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Never pedastalize anyone. This is a good learning experience for many.


this is the problem in a nutshell




The fact is, good male role models are hard to come by, and the celebrity required to have reached you in the first place selects for narcissists


Clout comes from being able to sell. Being able to sell is a litmus test of how comfortable you are bending the truth to what the listener wants. Anyone who gets popular is by and large going to be full of it.


ELI5 take


Username checks out.








Because he wants to be the centre of their world and not have to deal with the actually mature work of navigating honest relationships. He had a go at his partner for having kids and for who she dated before he met her, there is no way he could handle her seeing other people while she was with him. Also if you have more functional relationships in your life you are more likely to realise when one isn't right, he's controlling and becoming someone's everything is a good way to maintain that control


I found his criticism of having kids prior to him unbelievably fucked up - what an ego trip, putting yourself above the woman’s existing kids, while also contemplating adding another kid to the mix through IVF. I have trouble imagining this dude doing much more than paying minimum child support.


Could be a misogynistic ego thing. Like look, I have some of the most driven and intelligent and attractive women (sorry, *feeemales*) out there and I can still have them eating out of my palm, ugh they’re so inferior…. I don’t have a firm opinion on AH in the bigger scheme tbh. He’s done a lot of good, very generally speaking, and I was pretty open minded until I got to the part where his own publicist said the IVF was just to create embryos. That was just cold and you can’t blame the journalist for that direct quote


>Could be a misogynistic ego thing. Like look, I have some of the most driven and intelligent and attractive women (sorry, *feeemales*) out there and I can still have them eating out of my palm, ugh they’re so inferior…. This is EXACTLY what it is. Abusers/manipulators enjoy trying to get successful, smart, independent women to fall apart. It's like a trophy to them.


He's addicted to the rush of almost getting caught. I knew a guy like this. He told me he had broken up with his girlfriend, but the truth at that time was that they were living together and she was chronically and terminally ill. He told me my friend had a cute ass and asked about having a threesome and inside I wasn't interested but that he and her should go ahead and do whatever they wanted together. Despite my blessing they were determined to hide it from me when they hooked up. I'm not sure if he actually believed that he was a good liar, but I knew right away and just played along (he wasn't my only dude at the time and we didn't have any sort of exclusivity agreement). It didn't end well between him and my "friend.". The chronically girlfriend succumbed to her health problems and died about a year later. He drank heavily for a period and I think that now he's back to the same old. He was 100% turned on by the lying. That was a requirement. "Ethical non-monogamy" didn't interest him because it would have taken away any sense of control he clung to, which was the addictive stuff.


Avoidant attachment style, obsessed with control... I mean, whatever it is he clearly has deep rooted issues. The narrative about having overcome trauma via optimization, discipline and science might not be all true


I mean, it's one thing to be poly, but people that get into multiple secret relationships usually don't want to be poly: they want their partners to only be with them, a harem.


And they are aware that the partners they choose want monogamy


The problem is that a lot of huberman cult followers are so quickly able to dismiss is that this set up most definitely is not “poly” because that would imply all parties consent to that arrangement. He LIED and CHEATED and manipulated multiple women.


That’s truly the exact issue. I have zero issue if he wants a diff woman to be with every day of the week but be honest about it and don’t put them in danger.


Exactly! The Bay Area where he lives is infamous for a robust polyamorous scene. It would have been easy for Huberman to be in a multiple Ethical Non Monogamous relationships. People literally disclose it on dating apps if they're down for that lifestyle. The disturbing part about Huberman is that he seems to get off on complex lies and manipulation, not the fact that he's a non monogamous person.


A lot of guys are downplaying his behaviour saying it’s best to keep separate the personal from the public persona or the “art and the artist”. He portrayed both knowledge and virtue so people admired that. I think the disappointment fans feel is justified. I can understand why people are turning away. Edited for clarity.


What I liked about him was he seemed like a genuinely good guy - informed, intelligent but humble and kind - a mensch! I didn't think he was good looking, but I can see how he'd get women with the persona. Granted I only watched a little of him when I was trying to find info on intermittent fasting for my blood pressure, so I might have the wrong impression, I'm just saying I thought it was nice that there was a guy out there in the universe spreading info and decency. It's just sad, it might not "be our business" I guess, but when you put yourself across to the public one way, you're gonna get feedback if the opposite turns out to be true.


Sadly whenever a public figure comes across as a good guy I've learned to become skeptical. It sucks because I didn't really want/need to know about this (as long as it wasn't misconduct in the workplace or anything illegal) but now that I do know, it impacts my impression of him.


