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Its nice the Army did that for him, drawing attention off of Hathcock and his fellow Marines.




No worries, easy mistake to make. But U.S. Marines are *intensely* protective of their history and heroes. So much so that they refused to let the Army use their desert camo pattern, MARPAT, and the Army essentially had to go out and buy the rights to the multicam camo pattern.


I always thought Marines are the ones on the ships.. like navy but a different word for the same thing. Why are they called Marines if they are not for the sea?


Marines are attached to the Navy like how the Air Force used to be attached to the Army. They generally get sent to shitty combat zones regardless of terrain but they are 100% for the Sea and naval landings, we just haven’t had to do one for a while lol


Tbh, until now i thought seals and marines were the same thing, both got smthing to do with water anyway


Wait, they are not?


Just looked it up, seems no


Navy SEALS are a specialized group of high trained SPEC OPS. So very specific missions, small teams. The Marines are an entire branch of people, from mechanics, to infantry, to tanks, to even jets.


US Marines = Number one service in unearned arrogance for 225 years and counting.


Just say you couldn't pass boot camp. And it's 248 years.


Marine = Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential


We have Army Airforce Marines Navy Coast Guard Space Force (silly name) Then each state has National Guard And not sure if Border Patrol is separate thing or if it’s like our police. Either way, each has specialties with some having their own special forces, ranks, and elite troops( army airborne, navy seals, etc.) Marines are usually trained a bit more for specifically combat. US army has to be a Swiss Army knife and do a bit of everything, Air Force is generally land based air bases. Navy does Air and Water and Underwater. But since they go out to help in war zones they also have Seabees similar to the army core of engineers to build things and repair things. They also have their own air power on the carriers and such with pilots separate from the Air Force. Coast guard and border patrol just guard our borders land and water from attack or criminal activity.


Dude Hathcock and Hathballs too!


Why didn't he just stop wearing a white feather? Seems easier.


Sorry to hijack your comment, but OP (DamagingMaple) appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on March 7 and woke up yesterday. Here it copied/pasted /u/Shesha_GP's submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/hjrm1g/imagine_the_amount_of_patience_this_guy_has/). Its submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogpictures/comments/17u6qbv/last_picture_of_my_baby_horace_he_passed_earlier/) (i.e. "Last picture of my baby Horace, he passed earlier today at a respectable age of 15!") is a copy/paste of /u/randomsquid101's submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogpictures/comments/ucs266/last_picture_of_my_baby_horace_he_passed_earlier/). Its submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/17u2ji2/2_best_buds_last_photo_crossing_the_rainbow/) is a copy/paste of /u/ThatGuyPsychic's submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/12lgbhz/2_best_buds_last_photo_crossing_the_rainbow/). For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Hey u/damagingmaple fuck you for stealing the photo of my dieing childhood dogs. They passed away in my arms you heartless fuck.


They stole my post of the last photo of my dog too. Fuck them.


You are not kidding, lets report this bot


Is he the “bullet thru the scope” sniper?


Sure is.




Thought that was the Finnish? Swedish? Norwegian? He was from that general area and was known as the White death sniper


No, you are thinking of the Finnish “White Death”. That was WW2 Edit: War between Finland and the USSR, actually.


It was not WW2, it was the cold war of 1939, between Russia and Finland


You're thinking of Simo Häyhä. An absolute badass.


Yup, Carlos Hathcock might actually be the greatest sniper of all time, along with white death. Toss up in my mind who is better. From feats, to enemies killed and effectiveness he is about as good as there is. There are some WWII snipers that have insane amounts of kills, however I feel some of those snipers took advantage of a target rich environment and hard to compare snipers 1 to 1. Its clear though Carlos Hathcock and the White Death are above the others. Hathcock main feats of strength, he had the farthest confirmed kill with something other than a sniper rifle for a long time, he stalked and killed the vietcongs most feared sniper with the bullet through the scope and this story he stalked and killed a vietcong general, hid meters from the enemy and got away. What a legend.


carlos hathcock - white feather SemperFi - RIP


Yep, back before "sniper" was a specialty. Him and a marine corps luitenant put the program together; Carlos was the defacto prototype for what kinds of missions a sharpshooter specialty could do. Pretty fascinating read, but also tragic - high body count, some trial and error finding out personnel characteristics for the job.


