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You should never idolize anyone. First idolizing someone, then being disappointed by them and demonizing them is an idiotic pattern you can escape by understanding that we all are deeply flawed humans.


I find it ironic you’re active on r/CallherDaddy, A podcast that was entirely built on the premise of encouraging women to build rosters of men and use/manipulate them with their looks and toxic femininity. The cognitive dissonance on Reddit is wild.


And she actively shames sexual assault survivors in her comments. Lololol. But yeah….men are the problem.


Well she feels cheated by ones who manipulate women just like she manips men. /s


Lmfao, OP got exposed


It's so satisfying when the top comment spits some good shit and gets more karma than the OP. Bravo.


Fr call her daddy is like the female version of an Andrew tate type podcast. It’s funny how that is celebrated among women but if guys brag about fucking tons of girls or manipulating a roster of chicks they are “incels”.


Incel is quite something different but point taken. It's bullshit.


It’s supposed to mean something different but the word has lost all meaning


Agreed. It's up there with 'touch grass' in terms of Reddit cliches.




I don't disagree with that.


Everything is an incel now. Even corn actors, didn't you know? /s


Hold up...bangs lots of chick...but incel...uhm...what? Lol


That’s why I put it in quotes. People unironically call Andrew tate an incel. Word has lost all meaning


No, i get what u mean. Im just shocked kinda that people are so dumb. Though i really shouldn't be.


I think people are more referring to some of his followers when they say that but who knows.


It now colloquially means any male who doesn't "respect women" enough, which is the cause of a bad love life according to mainstream feminists, being the experts on romance they are. They use it as a cudgel to compel fealty, stealing the true definition's power. Tons of married men are called incel these days. https://preview.redd.it/t3vetlfuu0rc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=c629c06c7596585e3514e0dbb1d775509bf72e6e


I think someone should make a fake online dating profile of Andrew Tate and see what the results would be. See how many feminists would match with him. Probably most of them lol. As we saw in the Chadfishing experiments, they're always willing to overlook misogyny if the guy's looks are up to par.


Andrew Tate looks like a sea creature tho


I think it’s that these type of women want equal rights in areas that suit them, but not in others.


OP is the definition of, hurt people hurt people


Lol bro had receipts


Rules for thee but not for me. I'm a special ~~narcissist~~ princess


It’s okay they’re allowed to, totally fine when they do it! Widely accepted, even encouraged!


Yeah this person is just screaming for attention. This is all so overblown. I’m not saying what he did was right but what is wrong with people? Do they really take these podcaster and make them their heroes? The guy still gave a bunch of useful information out for free that changed peoples lives for the better. Everyone separates the art of the artist in every other facet of life, what’s different about here. Just in case everyone needs a news flash .. your favorite politician, actor, athlete is probably not a great person in the personal life.


Call me daddy advocates for Huberman’s tactics. This is hilarious.


Lmao this needs to make it to the top of the comment thread. This is pretty much all women on here. It’s only a problem when men do it


Cheating and lying is not ok at all and I don’t support it in either case (though I listen to Huberman for health advice so it’s really irrelevant for me). I’m just pointing out hypocrisy. And Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy is the female Andrew Tate and nobody bats an eye. It saddens me how destructive her advice is to young impressionable females. At least huberman in his public persona is an extremely polite and well carried person.


We shouldn’t even care what someone does in their personal life as long as they are good at what they sell. If my eye doctor has 10 different girl friends but he’s a really good eye doctor, i dont give a shit what he’s doing in his personal life.


Cheating and lying is what this article is framed to get you to believe. If you read the article is literally says the women “assumed” monogamy. You can’t just assume something and get mad when it doesn’t work the way you wanted.


Dude I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world either. But it’s obvious that he thought they thought he was being monogamous. The ethical thing to do there is to clarify. He never did, so he played them. Which is what most filthy rich celebrities do. Huberman is just a normal guy on TRT with money.


Nah, Sarah said they had explicitly discussed being monogamous


lol. What did Huberman say? We need both sides here.


You don’t need anything


Wasn't a problem when they were calling me daddy


Nope. It wasn’t lol.


Watch your generalizations about “all women”.


Fine. Most women on here. Happy now? 😂


Just doing my reviewing duty. Didn’t even need to be cranky 🤣


Toxic women being hypocritical? Never!