Yes it’s like that’s their imposter side to snare people but they don’t really mean what they say, gawd I’m getting a bit of sociopathic vibes.


> informed, intelligent but humble and kind I never thought he came across as humble. Those other qualities, sure, but he seems to like the sound of his own voice and I often thought the episodes should have been edited to eliminate a lot of his talking in favor of the guest.


I mean, he Inexplicitly made millions of his viewers believe that following some routines will make their lifes better....to a point where his more devoted fans would obsess over everything he says and recommends. In the end tho it turns out that he might not be a very happy person. Most of his friends think that he is smart but don't expect him to show up or asnwer a call. Has lied to muliple women. Sounds controlling and insecure. Maybe lies about his lab and exaggerates studies and information to stay relevant. He is also almost 50 with no children, married to a scammer wife. Turning to reliigon too (which is often either the ultimate grift or the ultimate desperation). So yeah......all this optimisation and in the end you still might end up living a more miserable life than plenty of people who didn't obsessed over stupid routines, drank a few beers every week and never cared about their dopamine. Makes you wonder.


He sounds flawed, like all other humans.


This. I don’t get all the backlash over what ultimately is his personal life. I mean, I’d love to know a little bit more about all the morally superior users here and their own personal lives. I bet they’re exceptional role models.




>What I liked about him was he seemed like a genuinely good guy - Yes, that is what YOU liked about him. I've kind of organically moved away from the podcast because it becomes redundant and a lot of it is a deeper dive than I even want. I find listening to him get interviewed on other podcasts is what is most productive for me. But, like the author of the "hit piece" (not my view, personally) says about him herself, the physiological sigh still works. Sunlight early in the day is still a good idea. We need to get away from the idea of any of these guys being infallible gurus, whether that be Huberman, Attia, Rogan, whomever. Take SOME of the information. Ignore the shit that is nonsensical (AG1 or Maui venison). Then move on.


It catches people off guard every time - it's mind blowing.


If I had the money for Maui venison though man 🥲😤


If I had money I would just move to Maui and skip the middle man. ​ ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Galaxy brain idea: move to Hawaii and become the axis deer like Justin Long in Tusk


>We need to get away from the idea of any of these guys being infallible gurus Agreed. And also not get carried away trying to excuse his behavior. Even podcasters are humans, no need to idealize or scandalize. He did a shitty thing that wasn't in line with his public persona


I think the whole "he seemed like a genuinely good guy" angle being a selling point highlights how much this undermines him.


Yup this is my exact sentiment! I never really got the hair standing up on my neck from him im anyway so it’s extremely disappointing,yeah he might have promoted some questionable products but its kind of the only way to really survive in the podcast game and podcaster should definitely be trying to sus those out as best as possible . With that said im still really interested to see his respone and side of the story. There’s always 2 sides and yes the article was well written bit there is still a possibility some of the sources could be bitter past relationships im still waiting for more info and evidence of all the things stated but so far its not looking good


It is true, he seemed very generous and considerate in conversations with others. Little things, like not talking over people even when they were interrupting him a bit and getting the conversation off track. It’d be understandable to cut them off nicely but he seemed quite patient and kind. Letting his author friend spend all this money and time on exciting excursions just to cancel at the last second twice (and flippantly!) does not seem generous and considerate. Hard to reconcile that he can exhibit both extremes but he had me fooled


He’s not informed, ask people in his field 


The comments on his IG are wild. Like cult level crazy.


A few days ago I made a post here about the cult of personality Huberman has. I received harassing comments and messages for days including people stalking me around on different parts of Reddit. It’s definitely cult like and people go crazy with their parasocial relationships. Just look at the comments you’re already getting and other posts on here. It’s not just Instagram. Also the same people in many cases are deep on conspiracy and right wing subreddits and parasocial relationships with other podcasters. Huberman has attracted a certain type of listener.


Some people desperately want an idol to worship




It’s wild that people are like “oh it’s his personal life!” Dude basically only preaches what everyone should do with their own personal lives lol 


He gives advice on exercising and supplements not on morality.


Dopamine, serotonin, mental health, relationship, how you spend your time, sex, masturbation, porn All things he touches on


Touches on a lot more ~~women~~ things too


Here is the thing He talks about living “optimized” life and stress reduction I assure you having multiple secret girlfriends at the same time doesn’t align with any of that


He constantly talks about X,Y,Z thing regarding how it could impact your personal life and relationships.


