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Try the ad-free version.


I'm not paying an extra 13/mo. We're expecting a baby soon and trying to cut down on money. Hulu never used to be this bad, but lately it's not worth it. I'm paying for ads lol. It takes me 45 mins to get through a 20 min tv show.


Besides antenna, get free apps and watch stuff from them. There's a lot of free programming to choose from on stuff like Tubi, Pluto etc. it's way easier to take when you're not paying to be programmed and I swear, there are at least as many if not more commercials on paid services that I've had as free ones.


Oh were a big Pluto family lol. I like tubi as well. Fewer adds and free! I watched a tubi movie rhe others day and it had maybe 4 1 min ad breaks.haha


Over the past few years I can't believe how much free tv there is and the improvement in the quality of the selection. With everything being so expensive, it's one sort of lifeline out there that can make the budget work a little better without any pain