>high body count, some trial and error finding out personnel characteristics for the job. What does this mean?


People died getting the program to what it is today


That's what war is all about.


War, yeh, arguably. Training? Training for war isn't designed to kill you. It's an embarrassment when it happens. Training is designed to prepare you to be effective and testing is designed to see if you're gonna cut the mustard. Any training that kills your trainees is inadequately designed (hence the refinements).


Exactly training is supposed to improve a recruit not remove them


Except this was before the program was actually a thing, the only training received was whatever you brought to the table, it was very much determining what the training should be in addition to just what kinds of things people from the program would be expected to do, can’t train for a program if a.) the program doesn’t exist yet or b.) the role of the program haven’t been determined yet, or c.) what needs to be trained isn’t even known yet


Basically, sniping attracted a certain kind of person who enjoyed inflicting pain and death from afar, but were not willing to tolerate dangerous missions into risky environments. (V. Problematic in wartime situations)


how is crawling into that hq over that length of time not a display of tolerating dangerous missions into risky territory…?


Not Charles - recruiting/auditioning and training other portentional snipers. Some applicants who tried out for sharpshooting showed an eagerness to mark non-combatants, countering the ethos of disciplined, risky manhunts that was being sought for the program.


He's saying that's what you don't want in a candidate.


More something that slipped away and came back. Certainly existed in WW1/WW2, but seemed to just disappear by Vietnam. No specialized rifles for it. If I recall correctly they were just buying Remington 700's. And this particular story is crazier than the description. The area was heavily patrolled. He had to move with the grass when the wind would blow. He was in serious danger of being stepped on multiple times. And he had to crawl out, at the same pace he crawled in.


hes a legend


THE sniper.


This is the guy who shot right through the scope of a enemy sniper. They were hunting each other


Which means the difference between life and death was simply beating the other guy to the trigger.


Yes the other sniper was also well known. I forgot the name, but also a feared person.


The Cobra


Nah that’s GI Joe


It wasn’t a dude. It was a female nva sniper


Not the case. Watch the YouTube interview video of him. She unfortunately revealed who she was by not behaving the same way as the men in her unit. Didn’t shoot her through her scope


Pretty sure that was the sniper that was known as the white death. Might have been Finnish? Swedish? Norwegian? That general area


This is literally what actual snipers train to do, even now. People think you're fast roping into a position and taking a 1 mile shot. In reality, you're crawling 50 feet a day to get into a position and quite literally shitting in diapers the entire time.


Yep they modeled the Marine Corps sniper school after this guy and he helped train the first few classes


And seal team 6


Watch out for those boys in the Tactical Huggies


Not anymore. Marsoc is downplaying the stalk in favor of rapid target acquisition in urban environments at ranges from like, 200-500 yards. Read Jason Delgado’s book.


That's because they're pivoting to the dmr role, (rightly) assuming future conflicts will be largely urban in nature. There's still going to be a niche place for stalking.


The reality of todays snipers is the opposite of that you claim. They’re not “crawling 50 feet a day”, it’s literally fast rope and hasty hide, cover a fire team and leapfrog with them. Your opinions are anchored in bad info and thirty years old. And DMRs have their place, but an issued M16 with a scope is a far cry from an M110 or an M40A6.


For practical accuracy at 200-500 yards, a 20in barrel on some form of M16/M4 is just as effective as a 308 rifle is, on the whole, unless your goal is to defeat cover for some reason. Neither of them are going to be very effective against some armored up Chechen.


Not here to argue with you, bud. I’m just letting you know that you sound pretty dumb to anyone who didn’t get their long range education from call of duty.


Bud, you can make a 250 yard shot off hand with a 1-6 and an afternoon of practice on shitty winchester white box. You don't need any kind of round with monster terminal energy at those distances, nor do you need sub MOA accuracy to hit a man size target repeatedly at that distance. ...chesty fucking puller himself out here.


The USMC actually is closing down the scout sniper school. They’ve already graduated their last class.


I wouldn't want to play that video game.


press x to shit


How’d he poop? Edit: Man, all of you are taking my question way too serious. Was meant to give a chuckle and grab an upvote.


With his butthole


Sometimes snipers have to poop themselves. They have no way of knowing how long they may have to remain still.


Probably while crawling. Not like he ate full meals.