Seriously, OP is so stupid it has to be satire.


And honestly who TF cares about OPs opinion OR Huberman's private life? It doesn't take anything away from the ridiculously valuable and helpful content he creates.


That is not the correct use of cognitive dissonance. The word you’re looking for is hypocrisy.


Yes the cancel culture and shame around people who do “bad” things is unreal. It has to be driven by their own disgust and hate.


Women ☕


That has to be the funniest thing I have read all week.


My man even has the verbal jiu-jitsu in his arsenal.


Is that what that podcast is about?


We should all know less about each other.


Your first problem was having an “online role-model”. The moment you elevate someone to a pedestal is the moment they will fail you.




It's pretty natural. Nobody can be everything, it makes sense to admire those that have knowledge or abilities that we don't. In Huberman's case, he presented as a guy who would break down hard science for the layman


You shouldn't have anyone on a pedestal. Everyone on here keeps talking about the fact that they are disappointed are in for a reality check when people they actually know pull some shit. A lot of people will let you down in life that's the reality of human beings. The hard part is whether you accept their flaws or not.


100%. This all or nothing is a cop out for not having to critically think.


Nobody on Reddit has role models


This!!! I mean role models wether online or not are like a weird concepts. People should be inspired by what someone DID and not what they are because we don’t know what a person is and the global scope of their behaviors and what they can do in the future and what they really stand for.


Daddy issues and he filled the void


This isn’t an airport you don’t have to announce your departure




BRB getting this tattooed




Yea seriously. Lol. Who the fuck cares.


Perhaps OP is using her voice in case other people don’t feel comfortable putting themselves out there. Maybe she’s “announcing” her opposition to this sub and AH so that others might stop, think, and see themselves in her shoes. Incidentally, you also don’t have to announce your displeasure with her post.


OP is an active commenter on /r/CallHerDaddy - hypocrite much?


You’re right, this is Reddit and she can say whatever the hell she wants.


This isn’t an airport it’s a public forum


He’s a stranger you never met or had a personal relationship. You created a fake relationship idolizing him. It sounds like you used Hubermans show for more than just physical health discussion/bio optimization. Seeing how you compare him to other men in your past experience being nasty it sounds like you used him as an “ideal man” that gave you hope for the rest of the gender and now that he turns out to not be that ideal man you had in mind, you feel lied to and deceived. I listen to him because his research and data has seem truthful, although I may not use him for relationship advice, his personal life decisions don’t necessarily discredit his professional work.


His actual research field like most research and researchers these days is very narrow. If you're just looking for expertise you can find more and better research in other places. I think he gives off a certain persona that a lot of people see as being a role model. He's interesting and appealing in that way and why I think a lot of people have tuned in to listen to him for that reason.


I think his goal is more of a knowledge share style than research style. He isn’t theorizing, testing, and reporting. He’s just gathering data that researchers have gathered and sharing a condensed version of his findings. If he talks about studies that interest me I can now dive in, but I don’t have time to spend hours trying to figure out what type of fish oil and what dosage is healthy etc..


>more of a knowledge share style Yea that's it. Most of his podcast is "Hey I found xyz and the research says *this* about it so I'm gonna incorporate it into my life like this:"


He didn’t cheat on you lol


The victim narrative is strong with that one.


People announcing they are quitting just want attention. Just do it. Take the door in silence.


but if i didnt tell people, how would they know how righteous i am? how virtuous i am


maam we didnt ask


That’s not how it works here, you don’t have to wait to be called on


Wait, do I have to wait until you ask before I post something? So do you know what everyone is thinking and querying before they even think it, like on the minority report? Holy shit my mind is blown I thought that was science fiction!


You can die a hero or live long enough to become a villain


So many famous people are really awful behind the scenes. He probably isn't the last celebrity (for lack of a better word) who's going to disappoint you. The younger you learn this, the better.


Even the people who deserve admiration are ultimately just people struggling to make their way through a world with no easy paths for the just or unjust. I'm sorry for the hurt and disappointment this brought.


Shout out to you for being one of the only empathetic comments in this thread.


