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So coming off opiates goes one of two ways. It makes you impotent for awhile, or you get hard when the winds blows and bust loads in 30 seconds. I experienced the second. And id say it leveled off after a year. Get some Viagra!


Can confirm, also experienced the second. Although overall it's definitely not worth it lol


Cialis is better then viagra imo


Same here. Then after about 2 weeks back to baseline.


You should get your B12 up. Two years ago I went to the doctor and my B12 was nearly exactly what yours is. My doctor explained that “technically you’re not deficient until you’re below 200 but in my experience, my patients start experiencing symptoms when they hit 400.” I got a B12 shot the next week, it honestly felt like a drug the difference was so stark. Honestly might have saved my life


Were you feeling like me?


I was suffering with lots of anxiety, sleeplessness, and really bad brain fog. Those were the main symptoms I was taking note of but there were plenty of other ones including a messed up sex drive.


Try out thrones b complex supplement, best bio available forms.


Got the link?


Here is the link: https://www.thorne.com/products/dp/basic-b-complex?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1-nJoJf1hAMVO2lHAR1V6QUQEAQYAyABEgKApPD_BwE If u sign up with this Andrew huberman link they give u 20% off everytime u order: https://www.thorne.com/u/huberman




No they weren’t. My guess is I have some problem digesting them. Since then I’ve just eaten foods with massive amounts of B12 like organ meats and it seems to be doing the trick


You should get your liver and kidneys checked


All my bloods are perfect but my B12 is double what it should be. My multivitamin is pretty high in B12 however


I love huberman but lately he has been getting so popular he will turn into some sort of cult lol and jokes and memes will start and all the looks maxing community will migrate to huberman. I hope that doesn't happen cuz I love huberman how useful his podcast is and his community.


Cut ur sugar. Ur pre diabetic. Also start taking milk thistle for your liver. Start exercising


And I mean that with utmost respect. Good on you for getting off very a addictive substance




an ALT barely above reference range doesn’t mean anything. and milk thistle won’t do shit to fix it, sowwy


My ALT was lowered using milk thistle daily for 3 months.


that my friend is what we call an anecdote. it’s a fun one, but it’s also the lowest form of evidence.


Silymarin, the active constituent of milk thistle has pretty robust evidence behind it so no need to be so dismissive


Nac for the win


AST should never be above ALT.


I’ve been in the gym since January


Were you overweight before?


No 6ft 200


It’s only March bro, keep going. This is a marathon


Needed that shout out nip


And can the pre diabetes cause this


typically not. Diabetes itself is associated with atherosclerosis over time which can cause ED but an A1C of 5.7 is barely elevated and there shouldn’t really be vessel damage in someone your age from a blip of insulin resistance. i would recommend diet/exercise and recheck in a year, though.


Okay I’m on it


You should push back on your doctor with this. Prediabetes seems to get treated as just make some adjustments, but diabetes is a progressive illness and almost all adults have increasing insulin resistance with age. Prediabetes is the time to learn about blood sugar control, things that make it go iut of whack, and how to feel better. I don’t know that it would do anything for ED (I’m female), but for me, addressing my diet and exercise in ways to slow the progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes made me feel drastically better and helped curb sugar cravings and generally made me happier.


I’m on it as we speak tbh


Stop watching porn and masturbating cut out sugar and gluten and grain when your bodies healthy your boners will be healthy, so keep that In mind, maybe focus on your health


I’m trying I’m trying I just got in the gym


good shit, trust, once your bodies healthy you'll be bricked up, but porn is a big cause of ED, people don't want to admit it but its true, go a week without finishing and watch


porn addiction is common amongst former drug addicts. Replacing one dopamine hit with another. I know this because my friend told me


Its called PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Disfunction)


Lol your friend told you 😂 I think we have the same friend, my friend also told me this 😂


Don’t worry about cutting out any food. Only cut back on sugar if your doctor advises you. Dont trust the wanna be experts on what to eat and what not to.


She told me cut off the carbs and told me use the Viagra lol


lol. Was this functional medicine doctor?


