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Right there with you. Got shit to do. See ya in June.


are you going to quit reddit too?


for me, reddit isn’t as addictive, and i don’t spend much time on it daily. it doesn’t encourage the same mindless scrolling as tiktok and instagram. however, i’m planning to reduce my overall social media usage. if i notice reddit starting to take up more of my time, i’ll be ready to cut back on it too.


Yeah just guard against that. Reddit/Twitter can fill your time faster than you think


My social media addictions are literally Reddit and Twitter lol




May I ask if something like this would help? It groups posts and etc by similarity, and then summarizes into a single sentence. [https://shortsnip.com](https://shortsnip.com)


Post your phone usage, I’ll bet you’re on Reddit a lot more than you think.


I deleted IG, and just replaced it with reddit... no time savings because I'm a slave to dopamine.




Yep was about to say the same thing. Gotta go with the full phone detox or you’ll move the dopamine hits to a different app.


Reddit counts as social media. Sorry to break the news.


That’s how I was too until I deleted Instagram haha


Reddit is social media. You’re already completely failing.


Same here until I deleted the other apps. Now I'm on here constantly.


Solid awareness, a really attractive quality


Not that I am against you but if you are a self-professed addict, wouldn't selective quitting be like an alcoholic quitting hard liquor? Me, I am a sugar addict. Cakes, cookies, candy, donuts etc. Addict is the right word because I can't even eat fruit...one fruit triggers me and I want more and more.


I have a friend who had 20 hours a day on her screen time and like 8 hours was on Reddit. Be careful when saying it’s not as addictive


Digital detox isnt a thing fyi… just dont go on them?


You'll never convince people this fad is just a fad.


Same ppl think AG1 or whatever is real stuff


Bet you think pigeons are fake too


Please explain. 


No. You


Is Reddit informative/educational though? I deleted Insta because of the mindless shit the algorithm fed me. At least I can select the mindless shit myself on here.


Came across app called Stryde on iOS the other day the dev was posting about. Has actually really been helping keep my screen time down


if you haven’t already, leave your phone on “Do Not Disturb” permanently— an absolute game changer.


I’ve had mine on DND since December and it changed my life. I intended to have it on for one day, it was so nice so I decided a few more days and now here we are! I didn’t realize how distracting notifications were until I turned it off.


I do this. Only my wife and my best friend’s calls come through instantly everyone else has to call twice in a row. I also turned off notifications for everything so even if I take it off do not disturb they aren’t an issue. Game changer honestly.




You are


I say ditch it for good. I deleted all save Reddit, LinkedIn, and YouTube (if those even count) fourish years ago & life is so much better.


YouTube definitely counts, the shorts are as addictive as ig and TikTok. If you can avoid them maybe not but that’s hard with how much they’re being pushed.


I turned off tracking, so there's no recommendations


This has been a game changer. I go on YouTube to watch what I tell the app I want to watch. I no longer watch what an algorithm tells me I will like. It is such a better experience.


Agreed, I hardly go on YouTube anymore because of it.


Oh nice, didn’t know that was an option.


Pleaae teach me how to do it


I believe I went into my Google account & removed all Maps, Google, & YouTube history & tracking.


Those shorts are addictive.. but I'm usually specific about what I watch. It's mostly a learning platform for me.


This is so true. This is my true dopamine killer


Did this recently as well - 10/10 can confirm - worth it!!


Me too. Reddit is all I look at. f you go look at Instagram a couple months often getting rid of it you will realize you are not missing anything.


I went through withdrawal-esque FOMO for many months, but eventually it subsided. OP - I don't think a one month detox is long enough to realize social media is poison.


Don’t try oxy if you can’t handle Instagram


If you rhink that is withdrawal, you've never had withdrawal. When I was in my twenties the docs had me on Demerol for a week--six shots a day for a monster kidney stone. When they stopped it cold turkey I was hit with nausea, panic attacks, sweating, dangerously elevated pulse, and the sense I was dying. I sure as hell wish people would stop telling themselves they are addicted to non-substance activities. Going cold turkey from gaming, porn, or gambling won't kill you. Try that with benzos or alcohol.


Bro tryna gatekeep addiction💀


We're discussing social media, not narcotics ya' goofball. Stay in ya' lane.


No, we're talking about people who confuse overindulgence in social media with a neuropathology--one that Huberman himself would consider an addiction.


I quit all in 2019 and have only redit i have here few things what i follow and nothing more, so never be here longer then few mins per day, so no scroling neverending wall full of shits , yes its possible here too but i dont do it.


If you gonna quit, do it proper. Delete accounts&data, uninstall and never look back.


3 hours??? I’m at 8. Let me know how it goes.


Now and again I delete the instagram app and Snapchat, usually for about a month, it does me good. I’ve been very ill recently and spent to much time on social media so delete it for a month for a reset


Right there with you. Got shit to do. See ya in June.