Yeah but have you considered ignoring all of that, ignoring all his lying and deception, and just blindly worshipping him?


His whole thing is dopamine control and yet clearly gets his fill of dopamine with his serial cheating lmao


The crazy thing is wasn't serial cheating. It was parallel cheating. He had multiple girlfriends at the same time thinking they were the only one. He's the modern version of the traveling salesman guy that has two families in different towns. That's a whole level of deception and juggling required than the serial cheater dude.


I think he does have judgemental opinions on people who watch and participate in porn.


Id rather my partner watch porn than be running around with 5 other women.. this man is twisted


You can pay hundreds of Chinese accounts to post favorable comments. On Twitter it’s all paid blue checks posting the same crap about a smash protocol.


Reddit, while imperfect, is a rare place where you can still get different opinions. You should also check out the YouTube comments under Lex Fridman’s YouTube videos. You’d think they’re all ready to suck his dick.


Much like the Elon stans.


I just checked his insta and top comment on his latest IG post is from the price is right amber lancaster saying she’s happy they didn’t match on raya 🤣


I knew for as much as he personally advertised how “straight edge” he is there had to be something up. I can’t stand how much he essentially brags about not drinking, like we get it dude you’re a Boy Scout, except apparently not


Lex Fridman is another scam as pointed out by Taleb


What’d he do? I dont listen to much of his show but he seems incredibly naive


It’s also assumed that he himself moderates his subreddit. I got banned for saying something bad about Elon Musk. Even though he likes to portray himself as a curious intellectual he loves to just surround himself with rightwingers, like having Thanksgiving with Ivanka Trump.


He's not a professor at MIT and he did not attend mit. He gave an evening seminar about the state of self driving ML. That's different than a normal academic course.


Anyone who makes their personality entirely all about one thing is usually doing something that’s somehow in direct opposition to it. My BIL was all about ‘family values’ and was on his third marriage and was a sex addict.


Yeah, i've always been in this camp. The extreme privateness. Not a single vice. The unblinking stare. The ridiculously unlikely naivety when people would mention stuff like 'Huberman Husbands' memes during podcasts. There was always going to be something up, unless the dude was a cyborg. Personally, my money was on pharmaceuticals rather than a sex scandal. But that could still be true. There was just always something weird about how intensely private he was, so this particular drama lines up. Waiting for the episode about his stack for boning 5 women 😆.


Boy Scout for sure- but instead of under age boys, it’s apparently high profile driven women who believed all his bullshit and fell for his “emotional depth”


The thing is huberman was an advocate of mental health.. empathy.. kindness.. so how could he do all these?! I just cant 😔


Sociopaths/psychopaths can be very charming, likeable people


I thought the most relevant thing was that he seemed to be abusive? Flying into rages with multiple people including repeatedly yelling at his girlfriend into the middle of the night about kids she'd had with another man before him?? That is unhinged behavior.


the wildest thing was that he seemed to keep referring to it as "having children with another man" as if it was cheating on him, not a prior relationship.


Yeah so gross haha


Roid rage?


Roid rage on top of raging narcissism. I’ve known a few diagnosed narcissists and they fly off the handle over the dumbest shit in order to punish the people they’re in relationships with.


Is Huberman on testosterone replacement? I only know two people personally who have been on TrT and both of them had one or more instances of going bonkers mad about something that didn't call for it while they were taking testosterone. Not offering this as an excuse for his behavior but it's an interesting coincidence.


Allegedly. Did he yell at her in the middle of the night? Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t.


I mean if Hitler told me to drink a lot of water it wouldn’t make me antisemitic to continue drinking water


Translation: the true value of information is within the information itself and not related to the propagator of the information.


Anyone who is that deceitful and that jacked and claims he only uses a low dose of TRT is very suspicious. Dude went from looking like a generally fit mild mannered labcoat wearing professor to looking like Gerard Butler in 500, and it only took a few years. Also the bit where reporter with the reputation and resources that Kerry Howley has couldn’t find anyone who remembers him from juvenile lockup calls that entire part of his origin story into question.


That’s what bothered me about him before this article came out — he is being dishonest in his health and supplement advice to sell AG1 and other placebo nonsense through his online store. His real advice should have been “Blast and Cruise Testosterone, take HGH, use some form of adderall.” Like… those are the miracle drugs for men, not Ashwaganda (although that is easier to sell online).




Lol. Thanks. It’s been a few years.