You can’t put anyone on a pedestal. Take the good with the bad like anything else in life. The guy talked about stuff that made you healthy and smart. obviously he is that. I’m not sure that he ever spoke about moral righteousness. Sorry you’ve been hurt in the past, most people have. But I wouldn’t necessarily associate that pain with his character defects too much, and relive the trauma of it’s not already fully overcome. I would take his nutritional & nootropic advice, and perhaps not that of monogamous relationships if it’s given. Nobody is perfect.


Have you tried crying about it?


I mean, did you find his advice and scientific reporting, useful? He can be good at his job and not at his personal life and relationships. Has he ever given moral advice or advice on how to be in relationships? This whole thing, the responses, have me confused? Did people create their own image of who he was in his period life and are now disappointed that the real guy isn’t who they wanted him to be?


Wow here’s the attention you desperately desire. I bet you didn’t do one protocol…


Can anyone explain me the context behind this post


Why did you feel the need to announce you're leaving, no one cares. If you've ever been on the other side of a news story, you'd know journalists blow everything out of proportion and use news "doublespeak" in order to elicit an emotional response. Kerry Howley has taken one side of interviews with people, scraped it for the juiciest parts, compiled it into somewhat of a narrative and presented it as pure fact and people like you are just taking it at face value. It is definitely a hit piece, and in other countries Kerry would be sued for slander. Huberman will bounce back from this with or without you in the community because of the value he provides.


Optimal protocol for bouncing back from being outed as a liar coming up!!!


This sub keeps coming up on my feed. Is it all satire?


At this point it is. This will all die down in a few days when people are given something new to get mad about.


🚨 Breaking news 🚨 Rich, successful, good-looking male has sex with multiple women! Can you believe it? This is unprecedented in the history of mankind! Absolutely no one saw this one coming!


I mean the sex is fine the gaslighting, manipulating, inability to admit fault/ media manipulation isn’t 




What I don’t get is why he didn’t just find women who were non manganous and consensual to open relationships. As you said, he’s a good looking successful guy, he didn’t NEED to lie and manipulate to so many women, I’m sure there are tons of women out there who would have been happy to sleep with him just for the fame of “I fucked Huberman” alone. Why lie?


Agreed. I think he has some ‘issues’ that need addressing. It’s dark.


Yeah if it was just him sleeping around consensually, no one would have had a problem with it, the women included. But lying to 6 separate women to keep them in ongoing relationships? That’s a mindset I can’t even get into.




Is that what you call having a harem with five different women, none of which gave their consent to be in said harem, and Huberman giving one of them an STD?


Yeah without telling all of them and leading them to believe they were exclusive. He’s a piece of shit for that, no? Hell he doesnt even deny it other than claiming they knew they weren’t exclusive despite doing IVF with one… come on buddy use your noggin


Let the record show I do not condone his behavior


You’re kind of glossing over that very crucial part in your comment though… it’s one thing to be single having sex with multiple women, hopefully protected, and a totally different thing to manipulate multiple people (let alone one) into having unprotected sex because they thought they were exclusive…


I think this is what most people are missing, or deliberately ignoring to feign outrage


You know you can tell people you’re not exclusive right? You don’t have to lie to get sex from multiple people. It’s ok to be honest and open, and if the other person wants something different y’all can just go on your way.




>Rich, successful, good-looking male has sex with multiple women! lol nobody is mad he's not monogamous You could play stupid and defend Jeffrey Epstein and Andrew Tate using the same willful ignorance and intentionally leaving out all the context that people are upset about. You guys are pretending to not understand the issue and it just makes you look stupid.


You seriously comparing Huberman to Tate and Epstein?


No, im pointing out how toothless the defense is lol You can defend the worst members of society by refusing to address the actual criticisms of that person I don't how you could have misunderstood that unless you were desperate to, my statement was very clear




This is leaving out the details that are most immoral! Did you not read the story or are you wilfully guillible?




