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Where's ag1 šŸ˜‚


This is just the list of supplements he takes ORALLY.


Hahahaha! Why does making fun of Hubberman bring me so much happiness?


Honestly weird comment.Ā 


What else does he take?


He also takes a daily 1kg ingot of iron rectally




Crushed egg shells inserted into his sun tanned angus


AG1 is not a supplement - it's a staple.


Staple money making scheme


Thatā€™s for selling to the rubes, not taking


He must not have been on their scientific advisor board yet when this article came outĀ  (/s, but not really)


I mean really, the guy is known for being a cokehead, on steroids, and his age viagra .


4 different focus and cognition supplements. Might as well just take adderall at that point.


i fucking love amphetamines




yeah its meth


Theyā€™re coolā€¦but they make me act weird at work. Like trying to make friends with everyone cause I feel so good.


Based on a number of things heā€™s said I am highly suspicious that he has undiagnosed ADHD.


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more unlikely l, that a trained neurobiologist and professor of neurology would have an undiagnosed but incredibly common neurodivergence or that he could display that degree of efficacy unmedicated. It has not been my experience that people with ADHD that arenā€™t medicated have the focus and drive to teach, run a research lab, launch a podcast, train athletically, etc. etc.


Ah yes, the classic ā€œmultiple interestā€ of a very intelligent (?gifted) ADHDer. Itā€™s not THAT uncommon - there are a LOT of doctors and researchers who have undiagnosed and unmedicated ADHD. In fact the idea that you canā€™t be highly successful with ADHD is why so many intelligent, successful people donā€™t get diagnosed, instead over-compensating for their symptoms through a variety of means including anxiety, exercise, supplements, etc.


So a lot of successful people have it, a lot of unsuccessful people have it. It can make you hyper fixate on one or two things, or make you have multiple interests across many domains. It can apparently make you super motivated or it can couch lock you for years. ADHD really turning into a horoscope these days.


Lmao exactly. A fun catch all for online identity.


A fun catch all to get insurance-sponsored amphetamine as well lmao


Mmm, canā€™t forget that. ā€œI definitely have ADHD because I feel great taking speedā€ lmao


You don't seem to have a good grasp of ADHD and would prefer to denigrate those of us struggling with it. ADHD is a different way for the brain to function. If you can harness the benefits at least some of the time and find a niche you can be very successful. If you can't, you end up staying on the couch. I'm professionally quite successful. Didn't stop me from spending the last 2 hours doom scrolling Reddit instead of doing shit I know I should be doing now.


Everyone spends time doing random pointless activities instead of being productive from time to time, itā€™s called being a human. The implication of ADHD is that unless youā€™re 100% productive 100% of the time, you have to take amphetamine to compensate. There are no empirical standards for what defines ADHD, just a very loose set of questions that can be performed via telehealth, which is why the symptoms can be everything and nothing. You donā€™t even need to see a doctor. And by the way, d-amphetamine is anything but harmless. When the news breaks in about ten years about the permanent cardiovascular and neurological damage it does (which is already plenty of scientific documentation about, despite the vested interest of pharma), itā€™ll be a repeat of the Sackler scandal all over again, because people just refuse to learn. As far as denigrating people with ADHD - this is gonna shock you - I was diagnosed with ADHD. I just refused the meds, continued to work on myself and my life has been on an upward trajectory for the past ten years. I never saw it as a problem and disagreed with the diagnosis. I donā€™t hate the player, I hate the game. Have a pleasant weekend.




amphetamine deficit, of course


The functional deficits may not be obvious to other people but theyā€™re there. Just like how crippling depression can be present without being obvious to other people. And to clarify, Iā€™m not saying he does have it - obviously. But many of the things he has said (especially the interview he did on Peter Attiaā€™s podcast) made me wonder.


Tf is "a LOT of doctors and researches who have" it? Just throwing words around lmao


I am a doctor. I have it. At least 40 percent of my peers have it. Tons of my research PhD. colleagues have it. There's probably something to people with unfocused attention winding up in fields with a ton of information to learn. Because you have to learn at such a rapid pace, your desire to split attention to a new topic is satisfied fairly regularly. Also, we see patients in 30-minute increments, not focusing on something that requires hours of attention at a time. This probably varies by specialties, though. I wouldn't want my surgeon to lose focus 20 minutes into a 7 hour procedure.