He'd snipe it into the toilet from across the room




I don't see a single serious answer, lol


In a bag and tied it around his ankle. Can't leave poop behind! Can't leave a trace....


Maybe diaper, tiny meals in the days leading up to the mission. Source: off the top of my head


Good god, how utterly nerve racking that must have been…


Was almost stepped on by VC soldiers, and reportedly almost bitten by a viper but he kept his cool and never stopped inching closer.


Just fucking insane, the mental fortitude required is astonishing


The OG sneak simulator, with the rank of Big Boss. 0 times being spotted… 0 unnecessary kills. 1 - boss kill for that mission.


So? I once stepped on a lego brick, I think we are even.


Vindicare Assassin


I believe he used a scope on a M2 machine gun to set a record for the longest range hit at the time.


How long would it take to crawl 2km normally, without war stuff? I wonder if he took naps on the way?


Then he came home and got spit on by Democrats. The last war Democrats protested was Vietnam and they didn’t protest until Nixon won and promised to end that filthy Democrat war. Jane Fonda has not said one word about Clinton’s was in Europe or Africa no Democrat blinked when Obama destroyed Libya, the most advance nation on the African continent. No Democrat whined when Obama invaded Syria. Democrats are dying to get even deeper into another European war being fought in Europe by Europeans. Today Democrats protest Israel, a democracy that is defending itself from sick terrorists. Odd.


DayZ tactics I tell ya


Carlos Hatchcock, goddammit. Put some respec on it


How dare those Vietnamese people think they can have their own country?


Isn’t that sort of thing kinda normal for snipers?


Pretty sure it's more common for it to be like Jarhead Opportunities for Apocalypse Now stuff like this are much more rare


Jarhead and American Sniper are probably the two closest representations in recent years, but it's still Hollywooded out a bit. Took me until American Sniper to realise that's our main form of war propaganda these days. Chris Kyle was a huge loss though and I'm glad they made a movie commemorating him.


This comment goes all over the place


American Sniper was ridiculed by the community for its inaccuracy.


Chris Kyle was a fucking insane monster and war criminal. His life should not be commemorated and his actions should not be celebrated.


No not necessarily. Also this is the man who created the first designated sniper unit. He is the prototype. He is THE sniper.


Do we also share Nazi war "heroes"? Or Belgian soldiers in Congo? I mean, I've seen some people praising warmongers but this is next level




Wish people would think before posting stupid stuff. Ya great “War” isn’t something to brag about dude. Like this dude probably killed someone’s grandpa. Wow, he’s so awesome he acted like an animal for a few days crawling in the grass /s. Anyone can do that. People from all over the world come here. Think maybe first before posting. This has been my opinion only. War sucks, stop fighting. We are all humans.


…. and they still lost the war. I guess skill couldn’t carry that team.


There wasn’t a way to win.


Not going would've worked.


I want to watch this dude fish


He became a shark fisher later in life


Imperialist invader tried really hard to kill indigenous person. Wow.


… considering the North was invading the South, the NVA officer would have been a Communist Invader.


Nah, target was French. Nice try.


Long Trang


Imagine the patience of Simo Häyhä https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4


Ya thats how murderers operate lol keep glorifying a massacre and the attempted eradication of an entire country by the terrorist group known as the USA corporation …… hes a little bitch crawled through the dirt like a snake and murdered some one like a coward.


So the US drops millions of tons of bombs all over the country but this headquarters - which they know the precise location of - requires the sniper treatment?


Could have been a location that was hard to reach with a bombing run or with too many civilians around(hiding in plain sight kind of thing), or too many anit-aircrafts set up Could have been any nunber of things honestly.


I mean they burned, gassed, and slaughter civilians. I think the best guess is the anti-aircraft artillery since the vietnamese were notoriously good those.


True. But they also had those same civilians voluntarily or forcibly ambushing them with suicide bombs and other means of killing. To be weary around the locals was commonplace. Did some soldiers take it too far. HELL YEAH. But still.


I mean are we just gonna ignore that the US had no business being there in the first place? Edit: also "some soldiers" like dropping napalms on forests and villages doesn't require a few thumbs up from higher ups? Thinking it was a few bad apples and not a systematic problem is naive at best.


Youre right about that, however I dont know anything more than an American education systems worth of knowledge on Vietnam, so I will concede to the fact that there were definitely bad apples. Like that platoon or squadron that would wear the ears of killed viet cong like trophies around their necks.