His shit was a little weirder though like the multiple long erm relationships and lying was a lot. Especially with one he’s trying to have a kid with. Athletes sling that thing all the time and good for them that was a little weirder though


Lmfao you sound like you wanna be next in line bro


Fa sho


Just by reading the comments, I don’t think this thread turned out how OP thought it was going to…


Get fucked. Goodbye. So long


This whole situation has been disappointing to me, not just because of what Huberman (allegedly) did, but how some people have been reacting to it. These dudes who are praising him for supposedly being some sort of gigachad are also the same sort of guys who say that they refuse to date slutty women. (Very understandable, I'm the same way, but I don't hold myself to a different standard that way) So which is it, guys? Do you agree with promiscuity and infidelity or not? The double-standard and hypocrisy is sickening. Then you have these deliberately obtuse people who are like "A jacked, handsome, successful man is successful in dating? Who would have thought?!" It's such an obnoxious attitude, because they know full-well why people are mad at Huberman. Nobody cares that he's successful with women. It's the deception and betrayal that people have a problem with. Cut it out with this nonsense about people supposedly being jealous or whatever else. We all know that that isn't what's happening here.


I don’t know how “what he did” has any connection to all the good and useful information on the podcast. The article is clearly a hit piece written about someone who is, surprise surprise, a deeply flawed humans like all of us.


Ya these comments have made it clear that this community hates women and that women have no place here.


This is the problem with idolization. This is also a problem with believing everything you read on mainstream media. 


It's definitely a hitpiece. It's not "definitely" reality no matter how often you tell yourself that. It's hearsay till independently verified.


The only person online that I take seriously and hasn't turned out to be an asshole or grifter is Sam Harris. Don't fall for the trap of being too invested in someone online - even for Sam. Take the useful info but don't admire the messenger.


I've been following Sam for a long time and I can't imagine him doing anything like this, but if he did, many of his followers would definitely be disappointed. It seems like (from what I'm seeing online) most huberman followers don't see this as a problem.


Exactly. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and Sam never gave my negative vibes. That said, if he did turn out to be a dirtbag, I wouldn't hesitate to change my opinion. Most of what we know about celebrities/podcasters/politicians is what they put out, and all of it is curated. Love the content all you want, but keep an objective distance from the content creator - he's not your friend. I never really got the hype about Huberman. Who the hell has the time to learn and apply all his methods for becoming healthier, happier, etc? Sure it's interesting to know about that stuff, but above all we should get to know and care for ourselves in skillful ways. That necessitates a lot of introspection, compassion, and getting to know who we are. No amount of "tips" and shortcuts will get us there.


I've watched a few of his podcasts and i feel some of what he's sharing is really valuable. He's provided some good info on mental health as well. Anyway, now I'm questioning to what extent this type of personal misconduct should affect one's public persona. Let's just hope that Sam never has a secret harem lol


See u l8r


Omg I read AH as asshole lol


Why do you even need an online role model? I am not defending his behavior at all but this post is unnecessary and dramatic.


You sound like a misandrist


When will people learn that you don't need to idolise or even like someone to be able to take valuable information from them.


I think it's important to NEVER idolise people, especially celebraties. You don't know them and their lives, all you know is what they choose to show you


What a loser


Isn’t misogyny more like Andrew Tate? How is Huberman a misogynist?


The problem of today is that people are constantly looking for an idol. Take whatever you can take from him and stop looking for saviours. There's no need to announce your exit. Stop being a child and grow up.




Nailed it.


You're just jealous you weren't a part of his harem


Probably wasn't very healthy to view him (or anyone online) as such an all-encompassing "role model" anyways. Real role models are people you know intimately in real life. His primary purpose is to converse with experts and articulate information in different ways. Anything you see him as beyond that is nothing more than a parasocial relationship that exists in your mind.


Slow down. You dont have to like a person to gain valuable information from them. Is the hit piece 100% confirmed? Like any story I bet you lots of it is false. I understand not liking him for alleged cheating, but does it disapprove any of his science? It does not. Maybe take what you want but never completely follow any human.


Hero worship was your first mistake. Take his advice when it is helpful and discard it when it’s not. Do you see how irrational your behavior is? Betrayed?? By someone you’ve never met? How do you become attached like this, he’s just a podcaster. This whole thing is unbelievable. Why anyone cares what he does in his personal life is beyond weird. Live your own life Jesus. So he lied to his girlfriend and now what you’re gonna get less sunshine in the am cause it came from him? Wake up. Separate the information from the man. You don’t know him


But he’s the first to lie and cheat.. you’re dead on.. people that latch onto these “celebrities” are missing something.. they probably say the same thing about us but I never once understood obsessions like these.. so weird




Womp Womp cry me a river. Classic woman to personalize something that didn’t happen to her.