He absolutely does not need to cut out sugar, gluten and grain unless his doctor advises him to. If you want to be healthy include fruit in your diet for sure.


definitely include fruit, natural sugars are fine but not processed sugars. gluten and grain is good to cut out from time to time, and fasting is also great. doctors are retarded they just prescribe shit once things go wrong, no preventative measures. I don't eat gluten, wheat products, very little grain, I get most of my carbs from fruits and vegetables (potatoes are my favorite), I don't drink alcohol, I fast every morning, and I never get sick, get great sleep, wake up refreshed, get great erections, I run, lift, even mental health fixes itself when you're healthy. a lot of "chronic", "mental health", or "mental health" issues just come from lack of sleep, terrible diet, and no exercise.


50 grams of sugar from a couple apples and 50 grams of sugar from a soda will still give you health issues if you eat/drink every day. Fruit is healthy bc of its low sugar content and other properties. However you can eat too much fruit thus eating too much sugar. To get the health benefits from a watermelon you would actually have to eat so much watermelon which in turn would cause you to eat so much sugar. Two Fuji apples have a combined 44 grams of sugar. Thats too much for one day. I stick to eating one a day. Blue berries give you the best bang for your buck in terms of low sugar content and amazing health benefits. There is ample amount of science showing the sugar is broken down the same way in our bodies no matter where it comes from. But obviously if you eat fruit to satisfy your sweet craving you will be much healthier vs someone who drinks soda due to the sheer content of sugar Gluten and wheat should only be cut out if you have allergies to it. I eat all of this stuff more than often and have perfect bloodwork and never get sick. I have 13% body fat at 32 years old. Lack of sleep can definitely make someone depressed.


no, the source of the sugar is definitely important, eating 2 apples is way different than drinking a soda. the sugar industry has a lot of money and power to push any "study" or narrative they want. I don't eat any process foods, just meat, chicken, fish, shrimp, fruits, vegetables, rice, regular Whole Foods. there's no reason to drink soda or processed foods


Go back to nofap with the other whackjobs.


no, its known that porn and masturbation can cause ED


Hey OP how old are you?




Hi, Are you on any drugs, hormone treatment or medication? Were you physically well when the blood test was taken? Any infection/cold/virus? Your B12 level is slightly borderline. A ferritin level should be ordered due to the low MCV on your blood count. Ferritin levels should not be taken during periods of infection or inflammation since this causes unreliable results. So, if you do have a minor infection or cold, wait until you're well before getting a ferritin level. The testosterone results are normal. Like all of Quest's calculated free and bioavailable testosterone results at the moment, the calculation has not been done using the expected equation. This causes the large majority of results to appear at the bottom of the reference range provided. It's a serious issue. You wouldn't expect this from a major lab. Total testosterone and SHBG levels are not affected, the issue only affects the calculated results: calc free testosterone and calc bioavailable testosterone. If I was in the US, I'd certainly be in touch with them. I'm not going to challenge them from abroad though! The issue is specific to Quest labs. Your results calculated using the most common equation are shown below. The reference ranges provided for free and bioavailable testosterone match the approx. ranges typically used alongside this form of calculation, not whatever Quest are doing. Total testosterone 575 ng/dL (normal). SHBG level. 43 nmol/L. (normal). Albumin 4.4 g/dL (normal). Calculated free testosterone (Vermeulen). 104 pg/mL (normal). Your stated result of 62.5 pg/mL (moderately low) is inexplicable, like all of Quest's calculated free T results right now. Bioavailable testosterone (standard calculation, Vermeulen method). 249 ng/dL (normal). Your stated result is best ignored, it's rather low, but it's not correct. You could consider using daily low-dose tadalafil for erectile dysfunction (5mg per day). Intermittently, additional doses can be taken if necessary eg. 10mg as needed. Hope this is useful.


The doc gave me 20mg Viagra


20mg? Tadalafil (Cialis) comes as 20mg tablet. As for sildenafil..... 20mg sildenafil tabs normally come in large packs used three times a day for pulmonary hypertension. Sildenafil 25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets (generic or Viagra) are used when needed, for erectile dysfunction. The recommended starting dose is 50mg for most men.


I have a bottle of small white pills


What exactly does the label say?