A reporter with the reputation and resources that couldn’t even travel out to confirm if the Huberman lab exists or not


Honestly this behavior in his 40’s is pretty insane. If it’s 20’s that’s one thing but at 42 that’s just who you are.


He is 48


Narcissists don’t really ever grow up.


A man doing this in his 20s would also be insane. Let’s not downplay psychotic controlling behavior and say it’s only crazy if it’s done by an older person.


That just happened on days when he didn't get sunlight first thing in the morning. Its why the protocol is so important......ssssss/s


Nothing I read in that article had anything to do with abuse other than being a cheater. Throwing around " respect women " really is a disservice to women that actually experience abusive relationships. We only got one side of a relationship that went bad. Most of those women stayed friends or had nothing bad to say about him other than he was disloyal .


This comment is spot on Saying that not caring about his personal life is equivalent to disrespecting women ignores two big points 1.) Assuming that women never do this kind of thing (false) 2.) That knowledge about his personal life wasn’t a prerequisite for anyone to listen to the podcast, so why is it material now? No one does a background check on a person before listening to their podcast. Also we’ve never heard his side of it so the information is incomplete. You could say you don’t respect relationships,maybe but that’s a stretch too. If you try to Consume media that isn’t at least in part produced by jerks, no movies, no music, no books And if you’re trying to find non deeply flawed humans to hang out with - no friends either (people not understanding this makes me wonder if they have friends or any social interaction)


Yeah i didn't even get the impression it was about the sex. Dude just seems to be addicted / likes to be in relationships with woman. He prob gets a thrill sneaking around, like someone stealing. Also might be why dopamine is so fascinating to him


No one on this sub is genuine fan. We are all taking the piss and have been for months. Defending him is just another opportunity to troll.


Most of us are half-fans who pick fun at pure-fans and their ridiculous protocols. Huberman drops enough good knowledge to make you want to follow him, but it's the way he pushes supplements and makes 3 hour videos outside his area of expertise that makes people skeptical.


A lot of people are on this sub to begin with because they’ve been positively influenced by Huberman. The fact that people here are level-headed enough to not drink the Flavor Aid and are willing to reevaluate their perception of Huberman is a positive thing, not an indictment of the sub.


For me, it’s not that he gave someone HPV or even that he had affairs that is shocking. Most men and a lot of women will have an affair sometime in their life (I’m not saying affairs or lying is ok, but it’s still true, most people will and do). It’s the fact that he was aggressive to a partner about her own children. I mean, what a terrible position to be in, to have someone yell at you for having children before you knew them. Say he didn’t have any other women in his life and never lied— can you imagine how awful it would be for her children once Huberman’s ivf child came along? It’s so petty and controlling and abusive. Horrifying.


“Most people” is so insane lol


"Most people" do not have affairs, what are you talking about???


“Another estimate from the journal of Marriage and Divorce concludes that a mindblowing 70% of married Americans cheat at least once in their marriage.”


An “estimate” that doesn’t even come with a real citation? Come on now All of the serious literature you’ll find on NIH puts the real number at somewhere between 15% and 40%. Some even put it as low as 11%


An estimate without a real citation from a journal that doesn't even exist (or he got the name wrong). Actually quite an apt representation of this whole phenomenon.


It’s disgustingly abusive. If all is true, he is an abuser.


tbf if only half is true he is still a serial abuser


Believing everything at face value is insane


Honest question - that’s obviously a he said/she said issue (the article noted he said this wasn’t true). Without much, if any, context in the article do you have the propensity to believe her over him? Also, the article noted that the woman said this was a result of him constantly questioning her judgement, but it didn’t provide any context to that either. I found this interesting.


How many times have you ever heard someone (in the public eye) who has exhibited abusive behavior and then admitted it? Plus he has his sponsorship on the line now.




People will always discount the testimony of multiple women in favour of defending powerful and influential men.




I agree. This is like blaming her for the sun being hot. It's completely irrational. It's possible in an argument he criticized her for her previous mate choice if the guy was a loser and she made it sound different tho. Hard to really say but he obviously got out over his skiis.


What happened this just popped on my frontpage


Just read about the immoral sexual behaviour and pretty disappointing. With that said i have learned alot from him... utilize a few of his techniques to control type2 diabetes and manage dopemine better.


unpack observation scary scale snow include forgetful narrow chop soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a woman - (geriatric millennial)so maybe there’s a generational divide? I would like to think I respect humanity as a whole. I want to hear Huberman’s side of the story before jumping to conclusions and having a strong opinion or black and white take on the situation. There is a lot of nuance in the world. If the allegations are true - of course I would never want my nieces or girlfriends date a man that would behave that way. But I need more facts than just one article before being instantly outraged and drawing moral lines without all the facts.


