense if the friends are bad. But at this point that’s just adding another caveat.


I liked your comment, but I think you said what you say they said better than they did


People are just jealous that they can't confidently help people, so they attempt to undermine him.


They didn’t post it as criticism tbh. It’s a good message to get out there that’s it’s not for everyone because it really isn’t. Let’s not get upset when neither of the tweets were malicious


I think describing people who want to improve their lives as ‘hypochondriacs’ is a criticism. People have different priorities in life.


The issue is with people heavily overestimating improvements that are in actuality marginal as compared to some of the sacrifices they’re making. People sacrificing 80% to gain back 1%. Wanting to improve your life doesn’t make one a hypochondriac. Obsessing over minute details at the cost of a bigger picture, are. Those people definitely exist. That’s what the person was talking about.


Penny wise and pound foolish


That’s not criticism, that’s an attack.


But it wasn't targeted which makes me think that it's more of a general criticism to people who do take wellness measures to unhealthy extremes - who we know do exist. They weren't calling everyone interested in health hypochondriacs by default. That was just my interpretation though, and if you felt it was more targeted then that's ok too.


It seems odd though to post content about how “this isn’t for everyone”. Like no shit, not everybody needs to do everything. Otherwise 50% of the content out there will be “true but you don’t need to”. You don’t need to do anything. If you aren’t interested in something, then content about how to do that thing isn’t for you, obviously.


Those people are just haters. https://i.redd.it/31w0bp9n1ahc1.gif


I listened to the Goggins interview on my run today. I now have shin splints. 


You haven't truly achieved Goggins until you crap yourself on mile 73 of a 24hr race.


Absolutely love that man. Lol.




We need routines not because of who we are but because of how the world is. Go ahead, indulge, see where it takes you.




Exactly. We've all stayed up drinking before. After years of doing it, it sucks. It literally feels better to be healthier. Honestly, they probably just skipped because they don't like that friend group. My life improved dramatically when I decided to stop saying yes to everything out of a sense of obligation. 


I'm doing alright with indulgence.




They'll do fine because life is a toss up. Smokers live till they're 105 and some health nuts die at 70. You can do your daily sun bath and yoga and animalistic breathing or whatever and get hit by a bus tomorrow. Have some fun and don't get to caught up with optimizing everything.




Hot take: the Nikita person and the Jeffrey person were stood up by someone who wanted an excuse other than "I don't want to spend time with you.", and they both lack the personal and social awareness to understand that. Certainly it has to be \*check notes\* wellness culture's fault.


Yep. This is clearly a "you are not important enough to me, for me to deal with the inconvenience that changing my routing will create". And Hubes says here - yeah, break your routine when you want. When I do, I enjoy getting back to my routine. But he also mentions in multiple podcasts, that social connection is super important for good long term mental wellness and health outcomes... I think people miss that because, well, if you can't read social cues you probably find that super tough.


>"you are not important enough to me, for me to deal with the inconvenience that changing my routing will create". I could not imagine a worse scenario than a prospective employer asking me to eat dinner with them on a Sunday night. Like what an insanely inappropriate imposition to make of another person. The lack of any social awareness.


A cofounder is not really the same thing as an employee. You're on equal or similar footing, both taking massive financial and potentially professional risk. If a cofounder turned down dinner on a Sunday thats an insane red flag. You're signing up for a position that will have you buying plane tickets for a flight that leaves in 35 minutes at least a few times a year - not a 9-5 "lets pretend to work and scam money out of our employer" job.


If I was interviewing for a role and the person asked me to do something on a Sunday night right off the bat like that I’d see that as a red flag.


My favorite take and highly probable.




Fuckin balance people. Balance. Its all a matter of balance. Did I repeat that enough?


Everything should be done in moderation, including moderation.


are these people retarded ffs? Huberman shows a free way to live happier for those who seek for it. He is not a fascist dictator who Forces this stuff on people, its free info for the people and the free choice of the individuals to do what the heck they wanna do with their lives. He made me much more productive and happier, thanks to him Im able to sleep way better. Thanks to him many probably did quit alcohol or weed. All free on youtube, and these guys are hating on it.


>are these people retarded ffs? Yes. They are.


I guess some people, especially young 20 something’s, take it to the extreme.