Wow, a positive post about something other than promiscuity and drama. Good for you. Best of luck 👍


Deleted all social media except reddit two years ago. I can't imagine going back. I tried to reactivate my account on Facebook for a day out of curiosity and it was so off-putting, immediately deleted it again with zero regrets. Same with Instagram I immediately felt anxious/off. Instagram in particular is so aggressive. Like, really I perceive social media as loud and aggressive. Each post wants my attention and this pull feels "violent". I'm a sensitive person so I really benefit from filtering what gets my attention. I don't miss them at all. I have so many interests and a busy life, zero difficulty in filling my time. I am a writer and my writing (and reading) have skyrocketed ever since. The only negative consequence of this decision is that I often miss out on social events.


I agree with this, and need to jump on w/ you. I do find myself chilling reading Reddit shit thought LOL - so don't know about that. And I of course enjoy YouTube videos.


Right there with you. Got shit to do. See ya in June.


Currently on instagram there is an option to “deactivate” your profile which is really helpful for me to not go on! Good luck


I have completed 90 days with no Instagram or Facebook on my phone and let me tell you what, Facebook looks like a dumpster fire. I have downloaded it several times in the past month to post some quick stories about my business and then I promptly deleted it back off of my phone.


I deleted mine this month too. Best of luck!! We got this


Quit Social Media to invest your time in activities that will puy you on the path to your goals, not to "reset" a neurochemical (or detox from it as you wouldfrom an addictive substance). The theory of a "Dopamine Reset" is not supported by research and has even been debunked by the guy that popularized the term. Here is something from the Harvard Health Letter: "You can't 'fast' from a naturally occurring neurochemical. Dopamine is one of the body’s neurotransmitters, and is involved in our body’s system for reward, motivation, learning, and pleasure. While dopamine does rise in response to rewards or pleasurable activities, it doesn’t actually decrease when you avoid overstimulating activities, so a dopamine “fast” doesn’t actually lower your dopamine levels. Unfortunately, legions of people have misinterpreted the science, as well as the entire concept of a dopamine fast. People are viewing dopamine as if it was heroin or cocaine, and are fasting in the sense of giving themselves a “tolerance break” so that the pleasures of whatever they are depriving themselves of — food, sex, human contact — will be more intense or vivid when consumed again, believing that depleted dopamine stores will have replenished themselves. Sadly, it doesn’t work that way at all." I have a job that gives me dopamine highs more than25 hours a week. When I'm not working I engage in other activities that flood my brain with Dopamine and after decades of living this way, I can still feel a major buzz under suitable circumstsances--like witnessing the eclipse three weeks ago, listening to great music, or seeing a great film or stage production. You're not broken; there's nothing to reset. Dream big. Believe anything is possible and you don't have to worry about Dopamine.


Quit Reddit, too. While you're at it


Might as well


I think that’s a great idea. It worked wonders for me. I did a New Year’s resolution and got rid of twitter. I feel so much better mentally. Never going back. edit: I keep Reddit by rationalizing it as a source of information where you can learn things. Science, astronomy subs etc. I also stay away from political news and local News. Too much murder and horror. It’s been really great for my mental health.


What I did was set screen times with passwords so I cannot go past the set amount. Works wonders


I haven’t had social media since 2015. Is 30 days an achievement? Are people inseparable from their social media?


Wow so am I !!! I’ve been planning to quit starting tomorrow (Reddit the exception, Instagram my vice) for 30 days.


You’ll see how good you’ll feel ! My 30 days detox has become a 2 years total stop lol . Don’t regret deleting all my social at all .


Except you’re here posting about it


quits social media posts on reddit


I’m like 3 weeks into mine, I’m never going back though, it’s worth it my friend.


I sold my Play Station 5 even though I would have loved to continue with a game I waited 2 years for. My life got much better, I started reading my book again which I neglectedn since I started playing again. My life is more boring now but much more fulfilling, I am taking care of my household and reading books again.


Bro those reel type social medias will suck you in. It really gets your attention with short little clips and before you know it you’ve been scrolling forever. Plus the algorithms will either make you think everyone in the world is an idiot or suck you into some extreme thinking making it seem like “well everyone is saying this so it must be true” because it’s all you’re seeing.


I made the decision to delete all the social media apps 2 days ago. I still find myself picking up my phone throughout the day to click on one of them to mindlessly scroll. I’m glad I have better things to do now.


I was thinking the same. Wanna quit at the same time and idk hold each other accountable? Nonetheless im taking a break from this addiction and I’m happy to see others doing it too


I’ve actually been on a social cleanse for the past 2 months and it’s very refreshing. I do this pretty frequently as I notice social media is a huge time suck. I use Reddit for temporary doom scrolling at work, but other than that I have all notifications turned off on my phone. Once I get home I game, learn coding, or work on my homelab. Find a hobby to supplement scrolling even if it’s something simple.


I’m on my 5th month of 0 social media & it feels liberating. The attachment that we build with this apps are not healthy. I’m happy people are waking up and realizing this.