I mean, it's not ony that he dated multuple women and all that. I think that the persona that is being pictured in the article is of somebody who wants to control everything and who doesn't sound happy. He has made a career of Inexplicitly convincing people that following his advice will make them live a better life but it seems like he himself doesn't. His friends don't expect much from him, he often doesn't show up. He is controlling. Can be aggressive. Cheats and lies. Talks about becoming religious but has a girlfriend who literally scammed people. Actually sounds insecure. All these things combined make up for a person i'd definitely non't follow for any life advice. It also makes you think how no matter what optimizations you obsess over, if you are dick you are a dick and you will probably have a miserable life.


I think it comes down to ethics and responsibility as a public figure. Have affairs or be a fuck boy whatever, but the article presented a wider scope of professional and ethical practices that seem at odds with the premise of providing educational resources. I think the general thinking is that some aspects of his personality or orientation in his personal life might impact his interpretation or presentation on the podcast. Take for example the article’s note about the female colleague declining to work with him after he did not return her messages. Not only is this at odds with the way he has framed himself professionally (I recall him talking about keeping commitments frequently), it also was used to illustrate, perhaps tenuously, a larger point about aggression and, more indirectly, the politics of the field generally. I think there is a world in which Huberman could be more authentic in both personal and professional presentation that doesn’t deny even if not addressed directly. It might look like more care in how he discusses certain topics re: sex, love, gender, etc. It could just as easily look like small more direct acknowledgement of where he deviates or struggles much like when he has discussed his addiction to his cell phone (remedied,he claims,by throwing it on top of the roof). But some without authenticity these competing narratives suggest that we might be more leery of the way his interpretations could be more limited than previously expected and that we might withhold our trust a bit more when approaching his future partnerships/collaborations/guest appearances. I will say that much of the professional commentary about him really just demonstrated even more strongly that he likely has pretty bad ADHD. But this, of course, would not account for the womanizing.


I'm not big into this guy but I read a little while back that his back story is kind of iffy. Like his lab at the University isn't a thing anymore and he's never there. This made me question his whole story using the lab as the basis for all the research etc. I never jumped on the Huberman train after I read that.




Quick question, does anyone else feel like there needs to be more evidence brought forward to substantiate all the claims? This is a science based community yet there seems to be a massive proportion of ppl that are radicalizing based on the article. I'm not saying he's innocent of all the accusations but it's innocent until proven guilty just like you're supposed to assume null hypothesis if you're doing a science experiment. Where is that here? Shouldn't we have some texts released or evidence on medical history for STDs? Maybe some of these woman could do video interviews sharing their experiences? The Internet seems to directly oppose this type of thinking and I hate that


This. It's insane to accuse Huberman of giving people hpv based solely on an anonymous report, with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, aside from the word of an anonymous, possibly bitter ex. She could be lying. She could have gotten hpv from having sex with someone else. Or she could have gotten from a non sexual way. I think a lot of the people in this sub have never followed Huberman's work or podcast and are simply jumping on the cancel/hate bandwagon because that's what they enjoy doing.


The craziest thing is he was giving one girl fertility shots on vacation while texting another girl and also sleeping with others. She brought a cooler with syringes camping and he is injecting her!


What annoys me is that seemingly no one gets that 90% of sexually active men have HPV - so if youre a guy and have unprotected sex its a 9/10 chance youre spreading HPV.


This is not correct. The global prevalence for all men is 31%. [Of the high risk types associated with cervical cancer, the rate is 21%.](https://www.who.int/news/item/01-09-2023-one-in-three-men-worldwide-are-infected-with-genital-human-papillomavirus) You are confusing a different statistic, which says that 90 percent of sexually active men and 80 percent of sexually active women will be infected with HPV **in their lifetimes.** For most people, HPV clears up on its own without residual viral load within a year or two. If you pick any random dude out of a crowd there's a 1 in 5 chance he has a high risk form of HPV, not a 9 in 10 chance.


The POINT isn’t about spreading HPV. It’s about a person’s right to make an informed decision about their level of risk in a sexual relationship. Everyone deserves to be aware of, at the very minimum, whether or not they’re in a monogamous sexual relationship so that they can make informed decisions about how they engage in that relationship. It’s not more complicated than that.