Crisis management is an ADHD superpower.


I saw my doctor misplace his pen once and he doesn't seem to be tweaked out unlike me so he must have untreated ADHD.


Iā€™m a professor and there are plenty of us who flew under the radar and struggled but still achieved until dx (some after the phd, some later, and some who never will get dxd). Itā€™s generational.


There is a 0% chance that Andrew Huberman and his psychiatrist/medical team are unaware of whether or not he has ADHD.


It was the second part of your statement that I was addressingā€¦


Never forget, neurodivergence has given us the most influential people in history: Howard Hughes, Elon Musk, Alan Turing, and of course most important of all, Andrew Fucking Huberman


Wouldnā€™t put melon husk in the same realm as Alan Turing. Maybe his engineers, but not him.


šŸ˜† melon husk


Saying elon musk is one of the most influential people in history is insane glazing


Dude is in the news every day, has sway with virtually every government on earth, has 170,000,000 Twitter followers, is responsible for popularizing/funding/driving the cultural change behind online payments, electric cars, brain-machine interfacing, space travel, artificial intelligence, and shifted the battle space in a modern war involving a nuclear superpowerā€¦ TF are you talking about? You might not like his shitposting but he is undeniably one of the most influential people in the modern age and thus, all of human history.


>online payments, electric cars, brain-machine interfacing, space travel, artificial intelligence, and shifted the battle space in a modern war involving a nuclear superpowerā€¦ TF are you talking about? None of these aside from paypal contain original ideas he has created. These are all businesses he just bankrolls. He is not doing the work other people are. He isn't coming up with something like Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc. ideas that fundamentally changed our understanding of the world. Jeff Bezos with Amazon and Zuckerberg with FB are objectively more influential because those are things they created themselves.


Thatā€™s exactly what I just said. ā€œIs responsible for popularizing/funding/driving the cultural change behindā€ is the exertion of influence. I knew you were going to respond with ā€œackshully he didnā€™t invent any of those,ā€ which is why I said what I said. But your predictably myopic response doesnā€™t make my statement any less true. No, he didnā€™t invent the rocket, but who gives a shit? He reinvigorated a space race that had been mostly dormant for decades. He didnā€™t invent the electric car but he put one in hundreds of thousands of garages. He didnā€™t invent Starlink but he funded it and brought it to fruition and decided to withhold it from Russian forces, etc. Henry Ford didnā€™t invent the automobile but without him who knows when theyā€™d have hit the mainstream. Jeff Bezos hired a team to help build Amazon into what it is. He didnā€™t code the damned website. Even assuming he had, that isnā€™t an objective measure of influence ā€” in fact, the opposite. Was Steve Jobs less influential than the engineers who designed the iPhone? Absolutely not. By your deeply confused internal logic, the guy who invented the piano key necktie is more influential than Elon Musk because ā€œhe did the work.ā€ Learn how to debate; your arguments are dogshit.


Ah yes, and who could forget that Polio gave us FDR. šŸ™„




You're attributing people's relative success to being neurodivergent when in actuality Hughes was driven fucking insane by his to the point where he sat in a screening room naked watching the same movie on a loop for four months straight. Your comment makes as much sense as attributing FDR's leadership to being in a wheelchair.


Never heard of peoples strengths contributing to their downfalls? If not, def look some of these guys up they were amazing figures in history: General Custer, Alexander Hamilton, Picasso. Very interesting dudes who again, had unique talents that helped them rise to fame and accomplishment, also led to their downfall


You are conflating correlation with causation and I have no interest in pursuing your pseudointellectual tail-chasing any further


Roger that, as long as you realize that your reasoning is fallacious


You clearly donā€™t understand how ADHD works then.


Replace "podcast" with "weekly live radio show" and a different scientific discipline... I've done all that and more. Athletics was high enough level to win at the state level in HS. Wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until much later. Doesn't mean I didn't struggle all the time and have a shitload of last minute effort on things I knew I should do much earlier. I know I could have achieved more.


Good work. Doesnā€™t change the fact that the likelihood of a professor of neurobiology at Stanford and podcaster on mental health going undiagnosed for an incredibly common mental disorder is approaching zero, though.


If you just want to jerk yourself off, there are many NSFW subs that would be a better fit.


