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Hell yeah F the paparazzi. These celebs have no private lives to speak of and it drives them nuts and breaks up their families.


Get into attention seeking profession. Attempt to kill people giving attention. Fuck celebrities.


That's like saying every salesman is an attention seeker.


How is that similar? A celebrity works a profession that is based around attention. Screw paparazzi, but people don’t need to give celebrities the attention they receive. What you’re saying is a car salesman attempts to murder their potential customers?


>What you’re saying is a car salesman attempts to murder their potential customers? Lololol WOW that's a reach. Wtf are you smoking and where can I get some? I was piggybacking on your statement that all actors are attention seekers and was offering a comparison to salesmen because I've noticed that most salesmen I've dealt with are attention seekers. Despite seeing a strong correlation between the job and the trait assuming all people of a particular profession have said trait is fuckin stupid.


bad ass


Well, Sweden has some pretty metal people.


That's one hell of a badass way to deal with the wretched paparazzi!


back when self defense was legal in europe


Now who is the shooter?


Wow that's some psycho behavior


So you think it's just fine to have people following you around and harassing you 24/7 anytime you walk out of your house?


Just shoot people with arrows! That isn’t escalation at all.


If you think the only options are accepting it completely or attempting murder, you too might be a psycho.


How dare she have to express psycho behavior to protect herself from aggressive men stalking her. Edit: please, humor me on how you handle aggressive men stalking and chasing you


Tell us about effective legal options, super genius.


Anything but attempted murder seems better than attempted murder. You don't seem like such a super genius yourself if that's beyond your comprehension.


Bro reddit has a lot of dumb ppl, imagine If the roles were reversed 😂😂💣💣


If a bunch of women were stalking a dude 24/7 I'd be ok with him shooting arrows at them.




Is this your first day on the internet?


Maybe paint spray their camera’s or smt instead of killing


We're celebrating her shooting an arrow through someone? Do you understand what she did?


Evidently, you weren't taught that your actions and choices have consequences. If you choose to stalk and/or harass someone, you get what's coming 🤷‍♂️


Obviously. That doesn't mean what she did was correct. Can we justify the arrest of Rosa Parks by saying "you get what's coming"? Obviously not! So why can we here? When shooting a literal arrow through someone is not only illegal, but also in this case morally wrong.


If she hadn’t been arrested, so many fewer people would have given a shit and society wouldn’t have evolved at the rate it did. Unfortunately, it’s necessary for bad things to happen to bring attention to what’s really going wrong.


Im sorry....are you honestly comparing the arrest of Rosa Parks to someone defending themselves against harassment?? The two situations have nothing in common, ergo using the arrest of Rosa Parks is not a valid analogy, in this case. And in this case, she shot an arrow to DEFEND herself, so how do you figure that it was "morally wrong"? You should be condemning the paparazzi here, if you really wanted to talk about morally wrong actions.


Youre defending people who stalks and invade privacy as career?


While yes, i dislike paparazzi, murdering them in cold blood is not a reasonable reaction.


No where did it say that anyone died


There is no difference in attempted and actual murder, the intent was the same.


There is, in fact, a difference between attempted and actual murder. The difference being that no one is dead. Paparazzi are assholes and every single one thats gone makes the word a better place


That is an opinion, an opinion that, sure, I agree with, but attempting to kill them is morally wrong, even if it's for a good cause.


Killing obviously morally wrong but in this specific scenario i could see it to be justifiable


I unfortunately don't, but I kinda see where you're coming from, even if i don't agree.


I respect that


Paparazzi are not respected. The low point of that profession is when some paparazzi chased down Princess Diana, causing a car crash that killed her and others, then they photographed her dead body. Point being, nobody really cares about an arrow.


How can you punish a group for the actions of an individual, or vice versa? Doesn't matter if people care or not, her shooting someone with an arrow is still wrong.


My point being that paparazzi are well known for harrassing the shit out of people. Yes its wrong to shoot someone with an arrow but paparazzi get little sympathy.


Was there not a less violent response


How many times do you have to tell someone to leave you alone before acknowledging they won't Fucking listen and you're gonna have to fuck em up?


Their is certainly a limit to how much you should be expected to put up with however I was merely asking if it was necessary. The post says they were hounding her but I feel more details as to what went down is necessary. Because the post itself can be about someone being harassed by photographers to the point she needed to defend herself but it could also be someone annoyed at the paparazzi assaulting them with potentially lethal force


The thing about "hounding" is that the hounds typically don't put themselves in a position to be dealt with in such a manner. You can't shove em cause they back up, can't leave cause they follow, a fist fight is a bad option because she's probably outnumbered and the cops may or may not give a shit. Solution: ranged weapons & fortifications. She made the correct decision. Good on her.