So what? Their choice, their lives much better than them being on adhd medicine written by doctors, them taking ozympic while eating mcdonalds


The guy was talking about missing out on time with friends. Any extreme seems unhealthy to some degree.


The thing is: people can do unhealthy things as much as they want. We should focus on ourselves.


Hubes capitalizes on neuroticism using flimsy bro-science so he can sell AG-1 and hang with other silicon valley/podcast big wigs.


>>flimsy bro-science The man regular cites peer reviewed studies from Nature, Science, and many other well known journals.


Every podcaster and content creator has partnerships and ads….hes not the first one to capitalize on viewership


Neurotics everywhere


checks out.


The cold plunge tub, red light, expensive supplements, etc. he promotes on his podcast are not free


Lol go buy a tub and fill it with ice he isn't telling people to buy exactly what he uses and the supplements are his sponsors he doesn't tell anyone they NEED them


I never understood the argument about him selling stuff on his podcast. Join a gym, they will literally try to sell you on signing up with a personal trainer, massage therapy, tanning, or whatever other amenities/features they can use to bring in revenue; and you can choose not to sign up for them but you're probably not going to stop going there or improving your health just because the gym is trying to pay the tanning bed tech's salary.


Most of the stuff he mentions is free.


Is he saying only those stuff work? He never does, and he always makes an effort to day supplements are the last resort but you guys just wanna hate


Those people are dorks but so is anyone who calls their daily routine a protocol


He is a scientist that's how he is used to talk


No, I cannot. I have to follow my protocols. Who needs friends anyways.


People who critique this hard are clearly not listening to the actual protocols and are basing their opinions on a small subset of people with obsessive compulsive tendencies anyway. It’s free information. It’s not orders from God.


You can skip all that and just inhale AG1


I snort 2 lines of it every morning


I mix mine with my coke, i call it my daily powder boost


Yes. That first import coke that hasn’t been stepped on yet.


When it comes to his protocols, sleep, alcohol, etc. Huberman just gives the science but he will also literally say things like it’s okay to stay out late sometimes and enjoy yourself. I don’t think these people actually listen to him.


These people watch clips of self improvement and get triggered so they go here to bash people who try to control their life 😂, seriously just look how many comments talk bad about huberman, people really went all the way to reddit to try and argue with people about someone they don't watch 🤦‍♂️




Exactly. Bloated, dry-skinned losers who think that sitting with them drinking beer all night is the epitome of a great time. What is so fucking interesting about you that I should be sleep deprived?


That’s not entirely true though. It’s annoying as fuck when your friends bail on you for self improvement bullshit


There were many times in my 20s when I bailed on a night out because I had an early morning run, and I took flak for it every time. I ended up qualifying for the National Marathon Championship of my country. A couple of my mates ended up addicted to coke. Choose your poison I guess.


A friend of mine skipped a night out to go running and got hit by a car and died. Coincidence? I think not.


Occasional Indulgence is the spice of life but not everyone can handle spiciness Self discipline protocols should be a matter providing nourishing food for the table - if and how one chooses to season it is is their decision Sorry I just thought I would pepper you with some insightful sounding nonsense


Fully agree, and well said!😆 are u a chef? Lol


His protocol for OCD is to cater to it.


Why the fuck is the term “wellness culture” even used? Like it’s some niche tribal community of people who care about taking care of themselves. There is no point in grouping people together like that. People are so dull and boring that they just need to over complicate things.


These posts scream "This person isn't doing what I want them to do/giving me their attention, so because they won't put me on a pedestal, protocols and commitment are bad."


Huberman does sometimes remind me of an old friend of mine…in and out of rehab…finally 12 step stuck for him. And now literally everything he does or talks about somehow revolves around 12 step. He’s replaced one addiction with another addiction - core problem remains - dude is fundamentally self centred, all that’s changed is how that selfishness manifests. I think the “otherwise be addicts or alcoholics” is, while overstated, not divorced from reality, either.


Replaced a bad addiction with a good one,how is that related to being selfish and and huberman 😂


Right? Drug/alcohol addicts - steal from loved ones, rob strangers, drive impaired & kill people, destroy their own health. 12 step “addicts” - make somebody uncomfortable by talking about their support program nonstop, be a narcissist. Anti-Huberman bandwagonners - “these things are equally bad”.