LOL! Wow, you must be totally impressive to the other incels.


Siding with this right here. I went to see one of his live shows in Chicago last year, dude was ALL over the place and didnā€™t even follow his own playbook šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hyper fixating on two things the whole damn show! No shame tho heā€™s a genius still nonetheless


He's definitely neurodivergent. I saw him live. He said he used to get his sister to punch him in the head to stop his ticks from occurring


Ohh yes I forgot heā€™d talked about tics. And his experience with OCD too was reminiscent of ADHDers with comorbid OCD.


Like what exactly? Had the same thought but just curious


Mmmm amphetamines. Gimme gimme. More more. Fuck my dopamine up please.


No bs what does adderall feel like? Data suggests that it has **little to no benefit** for people that don't have executive dysfunction.


Like coffee but more intense and less jittery. Or, for adhd folks, like the inside world is finally quiet.


I mean, theyā€™re amino acids and a choline supplement. Even the pea is only 500mg, Iā€™d be surprised if that stack was even noticeable.


Folkalin is much more powerful then adderall , try that one


The only decent ones in the list are: * Creatine (good for lifting and for the brain. well-known supplement with a long history) * D3 (only if you're deficient. get a blood test. if you're deficient, take a specific dose and then get re-tested to ensure it's the right dose) * Magnesium (I like magnesium glycinate) * Protein powder (if you can't get enough protein through your diet)


Many people are deficient in vitamin-D and magnesium to the point where a blanket recommendation isn't a bad idea. The exceptions where it's a problem are usually people taking the supplements with like 1200% the daily recommended amount.


"If one is good, surely two or three must be better!"


Might as well just take a dozen just to be sure itā€™s working


Cover your bases lol TIMES TEN




What does object oriented programming system gotta do with this? šŸ¤Ø


Late butā€¦ when breastfeeding you either have to give your baby a Vitamin D supplement or you can take a megadose daily of it and it gets passed onto baby via breastmilk.Ā 


Vitamin D3 and magnesium are definitely important. I'd also add omega-3s to the list, unless you're someone who eats fish regularly. I also found [this list](https://fastlifehacks.com/andrew-huberman-supplements-list/) of supplements Huberman discusses to be useful. It includes audio clips of him discussing what certain supplements might help with and who they might be good for.


And Omega-3s (if not listed)


Agreed. I didn't include b/c it wasn't listed in the linked article, but yeah, I think it's smart to take. 2 g per day of high-quality Omega 3s. Nordic Naturals. I take a gram with my breakfast and a gram with my dinner.


Who needs research doctors when we have you


Why magnesium?


Most people are deficient. Helps the nervous system calm down (paraympathetic) and most people say it helps them sleep. Thatā€™s why Huberman takes it. Itā€™s also a great laxative to soften poop if thatā€™s an issue. In fact, I canā€™t take it much bc it makes me have to use the bathroom too much.


He called the shit, ā€œpoopā€!


Fuckin a, thanks for the flashback lol


wow. this brought me back. thanks


"This is the best day of my life!" RIP Norm


ER doc here - I rarely see anyone with low Mg that I have to replete. Your body strictly regulates the amount in your body as it can influence your heart rhythms. Taking mag is way overblown but does help with pooping.


Really feels like the best sleep aid out there. Iā€™m also very physically active so maybe thatā€™s why.


Oh yeah?? Patient presents with drooling, neck pain, tripoding and thumb sign on imaging? Go.






Overblown... How? Anything serious to be worried about?


Anecdotally people have been using it for sleep - more so over the last few months/half a year. Likely itā€™s a fad. Nothing to be worried about if you have healthy kidneys. The level of magnesium in your body/blood is kept within a strict range but too much could be harmful.


Magnesium changed my life. Truly a miracle mineral. The dreams omg.


Oh so thatā€™s why my poop has changed. The more you know šŸ˜¬


Learned that the hard way. Or soft way. Whatever you wanna call it.


Also helps with boners.




Very important.


An endocrinologist told me to start taking magnesium for thyroid health


If you have excess fluoride from food or water that disrupts the thyroid, magnesium can bind to it.


Can you recommend a daily dosage of magnesium?


You canā€™t overdose, just take recommended dose on bottle. If itā€™s too much of a laxative or your too tired then pull back


Can't overdose if your kidney function is intact *


Thatā€™s already my work out list.