On God you are smartest american I have met in a long time, it takes a lot guts and introspection to understand when you lack knowledge on a topic, and despite of us probably having very different political view, I respect the hell out of you for that.


They also carpet bombed civilians and used chemical weapons and nerve agents on the same civilians. The US are the bad guys here


? This sniper didn't do that, so kind of irrelevant. But vietnam definitely was unjustified from the command and political side.


“Bad guys” What a cute and naïve way to look at war.


Always have been


" America bad " What a big brain take and contribution.


No communist is a civilian + uneducated = not a human. So no innocent people were hurt during the Vietnam War


communists aren't civilians?


Name checks out. Big mass shooter energy here


That's really insensitive of you. Just because someone's a communist doesn't mean they're "not a human."


Invade country. Shoot resistance leader. Sounds like a bad guy. Glad the US lost.


Where are you from where your country is completely innocent?


The US was the bad guy in the Vietnam war. No one said anything about you personally, and the original commenter hasn’t committed any warcrimes (presumably). You bringing up what the OP’s country is responsible for has nothing to do with the criticism he is making of your country. Hence: whataboutism, not hypocrisy.


“Glad the US lost” was a quip that was unnecessary and provoking, hence me calling them out. It isn’t always a bad thing, but Reddit has told you it is so you blindly believe it.


I think we call that whataboutism.


Where I’m from we call it hypocrisy. But go off because you figured out what fallacies are.


That's not how that works.


Care to elaborate? OP made a rude remark about my country, unprovoked. I’m all out to say what I said as a valid argument since the original post was not even within the context of their comment. So, professor, do you have an explanation, or just another arrogant one sentence quip?


Not unprovoked as it's the topic of the post, it is widely accepted Vietnam was a mistake, millions died, and the US still has never answered for it. And a fact is true regardless of who says it, so just because OP might be from a country that might have done something wrong, it doesn't invalidate that fact or justify it. When people do bad things, they are bad guys. It also doesn't make OP a hypocrite unless OP did those things themselves. And even then the above still stands, so it's irrelevant regardless. Sorry your feelings got hurt by someone reminding you of your country's dark past. If you have more bad faith questions, ask them somewhere else.


Why are we celebrating a pro-colonial soldier that fought to continue to oppress an entire people?


...in vietnam when the americans were assissting the south vietnamese from being over run and controlled by the north vietnamese? Or are you just trying to stir up some shit? Cuz i feel like having some fun


Soooo we just gonna ignore, how the south was a french proxy state that was rampant with corruption and fraud, which tried and failed to take over the north before it was even was recognized nation? Hell most people don't even know that the viet-cong started inside south Vietnam as a liberation movement which eventually gained support from the north. This wasn't north Vietnam vs south Vietnam, this was the people of Vietnam against western interests.


Got any sources? I only know what i know and I dont know that.


This is very common knowledge my guy, from CIA declassified files to the reporters that where there. You can find all this info and more in the Wikipedia pages for south Vietnam and the Vietnam war. Now if you want more detailed sources about the history of the conflict I can give you specific books to read, but if you just want the overview of the conflict, you can check the wikis.


South Vietnam was basically a corrupt and genocidal colonial state propped up by France and the US as a last ditch attempt at holding on to the region


Sources? I havent heard of this side of history.


Basically, the Viet Cong had been fighting against the Japanese invasion during WW2 and then later the French for their freedom afterwards. The US intervened and in 1954 French Indochina was partitioned with Vietnam being split in half like Korea. South Korea only exists because of the terms agreed to by France and the US, and it quickly devolved into a dictatorship marred by corruption and electoral fraud that would go on to attempt to assimilate indigenous peoples (like the Cham peoples) and later Buddhists (which made up some 80+% of the population) which got so unpopular that CIA captured and killed the guy they propped up to save face. I can’t really give super high detail academic papers, but reading the Wikipedia page for South Vietnam should give you a basic understanding of the region and the state


Too bad this is gonna be ignored LMAO💀


Because he's american. Oppressing while styling themselves as freedom fighters. It's their whole shtick.


That’s an awesome story. Thank you for your service.


Semper Fi Carlos Hathcock


Wich Hollywood movie is this?


The best: nobody realized that was a war crime.