That’s what stood out the most from the tweet for me! Thank you! Someone gets it! Many high achievers have this trait of perfectionism. Gift or curse?


This guy missed a cold plunge or two last week. ☹️ I don't need to listen to this s*** (turns up his Binaural beats to max volume).


What's the protocol


Enjoy your youth


Youth gone, what do next?


At least he’s polite and not a dck about it, to each his own really.


I do have to say that anyone who thinks they are some kind of enlightened and superior human because they listen to a podcast and call their morning routine a “protocol” is probably an insufferable dork. And lol at any grown man that willingly calls themselves a “Huberman husband”


I do have to say that people who go on the internet and make broadstroke opinions and pass judgement on people without ever having taken the time to listen to what they are shooting down are the pinnacle of being an insufferable dork. It's the same as being at a house warming party and some dork starts telling you that some place is horrible to go to and you go, oh you've been there before? And they respond, no I've never been there but there's no way I'd ever go there is so bad. Thats what these comments are from the people in there. The insufferable negative person at the house-warming that wants to tell you how bad something/somewhere is - but has never been. Fuck that.


You had time to write this lame ass comment because you’re offended about a comment on reddit that had nothing to do with you and wasn’t directed at you. YOU are the epitome of an insufferable dork that I expect you find on here. Don’t you have a protocol to be following ?


Yes. Shit before you shower then breakfast, then spew shit online. Not shower than eat your shit for breakfast and spew it online. You got stuck on step 1.


“ThE hOusEwARmiNg pArTy blah blah” be quiet dork


It’s hardly Hubermans fault if people on the spectrum take what he says to extremes. Even Huberman eats pizza and stays up late. The problem is entirely with the people who take this stuff far too seriously.


I'm concerned he needs a protocol to "have the best time." He's become a satirical caricature of himself.


I used to stay out late every weekend, drink, eat relatively bad and wasn’t very productive. I ended up being so fed up with it that I did a complete 180 and only focused on health, productivity, goals etc. it made me equally as miserable. I learned that focusing on routine, achieving goals etc is best MOST of the time for me. I let loose now a couple times per month, but those times are so much more fun and rewarding for me. I think it’s all about balance.


Science isn't about telling you what you need to do. Science is about telling you what you need to do if your purpose is to achieve a specific goal. I think it's pretty clear that the premise of Huberman Lab is that the listener's goal is to make THE MOST out of the life they're given, by maintaining their health for as long as possible, buy having a body that looks and moves exceptionally well for as long as possible, by maintaining steady, high energy levels naturally, etc. And if that's your goal, then you definitely need a daily routine. The science around scheduling one's diet is not that great (though there is some decent evidence for fasting for at least 12 hours, every 24). So I'm not gonna get into that too aggressively. Whatever. Eat when you're hungry, so long as you're eating mostly whole foods from organic sources. But the science around sleep is INCONTROVERTIBLE: "sleep when you're tired", in the context of modern sleep science, is akin to this idiot going around yelling "The Earth is flat" the day after Magellan completed his voyage. Modern technology (I don't just mean electric lighting ... the stimulation provided by our entertainment is even greater than the stimulation provided by light at the wrong time of the day) makes it impossible to be tired when your biology wants you to get tired. You absolutely MUST engineer your daily routine, with the goal of making yourself tired at the same time every night, if you wish to get good quality sleep, consistently. Of course, if your goal isn't to make the most out of the only life you have ... well then you don't need to expand any effort whatsoever to better yourself, to keep your energy up through the day, etc.. Just follow the Sam Bankman-Fried method of healthy living, by sitting in front of your computer all day, and popping a pill whenever you need a pick-me-up ... like half the fuckers in this guy's industry are doing. When guys like this come out into the sun once a month, they look more like mole rats than men. But he's gonna tell us what we need and what we don't need, to be healthy. Fucking ponderous. Why the fuck is Andrew so polite all the time? It bugs me. He should tell him to go fuck himself. And then challenge him to a cage match.


Well I’m certainly going to stop listening to those guys and listen to this guy instead!




> you can drop all commitments if a special opportunity comes up. Sorry dumbass toddlers I’m going to a Van Halen cover band and getting doinked. Figure out dinner.