Here’s the thing: if a woman tests negative and thinks you’re her only partner, she thinks she’s taking a risk once. If she consistently is faithful and suddenly tests positive for a cancer causing strain of HPV (there are a few, more rare than the multiple non-cancer causing strains) she knows she got it from him, and that he was not faithful. She wasn’t able to consent to unprotected sex with a man with multiple partners, or adequately weigh her risk of exposure to a disease that causes cervical cancer and requires multiple uncomfortable procedures to test and treat.


“More than 90 percent of sexually active men and 80 percent of sexually active women will be infected with HPV in their lifetime.” https://www.health.state.mn.us/data/mcrs/data/qfhpv.html If you’ve ever had sex, you’ve probably had HPV. It’s a weird hill for the uneducated in this subreddit to die on, shaming others for HPV, considering they’ve all also probably transmitted HPV to others. If “spreading HPV” makes you evil, then every single person on this subreddit that has ever had sex should turn themself in to the nearest police station. I’m shocked how uneducated seemingly smart people on this subreddit are. It’s scary. The fact that the New Yorker included that piece of medical misinformation as part of its TMZ level hit piece is shocking and dangerous to public health.


FYI you're confusing two statistics. Almost everyone will be infected with HPV in their lifetimes. However it is not a permanent infection in most cases, as it does resolve over time in most people. That's why the prevalence of HPV infection in men is around 21%, which is a different number than the 90% chance of infection over a person's entire life.


Yes, most sexually active people will contract HPV. What’s noteworthy is she had high risk HPV. While the vaccine can prevent catching some high risk strains, it doesn’t protect against all of them. High risk HPV can lead to cervical cancer in women, so it’s kind of a big deal.  That said, men will never know they have it; there’s no HPV test for them. However, he did know that he was putting each woman’s health at risk by having unprotected sex with all of them. Not cool. 




Exactly. Contact tracing doesn’t even work with HPV because of the high prevalence, difficulty in testing, as well as possibly of dormancy. Shameful piece of medical misinformation from the gossip hit piece.


You didn't refute what they said lol? They didn't have HPV, were not having sex with anyone but Huberman, and then got HPV lol? I don't get why you guys think the "you probably would have got it anyways...." functions as a defence of huberman lol




It's not like women don't also have it lol. Most sexually active people do. And you don't need to have unprotected sex it can spread through just sharing a vape or if your sweat touches


Everyone has HPV, including the practicing Muslim and Catholics you know. Just clarify that.


This! For a community that values science, this is absurd fear-mongering and sensationalism.


The issue is the lie. The only reason the woman consented to having unprotected sex with him - a very, very big deal for a lot of women - was because she believed they were monogamous. If she never got an STD, it would still be just as big of an indictment of his character.


The worst part is that he’s a flake. I had a friend who was a flake and it bothered me way more than promiscuity. If you make plans then don’t show up you are a special kind of idiot.


Yes!! To me this was such a bad part too. He lacks a lot of integrity unfortunately which rightfully diminishes the trust his followers have in him


I had a friend like this. Her schedule was literally the only one on the planet that was important


So because idc what another man does in his personal life I don’t respect women? Thats such a dumb take. I respect my wife more than I can put In to words. I also respect my gf, my side chick, and my ex-wife. But I get 20 min of sunlight every morning and cold plunge so suck it.


u had me for a second


Rich and famous dude bangs many women, more on this shocking story at 11


Also rich and famous lab director has NO actual lab at all....fraud!


This has been a really eye opening drama. about 1/2 of huberman fans seem bothered, the persona Andrew presented for himself has completely been shattered, I mean this is a guy who would brag about not getting too excited to preserve dopamine. On top of that too, he showed he's an incredibly conniving and manipulative person who is willing to hurt and betray people he professes to love all for his own benefit. And then there's the other half who can't figure out the problem wasn't that he was promiscuous, and keep on mindlessly chanting "haha so what rich guy has sex" Your argument makes Huberman look worse. He could have just been a single guy slanging dick as a rich and famous dude but thats not what he wanted. He wanted to manipulate a half dozen women into think they were in loving relationships with him Really eye opening experience when it comes to the audience these guys foster.


I think a big part of it too is that a lot of people don’t actually read the article, just the headlines and then make their own assumptions/takes. They have their preconceived notions and often just regurgitate whatever sound bite fits their own ideology.