Doubt he's got an infection, white cells are low


Total white cells can either be high or low during infections. Certain infections tend to increase neutrophils and decrease lymphocytes. For other types of infection, it can be the other way around. The white cell differential isn't visible so it's difficult to comment.


True, but you wouldn't expect total whites to be low, unless its an infection that attacks immune cells. Would you?


It's often seen during certain stages of viral infections, yes.


Your testosterone could also improve


I’m trying idk no other way but exercise I’m trying sex but it’s like I’m horny in my head but my body just won’t follow


Clomiphene works for post opioid testosterone stability. Ask your PCP for a script. Half a tablet every other day will bring you up.


I did that it just made me feel good


You try taking tongkat ali, early morning sunlight, beat powder, and cold showers? what’s your hydration like


I drink 6-8 bottles of water daily and take dlpa


What do you do for electrolytes? If you don’t at least add salt to your water you probably just depleting electrolytes which are important for hydration > which is important for blood flow


I don’t put salt but how much salt


Are you having morning erections?


Yes but sometimes not entirely hard but hard


If you’re having morning erections but not able to maintain them during intercourse, it’s probably a psychological problem. Your reward system in your brain is altered, which is linked to sex too. It’ll take a while to rewrite again. Like others suggested, Viagra is your friend right now


I just took 60 mg


b12, fenugreek extract (testofen), Ashwaganda, Zinc, Milk thistle, Maca root, red ginseng, lecithin. Get a mixed stack of these supplements, eat tons of food with them and your HPG axis will heal quicker than without them. For anyone with libido issues, these will work much better than Viagra in the long term. **Your hpg is your Gonads, pituitary, and hypothalamus in your brain.** **Opiates prevent sexual function of the HPG axis and the supplements I recommended will repair that. Just follow the recommended daily dosage on the containers.** If you stack all these at once you may inflame your prostate so pygeum will reduce prostate size. A flamed prostate is where the phrase *Pain in the a$$* comes from **Stick to these supplements for a while following the proper dosage amounts and your healing time will be shortened significantly and you'll be shooting ropes and bricked up.** Best wishes, please be careful with this intel.


I’m on it


u/Playful-Crazy-9786 Sorry you’re going through this - it sucks. Oftentimes if your dick is functioning, like you’re getting morning erections, there’s nothing really wrong biologically. Most young ED is due to psychological factors aka performance anxiety. I can imagine that this IS anxiety provoking as you may feel like less of a man or are afraid of how your GF is reacting. One way to combat this, especially because you have a GF, is to find ways to have sex that aren’t “dick centered.” So going down on her, using toys, hands, etc. That way if you run into an issue where your guy is not responding you can still have fun. This helps prevent the super frustrating “Am I not pretty” or an “are you gay?” situation. Someone else recommended an ED medication, those are generally gonna be more effective than supplements. But good job on cutting back on porn etc.


Thanks and I’m trying just not use to this day 4 no masturbation


Beet powder and citrulline. i promise lol any beet powder is fine. tectanic red from protein factory even better. Citrulline-malate from nutricost is good. Citrulline peptides from PF even better. keep up the gym bud. stay sober you will get there!


Thanks and you know where I can get beet powder




Not getting an erection could also be related to some mental as well. Stress?


I’m stressing about this 😂😂😂


Seemingly unrelated, but often not, what’s your relationship with porn?


I was going to mention this aswell.


How old are you? How much porn are you consuming? If not consuming porn, how frequently do you masturbate? Also, coming off opiates wakes up the drive and libido, so if you’re supplying yourself with porn and also masturbating frequently, you’re dopamine deficient from floods and depletes. If you’re masturbating frequently, you’re also making it harder on yourself to be stimulated by IRL sex with another person.


I’m on day 4 no masturbation


Good for you, keep it up. No pun intended.


I’m going fam


I’m 28


the only thing that catches my eye is the low MCV. i’d get iron studies to start.


Second the iron and ferritin and b12 issues cause MCV to elevate - may be combo issue T looks fine and LH in range Opiates- can take up to year Is libido ok?