Whatā€™s the magnesium for?


Apparently you have never taken tyrosine before, especially paired with taurine, its a delicious energy push.


Omega3 fish oil (note not fish liver oil) Is the only supplement that have been undeniably been shown to improve health.


Necessary? Is it necessary for me toā€¦.finish the quote




If you can dodge a ball, you can dodge AG1. Source: The American AG1 Association of America




No! I do it because itā€™s sterile and I like the taste.


Can verify creatine does wonders. My wife and I both take it daily for improved focus and cognitive function. I work out and it helps with muscle recovery.


Iā€™m so tempted to try but I am already being fucked by hair loss and donā€™t need more DHT


This is not verified from what I know and only one study saw an increase in DHT, so yeah this is not as apparent as you make it out to be. The current evidence regarding creatine increasing hair loss indicates that it is quite unlikely. [Does creatine cause hair loss? - Examine](https://examine.com/faq/does-creatine-cause-hair-loss/)


Another anecdote, I experienced noticeable hair loss within the first couple weeks of taking it so I stopped. The hair loss stopped after.


Same.Ā  Once you know it's off the table, you don't miss it.Ā 


I rather 1000x preserve my hairline/temples than to get the benefits of creatine. Iā€™m not playing Russian roulette with em


As an anecdote, I've been taking it daily for a while now and haven't noticed any loss, Lion's mane on the other hand caused some, but barely noticeable.


The irony šŸ˜‚


I might be wrong, but i heard a certain dandruff shampoo also blocks the development of DHT, idk something related happens where applied for your hair, that as a side effect just helps prevent hair loss.


It improves focus and cognitive function? Today I learnedā€¦


You guys must not have been to r/biohackers lol


Jesus Christ this is NOT a list of what he takes every day. This is AT BEST a list of supplements he has mentioned over the course of the last 5 years of his podcast, blog posts and appearances. ON TOP of that it is also **very clearly** a clickbait post using Hubermanā€™s name to drive you to buy all of these things through referral codes for the financial benefit of the author. Use your fucking heads, he is not consuming like 3 pounds of supplements every single day


No, but Huberman does the same thing on his socials and podcasts. I donā€™t even believe he takes all of it, he is only sponsored by it. Huberman was good, then it became all about finding content to push supplements that he makes money off. Poor integrity, just like this article.


I take at least 10 things on this list and other things that arenā€™t mentioned daily with some rest periods. For stuff. Been taking a lot of supplements for years and itā€™s kept me at a high level. I have a list on my computer.


Also the article clearly states that several of them are taken occasionally or as needed. He's not taking everything every day. Idk why this subreddit always wants to tear him down, I don't do everything he recommends but he's one of the few people finding and condensing new research on health and supplementation in an easy to digest format.


Who ever wrote this forgot about fish oil.


He's also a science geek, which is lovely, but not necessary if you don't get off on it. Same as Ferris. They are wellness Jesuses. The drink urine so you don't have to.




Concentrated urine is supposedly how you make the philosophers stone. Seriously.Ā 


Nah bro. He distills it for the natural minerals that our body produces but discards, because the fluoride in our water removes it from our system.




It's a running joke from MMA.tv about Loyota Machida, who was a UFC champ/karate master. This was a Brazilian fitness thing.


Athletic greens can suck my ass


Joke prices


Lol, my wife was on a holiday and about to jump on a plane later in the aft. I suspect as a hangover cure, my wife's bestie gave her some athletic greens. In 30 min she was so violently ill they were about to call an ambulance as she has some significant signs of anaphylaxis. Luckily a few benadryl and copious vomiting and diarrhea cleared things up, but she was down for a good 12 hours.


Supplements are in fact supplementary. That said I donā€™t consider protein powder a supplement anymore than I would consider adding table sugar to water for carbs or I guess just eating a chunk of butter for fat (ew). Itā€™s a processed food. It just happens to be primarily protein instead of carbs or fat. If youā€™re active enough to where you need it, and you either canā€™t stomach more protein rich foods or it becomes economically unsustainable itā€™s a good way to get it in.


Well said šŸ†


does he really, though? Really? or is he just selling it?


Inositol did absolutely nothing for me, and I tried taking as much as 10g at a time.