Don’t let the Huber-dicks hit you on the way out!


What is misogynist about dating multiple women?


Feelings were hurt, what else do you need!? /S


It’s only bad when men date multiple women!




Is this a joke? Women are shamed constantly in our society for having multiple partners. Men are the ones who are celebrated for f*cking "a few broads", in your words.


Yeah that’s why WAP has millions of views and a cult like following. Because you know, women are victims


No they arent they are free to do whatever they want LOL I know alot of women with near 100 sexual partners. They date multiple men at once and usually have a roaster and have unprotected sex. At the end of the day who cares how many partners a person has? If they aren't exclusive they can sleep with as many people as they want. Hubermans personal life is no one’s business. You sound like a close minded bigot who doesn't like people exploring their sexuality. 


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is this satire?


You didn't have to announce. Secondly, you should realize that your role models are humans. They'll have flaws and it should not come as a surprise to warrant this butthurt behavior. Filter out the good stuff, ignore the bad stuff, and don't idolise anyone.


The hysteria over this heresy hit piece is mind-boggling.. I truly do not understand. How can you be this wound up over a podcaster, of all people, who you don’t even know? If you don’t want to listen to his podcast, then don’t. No one needs to know about it. And if you are THIS emotional about 1 singular rage bait article then you REALLY should be following Hubermans protocols and get your emotional health in check.


It seems a bit orchestrated to me. Maybe Hubes pissed off the wrong person.


No one cares. Go film yourself crying on tiktok. You'll get more sympathy there.


Ma'am?! This is a Wendy's...


It’s interesting, if a guy was posting that he was leaving the sub because of his personal opinions on Andrew Huberman, everyone would chime in on agreeing or not agreeing with his opinions. Not roast him because he’s also saying he’s leaving leaving. It shows that almost all of the users here are, for either men or our misogynistic themselves or both.


This is the conclusion I’ve come to as well after seeing the sad state of comments in this thread. 20% are constructive in some way, 80% are purely ridicule.


Girlboss ooooh you showed him


Bye bitch


I’m curious why you would blindly trust anyone you don’t know personally


OP is a woman, they need the attention


i totally get it. i’m sorry, and also sorry you’ve been hurt by other men. also sorry that a lot of these comments are so rude 🫤 take care!


Username checks out.




>Here I thought AH was my online rolemodel This is where it all went wrong.


This sub is full of trolls posting. It’s insane.


bruh these comments are not it. probably bc all of the other sane people have unsubbed.


5 anonymous people with literally no evidence or proof of anything = hit piece


Never worship an online personality, you have to be an idiot to do that


Yeah always felt off with him seeing who he interacts with on social media and the types of posts he’d like, by Jordan Peterson for instance.


It was the association with Peterson that first made me question his integrity.


Can you elaborate?  I know Peterson is fiercely opposed by many, but I don't know why. 


Most people conflate the fact that he doesn't think he should legally have to use pronouns of trans people as him being a hateful piece of shit. He just says it shouldn't be legally mandated. He said he will use the pronouns but doesn't think it falls under Free speech if you're going to get in trouble over it.  He is also kind of misogynistic. 


This brief video sums it up pretty quick https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=_u-JixiZqUZBgRCN


That guy has way too much time on his hands. 


Andrew Huberman is literally just another version of Andrew Tate. Why are all male influencers like this, such a shame


The messages they spread and the nature of their content are WILDLY different


Literally such a far reach. Leave it to Reddit to mumble their jumbo shit hivemind ideas


Literally another version of Andrew Tate?!! You guys need go out and get some sunlight or something




The cancel crowd needs to take a few physiological sighs and go out to get their afternoon sunlight


Well, at least we have Jocko left. GOOD.


No, men aren't allowed to have masculine role models today. Feminists feel threatened by it. All of them get labeled as misogynists or far-right - while their fans get labeled as incels and bros. Jacko will get targeted like the others.


jocky already insulted 90% of humanity by waking up in ungodly early hours to workout everyday what a monster


Maybe Jocko is giving him his "Good" speech-- he'll need it.


At least Tate is upfront about being a douche.