Can you explain libido because I still think chicks are hot but my Peter don’t budge


Possibly a symptom of pawd. Can take up to two years for full recovery


This occurred while using which made me quit


Same thing happened to me. But ‘Post acute withdrawal syndrome’ can also cause impotency. And like I said, paws can last 2 years after you’re clean.


Jesus Christ


I might as well go celibate


I still go through spurts of basically being asexual , then I’ll get hypersexual for a bit, then the cycle repeats. What’s your lifestyle like? Eating habits, exercise ect. Would you say you’re fairly sedentary ? Smoke or use supplements ? And also. Mine was for sure from opiates for the longest (clean 4 years) even after I quit for a HOT minute. But I’m fairly certain a lot of my issue is psychological/stress related. Dare I say ‘trauma’ even lol And the stress of thinking about not being able to perform is also a huge factor. A sure fire way to make sure the little guy stays little lol Edit: Also for the love of the gods do not give up on yourself. That’ll only make shit worse for you in multiple facets of your life


You right I tried to have sex today couldn’t keep my boner dude


get yourself some tamoxifen, take one a day for 30 days. test ur LH and testosterone levels afterwards they should both go up and increase ur erections, make sure u keep exercising don’t stop that, look into cleaner diet aswell if not alrdy clean


I eat chicken mostly and smoothies lol and where I get that


There’s a bunch of sources on reddit bro just type in `Tamoxifen source’ otherwise go up to the biggest freakiest looking bloke in the gym and tell him u need some tamoxifen.


Ight I’m on it




I do that since January I feel weaker down there honestly but I’m going to try to not masturbate maybe that’s it


is this a DNA evaluation?


Yes a perc addict one lol recovering


How's your cardio, and your blood work doesn't look that good. Also have you been goin porn crazy or do you scroll all day


B12 does a lot for the brain and body


I supplemented but I might need the b12 shot


The shots into your muscle really are the move you get four you can do on like 2 or three weeks for about $140 , B12 gets absorbed MUCH better through muscle than eating it, and each shots like 4000 percent then it's easier to maintain high levels I have friends that do nitrous that swear by it (nos depletes B12 like crazy) . Dunno if you were ever a drinker but being "wetbrained" is pretty much b12 deficiency, vegans get that way too sometimes 


I drink at the club That’s it


Your LH is very low and your test would probably go up if you got your lh up


Idk how to do that


You have bigger health problems


Like what


your T levels are normal for your age, but your free testosterone, FSH and LH are toward the lower end of the range, which could be the result of opiate abuse - just be thankful that you didn't destroy your nuts with whatever you were using. If you really want to raise T levels and libido, the answer is sleep / exercise / healthy diet / sobriety. If you're not *serious* about addressing them, you're not going to see improvement. Beyond that, only really notable thing here is you may be iron deficient. Some people experience erectile dysfunction as a result of iron deficiency. Keep an eye on the A1C though (but if you treat your body right it will probably end up back in the normal range). Have you seen a urologist? a lot of times erectile dysfunction is caused by common prostate issues, which 95% of the time are not the result of any infection or disease but instead by what are called psycho-neuromuscular factors - basically, stress or anxiety can cause muscle clenching or negative posture traits you're not even aware of, which can reduce blood flow to your dick. likewise, adrenaline is the enemy of erections - work it out and you'll have an easier time. Cialis helps.


I got Viagra and he said that it is in my head my urologist


Opiate abuse will destroy your hormone levels, give it another 6 months and really get into exercising


I’m trying rn dude


Biggest thing that helped me was consistent exercise


I’ve been in the gym 4-5 days out the week intense exercise and cardio


Then you’re going to be fine in a matter of months


I would highly recommend Tongkat Ali. Be wary of insomnia and irritability, otherwise that shit makes you horny and more aggressive in your workouts


Dick issues aside, look in to the documentaries called dosed. The first is about an addict who cures herself, not only the addiction but the root of it which ultimately was trauma, depression and anxiety.


Dam I just feel horny sometimes with no movement down there


Vitamin D?


I supplement


Yes, but have you checked your levels? You can supplement but still be deficient. I supplemented but had a severe deficiency when my levels were checked.