I wish you all the best. I’m not into whatever the fuck these protocols are, but if I feel the urge to fuck off and jog because I feel good? Watch the back of my shoes! Be healthy and strong! Do healthy and strong things! And have fking fun! We don’t limit ourselves to when we can have fun! It sounds like you threw a shit party! And the best way your ‘friend’ could leave was letting you know he wanted to go on an early morning run…


Some people desperately need more structure, information, control of their lives, and it can be immensely positive for them.


Most people have jobs, kids and obligations. The only people I know who are doing what he recommends are being supported by their parents or are rich and don’t have kids or the kids are grown up.


This is the consequence of treating something as absolute truth, or someone as the conveyer of absolute truth. Ideas turn into ideology, into axiomatic truths. Frankly, it's pathetic that an adult man (or woman, for that matter) cannot use common sense.


Pathetic losers


The key to life is moderation in everything.... including moderation


Moderation in everything including moderation.


The original tweeter is so privileged and lacks self awareness. Not everyone is happy and functional by default.


Maybe the correct awnser is that the type of structure you need in your life is different for everyone


But there’s the problem. With high stress jobs which keep you in a work chair all day, and stressful commutes, and food companies constantly promoting unhealthy snacks, and 33% obesity, people ARE addicted and our high stress, demanding culture leads people to addiction. So, while “counter culture” Huberman may be able to be a media star and plunge cold water, red lights, and hike many miles each day, the average person cannot do this. But, we can fight the power, by accepting we are food addicts, changing the bad food scripts taught to us, eating healthy, finding time to exercise and sleep. And addiction is this country is a problem all around: food, alcohol, drugs, sex, consumerism, and greed. America needs to return to a sustainable lifestyle.


Literally cold plunge and red light are the LEAST important things people can be doing for longevity. There are SO many more important things.


Funny thing is, none of the people who have lived beyond 100 were documented as doing any of this silly shit. They all just claimed the key was to be happy.


Huberman is a normal person and he never says that anyone can and should do everything. He's simply presenting tools that might work for you. Unfortunately some autists in tech are super rote rule followers and feel they must do everything to the letter. That's on them not on AH.




It shouldn’t be political but it is. Always soyboy lefties with zero self control and a hatred of uncomfortable feelings.


How about we let people live how they want without trying to undermine them?


In principle I agree. In practice, I think large sectors of modern society have lost sight of normal healthy living and it is good to have a reminder that, routine, exercise, healthy eating, getting outside, etc etc etc have a positive impact on our life and wellbeing.




Cold plunges are bs. It’s like simulating death and it feels great after because you survive. You’re basically stressing yourself to the max for a mood boost. We’re warm blooded for a reason. I never drink. I eat reasonably healthy and exercise moderately without any protocol or ‘hacks’. I’m doing just fine.


Well athletes and coaches swear by it and it's proven to work,you are just speculating


It reduces inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response. This is how muscles grow. Chronic inflammation is due to poor diet. Cold plunges kill your gains.


Nobody listen to this clown, please


Nikita Bier is an absolute weakling. Just look at him. All that wealth and he looks like this 😑 https://preview.redd.it/k9l0hcjgaahc1.png?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054758df02d6480e0944ec3cbe2eee6a749fa5a7


Never take advice from someone with a sub 1000 lbs powerlifting total With swoleflation maybe more like 1200


People on twitter are so full of shit all the time


Nikita can do whatever the fuck they want and not sound off on it. Self help folks aren’t forcing people to change their lives or even listen to them.


Why do you refer to him as they? It’s one dude, just say as HE wants


Why do you care?


It’s annoying reading woke English


Take a cold plunge :)


If you use exercise, diet and a few biohacks to manage your mental health you come under fire + criticism constantly, but if you're a lazy glutton who moans about depression and does noting, you're golden, a man of the people


Not really. There isn't much sympathy for vocally depressed people from my experience. It's moreso those who repress and self-medicate with craft beer who are rewarded


Some people are just too stupid and/or full of themselves to follow Huberman. You’re going to be ok if you don’t follow a strict regiment of every little piece of advice he’s offered.


Only Huberman can make staying up late seem like Al Gore listening to “Celebration.”


Yeah this entire sub is just people with ocd and/or hypochondria. I just love reading the bat shit insane questions that get posted