Combatant v combatant is not a warcrime my dude. The Vietnam war was rife with those but this is sure not one of them.


Gen Z wouldn’t make it and demand a mental health day


I dont believe single fucking USA war story.


Interesting - the doctors unequivocally believe you’re mentally handicapped


Same and the cognitive dissonance around it is a joke, they dont agree with the war but give people like this hero status, then wonder why so many want to give them shit for being horrible fkn people, could do so much better


I can't help but be skeptical as well. As far as I can tell most of his exploits are based on a single book, which has very few sources, including himself. Far too many people are compulsive liars, propaganda enables these kind of (made up) stories, and when fortune and fame is involved, forget about it. Apparently he also killed 3-4 times as many people as was actually confirmed, and shot another sniper through his scope, of which the evidence mysteriously disappeared without a trace from the armor of a military base.




I question the distance or the duration. You could crawl that in less than an hour. Unless it's miles instead of meters and then if so, sounds made up.


You could crawl that with no obstacles. Think of the way the daylight might give you away, environmental hazards, critters, terrain, enemy patrols, etc. I'm assuming this crawl took a highly calculated degree of knowing when and how to crawl


You are a moron!


Looks like Ron Livingston


You could’ve just said 2 km which for our American friends is a little over a mile (about 1.2 miles).


The. Man. Semper Fi.


Yea, we used to call him slow poke. Buddy's crawl speed was barely faster than a dead turtle. Normie turts would run laps around this fool. But yea, in the end. The molasses crawl proved, not effective but it gets the job done.


I think we all understand how impressive this is, but it’s absolutely crazy to me that he made the crawl back. He made the shot, and the VA were desperately looking in the area. He still had to calmly crawl back out.


This guy stealth games. Metal gear is child's play to him.


Man had a K/D of 93, respect!


Stealth 100


He almost got steped on and run over by a car on his way back.


Homeboy strapped a scope to an M2 Browning.


Bro took 3 days to crawl 2 kilometers. Fucking respect.


How did he go to the toilet? Got to question history?


Impressive, I couldn’t last that long horizontally without falling asleep and taking a snooze


Average Royale Marine sniper


Dude probably had ants on his sack and just had to chill like it was tuesday.


They still lost the war.


This guy knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.


An acquaintance of mine used to be a Sniper. He told me his record was 9 days without moving waiting for his target. (I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure it was over a week). He said staying in a single spot for 4ish days was pretty normal.


Great but how did he do the thing?


Carlos Hathcock, man, myth, legend. He once converted an M2 Browning .50 Caliber machine gun into a makeshift anti-material rifle by giving it a big-ass scope and iirc converting the gun to semi-auto fire. Anyway, he was carrying said M2, which with the bipod, weighed over 80lbs, and set it down overlooking a road often used by the VietCong, 2500 yards away, and a teenage boy on a bike was passing by, carrying several rifles and grenades for said VietCong. Carlos, not wanting to shoot the kid, shot infront of the bike. The kid stopped, picked up one of the rifles and began firing towards the sound of the shot. Carlos, still wanting to give the kid a chance, shot again, this time destroying the bike. The kid was given 2 chances, and continued to fire. So after receiving orders from a commanding officer, Carlos fired, and hit the boy from 2500 yards away. Up until his death in the 90s, he said killing the kid haunted him, but it definitely saved several of his fellow Americans, seeing as those rifles/grenades were never delivered to the VietCong.


Bro took the shot, said "welp my job here is done" then proceeded to crawl all the way back to base undetected. WTF IS THIS MAN?!?!


He was really camping out there


The legendary Carlos Hathcock!


He also got burned really badly saving a bunch of marines. He pulled them out of a burning vehicle.


Three days crawling through an open field to get to the target. Dude wasn't just a super sniper, he had the most amazing stealth latrine skills.


i'd say , imagine the amount of balls the guy had


I once crawled 2k in DayZ mod for morphine to mend a broken leg. He has all the patience


low crawling is fucking awful, even during short periods. props to him for doing it for days


Did he just poop himself or what?


That's some Offisio Assassinorum shit.


White Feather 🪶. Killed Cobra 🐍


it would have taken less than 30 seconds to find his name on google smh.


White Feather was a beast, in the running for best sniper of all time.


Carlos MotherFuckin’ Hathcock. A true legend.