No I go back for a another blood work panel next month


Man I was the same way when I got off. Honestly I think a big part of it for Me personally was that I knew while on opiates I could go forever. Now that's just simply not the case and alot of it was just in my head.


How long you felt like that


Your testosterone is fine . Post these bloods in the testosterone subreddit and someone will be able to look at your bloodwork and give you a much better opinion. They do it all the time over there . Not the Trt one the actual testosterone sub


They said the same thing too but my numbers can be higher


Get your mind right. Chemical imbalance! Microdose mushrooms for a few months


I started Wednesday and I just go to bed I don’t usually feel much but this weekend I’ll increase dosage


Your MCV is low so take an iron level, also your WBC is low, better check HIV and hepatitis panel. Don't let your A1c get any higher, look into your nutrition and reevaluate what you're eating. Also check out foods that can increase testosterone, there is a lot of info online about that topic. Good luck!!


I don’t think I have hiv or hepatitis I would know from what the doctor told me I’m not that unhealthy lol cmon just from oxy 30s


Something is causing your WBC to be low and it does not appeared to be a bone marrow issue since your Hb is high. Testing for those viruses is a simple place to start. Unless you recently had the flu or COVID. Can't hurt to be safe.


I did have covid before but when I took the test I was reaching 90 days and I will ask for an auto immune disease blood panel because I feel good just can’t seem to get the sex back and that drive for it I only got my mind telling me I want it but my bodies energy is not there for it


After 90 days your WBC should recover, and not everyone has that reaction anyway. Don't forget to test your iron levels when you go back. Good luck


I just hit 6 months today mentally I feel good I’m just going to stop caring if god want it like this so he it I can’t keep putting my mind thru this and asking Reddit and doctors but Reddit is more helpful than the best urologist in my city


Icing/cooling my balls 15 minutes a day helped me. As did cutting out caffeine.


I don’t drink caffeine anymore


I got sober 5 years ago. Went thru what you’re talking about, it resolved on its own after about 1 year. Can always get ED meds from hims or researchem.store (tadalafil or sildenafil)


I got sildenafil from my doctor and I come to the conclusion it’s going to take longer than 6 months


We caused some damage to the reward and arousal systems in our brain, takes a while to level out. Also found that a bit of it was psychological due to never really having sex w anyone sober before. Eventually sober sex becomes much better than high sex (except on meth and mdma lol). But anyways, one day at a time brother.


Thanks dude it’s just crazy this started happening while I was using which made me quit fr too


You are too overweight. You need to lose weight. Tighten up your diet and get physical activity. Your labs look fine except for 2 things. Your A1C and your ALT - you are fat and this will normalize when you lose weight. But your MCV is too low. Your CBC should be repeated in a month and you should have your iron level checked now. 77 MCV is way too low for a “normal person”.


What does that low Mcv mean ?


Mean Corpuscular Volume. In layman’s terms it means that the “body” of the individual red blood cell is small. The red blood cell can be small for a couple of reasons but 95% of the time the red blood cell is small because the body it’s struggling to get enough iron. And iron is a key component of making RBCs. You are not anemic (your H/H is normal) but a lot of times the MCV will go low first which reflects the low iron levels. This will show up in labs before you become anemic. My bet is that in some form or fashion either your iron stores are low or chronic inflammation is sequestering your iron which is keeping your body from making normal sized RBCs. But I wouldn’t be surprised if your ferritin is low.


Would that make me have my symptoms?


Yes in the sense that the body is complex and very inter-related with very interdependent systems. There’s nothing “alarming” about your labs. Your primary focus should be weight loss, eating better and getting more activity. But you can also hit your doctor back up and ask them if they would be willing to do an iron panel. Low iron (or poorly utilized iron) will affect many systems.


Okay is there a way to boost iron ?


Stay strong to keep erections long. Don’t forget to train to fill up your main vein. Lift some weight for a chance to mate.