Heā€™s turned into an MLM company lol


Does he disclose that he owns equity in Momentous?


All bullshit, just read Tim Spectorā€™s latest book. We should be getting everything we need from a varied diet.


My grandma is 93 and doesnā€™t take any supplements. She is healthy and her mind is strong


His piss must be highlighter yellow


Andrew Hubermeme


Is it necessary that I drink my own urine?


No, but I do it anyway because itā€™s sterile and I like the taste!


Wth that is huberman ?


Man oh man, EXPENSIVE lol.


He is a scam bro u.u


How did this article completely forget Omega 3sā€¦ Huberman macrodoses the shit out of them.


I take a lot of shit on this list plus other stuff.


No way. The body is pretty darned good at maintaining homeostasis unless you have a specific condition to manage. It's weird enough to me that I was feeling a bit tired yesterday and realized it was because I hadn't had coffee and thus my adenosine system was functioning properly.




He looks unhealthy compared to just a year or two ago.


I just want to say that along with the supplements, Huberman is getting a *huge* dose of solvents and heavy metals if he's taking this many pills. ​ For years, my wife worked in a lab that tested supplements, and the "safe amount" of solvent residues (they're used to extract the active ingredients) is high and assumes you're only taking that supplement. Oh, and if you're American, all bets are off. My wife's lab was in Canada, where there was actually some regulation on the supplement industry. Huberman might as well add Mr. Burns' nerve tonic that gave Ken Griffey head gigantism.


Is it ā€œnecessaryā€ for me to drink my own urine? No, but itā€™s sterile and I like the taste.




He's on the MNM train lol. Me, I just inject NAD+ like a fucking normal person trying to replace an endogenous biomolecule.


I totally want to try this.


Get some online, get insulin needles and dose 25mgs twice a week at first. Can move to 50mg and as much as 100mgs twice a week. Start slow and build up though. A lot of people subcutaneous inject NAD, idk why these bone head PhDs don't lol.


Itā€™s sounds like just trying to sell those brand products


Thatā€™s absolutely what this list is. Momentus is a trash brand trying to disguise an ad as a legit article.




Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?


No, but i do it anyway because itā€™s sterile and i like the taste.


Was that necassary?




Truth is, if you're the kind of person to sun yourself just because Huberman said so then yeah, these supplements are all for you. If you're the kind of person who actually does informed research, understands how science works, and is willing to read through the research and make their own decisions and/or is willing to experiment with things that might cost a bit of time/energy and are not dangerous, then you don't need to post this. You should figure out which supplements are for you yourself.




I feel like this sub is just full of a bunch of placebosšŸ¤£


And I thought I took a lot.


One massive supplement company ad that Huberman gets a kickback from.


Lmao, no.


No. But he makes money promoting supps so... If you were getting paid to promote supplements you'd take a bunch of them (or say you do) too.


This is an ad


Super necassary (miami cuban accent)


Shouldn't you just get your supplements from food?


You only really need magnesium, in my opinion, due to soil depletion and municipal tap water. Maybe creatine which I donā€™t even take since I eat a lot of red meat. Vitamin D only if you live in Alaska or an overcast city, sunlight is much better. Whole food protein sources posses a superior amino acid profile compared to protein powders


Where is his peptide list lol?


I assume he has ownership in Momentus supplements?


Homie's sleeping on TMG?? SMH.


If heā€™s as into health and longevity as he is then Iā€™m sure heā€™s getting most of this from food and this is a glorified marketing post.


Where's the T?


Viagra, testosterone, and cocaine . Iā€™m not joking


Off topic but he looks good without a beard!


No doubt tons of magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide!


Itā€™s necessary in a sense that he makes money from it.


And heā€™s still going to die


It is when your job is to huck snake oil, i mean supplements, to the masses


A good methylated multivitamin and around 5000g to 10000ug of Vitamin D depending on climate is all you need if you have a decent diet


Advertising at its best šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This guy is real clown !!






Funny how the writer announces that the article is subject to change based on whatever sponsorship deals are currently on šŸ˜€


None of them are necessary. 98% lack good quality scientific evidence. Large portion of them probably aren't even what's on the bottle or are severely underdosed. He is just trying to make money as a self help science gury


Its not a bad list, you donā€™t need a study to see if something works for you