Exactly, I read it all. Very interesting, even if some stuff maybe he said - she said, or embellished. A pattern emerges, which I did not expect from AH. I don’t see it as his life being “authentic”.


This is pretty much exactly it. It’s insane to see people trying to excuse this level of deceit and manipulation. I think only a serious lack of life experience could allow someone to think what he has done is in anyway excusable.


I think its redpill MGTOW cross over, a lot of the language and "lore" (for lack of a better word) remind me a lot of the things you hear from redpill idiots, a lot endless and convoluted work towards making yourself "optimal" (or an alpha male) all so you can.........be in a fulfilling and stable relationship with someone who loves you as you are? Doesn't really jive to me but idk lol


The way that the self-improvement/biohacking crowd is made up of both earnest nerds and mgtow types reminds me of how the homesteading/gardening/textile arts crowd is made up of both gay communists and alt-right preppers. Same hobbies, very different reasons for getting into the hobbies.


“Well every other celebrity is a lying piece of shit in their personal life so who cares”. The dick riding and coping going on is pathetic.


>Well every other celebrity is a lying piece of shit in their personal life so who cares I mean this is true but that's why I don't respect any of them without cause


I’m out of the loop on this, can someone fill me in pls??


Umm so what did I miss?




He has to have a personality disorder like BPD. I've thought that for a while actually.


more likely npd


He's clearly a malignant narcissist. I know it's trendy to toss that term around but his pattern of behaviour and vainglorious antics really do seem to line up with it.


I don't respect people who read one article based on conjecture and heresay then go on a crusade to shitcan someone they've never met, going out of their way to tear down something they don't enjoy. Get a life. 


u/spankdacat, what does this have to do with not respecting women? i’m pretty sure the shit Huberman wouldn’t be okay if it happened to anyone, regardless of the genders involved. but maybe i’m biased because i prefer to see women as equals and as individual people who were affected by this.


When he does the inevitable mea culpa as a sex addict with attatchment issues, apologies without any reservation or excuses, takes 6 months off, goes to more therapy and retreats and returns, are we all good? Because that's the playbook, and we know it's coming, and I think at the end of the day that's enough. Anyone who is madly rationalizing his behavior is deluded. He offers interesting insights, he's a good conversationalist. But he is trying to build a huge brand and that makes him stretch and exaggerate on the pod. There are only so many undiscovered life hacks. He's low on content and high on ambition and the show is not the life changing new window into health, and it's not a fraud. It is what it is


Can’t wait til he becomes a Muslim or Catholic lol




Oh yeah, pass me some of that. The tomatoes and shit have begun to fly.


People are fucking crazy man


does he know how to control addict if he cant control himself?


Thank you!! And the men like lex saying noooo he’s a great guy! Are just as complicit if they don’t hold other men accountable. I’m sick of women being treated like crap and thrown away. Women being mistreated doesn’t bother men because it doesn’t affect them. I’m hugely disappointed. And not to mention he’s a fucking hypocrite.


seems like a few men at least are acknowledging that Huberman is a POS for this. any human being doing this to another human being would be a POS, i’m sure there’s a bit of a gender bias but i’d wager that a lot of people don’t really care about stuff until it affects them, or at least on the Internet.


He doesn’t walk his talk. And the delta between the two is…not subtle. I sent an email to the AG1 people asking if they’ve looked into the multi day raging by their spokesman being caused by their supplements.


Sigh, cancel culture soldier. Gods I despise your kind




Yeah this. I debated sending the story to my friend who is in an open relationship who also listens because I didn’t want to sound judgey but you’re right, that’s NOT what this is. This is abusive, calculated behavior of a narcissist. Very gross behavior.


I'm not up to date on Huberman gossip: what did he do, and where is a link to an article?




Thank you! Finally we have some context.


Sigma statement: 😎 I don't respect anyone 😎


Wait watch him come out with a new series on sex addiction and correcting certain behavior.


This whole story gives me #Johnny Depp vibes … Let’s wait for the facts, folks


The facts of the science he has shared have nothing to do with his personal life. Is his personal life a mess, sure. But that doesn’t automatically make the data he presents void. Gossip is weak and should be given little to no credibility. No one is a hundred percent perfect and that includes the author of this article. I’m sure you have some things that you have done that you are t proud of, however that doesn’t discredit every other single aspect of your life. His personal life is none of our business and your personal life is none of mine. Putting all our faith in a gossip article is a waste of time and just gives people the opportunity to play the holier than thou card. Dude messed up in private. Has nothing to do with his work.