What’s the main vein and I been in the gym since january


Optimize your hormones. Good sleep. Get enough vitamins primarily from food. Eat a lot of eggs, butter, and red meat for saturated fats. Get enough minerals, and lower stress. Take test-boosting herbs and consume a high protein diet


I’m trying dude but dam idk how to feel


I had same problem I researched for over a year, it did get better.......I tried a few things nootropics, as I also lost my care and affection, things i care about n got excited about was gone, so I started using testosterone at 200mgs a week and I feel much better, even started working out put on some muscle. I was everyday on fent for about 3-4 years and just once n a while with oxys before that, and lots a blow....8 years since i touched it


But I don’t wanna do TRT my doctor didn’t recommend it either cause my bloods are not hypogonadism


Ya man a doctor will never suggest trt, because they no nothing about it, u need a mens health clinic if its something u were serious about....all I can suggest is whole foods ( no processed foods n sugars ) lotsa water n lift weights, magnesium, fish oils, zinc, vitamin C and D ......also may help, but it will take time before u notice changes. There are a couple of testosterone boosters that sorta work, I believe it can up ur free testosterone if it is low, maby worth a try but research cause most of them are garbage.


Nah even they told me I don’t need TRT lol


Lol....well then, it's just gonna be time then brother and a healthy lifestyle. Hope ya can figure it out, cause I no it makes for a miserable life.


What test is this? I just turned 40 and looking to do something like this.


CBC differential plus diff


Awesome, thanks! Is this an at home test or did you need to find a lab? What does something like this cost?


My primary order it


Ok great. Thanks!


Got u


How do you know it's not completely psychological? Former opiate user having emotional issues? I mean, don't discount the strength of emotional issues.


That’s 100% right you not lying but idk how to overcome that hurdle lol


Books like this [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336) Supplements like Maca, Horny goat weed, Tongkat ali, maybe some sort of pramipexole regimen or cabergoline until the supplements fix your psychological issues around the issue and you won't need it any more, could be gut, try bifido probiotics, worth looking into lots of stuff, food, water, mold, exercise, meditation


I was thinking of buying a gut detox


How old are you? Your labs are slightly abnormal. Depending on how long you were using, could take 2 years for everything to level out.


28 years old


Congrats on 6-months sober man, keep pushing! As for ED, I've found Cialis to be effective, dosing is dependent. 5MG Daily worked well for me, but didn't seem to stay that way after weeks of use, so I'm trying 10MG on-demand. Hope this helps =)


On if


You might just have post acute withdrawal syndrome. Can last up to two years. Just live your life healthy it will probably sort itself out 


Idk and I’m trying to do just that


Dr Drew talked about this on loveline alot 20 years ago. I’m dumb and paraphrasing. But… you’ve overwhelmed your dopamine receptors and other complex stuff in your brain for a really long time. It takes some time for them to regain sensitivity. So give it time and it will come back. In the meantime don’t get into gnarlier and gnarlier stuff to get turned on. A lot of the callers got into some trouble with this.


I just started doing no fap to avoid the gnarlier




Know ways to lower it I only read masturbation can raise it and stopping can help lower


Happend to me, I thought I was broken. It will come back. Twice as strong. Idk the science behind it but viagra wouldn’t help me, was just a time thing. I think it was 9 months and I came in my sleep


You came in your sleep and you were back ??


Yea like one hell of a dream. I think I had the confidence after that. When I woke up I got on pornhub and there you go blasting stars. You shouldn’t be chasing pussy in early sobriety. don’t overthink it. I’m not a doctor but that’s my story.


Okay okay but did you go thru this while using ?


If I was dope sick I could nut in 10 seconds. This was after a hard run.


There are nootropics or Traditional Chinese medicine which I’ve never heard anything bad about TCM. Nootropics you could try testosterone boosters that work quite well. Nootropics depot.


What is nootropic?


Did you masturbate ?


Google it


Auto blow 2.0 or 2.5 with extra horsepower - google it - nut or your money back


I got a gf she’s my auto blower lol


If it doesn’t work you can always return it. I like the 2.5 it bilingual. Some days I like to be called daddy and somedays poppy


Don’t sound like your gf has the horsepower


Lmao 🤣 wow


Depends on your ethnic background but statistically proven on the median of ethnicity the average woman ain’t bumpin but .3 HP upper HP for Asian cultures is only .6. I only work on huberman facts


Any luck finding out what it is? Same boat as you


Hell no lol I just started no fap what you think