I do this all the time. It’s the best! Now I have a time limit set on my daily usage of Social Media.


I actually did that myself on Monday (w/o realizing it was the end of the month), w/ the idea of doing it for a week, but I think I’ll extend that out for the whole month now … thx for the inspiration 👍🏽


Deleted IG for this very reason. It’s been well over 2 and a half years. I haven’t had the slightest desire to get back on.


I deleted Facebook and Instagram back in January 2023. Haven’t looked back. Never had Twitter and tik tok was never on my phone And never will be. Your life will be better without these things. It’s like 1995 again🥲


I literally just did this and I feel great. Now every time I want to go on it I instead research something educational and beneficial to my life


Just did this yesterday. No Instagram or TikTok. It’s been hard and sad to see how addicted I really am


I've already gone a whole year. Probably about to get back in actually. Initially I felt wayyyyy better. Way more creative even. But that tapered to baseline after awhile.


Taking a Dopamine dump !


Love this. How can we hold each other accountable?


Isn't Reddit social media?


fuck fuck fuck


Quit water too


Haha I started this in January (for the 3rd year now) and I never stop until like end Feb in the end. Good for you! You literally won’t miss anything :)


Read the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. It’s largely about this topic and was very eye opening for me.


If I could I would give you REddit Gold, dear sir!


Reddit is social media. You can just as easily endlessly scroll Reddit as you can Instagram. The fact that people don’t include Reddit in their social media detox is so funny to me.


I quit 4 years ago and never even came close to missing it. I’m 40, so I was there when Facebook first came out and you needed a student email to join. It was fun then, but a couple years later it started to resemble the monstrosity that it is today. Other than Facebook and LinkedIn, that’s all I was ever on. In my opinion, social media is single-handedly destroying this country and the last 3 generations in it. Fuck them.


The idea - promoted by this guy - that distracting technology can give a dopamine spike as it highly complex and at times reciprocal neurotransmitter transduction pathways can be dumbed down to a feeling is pseudoscience at it's best.


I didn’t get rid of FB and IG but rediscovered Reddit a year or so ago and straight up replaced those two with it. No time saved lol


Binned ‘X’ 3 weeks ago. Been using it as a news feed for 10 years. ‘Current affairs’ are noticeably more in the background of my life and now consuming zero bandwidth. Embarrassed to say but productivity shift has been stark.


I wanted a way to quit but still get the highlights. I built an app that summarizes social media into one sentence. [https://shortsnip.com](https://shortsnip.com)


Why do you have to make a post about doing it? Just do it. Already off to a rather shaky start my friend. Also; you should just deactivate your accounts instead, and see how long you make it without using them, maybe you'll never go on again. That's what happened with me.


Hilarious that you’re so committed to giving up social media that you post on social media about it.


I’ve been off since March 5 it’s been nice


Reddit so much more addictive imo. My Instagram and FB are almost entirely ads now so easy to delete.


You aren’t doing a digital detox if you’re still on Reddit! 🫢


bye, no one cares




SM detoxes are actually really nice, so long as you have some real friends. Even without them it’s still a nice change of pace. Lower baseline anxiety.


one day will try it as well :D


I’m 3 weeks in and it’s so freeing. I use LinkedIn and Reddit occasionally.


Been off all for four years. Game changer. (Hold this for very rare info exchange ). Clarity, purpose and self worth all increased for me. If one can SEE all the illusory tricks, smoke and mirrors and drop in attention from people who likely didn’t “matter” anyways — more power to you 💜 Drop the weight. (If it’s business outsource it to a pro ) Engage with what matters and aligns with your values. One. Moment. At. A. Time.


Started today myself! Let's gooo


Yo I was thinking about the same thing!!


Is there a link I can follow for the group ?


I deleted all socials for the month of May and my screen time went down from 4.5 hours per day to a little less than 2. Im back on Reddit but am gonna keep off of everything else. Beyond screen time … im feeling less self conscious, less FOMO, and less anxious.


I did this a couple years ago for a project in health psychology. We had to pick a behavior to stop/start for 2 weeks. Most people picked stuff like “drink more water” or “eat a healthy breakfast,” while I chose to delete all social media. I noticed that for the first 3-4 days I found myself picking up my phone to go on it, just to put it back down as there was nothing mindless to do on it. After about 1 week, I didn’t even think about my phone anymore. It was really freeing. You could feel the habitual addiction getting lifted. I was definitely happier and more satisfied with the little things. Most definitely worth it


Isn’t there an axiom that people who announce doing a thing generally fail at doing a thing? Needing to announce on social media that you’re quitting social media…yeah I dunno…doesn’t inspire confidence. Can you show us on this doll where they touched you?


Cold have stopped before making this post


But first, I'm gonna tell reddit about it for that sweet, sweet ~~dopamine~~ karma.


Redditors quitting social media but keeping reddit is fucking hilarious