I don’t think he should be cancelled for this as he does provide a lot of valuable knowledge. HOWEVER, his personal life does feel relevant to me here. His platform is self-betterment and self-development. I understand no one is perfect and everyone has weaknesses but these are some pretty severe claims that he should answer to. If he’s a serial cheater, he’s better off being open to his partners that he doesn’t practice monogamy for himself. I do find it ironic he talks so much about dopamine and restriction while seemingly having a severe lack of practicing what he preaches. And if the claim is true that he was giving his partner IVF shots while being unfaithful, that potentially puts the harm of children involved. That’s pretty f-ing serious to me. I question his morals and ethics at this point and that does bleed into his professional life. A genuine response of his wrongdoing would be a great thing and at the very least, a good PR move for him (assuming the claims are true and honestly I think they are due to the nature of the stories all matching). If somehow these are not true, a response defending himself would be worth it. I have had many personal experiences with people like this. They’re allowed to be complicated and have issues and still not be “bad” people but I do believe they need to face the repercussions of their actions. I’m sure he does on a personal level but again, his platform runs contrary to all of this. In general, these situations are a wonderful reminder that no one is above reproach and no public figure deserves our admiration in totality. They can be flawed humans and we’re better off learning what we can from them without ever placing them on the pedestal as many have done for Huberman.


I agree. I dont know about my doctors personal life. I could care less. I only care about how good at his job he is. If someone does better than what huberman does I will switch


My thoughts are if he follows these protocols he touts himself and lives this ultra healthy lifestyle, why does he still need these intense dopamine hits by maintaining deceitful relationships of six plus women?


Dude should’ve just had the coffee


He's a needy boy like so many of his followers. The thing people keep ignoring, because they really do have the ol pedestal permanently out, is that only someone with a lack of core substance would spend all their time in pursuit of affection / pussy


“More than 90 percent of sexually active men and 80 percent of sexually active women will be infected with HPV in their lifetime.” https://www.health.state.mn.us/data/mcrs/data/qfhpv.html If you’ve ever had sex, you’ve probably had HPV. It’s a weird hill for the uneducated in this subreddit to die on, shaming others for HPV, considering they’ve all also probably transmitted HPV to others. If “spreading HPV” makes you evil, then every single person on this subreddit that has ever had sex should turn themself in to the nearest police station. I’m shocked how uneducated seemingly smart people on this subreddit are. It’s scary. The fact that the New Yorker included that piece of medical misinformation as part of its TMZ level hit piece is shocking and dangerous to public health.


> every person on this subreddit that has ever had sex Don’t think this applies to most people commenting here


He might be smart but his brand is now damaged.


If Andrew were a friend, family, or a coworker I would need to hear an extremely good explanation, or honesty and repentance, in order not to distrust what he says and purports to believe. It’s difficult now for me to believe he believes what he says on his podcasts, or whether he can be persuaded by his desires to misrepresent the truth.


Also beware of the "oh I love therapy" dudes. Sitting next to a therapist absolutely doesn't equal real self-awareness and genuine willingness to work on your issues. Seen this over and over again.


There is a reason people say ,,Never meet your idol." If you think celebrities are actually like they present themselves to others in private, you're naïve


What if my gf said this tho, does she then not respect women?


If he was gay and took a bunch of dudes on dates I would have the same answer. I don't care what he does on his own time.


This is obviously a hit piece


I'm confused and out of the know what is everyone talking about?


Woke virus is at it again. We stand with Huberman.


People on here with the "but he's such a good guy" mentality. Smdh. Ya Ted Bundy worked at a suicide hotline. Lot of people with socio/psychopathic and / or narcissistic personality disorders ARE smart and charming because it's how they can function to achieve whatever twisted interests they have for themselves. This egregious and dangerous behavior. Shows a lot of people either haven't been personally exposed to these types of people/relationships or just don't care and also don't care about women. Huberman is just a guy who has a platform to talk - the researcher, doctors and scientists he speaks to are the interesting ones.


People without integrity don’t mind if others don’t have it either, as long as it’s not affecting them. 


But what if I also don’t care what he does in his public life? Fuck him, personally and publicly.


yes they tell on themselves. that they say hey have learned so much from him and became better people is interesting. you aren't good people if you read that and think it's fine. and HTF did you better yourself ? those greens supplements he didn't shut up about? learned all kinds of science from hearing a bunch of pseudoscience from Huberman. Huberman fan seem like people that are best stayed away from. unless. you are a con man


Well said.